Hellfire On The Other Side

By TigerDreamer101

3.8K 63 16

Clara Frollo, daughter of Judge Claude Frollo. Only four more months until her 18th birthday, she is preparin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 45

52 1 0
By TigerDreamer101

   Adrianna quietly went down the stairs, talking to Floria and Gabriel in french on the phone. It was two in the morning, both Clara and Claytin were asleep. Shane appears in the living room. "Can't believe I forgot the key to the room," he mutters to himself. Adrianna quickly went around the corner hiding. Shane looks around for the key. "C'mon, where is it?" He looks on the couch. "Ah, there it is." Adrianna sneezed and froze, hoping he didn't hear her. Shane grabs the key and puts it in his pocket. "What are you doing up, Adri?"Adrianna said bye to Floria and Gabriel and came around the corner, "Would you believe me if I said sleepwalking?" Shane looks at Adrianna. "I most certainly wouldn't," he says. "Then I was..." Adrianna said looking for an excuse. "Oh, whatever you'll find out the truth anyway. I was avoiding going to sleep." "Why? Had a bad dream?" Shane asks. "I haven't slept yet. Grandmama isn't that hard to trick," Adrianna said shrugging. Shane chuckles. "How come you're trying not to sleep?"  "Not tired," Adrianna said. "Ah," says Shane. He sits on the couch and removes his cap. "Come. Sit." Adrianna went up and sat with him. "So what's up with you? I assume you're glad Clara's home," says Shane. Adrianna nodded. "I am happy about that... can I ask you a personal question?" "Go ahead." "I know mama doesn't like it when someone mentions her father around her, is it the same for you and your father? I just realized I don't know much about him or your past. Mama doesn't talk about it and when I asked she said it wasn't hers to tell." "I know mama doesn't like it when someone mentions her father around her, is it the same for you and your father? I just realized I don't know much about him or your past. Mama doesn't talk about it and when I asked she said it wasn't hers to tell." Adrianna nodded. "Mama doesn't tell me much about her father or her past. I get bits from papa though." "I think you're better off just knowing that Claude is a bad man," says Shane. "Well, that's parts obvious. Mama can't hide everything he has done to her. She is skilled to a point," Adrianna said. "On that, we can agree," says Shane. "When are you going to bring Gabriel and Floria's parents back?" Adrianna asks taking out her phone. "Oh, right. I forgot that I was gonna do that," says Shane. "I've just got a lot to deal with right now. Once this is all over, I'll bring them back. I promise." "It's alright, I just think Gabriel is having trouble keeping it from Floria. She is slowly learning English too." Shane smiles. "Well, that's nice! Makes it easier to communicate with her," he says. "For you, it's not hard for me to understand her," Adrianna said. "Yeah," says Shane. "Now Clara and I are back to square one. We need to take Frollo down." "At least you don't have to worry about my cousin as much now that he isn't in Paris," Adrianna said. She was texting Gabriel at the same time. "Speaking of the devil, Clara seems to think that Markus could be a hero. Obviously, I think that he's gonna stay a villain forever," says Shane. "What do you think?" "My old mama was neutral. And I an definitely not a villain. I don't believe all of us Dark Fairy Witches are villains," Adrianna said. Shane nods. "True. But Maleficent, the Mistress of Evil, did raise Markus. And she's the second-worst villain in my book," he says. "And Frollo raised mama," Adrianna said giving Shane a look from the corner of her eye. "Well, Markus didn't have someone like me in his life," says Shane. "Clara was lucky that Roma and my mom were best friends." A noise came from upstairs and then down the stairs. Adrianna quickly ducked down just as Claytin came down. Shane looks at them. "Yo." "Adrianna, phone and go back upstairs," Claytin sighed, "Hi Shane." Adrianna slowly stood up. Shane waves goodnight to Adrianna. Adrianna muttered something, said goodbye to Gabriel and handed Claytin her phone. "You want to stay Shane? it is late," Claytin suggested. Shane sighs. "I don't see why not," he says. Claytin nodded before looking down at Adrianna and putting a hand on her shoulder. "Alright, you, let's get you to bed." "I am not tired..." "Adrianna, it is two in the morning. I am not dealing with it all tonight alright?" Adrianna sighed but nodded. "Come on." Claytin led her upstairs and back to her room. Shane lays down on the couch and yawns. "I think my sleep schedule is all messed up," he says. 

