Hellfire On The Other Side

By TigerDreamer101

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Clara Frollo, daughter of Judge Claude Frollo. Only four more months until her 18th birthday, she is preparin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 44

35 1 0
By TigerDreamer101

   "Good news, you two. The takeover is done. Once we're certain that everything is safe, I'll take you back," Verity says to Gabriel and Floria. Gabriel quickly translated to Floria who smiled. "Thank you, and again, we apologize for letting Adrianna run off but she is our friend," he said. Verity chuckles. "In a way, you helped majorly," she says. "If you hadn't let Adrianna runoff, Clara wouldn't have admitted that she needed help." Gabriel nodded. "Adrianna is one special girl." "She certainly is," says Verity. Suddenly, Verity's phone rings. "I gotta take this," she says. "Go for Verity." "Where are you? It's almost your shift!" says Tina. "Oh, I'll be there in a few minutes," Verity responds. "Good, cause we're gonna need all the help we can get," says Tina. Verity hangs up and says to Gabriel. "You two can manage until I get back, right?" "I protected Floria during the takeover, I think we'll be fine," Gabriel said taking Floria's hand. Verity smiles. "Alright. I'll be back!" She says. She snaps her fingers and teleports to the restaurant. "Oh, my days," she exclaims upon seeing how packed the restaurant is. "Where's Charlene?" she asks Tina. "Upstairs, looking for houses," Tina answers. 

   Charlene sits on Tina's bed, searching for houses on her laptop. "No, that's too expensive. Ugh, that one's ugly!" she says. "Ooh, that one's got a pool! Reasonable price, optimal size. I love it! Where is it located? What?! That's too far!" She closes her laptop and throws herself backwards. "How am I ever gonna find the best house for me and Shane?" she groans. Suddenly, her phone rings. She takes it out of her pocket and checks it. "Well, I guess if I want to know what Shane wants from our house, asking him would be the best option," she says. She answers the phone. "Hey, Shane." "Hey, Char. Miss me?" Shane says with a chuckle. "Of course I do. Sometimes, I forget that this charm doesn't have its magic anymore," says Charlene. "When are you gonna come back to New Orleans?" "I need to make sure that everything's under control here in France first. Especially with Clara. She's bound to be the most messed up after everything that happened these past six months," says Shane. Charlene nods. "Yeah, I guess so," she says.

   "So what are you up to?" Shane asks. Charlene tries to think of a lie. "Oh, just here at the restaurant and hanging out," she says nervously. "You're lying," says Shane. "What are you doing, Char?" Charlene sighs. "I'm trying to find a house for the both of us, but none of them are perfect for us," she says. "Well, I'm not that worried about distance. As long as it's in New Orleans, I'm satisfied. Especially since it means we can go on long bike rides together," says Shane. Charlene smiles. "That's true. I love our bike rides together," she says. "I actually found one that I think you'll really like. It has a pool, too!" "Awesome!" Shane exclaims. "I've never been in a pool before. I don't even know how to swim." Charlene raises an eyebrow. "You can't dance. You can't swim. Don't tell me that you can't sing, either," she says. "Hey, I can sing! I just choose not to because I'm, y'know, very self-conscious about it," says Shane, his voice getting quieter as he speaks. Charlene laughs. "Aww! Well, you can always sing for me. I bet you have an amazing singing voice," she says. "Really?" "Of course! And I'll teach you how to swim, too." "Thanks, Char. Can't wait to be back in New Orleans again," says Shane. "Neither can I. I love you, Shane," says Charlene.

   "Alright. Love you too, darling," says Shane. He hangs up and smiles. He turns around and sees Clara. "How long have you been standing there?" he asks her. "Not long, just taking a short break before I head back to the stables. Been trying to get a move down. Adrianna keeps calling to see when I am coming home but I don't know," Clara said grabbing some water. Shane takes notice of Clara's beverage choice. "Who are you, and what have you done with the Clara I know?" he jokingly asks. "Oh shut up. I have been training nonstop since the takeover went down and I don't have any alcohol with me. Also, I don't just drink alcohol," Clara said rolling her eyes. Shane chuckles. "Yeah, I suppose that's true. Therefore, I will allow you to do the same if you ever catch me eating something other than beignets," he says. Clara nodded chuckling. "So, why you still here in Paris and not with your wife right now? I mean I'd think after what happened, you would stay with her." Shane shrugs. "I'm just trying to keep you safe," he says. "And how am I not safe?" Clara asked. "Markus. Dude's obsessed with you," says Shane. "As I predicted, he isn't in Paris. He used the same spell that Doreen used to move her collection," Clara said crossing her arms. "And I can protect myself thanks. I am not scared" "Better safe than sorry," says Shane. "Any news on your old man? Emphasis on 'old'?" "Nothing, not even a guard," Clara said. "I am heading back to the stables, if you want to continue talking, you better come along." "Righty-O," says Shane. 

