What's A Hero? , Vigilante Iz...

By Damage_Kalateral

197K 8.2K 4.5K

Wolf Spiders are wild and crafty in their natural environments. So when a vigilante of unknown age, origin... More

The Wolf Spider
Fire And Rescue
Feather Collection
Off To UA We go
Attack Of The Press
The Teachers
A Painful Save
A Poor Child
The Underground
Injuries, Friendship And Saving Others...
Heroes And Questions
Aizawa And The Spider
The Actual Heck You PPL?! (not Update)
Let's Jump To It
Sleep Paralysed
A Cat And A Flower Pot
Q And A
The Principal And The Pro
Visiting the heroes home
Surprising Class 1A
Undercover Mission?
I need your help- not a chapter
New Version Posted!!

Vigilant In Action

11.9K 494 123
By Damage_Kalateral


It's been over three weeks since any heroes have seen the young vigilant. I have to admit I didn't expect him to be so good at avoiding us when he debuted, but this is just ridiculous! The fact that no-one knows his identity is a hot-headed reminder that we shouldn't have underestimated him. Yes, the public has claimed to have seen him regularly, but he has rarely been caught on camera before.

Its 1:13 am where I am now. I've been called on behalf of a worried farther, his daughter left the house at 11 and hasn't returned yet. The only reason I'm on a search is because he told me that she has a history of mental illnesses and left without permission. The dad was worried about his child's safety, and rightly so.

I'm jogging over roofs in a 2 km radius of the caller's home, taking the skyscrapers in my stride. I have no time to waste. I got some info of a girl in a beige coat with white hair walking out their town to the local River about five minutes ago. The same description as the daughter, but anyone can have a beige coat so I have to work quickly and keep my eyes open in case this isn't the right person.

What's that? I feel my feet slow and I go into stealth mode, gripping my scarf instinctively. Looking around the AC unit in the centre of a concrete building, I spot a girl with a matching description to the missing child. Light sobs escape her as she sits on the side of the roof, I know my heart is sinking. I don't hate kids as much as I show.

"I...I'm sorry, daddy, mommy. A-Alice. I'm sorry I messe- Wah!" she bursts out. I was about to run as she peered over the edge when I see a gloved hand push her back ever so slightly.

Wolf Spider emerges from the side of the facility and holds onto the railing. "Hey, I'm sorry I scared you," he says gently as he sits a short distance away from her. "What sort of thing happened for you to be up here again? I thought you said you'd go home this time..." the boy's tone was kind and gentle. Being honest I was a little surprised to see him here so quickly.

"We-well, I don't feel like mommy is proud of me a...and I'm scared of my room. All the shadows start creeping around a-and Daddy k-keeps saying that I'm being silly bu-bu-but I don't like it. I-I'm sor...sorry Wolfy, but I feel like I'm letting them down..." she scrunched her tiny hands into fists while sobbing and stuttering small apologies.

The young vigilant reached over to carefully grab her arm and made her look at him. I wanted to pick the two up and take them somewhere they'd be safe, but my heart told me to watch how this played out. "You could have told me earlier, I could've looked after you for a while, but you know your dad and mum love you. You don't need to be up here, and how would they feel if you fell from here?" He asked, wiping away her tears with his thumb "Alice would be broken-hearted don't you think? She came all the way from England and you're her best friend, aren't cha? And your dad will blame himself and be really upset, you need to talk it out alright? Talk to me, talk to your dad, even a hero if they have time alright?" He stared at her and his eyes sparkled with emotion, the same reflected in the girl opposite him.

This was a heart-warming moment for himself. Seeing a lawbreaker comfort and reason with this child threw the stereotypes of all vigilantes being violent and cocky out the window.

"I'm sorry Wolfy... But you have so much else to worry about, I shouldn't add to that... I didn't really think of the problems but I really don't want to talk to dad..." she mumbled. Both stood and the vigilant helped her over the rail.

I watched as he pulled the younger child towards the middle of the roof, turning to her and asking, "Do you want me to take you back or do you want to ring your dad now?" He motioned in the direction of her apartment.

Right now I was debating on catching the two but the girl spoke first. "Wolfy, there's someone behind you!" Damn it, cover blown. I stepped out and watched the two carefully. Neither moved a muscle.

"I guessed he was there but I wasn't sure, why don't you talk to him Nesia? Hess a hero. I'm sure he'll be happy to help!" Wolf Spider questioned rather unexpectedly. In my moment of confusion, the child sprinted off, shouting, "Give me a call if you need me, Nee, remember to talk to someone!" before disappearing into the darkness one again.

Uuuregh! I lost the kid again! Huh? I looked down to see the small girl clutching something between her fingers, a tiny silver feather. I was going to take it as evidence but she stashed it into her coat pocket and gave me an all-knowing glare. "Soo... Do you want to go across the roofs or down the street?" I asked a little playfully to distract her from any unhappy emotions.

The girl relaxed a little before announcing "The rooftops are better because you can see the stars!" She hopped a little to emphasise her point. The girl looked to be about 10 or 11 now that he thought about it, far too young to be by herself. No wonder she got on so happily with the vigilant, he's also a kid.

Picking her up in my arms, I wrapped the scarf around her small frame to keep her safe as I scooted across the buildings, I let out a smile as she laughed and clapped he hands, I don't even know how she got through a locked building much less to the top floor. When we reach the small apartment, I set the girl down on the street and dropped her off with her dad's crying self and the policeman who was there. Gave a quick report on the phone and left.

I barely took out any of the crimes since most were dealt with by vigilantes and other heroes, this allowed me a longer sleep than usual, but I woke up with a note stuck to my living room window.

A small piece of folded paper was blue-tacked to the glass, containing the sentence 'thank you for looking after her' which, when opened, a delicate silver-and-black spotted feather fluttered out, lazily landing on the hand of a tired hero.

His perspective of the illegal hero changed...

He had seen this vigilant in action for the first, but definitely not the last, time...


Dunno really...

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