   The next day Clara was out in the back smoking a cigarette looking over a letter Roma had dropped off. Someone had left it for Clara at the stables. Claytin was out there too while Adrianna was still asleep in her room. "I don't like this," Claytin said. "The letter is harmless Claytin. Calm down," Clara said rereading it. "You should tell Shane about it." Shane exits into the backyard. "Hello, stabby girl and jester boy," he says. Clara put the letter in her back pocket. "Sup." "Show him!" Claytin said stiffly. "I am good." "Show me what?" "Nothin," Clara said putting out her cigarette. "Clara, this could be dangerous!" Claytin said. "You're being overdramatic," Clara said going inside. "I am not!" Claytin called after her. He turned to Shane, "I am not being overdramatic!" Shane raises an eyebrow. "What's up with her?" he asks.  "Roma dropped off a letter left for Clara at the stables. And after pestering her she finally let me see it. She is acting like it is nothing, which it is something, she is just being stubborn, as usual," Claytin explained. "Why don't you just tell me what's in the letter?" Shane asks. "It's pretty obvious that Clara won't show me." "I promised not to tell what's on it but I'll say this. Garrett knows where she trains," Claytin said before going inside. Shane smirks and cracks his knuckles. "That's all I needed to hear," he says. He goes inside. 

   Clara was sitting on the couch skimming the newspaper, looking for anything to do with her father. Claytin sat next to her and turned on the news. They both had decided to keep a lookout for anything suspicious. Shane leans against the wall and folds his arms. Clara looked at him through the corner of her eye. "You told him didn't you?" she asked Claytin. "I said Garrett knew where you trained, technically didn't break any promise," he responded. "Yeah, so you might as well just show me the letter," Shane says to Clara. "Already burnt," Clara said gesturing to the fireplace that was burning." She hadn't looked up from the newspaper. Shane walks over to Clara and sighs. "Well, didn't wanna have to do this again," he says putting his hands on her head. Clara pushed him away before he could start. "Adrianna is asleep for one, and two I don't like being put in pain. Now try to probe me again and I will stab you." She took out her dagger before going back to the newspaper. Claytin rolled his eyes but otherwise didn't do anything. "Alright, fine. No probing," says Shane. He snaps his fingers, putting out the fire in the fireplace and restoring the letter. He grabs the letter from the fireplace. Clara groaned, "You two are so overdramatic about this. Garrett is harmless." "Yeah, well you know who he associated with," Claytin said. "Yeah Anna and Dawn, I am shaking," Clara said sarcastically. Shane sighs. "Markus. He's talking about Markus," he says."As I said, I am shaking," Clara said rolling her eyes and taking the letter from Shane. "I get you care and are worried but I am not worried. The worse Garrett can do to me is throw a punch. I can do a lot worse to him." "One punch to the right spot and you could get knocked out," Claytin said. "I thought I was the paranoid one." "The worst that Garrett could do is tell Markus, and he can do way worse to you than you can do to him," says Shane. "Funny, still not scared," Clara said going back over to the couch and opening the newspaper. Shane rolls his eyes. "You're seriously taking this with a grain of salt," he says to Clara. "When I get a threatening letter from Garrett, I laugh it off. Like I said, he is harmless," Clara said. "Garrett may be a total dunce, but he's strong. Don't forget who his father was," says Shane. "The day I get afraid of either Gaston or Garrett is the day pigs fly," Clara said chuckling, "And Garrett can be as strong as he wants, you've seen what I can do." "Do you really think he's gonna be scared of some blades?" "Whoever said he had to be afraid for me to hurt him?" Shane looks at Claytin and says, "Something's gonna go wrong. I just know it."  Claytin gave a short nod when all of a sudden they heard a yelp of surprise from upstairs. Clara stood up, "Adrianna, is everything okay up there?" she called up. "Um... I am not sure..." she called back down. Clara looked to Claytin and they both went upstairs. Shane grabs his cane and follows.