    Clara started heading towards the stables. It didn't take long to get there. Inside was only Misty. In the other stables were different types of weapons, some even had dummies, with slashes and dents. Outside, was a large pasture and a large pen, also having weapons and dummies around it. Shane walks over to Misty. "Hey, there, girl," he says. Clara got a sword and put it in a scabbard she got. "Back to the training," she said. She went over and grabbed a saddle and other things. Shane leans against the stable wall and removes his cap. Clara looks at him, "You're going to watch me, aren't you?" Shane shrugs. "I gotta see how you do it," he says. "Not as much as her husband and daughter need to see her!" a voice said from behind them. Clara didn't even look. She just sighed and said, "Hi mom." "How nice of you to join us!" says Shane.  "I am not here for long. Just hoping to convince Clara to take an actual break and go back home!" Roma said. "I will go back later," Clara said. "How many times have you said that? Adrianna misses you." "I saw her an hour ago mom." "Yes, but you refuse to go home and face Claytin, who misses you as well!" "You know what? I am not doing this right now!" Clara finished putting on the saddle and everything else. "Come Misty..." Shane walks over to Roma. "Relax. She's got a lot on her mind," he says. "I may not be an expert on marriage for obvious reasons Shane, but she isn't just punishing Claytin, she is punishing Adrianna and herself at the same time without realizing it. If she keeps closing herself off, her villain side will come back. It was you and Claytin who turned her into a hero. If she lets herself lose one of you, what do you think is going to happen?! Especially once Claude sends guards again! I get she is trying to clear her mind but the amount of training she is doing is unhealthy! I am just worried," Roma said. "That's why I'm staying here until this is all over," says Shane. "I won't let her close herself off. If I have to be her only source of support, I will." "And how well did that go during her villain years?" Roma asked before leaving. Clara was out in the pen by now, getting up on Misty. Shane furrows his brows, then walks over to Clara. "Your mom's quite the pessimist," he says. "Yeah, well she can go and not come back for all I care," Clara sighed, "To the stables I mean. I wouldn't care if she stopped coming by the stables." "Yeah, she seems to think that you'll go back to being a villain if you keep closing yourself off like this," says Shane. "I don't believe it for a second." Clara shrugged. "It's whatever. Like I said, I don't care." "I do agree with her on one thing, though. You should keep in touch with Claytin and Adrianna," says Shane. "I am keeping in touch with Adrianna. Like I said, I saw her an hour ago," Clara said. "But what about Claytin?" Shane folds his arms. "Where did I put my matches..." Clara said grabbing a pack of cigarettes from her jacket, ignoring Shane's question. "I'm serious, you can't just act like he doesn't exist," says Shane. "You get in my case about staying here in France, away from Charlene when you refuse to communicate with Claytin. Talk about a hypocrite." "Oh, there they are..." Clara said taking out a match and lighting her cigarette, still ignoring Shane. Shane blasts Clara's hand with a shadow orb, knocking the cigarette out of her hand. He then stomps on it. "Clara, you need to see your husband. Why go through all that trouble to save him if you're not gonna see him?"Clara sighed, "Has Charlene ever asked you to let her die?! Have you gone through that pain?! Or have you almost not been able to save her?! I just barely saved him! I was a second off, if I was less than a millisecond faster, he would be dead because of me! How am I supposed to face him knowing all of that?!" "You mean to tell me that you blame yourself for a death that didn't even happen?" Shane scoffs. "No, I blame myself for a death that almost happen and I blame Claytin for giving up on life!" Shane nods. "I'm gonna head back to the house," he says."I'll be here, training," Clara said. She kicked and Misty started off. 

    Shane teleports back to the house. "Adrianna! Will you come down here and eat please?!" Claytin called up the stairs. "I am not hungry!" she called back. "Come on Adrianna!" "Jester boy! How's it going?" says Shane. Claytin looked to Shane. "Not good. Clara won't come home and SOMEBODY WON'T COME EAT!" Claytin shouted the last bit up the stairs. Shane chuckles. "Adri's giving you a hard time, I see." "She has been since Clara refused to come back. I think she thinks that if she acts out, Clara will come back or I'll go and ask Clara for help," Claytin sighed. "Jeez, man. Anything I can do to help?" Shane says. "Get Adrianna to come down? She listens to you better than me, which I need to work on..." Claytin asked. He looked more tired than usual. He had been staying up late waiting to see if Clara came back. "Got it," says Shane. 

