Secret of the Realms.

By tbankie

1K 125 10

When she loses everything because of her evil half siblings including her Kingdom and her soon to-be husband... More

The Sceptre of light 1.
will you help me?
Powers of The Moon and Sun.
The Mages of The Celestial Bodies.
The lost Prince of Sapphire realm.
The Breakup.
Reclaiming the throne.
King Hollando of Diamond kingdom.
The Sceptre of light 2.
Is This the End?

Queen Mabel's Story.

154 15 1
By tbankie

The world of ours is divided into four realms:

Emerald kingdom, Sapphire Realm, Diamond kingdom and Orchid Valley.

In between the Realms are the Forest of light and Darkness. The forest was created over two thousand years ago by an evil sorceress, Madonna.

Madonna was a kind-hearted spirited young woman who lived with her family between the realms, but one day a terrible incident struck when Madonna's family was killed by the first king of Orchid valley, since the death of her family Madonna swore to avenge her family, by going to the great forest.

Elders of Orchid Valley had warned folks not to go to the forest because it was controlled by an evil dragon spirit, the folks thought it was only a myth.

Madonna was wise. So, she went to the forest the day her family was killed and was eventually possessed by the dragon spirit. Madonna had lost control of her body, now her only goal was to wipe out each and every King and Queen of Orchid valley when the King had learnt of this he sent Hollando his most powerful sorcerer to find Madonna and destroy her, but what Hollando didn't know was that Madonna was unstoppable in the forest.

Hollando had made different potions to stop Madonna but he made them in vain because in trying to stop her, he passed away but he made half of the forest pure and anyone who received the power would control the world, but no one knew of this including Madonna.

~100 years later~

On a cold winter morning in the heart of Orchid Valley, there I was preparing to be Queen when suddenly we were attacked by my half sister, Princess Fiona. She killed Errick my soon-to-be husband and the next king of Emerald kingdom, she took my throne, my kingdom and my people.

On this very day I lost everything not because I was helpless but because I was weak and afraid I knew what Fiona said was the truth I was naive and immature to become Queen and I believed her I couldn't trust my instincts, I let my guard down, I couldn't stand up for myself, I was banished from my own kingdom, now I'm left wondering through Realms trying to take my kingdom back.

~2 years later~

After Fiona took over orchid Valley I moved to Emerald kingdom, the place I was to go after my wedding with Errick, but no one knew who I was only the royals did, I had changed my identity to protect myself and the people of Emerald kingdom, from Princess Mabel, I became Diana, a beautiful young woman.

When Fiona had taken over Orchid Valley she also conquered Sapphire Realm and half of Diamond Kingdom she was in control of three realms now and if I didn't do something the world would end. I needed to figure a way to stop Fiona but I needed help so I consulted the royals and their sorcerers.

~Back in Orchid valley~

Queen Fiona made everyone slaves, people suffered so much that they had to look for ways to escape. The Orchid Valley I once knew turned to a place of sadness and no one was safe.

~On my way to the castle of Emerald Kingdom~

A friend came along. I never knew why people accepted me everywhere I went, after all, I was a stranger, but I knew there were still good people in this world.

Grace was the great grand daughter of late Hollando it was a really big honour meeting her. So, I decided to tell her my secret since she was a citizen of Orchid Valley too.

I told her to promise me never to tell anyone my secret but she would tell people only when the time was right. When we had arrived at the castle we immediately went to the throne room, the royals of the kingdom weren't of much help, they had only said something about some Great Forest of Light and Darkness, now I had to start looking for a weird place with lots of trees with the help of a confusing map they had given to me and Grace.

But before we had left there was a gala in our names. There I met Hans the brother of Fiona and my half brother. Hans was also after Fiona who had betrayed him when she promised she would give him one realm out of the four but she never did instead she tried to kill her brother but luckily he escaped to Emerald Kingdom.

That meant me, Grace and Hans were all after Fiona. I still didn't know why Grace was after Fiona but I knew she was on my side.

~Somewhere in Orchid valley~

Queen Fiona went out alone to learn about her ancestors because she felt power surging through her not just any random power but power to control the world was in her.