Clara opened Adrianna's door and Adrianna immediately went behind her. There was a girl, there. "Uh, who are you?" Clara asked. "My queen and king sent me to take her..." the girl said gesturing at Adrianna. "Why?" Shane asks the girl. "They are tired of waiting for the princess's son to bring the next heir... I know you... you were the one who was with Princess Demonia when she came to take the magic... I was the one who got it..." the girl said quietly, almost as if she was too afraid to speak any louder. "I am confused..." Claytin said. Shane suddenly realizes. "You're the slave girl," he says. He turns to Clara and Claytin. "When I went to Doreen's dimension, I saw her. I wanted to free her so badly, but I knew that it would cause an uproar." "Queen Ashera and King Kirnon sent me to take her, I can't go back without her, those were the orders..." the girl said quietly. "How old are you?" Clara asked. "I don't know, I think I am thirteen. But I don't remember anything, I don't even remember my name... I am just called Ash..." Shane nods. "Well, Ash. How about you just don't go back? Stay here, in this dimension. Where you're supposed to be," he says. "No, I can't. I have strict orders and when orders are disobeyed... Disobedience is not allowed, you disobey, punishment is to come..." Ash mumbled. "Well, that sounds like something you're gonna have to stand up against," doesn't it?" Shane asks. She shook her head. "No... no, no, no. No fighting back. Bad things happen when you fight..." "Is she okay?" Adrianna asked. Clara looked to Shane, "Can you deal with this? Adrianna shouldn't be here for this. Especially if Ash came for her." Shane shrugs. "Nothing really comes to mind, I'm afraid," he says. "If I take her somewhere else, no doubt that they'll find her again." "I meant, you deal with the girl while Claytin and I take Adrianna somewhere, we weren't in that dimension with you," Clara said rolling her eyes. Shane nods. "I could disguise myself as Adrianna," he says. "That'd at least fool them long enough for me to do what I should've done last time," he mutters to himself. "Whatever you think is necessary. The girl, Ash, she obviously is going through or went through something. Look at her hands, they are shaking more than mine do when I have a panic attack," Clara said before taking Adrianna and Claytin out of the house. 

   Shane nods. "Okay, Ash," he says. He disguises himself as Adrianna. "Let's go." She was still shaking, "They'll find out... they'll punish me..." Shane places two fingers under Ash's chin and calms her down. "Everything will be fine," he says. "I promise."  "I don't have magic, they have to send the portal. I have to message them..." she said going through a bag until she found a small amulet. "You shouldn't do this, I should take the real Adrianna. It won't go well for either of us if they find out. Either I bring her or Princess Demonia..." "I'm not gonna let them do anything to Adrianna," says Shane. "This'll be better for all of us." "But she has actual magic, they can feel it. They'll know that you aren't the real one. And how do you expect to leave? You don't have the magic to open the portal..." Ash said. "Yeah, but I do." Doreen appeared behind them. "Adrianna contacted me and explained the situation. Ash is right Shane, my parents will be able to feel that you don't have her magic." Shane sighs. "Well, I'm still going," he says, removing the disguise. "I am too, you'll need a way out. And in the Oqira Dimension, I am still alive, so is my sister if she were to ever return there. But you may as well have my parents do the portal," Doreen said nodding to Ash. Ash pressed the middle of the amulet and not seconds later a portal appeared. "This is just going to be swell..." Doreen said crossing her arms. Shane puts on his mask and says, "And for the record, I'm prepared to raise hell." 