   He goes upstairs. "Adri?" "In here!" she calls from her room. The door was slightly cracked open. Shane walks into her room. "Why aren't you gonna go downstairs and eat?" he asks. "I'm not hungry," Adrianna said. She was laying on her bed fidgetting with her amulet. Shane sits next to her. "C'mon. I know you miss Clara," he says. "She said she'll be back by my birthday in a few days..." Adrianna said. Shane sighs. "I hope so. She's been in quite a mood since she ended the takeover." "Will you be here on my birthday?" Shane smiles at her. "I'm not leaving until Frollo is dealt with," he says. Adrianna nodded. "Is papa okay? I hear him pacing in the middle of the night when he thinks I am asleep..." "He's worried about Clara. Like, really worried," says Shane. Adrianna nodded. She got up and went to the doorway. "Papa, can I show him?!" she called down. "Will you eat?" Claytin called back up. "If I can show him!" "Alright, I'll be up in a second to join you!" Shane raises an eyebrow. "What? What do you wanna show me?" 

   Adrianna took his hand and led him to another room down the hall. She took a Skelton key from her pocket and unlocked it. She opened the door and it was another bedroom. But it was filled with voodoo things, pictures of Shane with Charlene, with Clara, and other kinds of pictures. "I know it's my birthday in a few days but I wanted to say thank you for helping us. We know you like visiting so I thought you could use a home in Paris too. We have plenty of extra rooms so I made this! Mama and Papa gave me permission. Mama helped me get everything and papa helped me set it all up. And we even added somethings for Charlene! Do you like it?" Shane looks around, taking in every detail. "Wow, I don't know what to say! This is incredible! Next time I bring Charlene, I'm showing this to her!" Shane exclaims. Adrianna smiled, "I am happy you like it, I was afraid I did something wrong." Shane hugs Adrianna. "I'll be sure to add a room like this in our house when we get it," he says. Claytin came up, "She worked hard on this. She wanted everything to be perfect." "Yeah, I can tell!" Shane chuckles. "Now, you said you'd eat. Go on, food is on the table," Claytin said to Adrianna. She handed Shane the skeleton key and ran downstairs to eat. "So, she is going to be eleven in just a few days." "Yeah, it's crazy," says Shane. "Let's hope Clara actually shows up, though." "She will, she doesn't come around but I get the every once in awhile text. We talked the other day. She said she would be back by her birthday and we both agreed on what we are getting Adrianna as a gift." "Well, that's good," says Shane. Claytin nodded. "I am just tired and worried. I get what I did hurt her but I never expected it to go this far..." "She's definitely going through it," says Shane. "Roma's worried that she might revert back to being a villain." "Yeah well, she has a tendency to go back to what she knows best when she corners herself. She doesn't do it consciously. I don't believe she will go full villain but I am worried she might go to Claude's side of Paris," Claytin sighed. "I'll make sure that she doesn't," says Shane. "Especially since Frollo's looking for her." "And that is why she would go. Shane, we both know what happens when she falls completely in the depression and she corners herself. She goes to someone who she sees will help her. Even if it doesn't make sense. She sees Claude as someone who can make her forget her emotional pain. I just hope if she gets in that state she comes here. But I am being paranoid. I haven't slept well in a while," Claytin said rubbing one of his eyes. "You need to rest. I'll handle Clara," says Shane. "No, I need to take care of Adrianna and I want to be awake when Clara comes back. I am fine," Claytin said. Shane walks over to Claytin. "Dude. You need sleep," he says "Or I'll make you sleep." Claytin gave him a look. "I am not Clara." "Fine. But if you start seeing things that aren't there, you only have yourself to blame," says Shane. He sits on the couch. Claytin sighed, "I don't sleep well, I am getting some sleep." Shane nods. "Remember, eight hours," he says. He looks closely at Claytin. "Ugh. Make it ten," he says. "Doubt that's happening until Clara comes back," Claytin muttered. Shane rolls his eyes. "She'll be back in a few days, man. She just needs some space right now," he says. "I know but that doesn't make it any better," Claytin said leaning against the wall. "How about I take you to her?" Shane asks. "I can't leave Adrianna alone, I'd have to call Roma or my dad," Claytin said. "Then call one of them," says Shane. "You wanna see Clara so badly, I'm gonna take you." Claytin nodded before calling Roma. She was there in less than five minutes. "Thanks, Roma, please make sure she stays here and..." "Claytin, I know how to take care of her. Go on and go," Roma interrupted him. "Right. We're heading to the stables. That's where Clara was last," says Shane. 