So, Fiona consulted her grand mother Elsa, Elsa had told Fiona that she had a great line of ancestors but the most powerful of the ancestors was Madonna which ment that Fiona had the spirit of the evil dragon. All she had to do was to harness the power from the forest of darkness and become unstoppable like Madonna but she would have to sacrifice the closest person to her and that was Hans.

So, all for power Fiona was ready to sacrifice her brother for power, her journey to the Forest of Darkness began when Elsa gave an incomplete map to her, drawn by Madonna. Elsa told Fiona that no one knew where the other half was but if Fiona was wise she would look for Mabel.

The way to the Great Forest wasn't easy because we had to travel between two realms and we were given half a map that didn't make any sense. Grace was puzzled as well, her potions weren't enough to complete the map. The only things we understood on the half map was the fork dividing the map and there were two kinds of trees on the map; one was dark while the other was light.

Grace told me and Hans the story of the trees, the trees had represented the Forests of Light and Darkness and that anyone who possessed the power would become invincible. In the right hands it would save people but in the wrong hands it would be catastrophic.

She told us all she had learnt from her grandparents including how it was created by Madonna. She added that Madonna's family would soon find out about the great powers they had. That day I shivered out of fear and I knew it more than ever that I had to get to the Forest of Light and stop Madonna's family, but one question filled my mind; where are Madonna's descendants?

~Orchid Valley Castle~

Queen Fiona was prepared to go to the Forest of Darkness to get all the answers she needed. With her were guards and knights of the Realms she conquered. Fiona was wise enough to bring all those guards because she knew she would meet me once again. The weak, naive Princess Mabel, but what she didn't know was that I had grown and I wasn't afraid of her anymore.

Fiona studied the map Elsa gave to her but couldn't comprehend a thing because the map was incomplete, Fiona only wondered where the other half was. She thought it would be with Hollando's children but she was wrong she searched the whole of Orchid Valley and beyond but couldn't find it but she didn't let that bring her down. She was only focused on her mission to harness the power of the Forest of Darkness.

~Sapphire Realm~

Our journey to the Forest had already lasted three weeks but we had come far because we had already made it half way to Sapphire Realm but we had to be very careful because Fiona ruled half of the Realm and we weren't ready to take any chances.

Before we left the Realm we had to meet with the Queen to ask for her help against Fiona but she refused because she wanted to save her people, half of her Realm was already taken from her there was also famine in the land, her people would soon start a war amongst themselves, soon.

We understood what she said so we went from her castle without complaining but she gave us something useful she had given us a book that belonged to Hollando we were glad that we had gotten something useful even though she refused us.

She had also warned us of all the places where Fiona had conquered so without any fear and worrying we knew our way out of Sapphire Realm.

~Somewhere between Emerald kingdom and Diamond Kingdom~

Fiona too had gone far she was already half way through the journey she just had to go through the Mountain of Giants but legend says he who goes through the mountain will never return.

Fiona wasn't going to let some fairy tale stop her from completing her mission so with her ten thousand men they went through Mount Giant at the end of the mountain only five thousand men survived it turned out the legend was right, many of the men began to flee to Orchid Valley, out of her ten thousand men, five thousand died and two thousand left. Only three thousand were left, the three thousand followed Queen Fiona of Orchid Valley to the beginning of the Great Forest.


After the Queen of Sapphire Kingdom gave Grace the book that belonged to Hollando she began to study it she learnt many things about Hollando and the Forests, she told me that I could harness the power of the Forest of Light but I would have to have a pure heart. I was confused because I thought my heart was the purest in the land but we were about to find out because we had made it to the beginning of the Forests and we were in for a big surprise!

At the beginning of the Forest I had seen a face I was forced to see again, Fiona was already there waiting for me it was as if she knew I was coming but I wondered who would have told her all our plans that was when she called Hans forward there and then, I knew Hans betrayed me and Grace, he betrayed us and all the people of Orchid Valley.