   Ash led them through the portal. Doreen's appearance changed exactly the same as last time. Ash's outfit turned to rags. She was shaking again, almost like she was shivering. She started muttering before starting off towards the castle. "I sure hope they're excited to see me again," says Shane. "Oh, please, they might notice you but I am here, you most likely will be in the background. The speaking rule still stands. Stay quiet! Come on," Doreen said following Ash. "I'll speak if I want to," Shane asserts. "Don't!" Doreen said over her shoulder. 

   Once they got to the castle, they went into the throne room where Doreen's parents sat waiting. Ash fell to her knees and bowed her head in obedience. "Mother, father, can't say it's nice to see you again," Doreen said. King Kirnon looked toward Ash. "What were your orders?" "To get the next heir and bring her back here, Your Majesty..." "Did you listen to those orders?" "Princess Demonia was technically the next heir, Your Majesty..." "Until that was changed to her daughter who we ordered you to bring back, now, did you listen to your orders?!" "No, Your Majesty..." King Kirnon summoned for two guards. "Take her away to wait for punishment," he said. The guards grabbed Ash's arms and started dragging her away. "NO PLEASE! I'LL GET HER! I'LL BRING HER HERE! PLEASE!" she cried. The guards took her away. "That was uncalled for," Doreen said. "You should know how we are here Demonia. Disobedience is not..." Queen Ashera started. "allowed. If you disobey, punishment is to come. Yes, I know. I heard you and father repeat it to all the slaves every day. And it's Doreen." "Bring her back," says Shane, referring to Ash. Queen Ashera looked to Shane. "She is not yours. She is ours. We decide where she is, what she does, and what happens to her." "Well, it shouldn't be that way!" Shane yells. "Just because you have powers, it doesn't give you the right to dictate what other, free-willed people should or shouldn't do! Even for villains, this is low!" Doreen gave a small groan, she waved her hand, stealing Shane's voice. "I said, stay quiet, I did warn you," she said. Shane shoots Doreen with a shadow orb and folds his arms. Doreen dodged. "You can't help everyone and not everyone is to be helped." She turned back to her parents. "Now, for the reason we came. You are going after my daughter?! I mean, come after me in the Soul Realm in the dimesntion I am in! My daughter will turn eleven in a few days! She is a child!" Shane glares at Doreen. Doreen looked to him, "I'll give you back your voice, but no yelling, and only talking about Adrianna. Not the slave girl!" Shane sighs. "I can't wait until this is over," he says. "Hopefully, I never see you again." Doreen sighed, "We need a moment." 

   She waved her hand and they were in an empty area. "This is what we call the In-Between. The area between dimensions. Only the most powerful can come here. So if there is something you need to say, say it now not in front of my parents!" "When I first brought you back, it was to help end the takeover. The takeover has ended. I don't know what kind of trick you think you're playing on us, but it's not gonna work. I don't like you, Clara doesn't like you, not even Adrianna likes you. The sooner we can get this done, the better," says Shane.  "I am trying to help! You wanted Adrianna's magic! I needed to go back with Iven to do so! I helped you find Clara's blood and my sister's staff! Do you know how much hell I am going through with her in the Soul Realm because of that?! I am trying to save Adrianna! But by all means, if you want me to save the slave girl, whatever she is called, I will! But there is a good chance if I do that, Adrianna will end up in my home dimension and the only one who would be able to reach her is Markus! I am limited when it comes to my parents! So don't act like I am not helping! You have to choose! Who am I saving?!" Shane thinks for a moment, then scoffs. "Guess I'll just have to trust Clara," he says. "If she believes that Markus can be good, I guess I'll have to, as well. Adrianna's safe at the moment, so it looks like we're gonna save Ash. Don't get me wrong, I care about Adrianna as much as you claim to, but Ash is suffering. As a hero, I have to prioritize who I save, and those that are suffering are top priority. No exceptions. I'm sorry. Forgive me if I want to give one person, just one person, the freedom that they deserve." Not likely. But fine, I'll help you with the girl. There might even be something I can do to help Adrianna. But I can't make any promises, my parents will still go after her. But the will keep sending others. If Adrianna can learn how to use her magic, she might be able to protect herself. She can't be alone though. And the slave girl, Ash I think you said, she will have trouble fitting in away from here. And she might be hunted as well. She'll need protection even more than Adrianna. I think, and I may be wrong, they are trying to use my daughter against me." Doreen was about to take them back when she paused. "You don't have to like me, I am different. But I care so much for Adrianna. And I do care what happens to the slaves. But when it comes to my parents, or being a parent. I have to be careful. I may be powerful but once one starts hypnotizing you, it's hard to break free... I should know..." Shane nods in understanding. "Yeah. Alright. My mom should be able to take care of Ash. Maybe, if Markus does get a change of heart, he could protect Adrianna. And I have no doubt that they're using Adrianna against you," he says. "And about the hypnotism, I try not to worry. In my past experiences, a spell is only as strong as you believe it is. And I'm sorry for snapping at you. Your parents are the real monsters." He removes his mask. "Let's go," he says with a smirk. Doreen nodded, "If only Veronika was still alive, she'd be the heir, and neither Adrianna or I would have to deal with this. She was my best friend and the best older sister..." 