   When they finally got to the stables they heard a loud bang and Clara scream a curse. Shane clicks his tongue. "Ah, sounds like Clara's messed something up," he says. Claytin nodded and they went into the stables. Still, in her riding clothes, Clara was hanging from the ceiling upside down, her ankle caught in rope. Her dagger was on the ground below her. She gave another curse when she saw them. "Hi... um, I have no idea how this happened." "Are you okay?" Claytin asked. "Oh, you know, just hanging around, what about you? You don't look so good." "Yeah, well neither do you..." "Yeah... I guess not..." Shane stifles a laugh. "Sorry. I noticed the pun," he says. "Claytin, get ready to catch her. I'm gonna cut her down." Claytin nodded. "Oh, please, I can take a fall. Just hand me my dagger and I got it," Clara said rolling her eyes. Shane strokes his chin. "Hmm. Nah." He shoots a shadow blade at the rope, causing Clara to fall to the ground. Claytin helped her up. "You said you could take it." Clara took a few steps away brushing herself off. "I have gone through worse, what are you guys even doing here? Shouldn't you be with Adrianna?" "Roma's taking care of her," Shane explains. "Oh, well you didn't have to come, I am fine and have everything in order," Clara said. "You were just hanging from the ceiling," Claytin said crossing his arms. "And now I am not, so like I said, I am fine." Shane folds his arms and scoffs. Clara picked up her dagger and put it on a table. "We need to talk," Claytin said. Clara flinched. "About?" "You haven't been home in days. You said the first night, that you'd come back the next day, you didn't." "I've been busy..."  "Clara tell him the truth," says Shane. "What? I have been busy!" Clara said. "Clara, stop avoiding the truth. We all know your hurting and getting stuck hanging from a stables ceiling is not going to help you," Claytin sighed. "Hey! That was an accident! I've been training most of the time!" "And when was the last time you ate something?" "Sometime yesterday." "Slept?" "Your one to talk." "Yeah, well I stay up waiting for you to come home. What do you do?" Shane cuts in. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're both emotional wrecks. Just get on with it."Clara bit her lip but finally gave in. "I didn't know how to tell you I almost failed saving you..." Claytin sighed, "Clara I don't you to let me die, you shouldn't be the one feeling bad." "Yeah, well it doesn't feel that swell knowing you had given up on life either you know?" "Yeah, you should have at least put up a fight, dude," says Shane. "Like I said, I was trying to protect Clara." "Well, you don't get to decide if you protect me or not! Especially if it's against my father!" "You're being a hypocrite. You were sending me and Adrianna to New Orleans for protection." "That was different!" "No, Clara, it wasn't." "He's got a point, Clara," says Shane. Clara muttered something under her breath annoyed. "Clara, can you just come home? Honestly, you went through the takeover worse than any of us and you still haven't come home and relaxed! You're out here training. You are going to get yourself hurt, physically and mentally," Claytin pleaded with her. "Yeah, this is unhealthy," says Shane. "You're putting yourself through so much pain." "Not as much as Markus put on me..." Clara muttered touching her palm where her scar once was. She turned and went to grab another weapon when Claytin had enough. He grabbed her wrist and swung her back around. "Clara! Stop and think! Or maybe look in the mirror! You are covered in dirt and dust, your body is obviously exhausted and you fully admitted you hadn't eaten since sometime yesterday! Maybe I haven't slept well but at least I've been taking care of myself more than this!" "Your family misses you, Clara," says Shane. "You are coming home, whether I drag you by the ear or not! I've given you time and I've been gentle but if you're not going to listen I will drag you!" Claytin said frustrated. Clara pulled away. "Look I appreciate your worried but I am seriously fine. I said I'll come home by Adrianna's birthday and I will. But just not today. I got more things to do..." "Why do you have to be so stubborn Clara? Just put your wall down for once..." Shane stands back and watches. "Claytin, just go home. I'll see you when I come back," Clara sighed. She went over to Misty who was in her stall. Claytin sighed and muttered "Wish it didn't have to come to this," to quietly for Clara to hear. He took out a small piece of paper and wrote, "She won't go willingly and I am not watching her deprive herself. Can you put her to sleep? I'll carry her back home." He passed the note to Shane making sure Clara didn't notice. "Fine, I'll go..." Shane nods. He snaps his fingers, putting Clara to sleep. Claytin caught her before she fell to the ground. "But you're coming with me," he said finishing his sentence. "Thanks, Shane, I was getting tired of watching her hurt herself for no good reason. I get that she is going through something but I can't let her starve herself because of it." "No problem," says Shane. "What am I supposed to do with Misty?" "Clara took care of it, see," Claytin said motioning to Misty's food and water. "I'll see if Roma can come out here tomorrow to help as well. That way I can make sure Clara doesn't runoff here again." Claytin grabbed Clara's dagger and put it in one of his pockets knowing she'd come back for it if he didn't take it. "And I think your sleeping spell is one of my favorites of yours by the way." Shane chuckles. "I agree one hundred percent," he says. "Alright, let's get her back home. Once she wakes up I am forcing her to take a shower and then eat something," Claytin said. Shane puts his cane behind his head. "Alright," says Shane. 

