The Dark Lord in Fódlan ( LOT...

By TheGreatSummoner

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This story is fire emblem three houses that you will be the Dark Lord Sauron in Fódlan. You will face many ch... More

Bio and servents and allies Updated
Chapter 1 The Last Alliance and the return of Y/n
Chapter 2 Y/n gather his army
Chapter 3 The March to Barad dur
Chapter 4 The Rise of Mordor and the fort taken
Chapter 5 Dol Guldur and the Pale Orc
The Lore in this story
Chapter 6 The Hunt for the Ring begins
The Infos about the charcters and classes
Chapter 7 The Orc Gathering in Dol Guldur and the raid
Chapter 8 ThunderStrike in Dol Guldor
Chapter 10 Wrong girl you Maggots!!!
Chapter 11 A talk and a deal
Chapter 12 The spider in Mordor
Chapter 13 The Witch King's mission
Chapter 14 The Second child of the Dark Lord and a big clash
Chapter 15 Orc Fight
Remake Book and discontinue

Chapter 9 The Orcs and Nazguls raided the west chruch

382 10 5
By TheGreatSummoner

3rd Pov

In Dol Guldur the orcs are mining the tunnels to find magic shiny stones for a ritual and summoning the beast from hell. Bolg was yelling the orcs to mine harder while Azog wanted to know why.

Azog: " My lord why are we mining for?"

Y/n: " We need to find magical stones so we can use a ritual and reawaken the demon from Morgoth."

Azog: " I thought it was a legend."

Y/n: " Like you orcs are created by my master now he created beast from the spirits who joined him. I was with him since his banishment of this world."

Azog: " I see. Hurry up you maggots!!!! Find the shiny stones now!!!!"

The orcs where still mining the tunnels if they can the shiny magical stones.


The Orc pack with three nazguls and Yazneg where looking for the ring or maybe something useful. They went west until they found a church.

Yanzeg: " Look it's a church. Let's get emm boys!!!"

The orcs then charge in Wargs until they Nazgul then feels a powerful relic inside.


The Blue Lions where in the west church to investigate what's going on. The students then fought the western church  soldiers and mages until they heard howls.

Byleth: " Ohh no."

Dimitri: " It can't be."

It was then orcs enters the tomb and saw it was secret. Their leader Yanzeg came and saw it.

Yanzeg: " Find what the master needs!!!"

The orcs then ran to the tombs and opens them.

Dimtri: " Professor we need to-*

???: " *Shrrrikkkkkkkk!!!!!!*"

Everyone including the western church army then closed their ears. The huge scream was so loud their ears was about to pop. The Death Knight was fine until he looked at the three hooded men. Byleth and Dimitri saw the riders and they are with the orcs. The three nazguls where inside looking around. The Death Knight looks at them while the three then got out their swords and walked to them. The death knight prepare's his scythe to fight them.

Death Knight: " Leave now or you die."

The nazguls where speaking quietly until Byleth then heard them.

???: " Poweeeerrrrrrrrr. Wwwwhhhhheeeerrrrreeeeee iiiisssss ittttt."

Byleth thought it must be the hooded men but how can she say it.

Byleth: Dimitri you hear them?!"

Dimitri was then busy until he answer his questions.

Dimitri: " I didn't hear any now fight!!!"

Dimitri was then slashing the orcs while deflect their attacks. The orcs then church the western church while some where looking at the tombs. Annettee was then using her magic and fire at the orcs. Yazneg then looks around until he opens the tomb. He then found what looks like a red shiny stone. It shape like a horn so he then took it. The western church soldier then slash Yanzeg until he dodge him and stab him. Yanzeg then ran with the Magic stones to his warg and rides it. He then ran to the fortress to tell his master. Dedue slash a orc with his axe while bashing his shield. Ashe fired his arrow and shoot one in the head.

Ashe: " Thats for Lord Lonato!!!"

The three Nazguls took out their swords and put it in front of their faces. The Death Knight was then prepare to attack. The three the screams until the Death Knight slash the Nazgul but he then dodge.

Death Knight: " You are Clever but I will not go down easily."

Byleth then heard the similar voice from the hooded men.

???: " I seennnseee anotthooorrr Masssstttteeeerrrrr."

Byleth wanted to know who is really the one but she doesn't know who is really master. The Nazgul then slash the Death Knight until they where do powerful.

Death Knight: " Arghh!!!! You are strong. I'll will meet you later."

The death Knight teleported while the church soldiers where all alone. Byleth looks at them until one see her. The three nazguls walks to her until Byleth then ran to the tomb and grab the sword. Her sword the glows until the three screams. Darkness was then spreading the room and everyone can't see. Byleth only sees because of her sword she was holding. It was then a dark misty figure came to see her.

???: " Your face. You looked very familiar."

Byleth: " Who are you!!!"

???: " It doesn't matter what my name is. What matters is what who you really are?"

Byleth: " What?"

???: " That green hair remained me of someone important."

Byleth: " What are you saying!!!"

???: " ...... We will meet you later."

Byleth opens her eyes to see the Nazgul was touching her face. The Nazgul then uses his morgal blade and stab Byleth. She then cried until Dimitri was then angry and slash him. The Nazgul just dodged it and screams at him. Dimitri then close his ears while the Nazguls and Orcs came. Mercedes ran to Byleth while she only felt a stab wound. It was painful but the effects from being a Nazgul is useless. Byleth was just hurt. Dimitri ran to her.

Dimitri: " Professor!!!! Byleth you ok!!!"

Byleth then went to sleep while feeling pain.

Meanwhile at Dol Guldur

Yanzeg came with the magical stones he found at the tomes.

Yanzeg: " Master I found magical stones."

Y/n: " Good now please be carefully put it on the alter. My orcs already made it and I need the second one."

Yanzeg then put the stone one the alter with a face and the top look like horns.

Y/n: " Now I have the first one only one more to go."

It was then three nazgul's came and speak with his master

Nazgul: " Myyyy Loorrddddd. Wwwweee founnnddd anootttheerrr youuu. Andddd stabbb heerrr buuuutttt theee Efforrtttsss diidd nottt workkkk."

Y/n: " I see well leave now."

The nazgul's where leaving while Y/n looks at the stars. Meanwhile in Garreg Mach. Rhea was with Byleth looking at her from the wounds she got. She knows the efforts did not work but it was true that she is like him but how.

Rhea: " ..... poor child you where like my old one now she is now gone to darkness."

Rhea was then singing to Byleth while she made tears about her past.

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