Another Guitarist (Luka x Rea...

By Jade_Jackal13

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You had just moved to Paris from America. On your first day at your new school, five days after you moved to... More

I'm A What?!
Author's Note
Well Crap
Battle With Volpina
Authors Note: OMG
First Gig: Part One
First Gig: Part 2
First Gig: Part 3
Oh No: Part 1
Oh No: Part 2
Oh No: Part 4
Oh No: Part 5
Oh No: Part 6
Oh No: Part 7
New Book and More
I Apologize
It's Christmas Time In Paris
New Story!
Forever!! a/n

Oh No: Part 3

4.1K 133 102
By Jade_Jackal13

You reach the Eiffel Tower and hid behind one of the legs, waiting for Ladybug to show up. You realized a little too late that you should have brought Cat Noir with you. You facepalmed, sighing at yourself.

You remembered Adrien turning into Cat Noir and Marinette turning into Ladybug. You remembered how Cat Noir has a huge crush on Ladybug and how Marinette has a huge crush on Adrien. You laughed to yourself.

If only they knew who the other really was. You thought. They would totally be dating and would be all oveer each other, blushing so much the roots of their hair would be red too. You giggled at the thought, trying to imagine it in your brain. You got a vague image, but then Ladybug landed in front of you.

"Mari-I mean-Ladybug." You stuttered. "Its good to see you."

"Good to see you too." She said. She looked around. "I thought Cat Noir was with you."

You sigh. "He was. But then I was an idiot and left him behind when I came here." You say. Cat Noir landed next to you.

"Why'd you leave me behind?" He asked.

"I wasnt thinking." You reply.

"Well you might want to start thinking because we're gonna need it. Can you explain who this monster is?" Ladybug asked.

"His real name is e/n. He was akumatized somehow into that monster, Gardien. A creature that looks like the Greek God, Hades', dog." You explain.

"And what was this dog's name and powers?" Cat Noir asked. He looked either nervous, scared, or fearless.

"The dog's name was Cerberus. He was a three headed dog with red eyes. I think he looked like a Rottweiler dog, but with three heads and humongous. Normally, he's semi-transparent, but this monster isn't." You say.

((Picture of Cerberus. Just because. He's not that aggressive.))

"What sort of powers did he have?" Ladybug asks.

"He's semi-transparent, so its hard to see him. But it gets easier the closer you get to death. Seeing as he fathered all hellhounds, he most likely has the power to travle through shadows. And it is said in some Greek myths that he has the power to eat souls of the dead. There's something about not looking in his eyes, but I'm not sure what happens if you do." You say. ((Even though I'm a huge Greek mythology fan, I had to look some of this up. Lol))

"Although we need to be able to see him, lets not get any closer to death." Cat Noir said.

"I saw this monster on the streets earlier. He didnt look transparent at all." You say.

"Well at least we know some things about Cerberus that Gardien might have." Ladybug says.

"Looks like we're going to need some luck." Cat Noir says. Ladybug nodded.

"Lucky Charm!" She said, summoning her Lucky Charm. What fell was a flashlight. "A flashlight? What am I supposed to do with this?" She asked. You looked at it, getting an idea.

"I know! A flashlight produces light. With light, there are no shadows. And light also blinds you. We could shine it in Gardien's eyes. With his eyes closed, we could steal the collars." You say.

"That's brilliant! But what if he can travel through shadows?" Ladybug said.

"Easy. We shine it on the shadow that he's moving towards. No shadow, no travel." You smirk.

"Perfect. How do we get him here though?" Cat Noir said.

You frowned. Gardien would only come for two things. Either to protect you or to get rid of Luka. Since you have to help stop Gardien, your only other choice is to use Luka to get Gardien here. You sigh.

"I know how. Stay here." You tell them. You swing away to find Luka.

After a while, you find him hiding in a locker in the sewers. The same place that he was hiding when he first got his miraculous.

"Jackal, do you need any help?" He asked. You sighed, regretting your decision already.

"Yes. I do. But not as Viperion."

"What do you mean?"

"Luka, the only way to get Gardien to come is by either using me as bait or you. Since I have to help save Paris, it has to be you. We could bring it up with Ladybug about giving you your miraculous and using me as bait, but they know that Jackal is good with mythology, but not y/n. They haven't met y/n yet and I'm sure if they meet me in my normal form, suspicions would start with how much mythology I know." You say, rambling on.

He grabbed your shoulder. "If its for the good of Paris, I'll do it. To protect you." He said. You smiled and, hesitantly, kissed him on the cheek. He blushed.

"Thanks, Luka." You said. He smiled.

"Let's get up there." He said. You nod and start to lead the way out of the sewer system. When you get to the surface, you wrap one of your arms around him, causing both of you to blush, and swung away back to the Eiffel Tower.

When you get there, Ladybug and Cat Noir look surprised.

"Luka? Why would you use him for bait." Ladybug asks.

"Because Gardien is looking for him of y/n, but I couldn't find y/n." You say.

"Are you sure about this?" She asked. You nodded.

"We dont have a choice unless we wanna spend longer looking for y/n." You say.

"She's right. We need Gardien defeated now." Luka said.

"How do you know the monster's name?" Ladybug asks.

"I...already had a run in with him. Y/n was with me. We escaped, then I told y/n to run and hide. I'm sure she's ok, but I have no idea where she is." Luka replied.

"Ladybug, we need to get this monster gone soon." Cat Noir said.

She sighed. "Ok. We have a plan. Luka, listen." She said. She started telling Luka the plan that you helped her come up with. When she was done, he nodded.

"Got it. Lets get this done." He went over to the center of the Eiffel Tower platform and stood there, ready.

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