Taken by the First Order -A K...

By herondaleproperty

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"You think I don't care about you?" Kylo asked, his voice breaking. "I care more about you than there are sta... More

Chapter One: The Beginning
Book I: Taken
Chapter Two: Interrogated
Chapter Three: Snoke's apprentice
Chapter Four: Escape
Chapter Five: Unmasked
Chapter Six: The anger within
Chapter Seven: Testing
Chapter Eight: Guilt
Chapter Nine: Training
Chapter Ten: Progress
Chapter Ten: Hologram fighting
Chapter 11: Kidnapped...again
Book II: The Resistance
Chapter Twelve: The Resistance
Chapter Thirteen: The first connection
Chapter Fourteen: Vulnerabilty
Chapter fifteen: Poison
Chapter Sixteen: Turmoil
Chapter Seventeen: Ambivalence
Book III- Conflict
Chapter Eighteen: Conflict
Chapter Nineteen: The Force
Chapter Twenty: Change
Chapter Twenty One: Fire and Ice
Chapter twenty two: Electricity
Chapter Twenty Three: Underestimate
Chapter Twenty Four: Under our stars
Chapter Twenty Five: Goodbye's
Chapter Twenty Six: Selfless vs. Selfish
Chapter Twenty Seven: Trouble comes in two's
Chapter Twenty Eight: Unsaid phrases
Chapter Twenty Nine: Long live the Supreme Leader
Book IV: A New Supremacy
Chapter Thirty: A blessing
Chapter Thirty one: Bonded
Chapter Thirty Two: A Warning
Chapter Thirty Four: Cold hands
Chapter Thirty Five: Gone
Chapter Thirty Six: New friends
Chapter Thirty Seven: A message
Chapter Thirty Eight: Suffocate
Chapter Thirty Nine: Reunited
Book V: Change
Chapter Forty: Coming home
Chapter Forty One: Trimesters
Chapter Forty Two: An alarm
Chapter Forty Three: The loyal and the unloyal
Chapter Forty Five: Waiting Game
Chapter Forty Six: Aurelia
Chapter Forty Seven: A Truth Revealed
Book VI: Palpatine
Chapter Forty Eight: Adapting
Chapter Forty Nine: Parting Gifts
Chapter Fifty: Into the Desert
Chapter Fifty One: The Wayfinder
Chapter Fifty Two: Palpatine
Chapter Fifty Three: Don't leave me
Authors note

Chapter Thirty Three: Symptoms and causes

3.4K 69 35
By herondaleproperty

Aerolynns pov

I rolled over in bed, snuggling my face into the pillow. But then, my stomach dropped and I could feel chills start all along my body and my eyes flew open. I quickly ripped the covers off of myself and ran over to the bathroom, barely making it to the toilet before I was heaving.

Once I was done I flushed the toilet with a weak hand and collapsed onto the floor, my back against the wall. My face was damp from the sweat I had worked up while vomiting, and I weakly fought off the waves of nausea that threatened to pull me under.

This had been routine for this whole week, every morning I'd wake up, and be pulled out of the bed by the need to lose my stomach, and then I'd lie in bed for at least an hour, just feeling horrible, and then I'd feel fine and I'd be able to stomach food as if nothing happened. It was the strangest thing, but I convinced myself that it was because I was stressed about the wedding the First Order was putting together for Ben and I, the one that the whole galaxy would be watching. I groaned thinking about it.

From behind the bathroom door, I heard the door to our room slide open and I felt Ben's presence grow shockingly near. I was too busy being sick that I didn't feel his presence getting closer. I stood up from the floor, fighting my gag reflexes that were begging me to bend over the toilet and instead swished my mouth with water, and ran a brush through my hair. I then, pinched my cheeks so hard that color was forced to appear vividly on my cheekbones, and I leaned against the counter for support. Then the door opened and Ben appeared on the other side, a look of concern on his features.

"Are you alright?" He asked, walking over to me in full Supreme Leader gear, including his mask which he had tucked under his arm.