   She waved her hand and they were in a barn with cells. Ash was on her knees in one of them crying and shaking. The guards were outside. "So what's the plan?" Shane asks. "Easy, we grab her and leave. It isn't that hard but you might want to calm her down. No way I'll be able to get her out unharmed if she is shaking like that," Doreen said waving her hand and unlocking the cells. "Got it," says Shane. He shifts over to Ash. "Hey, Ash. Doreen and I are here to save you," he whispers. "No, no, no, no... they won't like that... I have to be a good girl, a good slave... do as I am told... I must listen to my king and queen..." Ash muttered. "I'd try ordering her to come, but my parents have a bigger rank. Doubt she'd listen to me giving her orders that contradict theirs," Doreen sighed, "But I can try one thing." "What do you have in mind?" Doreen pointed to one of her eyes. "Hypnosis. I can get her to come willingly without freaking out. If I do this, your going have to trust me." Shane sighs. "Using hypnosis to free her," he says. "We're gonna rid her of her free will... to give her free will. Eh. Whatever works. Do it." Doreen nodded. She went up and kneeled in front of Ash. She closed her eyes and when she opened them they were glowing a dark green. She gently put her hand under Ash's chin and moved her head up. "No... no, please... I'll be good..." Ash whimpered. "Shhh, it's okay. Everything is okay. Just look into my eyes and everything will be okay," Doreen said in a soothing and gentle voice. Ash slowly looked into her eyes and soon, her's reflected the same green. "See? Everything is okay. You are such a pretty little girl aren't you?" Ash's lips tugged into a smile. "Good girl, feels good doesn't it? Alright, we are going to go on a little trip. Okay?" Ash nodded. "Alright, stand up." Doreen helped Ash up with her. Shane smiles. "I don't usually agree with this type of stuff, but if it'll save Ash, what's the harm in it?" "I am going to look away now but you need to stay in my control, in this good feeling alright?" Doreen said caressing Ash's cheek. She nods. Doreen looked away and put her eyes back to normal. She took Ash's hand and opened a portal. "We should go before the guards get suspicious. I can take her out of hypnosis afterward. I'll have about five minutes until my body realizes I am dead there giving me time to use my magic on a living person." "Alright," says Shane. 

   Doreen led Ash through the portal and once Shane was through she closed it. "She is going to get scared when she comes out, your going to need to calm her down, put her to sleep, whatever works for you." Doreen looked down to Ash, "Alright pretty girl, you need to come back out now. Out of my control..." Doreen said. Ash blinked a few times before giving a cry and trying to run away. Shane snaps his fingers, putting Ash to sleep. Not too long after, Doreen became a soul again. "I must return home to Iven and sadly, my sister. If you need help with her or Adrianna, don't hesitate to contact me. I can help with Adrianna's magic and I know more of what slaves go through. She'll be afraid for a while, gaining her trust will take time. You have to be prepared." "Got it. We'll do our best," says Shane. Doreen disappeared, returning to the Soul Realm.

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