   Once they got back, Roma gave them a look, "She didn't come willingly I see," she said. "We could have only hoped," Claytin said, "Where is Adrianna?" "Upstairs in her room sleeping. She was tired, it's not really day time anymore," Roma said. Claytin nodded. "The day went quick." "It always does." Shane lays on the couch and sighs. "That was exhausting." "Yeah, well I still have to wake her up," Claytin laughed slightly. Roma said goodbye and left. "Well, I rather wake her up while Adrianna is asleep so it gives her an excuse not to yell."  "I sure hope she understands," says Shane. "We are about to find out..." Claytin put Clara down on a chair and gently woke her up. She gave a small groan before realizing what was happening. She went to slap Claytin but he was to fast a dodged. Clara gave Shane a glare, "Seriously? You had to put me to sleep?" Shane shrugs. "You wouldn't have come willingly." Clara turned back to Claytin and opened her mouth to yell at him but he put his finger up to his lips and quickly said, "Adrianna is asleep! You know hard it is to get her to actually go to bed!" Clara bit her lip and nodded. Claytin gave a small sigh of relief. Shane puts his cap on his face. "Guess I should just prepare for yet another argument," he mumbles. "I am really not up for it tonight," Claytin said, "So, can we just do this tomorrow, the argument." "Your the one who brought me back here after I said to leave me be!" Clara said. "You know what? We aren't doing this at all, what we are doing is this. You are going to go take a shower and I am going to make you something to eat." "When did you become the boss of me?" "The day you married me you gave me permission to take care of you so this is how I am doing it, go!" Shane lifts his cap slightly, then puts it back down. "I shouldn't have stayed," he says. "That was your choice..." Clara said. "Go!" Claytin said. 

   Clara sighed and went to go take a shower. Claytin grinned. "I find it funny that I can get her to do things and you still struggle when you've known her longer." Shane shrugs. "After a while, I kinda just gave up trying. Not worth the stress," he says. Claytin went into the kitchen to make her something. "You want anything?" he called out to Shane. "Doesn't matter. As long as it keeps me full until 3 when I wake up for a bigger meal for whatever reason," says Shane. "Well, your mom brought you some stuff while we were put apparently. I guess Roma got bored and invited her over after Adrianna went to sleep." Shane stretches his arm out. "Give," he says. Claytin tossed him the bag of food Verity left him. "Thank you for helping me with Clara." Shane reaches into the bag. "Beignets. Of course," he says. He takes a beignet from the bag and eats it. "Also, no problem. She's a real handful." "Yeah well, I am going to put her on bedtime duty for a while. I don't know how much trouble she gave you and Verity back in New Orleans but it takes over an hour to get Adrianna to go to bed. And I'm not talking about falling asleep. I am talking about getting her to actually get ready and lay down. That is usually the hardest part of the day," Claytin sighed.  "Actually, my mom said that it was pretty easy to get Adri to bed," says Shane. "Then your mom has some sort of talent because even after either Clara or I get her to lay down, we hear her moving around in her room or we find her playing on her phone," Claytin said rolling his eyes. Shane sits up and scoffs. "Talent? Have y'all never heard of bedtime stories? They hit the three essentials of sleeping. The force the child to stay still, allow them to focus on one thing, and they encourage them to sleep so they can have dreams. That trick worked on me until I was fourteen," says Shane. "Clara and I have both tried lullabies but stories are worth a try," Claytin said. "Good. Cause lullabies are only good for putting kids to sleep," says Shane. Claytin shrugged. 