"Yes, I'm fine, why would you ask?" I asked, tucking my hair behind my ear. My stomach was turning with nausea and my knees were growing weak as another wave went over me. I clenched my hands onto the counter, praying that I wouldn't puke. Don't puke, don't puke, don't puke was the prayer running through my head at full volume as Ben walked towards me.

"I felt your distress through our bond." He said, I swore under my breath. The last few times I had been feeling this way I had tried to block our bond and it worked for the most part, it exhausted me, but I could barely manage to block him off until I was feeling better.

"I'm just stressed about the wedding, that's all." I said, avoiding his eyes and instead looking at myself in the mirror. My artificial blush had already faded and I had returned to looking ghastly pale, and I knew I wouldn't be able to hide my sickness from him now.

"Are you sure you're alright?" He asked, he reached up and pressed his palm to my forehead, feeling my temperature.

"Aerolynn you're burning up!" He said, his eyes scanning my face in search of more sick features. But I bowed my head, trying to hide behind my hair in attempt to get away from him. But he gripped at my chin pulling my face up and forcing me to look at him.

"Tell me what's wrong, Aerolynn. Truthfully." He said, his hazel eyes glowering down at mine.

"I told you, I'm just stressed about the wedding." I said, the lie making my stomach turn and flip over.

Ben sighed, his eyes closing slightly in disappointment. He took my hand and led me to the bed, sitting me on the edge of it.

"If you don't want to tell me what's wrong, that's fine." He said, his hands winding into my hair. My eyes fluttered closed and I leaned into his touch as he massaged my scalp. "But please get some rest before the wedding today." He said before kissing my forehead gently and saying an I love you and then leaving me alone.

I waited ten minutes, staying in the same position as he had left me in, and did not dare move a muscle, even my breathing felt restricted. But once I felt his presence slightly calm down and move towards the center of the ship I knew that it was my time to go.

I stood, my muscles clenching tightly, my head swam and I felt dizzy but I ignored it and grabbed a cardigan and threw it on over my shoulders, rubbing my arms over the fabric quickly in an attempt to warm myself with the friction but it didn't seem to help. I then flicked my hair over to one side in attempt at giving the flat thing lying on top of my head some volume, and it helped a little but I still looked sickly. I quickly looked away from my ghostly appearance and instead walked out of the room, my jaw clenched tightly to silence the chattering of my teeth.

I bounded down the hallway, my shoes clicking loudly on the linoleum as I nearly sprinted my way forward. Officials and stormtroopers nodded at me out of respect and my authority, but they all gave me strange looks, eyeing my ragged profile, but I tried to disregard them focusing on the matter at hand.

I finally got to my destination, a door in a foregin hallway somewhere towards the lower left side of the ship. I pounded on the door, eighty percent sure that this was the right room. I sucked in a breath, sucking on my lower lip as I waited in suspense for the door to open. After about forty seconds I wondered if anyone was even home, but finally the titanium door slid open.

"Hux." I said, smiling tightly, and clenching my hands together. He had a hickey on his neck that looked about a day old which I eyed, I'd always have to remind myself that Hux and Vera were still together, I never saw them together because our schedules simply never interconnected, thankfully. He looked as if he had been sleeping before he had heard my knock. His red hair was ragged and he had bags under his eyes, I wondered how much sleep he got in a night, I wondered if it was small, and that was why he was always so snippy.

"God, you look terrible." He said, eyeing me, his green eyes going down from my head to my toes and back again. I tried not to shiver under his scrutinizing gaze and crossed my arms over my chest, feeling self conscious in my half attempt at an outfit and sickly appearance.

"Can I come in?" I asked


"Well, you don't have much of a choice, Huxy." I said, walking past im and into his quarters. I cringed as my eyes swept the room, the last time I had been in here was when he had drugged me and brought my to his torture session, per Snoke's request. I shuddered at the memory and distracted myself by turning towards him.

"And what makes you think you have any right to barge in here?" He asked, walking up to me and standing closer to me, but still leaving enough room between us, I could feel his emotions and he didn't want to get any closer in fear of his health, he must have thought I had contracted some strange contagious virus.

"Because I have more authority than you." I said with a slight smirk. Hux rolled his eyes and leaned against the counter, propping an elbow against it and looking at me with an expression mixed with disgust and annoyance.