All he said at the gala were fabricated, he said his sister wanted to kill him but it was all a lie. He used me and lied to me and I was foolish enough to trust the enemy. Now I knew I really had to enter the Forest of Light before it was too late.

Before I could enter the Forest with Grace we were stopped and then captured Fiona thought she should kill us right there and then but she was stopped by her advisor and fiancé Manuel.

Manuel thought we would be very useful so he stopped Fiona from killing us but I knew after Fiona harnessed the power no one would be safe.

Fiona searched our stuff and found the other half of the map then behold the halves became one. The map stated that not everyone could enter so Fiona grabbed me, Grace, Manuel and Hans to enter the Forest of Farkness as we approached it, weird things began to happen to Hans and Fiona they looked more evil than before they were so evil that they both killed Manuel that was the first person to die by the hands of the two.

When we had gotten to Madonna's throne Fiona sat and immediately she sat there was darkness in all four Realms.

Grace and me had to escape but Hans wouldn't let us go as we escaped we saw people die one after the other when we finally got to the other half of the forest (the Forest of Light) there was a glowing orb in the middle.

Before we could reach the middle Hans had already gotten Grace but she told me not to look back and that the fate of the world lied in my hands when I had gotten to the middle as I was about to reach the orb J was hit by Fiona, I was about to die I thought it was the end when I heard this little voices in my head telling me never to give up so I got back up and touched the orb but nothing happened it was as if I came this far for nothing I saw my life flash before my eyes then Fiona hit me again this time with the help of Hans that's when I finally died I was killed by my own family they killed me for what reason? Revenge? I did not understand and nothing mattered now. I was already dead.

I lost, the whole world lost because of hatred, millions died and millions were still going to if my half siblings weren't stopped Fiona and Hans had won in their eyes you would see Madonna. After my death Grace saw my body laying lifeless when she tried to bring me back to life with her potions and some things she learnt in Hollando's book but they weren't powerful enough to bring me back as Grace mourned me something weird happened she had witnessed something strange happen when suddenly Fiona's powers suddenly deteriorated this was because she forgot about the sacrifice so Fiona had only one option to kill Hans as she looked at Hans and said she was sorry and that was the end of Hans. Fiona did it all for power she gave everyone she loved up.

There I was in the after life with every King and Queen of Orchid Valley they all gazed at me wondering why I was here at such a young age. I told that I had lost that's why I was here the elders were angry so they made a decision to send me back and that if I ever came back at a young age they would never allow me return but before I went they gave me a gift, they had given me the Gift of Light. As I was going back to my body I kept on hearing arise and that's when I arose.

Grace was so glad but she told me we weren't safe and we had to get out thats when Fiona arrived and tried to kill Grace but I got angry and hit Fiona with my new power.

The power of light I could stop Fiona that's when I asked Grace to go and get help then Grace told the knights I was Princess Mabel they wanted to rush and save me but Grace knew I wouldn't approve of it so, she stopped the knights all they had to do was to wait and pray for my survival.

As Fiona got up I kept on hitting her till she pleaded with me to stop but I knew if I stopped she would continue her evil ways and I wasn't ready to take any more chances thats when I gave her the final blow, after I killed Fiona there was light in the world, light brighter than before then I knew I had won the battle I had saved the world from darkness as I left the forest I was being cheered by the remaining knights Fiona had brought then they escorted me and Grace to Orchid Valley.

As I was getting home the news of me destroying Fiona spread like wild fire. People from the different Realms gathered at the castle, as I entered I saw old faces and new ones When finally I entered the throne room my family couldn't believe it.

I couldn't believe it myself but I was happy to be back home. As soon as I got home I was informed that my coronation would take place immediately so, that meant I could be Queen again.

When I became Queen I made Grace my advisor and the kingdom's first sorceress I also promised my people to always be there for them, and I my promised the Realms to always protect the them from darkness (no matter what) with my new power.

That was when I heard the people say "All hail Queen Mabel! Who destroyed the darkness."

I was proud of myself because I never gave up and I finally fought back, I believed in myself, but I really learnt that light is stronger than darkness.

The end...

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