   Clara came down not too long after. "Food is in the kitchen, eat," Claytin said. Clara sighed and went in grabbing the sandwich Claytin made and a beer. Claytin gave her a look but decided to shrug it off for now. "What do you mean spark?" Clara asked taking a sip of beer. "I dunno. I guess I just don't see you two being happy together anymore," says Shane. "I get it, you're both going through a tough time right now, but you should still find that common ground to be a couple, y'know?" He grabs another beignet and eats it. Clara and Claytin look at each other. "He is right you know," Claytin said. "I know, I'm trying," Clara said going up to Claytin. He wrapped an arm around her waist and she laid her head on his shoulder. Shane smiles. "There's a start! Second thing, don't keep things from each other. At least nothing bad. If you ever want to surprise each other with a gift or something, that's acceptable," says Shane. "You do realize who you're talking to right?" Clara said chuckling. "I'm just saying, it wouldn't kill ya," says Shane. Clara shrugged. "You should go and get some sleep," Claytin said to her. "Look who is talking, you need it more than me," she said laughing. "We both need it, happy?" "Very, but I'll come up in a little. You go ahead and go." Claytin gave her a suspicious look. "I am not going to leave and even if I tried, I bet Shane would just drag me back," Clara sighed. "Totally would!" says Shane. 

   Claytin nodded, kissed Clara and got up going upstairs. Clara put her dishes in the kitchen and flopped down on the couch next to Shane. "Adrianna showed me the room you three made for me and Charlene," says Shane. "It was really sweet." Clara smiled and nodded. "She was really excited to show you. She really loves you, Shane, I'm glad that she sees you as family as well." Shane chuckles. "Honestly, I feel like anyone that takes care of her and shows her love can be considered family in her eyes," he says. "Can you blame her? She didn't have many people growing up," Clara sighed. "Hey, if I tell you something, promise not to get mad?" "Promise." "There were moments during the takeover, where I thought about not ending it. It was always only a minute thought but there were times where being a villain was fun. I don't know. There are just things I miss about being a villain. I must sound crazy," Clara said. Shane gives Clara a look. "You thought that Markus could be a hero. I'm not surprised at all," he says. "Doesn't mean that you don't sound crazy, though." "I think Markus has some hero in him, why else would he not hypnotize me completely? He had multiple opportunities. He could have made me whatever he wanted. So why didn't he? Tell me that Shane," Clara said rolling her eyes. "He had your blood. He knew that the pain would be too much for you to constantly resist. Hypnotism was likely a last resort," says Shane. Maybe for a villain wise but I never, and I mean never, even treated him like a friend during the takeover. I don't know. It just seemed weird he didn't even try to use it on me to make me have feelings for him." "Probably... because he doesn't want to force you into it? I dunno. Just because he has common human decency, it doesn't necessarily mean he can be a hero. There's much more to it than that," says Shane. "Yeah, if your human. Markus is not human," Clara said taking a sip of another beer she grabbed. "Yeah, well, live in the Human Dimension long enough, you can barely tell the difference." "I guess, I don't know," Clara shrugs. Shane sighs. "I don't trust him." "I never said I did," Clara says taking another sip. "Yet you're trying to get him to be a hero, despite having no heroic qualities." "Well I didn't either so you can't blame me," Shane smirks. "Touche," he says. "But Frollo's moderately evil. Y'know, power-hungry. Maleficent is... Maleficent." "Yet, you like Doreen... somehow," Clara said rolling her eyes. "Oh, come on! It's a common saying! 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend.' Otherwise, she's a mess," says Shane. "Yeah well she doesn't like me, I don't like her. I am perfectly happy with that," Clara says. "Agreed," says Shane. "I only brought her back to help us, anyway." Clara nodded before checking the time. "Well, I should go up and get some sleep before Claytin comes down and drags me up. You staying here tonight or going back to Charlene?" she asked. Shane exhales deeply. "I should probably get back to New Orleans," he says. He gets up from the couch, grabs his cane, and stretches. "Just promise me you won't do anything dangerous. Or stupid. Or dangerously stupid." "You are asking me not to do anything stupid? I should be asking you," Clara said laughing. "I told you. I quit my job," says Shane. He teleports back to New Orleans with a snap.

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