"So, tell me what you so desperately needed to say to me?" Hux said rubbing his swollen eyes, I almost felt bad for intruding on him while he was sleeping, but then I remembered it was Hux after all, and that did take a bit of the guilt away.

"I need your help." I said, "I've been sick every day this week, only in the morning, and I don't think it's stress, and I need you to help me figure it out what it is." I said, clenching my hands together.

"No." He said simply, he then started to prepare the tea pot, adding water and then putting it on the stove, and then he put a teabag into his cup.

"You owe me." I said, he raised his eyebrows at me, as if he was questioning me. "I could easily convince Kylo to demote you to first rank officer, down with the newbies, because you did torture me a few months ago, remember that?" I said, leaning forward and propping my elbows on the counter.

"How could I forget, Kylo beat me to a bloody pulp afterwards." He said.

"Yeah and he'd do it again, unless I tell him not to touch you, or hurt your rank, because he'll listen to me." I said.

"I don't understand why you don't just go to the infirmary." Hux said, looking down at me.

"Because I don't want the risk of word getting out, of people know I'm weak there's more reason for someone to try something." I said, his eyes widened slightly, like he didn't believe that I actually was in danger all the time.

"And I know you've had medical practice since it was a requirement before becoming general." I said, tilting my chin up almost proudly.

"Ugh, fine but only because of your threat to my career and life." He said, sitting down on the couch, "don't expect this to be anything more than just a health meeting." I rolled my eyes, sitting next to him.

"So, Aerolynn, tell me what's been bothering you?" He said almost sarcastically, pulling out a small notepad and pen.

"This is like a doctors appointment not a therapy session." I said, leaning back and crossing my arms over my chest.

"Do I look like I care about your measly feelings?" He asked, raising a ginger eyebrow at me. I scoffed and rolled my eyes, running a hand through my hair.

"I know you don't." I spat out at him, my cheeks hot with anger. He mumbled something under his breath in a high pitched voice and I knew he was mocking me, I struggled to not send a bolt in his direction, the urge to electrify him was too strong and I laced my hands together to stop myself from doing something I'd regret.

"Now, tell me Aerolynn, what are some of your... symptoms?" He asked, flicking his pen against the notepad in front of him. I let out a sigh, the nervous energy bubbling up inside of me like a growing tidal wave, I was scared when it would eventually crash down.

"I... um have been experiencing intense nausea everyday this week, it last from when I wake up to one or two hours later and then I'll be fine, my body will go on like nothing happened." I said, Huxs face twitched in concentration as his pen scratched against the paper.

"Anything else?" He asked, looking up at me over his paper. I swallowed, my mouth suddenly dry.

"Well I feel tired all the time now. And last week I ate an apple and at first it was good but suddenly I had to throw it up as if it was the worst thing I had ever tried." I said my hands shaking, I clutched at a pillow that was nearby to steady my tremoring hands, pulling it into my chest.

"And have you noticed any physical changes to your outside appearencd?" He asked. I furrowed my eyebrows, wondering if I should say it.

"Well besides looking sickly everyday, I have gained some weight, here." I said gesturing to my abdomen.

"And have you taken a pregnancy test?" Hux asked, still calm as if what he had said hadn't made my whole world shake with tremors.

"Pregnancy test?" I stuttered out my ears starting to ring loudly.

"Yeah, you know the little white thing that you pee on, it's actually quite gross if you think about it-" Hux rambled on but I wasn't listening to him, I couldn't hear him right now.

"But that's impossible." I said, wrapping my arms around myself.

"You're a virgin?" Hux asked, finally some emotion coming into his voice.

"Well no..." I said, a blush creeping up onto my cheeks.

"Then take the test, at least just do it and don't rule it out as an option." Hux said, putting a hand on my arm, his tone soft and caring. It was the first time I had ever seen him like this, like he was an actual person and not just some robot void of emotion or any actual sympathy.

"Do you know how to get one?" I asked, my voice wobbling since I was on the verge of tears. His figure swam in front of me, merging and swimming together due to my dampening eyes.

"Easy, I'll just have a droid send for one." He said, standing up and grabbing his little electronic tablet, he quickly typed something in and then shut off his tablet looking back at me. Then the kettle on the stove started to whistle, signifying that the water was done. I jumped at the noise, it was like a blaring alarm in the silence of the room.

Hux grabbed the kettle and prepared another cup, putting another tea bag into that one. He then started to pour the steaming water in, adding honey and one cube of sugar each. He rolled up his sleeves to the green sweater he was wearing and put the kettle back onto the stove, and then grabbed the two glasses, giving one to me.

"What is this poison?" I asked, eyeing the warm cup of liquid that seemed to be thawing my frozen hands.

"Earl grey." He said, rolling his eyes. He sat down next to me and took a sip of his own. "You can trust me, Aerolynn, you saw me make it." He said, looking down at me, "Look, if you don't trust me why don't you watch me take a sip?" He then lifted the mug to his lips and sucked down some of the piping hot liquid, he didn't even blow on the tea which was surprising to me, considering it was still steaming.

I followed after him and blew on the dully colored tea that I was holding, eventually taking a sip. It wasn't the most flavorful tea but it was good, it had some mininess to it and I wondered if he had added mint leaves to the water. I felt the warmth of the tea travel down to my core, warming me, I hadn't realized just how cold I was, but then I didn't feel so cold.

"See not poisoned." Hux said, smirking slightly.

"I need to give it a few hours, and then I'll decide." I said, smiling. He looked at me, something sparkling in his green eyes, something that wasn't vile, or evil, but joyous, kind. He opened his mouth to say something but then there was a knock at the door.

Hux stood up and opened the door, he then bent down, picked something up, and then closed the door. He did it all quickly but everything seemed to be in slow motion, like my brain couldn't process it. I let out a shaky breath as he turned around to face me, a small white rectangular box in his hands.

"You can use my bathroom." He said, throwing me the box which I narrowly grabbed. I then went to his bathroom which was the doorway right next to his bedroom. I then shut the door, and ran my hands through my hair, I leaned against the door. It didn't make sense, I couldn't be pregnant, I didn't feel pregnant, but then again I didn't know what pregnant felt like. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to shut off my loud thoughts that couldn't seem to stop flowing into my brain. Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"Aerolynn, are you alright?" Hux asked, I chewed on my lower lip, glancing down at the unopened box in my hands.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." I said, my voice shaking. I hated to sound weak in front of him but it was like I couldn't control it, I was too overwhelmed to focus on Hux or his sudden niceness towards me.

"Please keep the bathroom clean, the last thing I need is-"

"Hux!" I yelled, nearly dropping the box.

"Okay, okay, just take your time, I guess." He said, but I didn't hear him walk away, and I knew he was still standing right outside the door. I quickly undid the box and followed the directions, making sure everything was exact, I didn't know what I would do if I got all worked up just for a false result.

I then placed the box on the counter and the test on it so that it wasn't touching his precious clean counter, and then I walked out.

"And now we wait." I said, meeting Hux out in his living room. He had abandoned his tea and was now working on something on his laptop, his eyebrows furrowed and a vein popping out slightly on his forehead, the way I was most used to seeing him, stressed and anxious.

"Are you alright?" Hux asked, looking up at me, "shall I turn into a temporary therapist?" He asked, almost mockingly. I laughed, too weak to put up a fight, and he too started to laugh. I sank down into the chair next to him, my knees wanting to give out with every step I took.

"You're too brutal to be a therapist, I'd probably leave feeling worse than when I came in." I said, looking at him, he put down the tablet onto his lap and looked over at me, grinning slightly.

"You're right." He admitted, and then got back to working. After a little while I started to become anxious, I had at least three minutes until I had to go back and check and the suspense was chewing me out. The sound of the clock ticking seemed to be etching itself into me and it was too loud, filling my head with it's annoying tick, tick, tick.

"So, how's Vera doing?" I asked, playing with a strand yarn that had come loose on my cardigan. I suddenly wondered what Kylo was doing, he was probably making last minute arrangements for our wedding. That's what I should have been doing, getting ready for my wedding, my seamstress and makeup team that were probably waiting in my room we're probably growing extremely annoyed with my absence but at the moment I didn't care. I had other things to worry about.

"We broke up." He said, his jaw clenching tightly, "and I'd rather not talk about it." He added, continuing to type away at his tablet.

"But what about that thing on your neck." I said, his face suddenly turned a dark crimson color, even brighter than his hair and he quickly raised up the collar of his sweater.

"A man can distract himself when he is lonely." Hux said simply, the brightness in his cheeks not going down even slightly. I chuckled, some of the tightness in my chest releasing.

"Do you think it's time?" Hux asked, looking over at me. Suddenly everything came rushing back at me and I felt the tightness again, but not just in my chest, everywhere, putting me on edge and making me shuffle in my seat uncomfortably.

I stood up, and Hux did too, moving with me to the bathroom. I dug my hands into the palms of my hands most likely leaving crescent shaped marks into the skin but I didn't care. We finally got to the bathroom and I slowly opened the door, my breathing quick and shallow. I wondered if I was going to puke again, I prayed I wouldn't, at least not in front of Hux.

"Do you want me to check?" Hux asked, his eyes scanning my pale face. I shook my head, rejecting his offer.

"No, it should be me, can you just step back for a second while I check?" I asked, he nodded and I let out a grateful sigh. If I was checking this without Ben then it would be alone, not with someone he despised.

I lifted up the small stick, careful to only touch the end and then with a sigh I looked down, and sure enough there were two distinct lines in the small little white space. Two very distinct lines. I felt my knees nearly give out and I almost fell, but someone was holding at my arms, awkwardly, as if not to touch me, but holding me. It was Hux, he was looking over my shoulder studying the test.

"It's positive?" He asked, sounding nearly as shocked as I felt. I could barely nod as he continued to ask me more questions. I couldn't believe it, it was happening, I was pregnant with Bens child, I was going to be a mother. Everything seemed to rush at me at one and happy tears filled my eyes.

"I don't understand, isn't this supposed to be a good thing?" Hux asked, finally letting me go seeing that I could stand for myself. I ran a hand through my hair, my vision still blurry with tears. I nodded at his question, unable to tear my gaze away from the tiny white stick like thing I was holding, the device that just determined my whole future, Ben and I's whole future.

"So then why are you crying. Don't tell me it's not Rens child." He said, his voice becoming monotonous. I glared at him, punching him in the arm, sending a little shock with it that made it feel more like he got tased. He jumped back, clutching at his arm.

"Of course it's his child." I said, my voice thick from crying. I glanced up, looking at myself in the mirror, I looked pale, like I had seen a ghost, but yet there was a fire in my eyes that I didn't think I had ever seen their before. But I still didn't think I looked like a girl who was carrying a child, a girl who would soon be a mother.

"I have to go." I said, starting to walk out of the bathroom, my eyes still glued to the pregnancy test. I couldn't seem to control the joy that was sweltering inside of me, consuming me whole, it seemed like nothing mattered now, all that mattered was that I had a child inside of me, a child who depended on me and that I needed to protect no matter what.

I tucked the test into my pants, wiping at my cheeks and running a hand through my hair to make myself look less ragged and then I put my hand on the door knob, prepared to throw it open and find Ben, but then there was a hand on my arm.

"Wait, Aerolynn." Hux said, his eyes full of green sympathy.

"Yes?" I asked, my voice breathless. He suddenly looked embarrassed, his face was an odd shade of red and he looked down at his shoes... or slippers?

"I... um, nevermind." He said, blushing all the way up to his roots, he let my arm go and shoved his hands into his pockets, "Congratulations." He said, gesturing to my stomach, "I cant wait till there's a tiny mixture of you and Kylo running around the base." He said, rolling his eyes dramatically, I laughed.

"Thank you for everything today, Hux." I said, and then before he could say anything else I nearly ran out of his quarters. I had never seen him that kind or happy before, it was strange, but I liked him better that way with a smile on his lips instead of a scowl. It was nice.

I briskly walked down the hallway on the way to my room, I reached out to Ben and found he was there too, probably getting changed for our wedding. I reached down inside my pocket and still felt the test, my heart swelled at the feeling of it, I subconsciously pressed my other hand to my stomach, I knew I wouldn't feel anything but it did feel different touching it knowing there was something inside of there.

I nearly got to our room, I stepped forward, about to enter in the code that would open the door, but then multiple hands were pulling me away, stopping me from getting to the door. I had the urge to electrify all of them, and I could feel the air charge with electricity, but when I looked around I realized it wasn't attackers but my makeup and dress team, and they all looked anxious and extremely worried.

"I'm sorry, I have to get to my room." I said, as they led me down the hallway to the preparation room that also stored my dress and shoes, basically the room they had prepared to get me ready. I struggled in their grip but they were uncommonly strong for such tiny women, and don't get me wrong, I was all for women empowerment but I needed to tell my husband I was pregnant!

"Miss, you were supposed to meet us two hours ago, the weddings in three, we are never going to be ready in time!" A woman with purple hair scolded me, opening up the door to the prep room. They shoved me inside and almost immediately began to wash my hair in a small tub, rinsing it with rose water and putting something in it that made it shine, and smell like roses.

There were about three women working on me and each had a different role, one had the role of making sure I was completely flawless, from plucking my eyebrows, to waxing my already pretty much hairless legs. Another woman worked on my hair, blow drying it and curling the ends so that it laid in ringlets over my shoulders. And the third woman worked on my makeup, first wiping my face with a cleanser that cleaned it and then starting with makeup that covered any small imperfections I might have had.

"Aerolynn, dear, are you alright, you look a little bit sickly." One of them said, a woman with pea green skeen and bright blue eyes.

"Yes I'm fine, I've just had a rough morning." I said, my voice weary, some blush was apparent on my cheekbones thanks to her comment, so at least that gave me some color.

"You are going to look gorgeous!" Someone said, walking into the room, it was a man with a wispy mustache and glowing skin. He had long polished nails and looked put together in a dark black turtleneck and First Order uniform pants.

"And whats you're job in the process of beating me into beauty?" I asked, looking up at the man.

"I'm here to do your nails." He said, looking down at my nails that were slightly ragged from months of training. He grimaced but immediately began to start filing and buffing them down. I felt like a science experiment, being poked and prodded at until I did what they wanted me to do. I suddenly wished there was a mirror in front of me so that I could see what they were doing to me, but they wanted to wait for a big reveal.

The pregnancy test seemed to gain ten pounds inside the pocket of my cardigan and it was all I could think about, at this point I wasn't even paying attention to the fact that in just a few hours I'd be broadcasted to the whole galaxy and becoming "officially," (according to the First Order,) married to Ben. The only thing I was paying attention to was the fact that I knew something that Ben deserved to know just as much as I did.

I stood outside doors, waiting for all the stormtroopers to get in place, and for everything to get in order. I was outside in a secret corridor that if I walked out would bring me to the largest room in the base, where the wedding would be taking place. Outside I could hear the shuffle of trooper armor, the sound of someone yelling at another, and the scuffle of shoes as people ran around putting last minute touches on things.

The wedding would be put on air in exactly ten minutes, and I was ready, I just prayed everything else would be too. The last thing I needed was for my face to be assigned with the catastrophic wedding of the century.

"Aerolynn." Someone said, behind me. It was dark, so I had to narrow my gaze to figure out who it was but once he came out into the light, I knew.

"Ben." I whispered, my throat nearly closing. He was dressed in his uniform, cape and all, but this one had more details to it, it was less for battle and more for show. His mask didn't have even a trace of the scars it normally did thanks to all the battles he's been through, and now it shone as if it had never even been touched before. I wondered if he was going to wear his mask, the whole galaxy didn't know what his face looked like and I doubted he wanted them to.

"You look absolutely beautiful, my love." He said, walking up to me and kissing me gently. I closed my eyes, wishing we could just run away from all of this and just escape. "I wasn't sure if you'd like the dress I picked out, but it looks amazing on you." His hands gently stroked my bare arms as he admired how I looked.

And he wasn't wrong, the makeup crew did do wonders for me. They had tamed my hair into a neat updo that pulled the hair out of my face in a sort of braid into a bun type of a thing, and the makeup they put on my face made me look completely different than I had this morning, and the dress, the dress was perfect, the fabric swished at just the tiniest movements and made me feel like I should have been royalty.

"What's bothering you?" He asked, I looked down chewing on my lower lip which was covered in lip gloss and in fear of smudging it I stopped the assault on my lip. Ben slowly reached down and grabbed at my chin with his gloved hands, bringing my face up to his so that I was forced to look up at him. His eyes nearly broke me and I felt my armor that I had built keeping me composed nearly shatter.

"I.. I was with Hux this morning." I said, looking up at him. He immediately let go of me and stepped back, anger and shock running through our bond. His face shone with betrayal and I realized what that must have sounded like to him.

"What do you mean you were 'with Hux'?" He asked, his hands clenching at his sides, and his lips quivering in anger.

"I had to ask him a favor." I said slowly, cautiously, he nodded, gesturing for me to continue. "I had to ask if he would check me out."

"What does check you out mean?" He nearly yelled, running a hand through his perfect hair.

"I've been sick every morning this week, Ben, and he was the only person who I knew was medically inclined, and wouldn't sugarcoat it." I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

"You've been sick every morning this week? Why didn't you tell me, or at least go to the infirmary?" He asked.

"Because I didn't want to run the risk of it getting out. The worst thing that could happen to me would be to let people know that I was weak and vulnerable, it could just lead to an attack." I said, "remember, half of the people on this ship probably hate me." I said.

"So, what did Hux find?" He asked, shuddering at the name of the man he hated most on this ship. Originally it was Snoke but since he was gone the only person that nagged at Ben Solo's spirts was Hux.

"Ben." I said, "I'm pregnant." Surprise fled through our bond and he looked at me, and then down at my stomach and back again. His face shade fluctuated from a deep red to a pale shade and back again. He ran his face over his jaw and looked down at the floor.

"You're sure?" He asked, I nodded, lacing my hands together. Then, suddenly, I was engulfed into all too familiar arms and I was being pressed into Ben's chest, the familiar smell of mint burning my nose. He then pulled away, giving me a long kiss on the lips and then two short ones.

"This is amazing." He said, his eyes shining with tears, I had only ever seen Ben cry once before so it was still a strange thing to witness, but I reached up and swiped my thumb under his eye, catching a tear before it could fall. I then pressed my hand to his cheek and he leaned into my touch, closing his eyes slightly. "I cant wait to have a family with you." He said, kissing me on the forehead, "I didn't think after meeting you I could ever be happier, but I am." He said. I laughed and reached up on my toes to kiss him, regardless of the fact that I was wearing heels I still couldn't reach him.

"I love you." He said to me, and then he reached down and touched my stomach, "and I love you." He said, I let out a mix between a sob and a laugh and then covered my mouth with my hand to cover the next ones that raked my body.

"I love you Aerolynn Solo." He said, his lips brushing my cheekbones.

"And I love you Ben Solo." I said. 

Welp. That was a fun one to write. 

GUUUYS, cross country is over and i'm low key sad, but now I get to train for track so thats good. And for those of you who didn't know for the past three weeks I've been in an aircast because I hurt my foot running, but guess who now gets to run on Monday!! Gaah, I'm so excited. 

Also, my dudes, the new star wars trailer is out and reylo is freaking canon. Like: "Everybody says they know me, no one does." -Rey, "But I do." -Ben. Like if Reylo isn't happening I have no hope for my love life. Speaking of, old feeling for an old crush came back up and I have no idea what to do, shoot me a message if you want to know details because I'll literally take any advice I can get. 

Also Halloween is coming, and if I don't update before Halloween, happy Halloween everyone, (if you celebrate it) Comment what you're going as, me and my friends are going as angels and devils, basic, yes I know. 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and this extra long update of my life, hope I keep it fun for ya. Until next time, friends:) 

The new trailer if you haven't seen it. I cant wait till December 20th!! 

Someone: Oh thats cool, you've marked your calendar to countdown till christmas? 

Me: No, it's for the Rise of Skywalker... duh

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