My Angel

By Deescent

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Jinyoung fell from Heaven... literally. More

End Note
Bad Angel Drawing lol


1.5K 100 113
By Deescent

Jaebum had stayed on that couch with Jinyoung for a while, the angel having quite literally cried himself to sleep.

He had leaned back against the arm of the couch with Jinyoung on top of him, the press of their bodies together keeping him warm in the room that grew cold since Jaebum couldn't get up and turn on the heat without waking the angel. Jaebum didn't mind it one bit since he got to indulge in Jinyoung's head against his chest, arms wrapped tightly around his waist, and the cute way he snuggled closer when Jaebum impulsively ran his fingers through those dark locks of hair.

Jaebum had taken his time admiring Jinyoung's sleeping face, wiping away the excess tears when he had finished crying and helping him calm down. He thought about everything he'd learned, all the things Jinyoung had seen and dealt with, he knew he could never relate. But Jaebum was willing to be there for Jinyoung when he needed support or a shoulder to lean on. He wanted to be there, and was glad that Jinyoung trusted him enough to confide in him and seek the support he needed.

Even if just serving as a comfortable pillow to lay his head on was good enough, Jaebum didn't mind serving that purpose.

They'd been there for hours before Jinyoung began to wake from his nap, and though Jaebum wished he wouldn't so they could stay laid across the couch cuddle up together longer, he figured it was probably better to check up on Jinyoung and make sure he was alright.

Jinyoung was usually slow to wake up, but in this case since he'd opened his eyes to his head resting comfortably on a large expanse of chest, he was slightly startled.

Jaebum had been watching him pull out of his slumber, though he wasn't prepared to get struck hard in the chin by the top of Jinyoung's head that bolted up faster than he could comprehend, making his teeth dig into his bottom lip.


"Ah-" Jinyoung squealed, rubbing the spot where Jaebum's chin stabbed his head. He looked up, blinking away the sleep in his eyes. "Jaebum?"

"My lip..." Jaebum muffled, his hand covering his mouth. He ran his tongue over his lip, an irony taste on his taste buds.

Jinyoung sat up, pulling Jaebum's hand away from his face to inspect the wound. "I'm so sorry, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, everyone gets a busted lip at some point in life, right?" Jaebum shrugged as he sucked on his bottom lip to rid of the blood.

Jinyoung looked around, realizing that he was still sitting on the couch except it was hours later. "You stayed here with me all this time?"

"Well I couldn't really go anywhere with you laying on me, could I?" Jaebum asked.

Jinyoung looked away, his ears burning red. "No I s-supose not, sorry..."

"Hey, either way I would've stayed with you. I gotta make sure you're okay." Jaebum replied, reaching up to gently touches the angels cheek. He wiped away an eye lask he spotted, his eyes drifting over and locking with Jinyoung's momentarily. Jaebum's heart leaped out of his chest, snapping him out of his trance. He quickly pulled his hand away, clearing his throat. "Um, but a-anyway, you hungry or..."

"No." Jinyoung immediately replied. He hadn't stopped staring, his gaze captured by Jaebum's face.

Jaebum grew a bit flustered, his go to solution being to talk over his loud heartbeat. "Oh? Well that's fine, we can chill out for a bit then-"

"Jaebum?" The angel called, interrupting his rambling. "I um..."

Jinyoung struggled to get out what he wanted to say, his eyes constantly darting around the room.

"Is everything okay?" Jaebum asked, slight concern in his tone.

"I can't put it into words..." Jinyoung mumbled.

Jaebum hummed, slowly nodding. He could only wonder what it was that was so difficult for Jinyoung to spit out. "Well then.. take your time, I'm always listening."

"I mean, I can put it into words, it's just... I don't really know how to." Jinyoung explained as if Jaebum had been skeptical of him.

And though Jaebum hadn't been skeptical at all and more curious than anything, he grew skeptical from the unnecessary over explaining. "Then why even mention it?"

"Because it's important dummy!" Jinyoung retorted.

"If it's so important then just say it doofus." Jaebum replied, flicking the other's forehead.

Jinyoung winced, rubbing his head. "I can't..."

"Well then let me ask you something in the meantime." Jaebum sat up a bit, his demeanor growing slightly serious as he had his own pressing thoughts on his mind. "Do you like it here with me?"

"Well of course I like it or I'd have left a long time ago." Jinyoung stated, still leaning on Jaebum as he shifted position in laziness of holding himself up.

"I mean, better than heaven? Do you still crave to go back or are you really okay being here with me?"

"Why are you asking?"

"I just wanna know." Jaebum honestly wanted to justify his desire to keep Jinyoung there with him. He felt guilty for wanting to hold him hostage, so if Jinyoung had any desire to stay, it at least wouldn't paint him out as being too possessive of the angel who he had no right to keep anyway.

"If I were to pick which I like better, I'd honestly have to say Heaven." Jinyoung stated, briefly looking away as Jaebum's mood slightly dimmed from his answer. "But... I've had the best time of my life here with you, so if I could bring you to heaven with me then I would."

That made Jaebum brighten back up, a smile spreading across his lips. "That makes me really happy to hear."

Jinyoung smiled back, a soft chuckle escaping him. They stared at one another for a long moment, with Jaebum just admiring the beauty before him while Jinyoung nervously chewed on his lip.

Jinyoung eventually let out a frustrated sigh, his face a whole shade redder just from their intimate eye contact. "Jaebum I really want to say what's on my mind but I just... I'm not sure how to say it..."

"Just say it. I've said what I wanted to say, your turn." Jaebum replied, trying to keep the conversation light and relaxed so Jinyoung would feel comfortable sharing.

"It's not that easy." The other mumbled.

Jaebum cocked his head, raising a brow. "Any other time you insult me and whatnot without a second thought. Now suddenly you care about how you say things?"

Jinyoung huffed, lightly punching Jaebum's chest. "Shut up I'm... I'm shy..."

That made Jaebum laugh, as he's never heard Jinyoung be so honest before. The angel's occasionally shy nature wasn't foreign to him though, and it often showed itself when Jinyoung would share something personal. "Hm, I can tell that."

"Shush." Jinyoung chided, pressing a finger to Jaebum's lips. He took in a deep breath, with Jaebum waiting quietly and patiently for him to say whatever he'd been gathering up the courage to say all this time. "I like you."

Jaebum blinked, furrowing his brows as he moved Jinyoung's finger from his lips. "Huh?"

Jinyoung's ears burned bright red, his eyes dropping to his lap and he grew embarrassed. "I don't know how to say it properly!"

"Do angels suck at social skills or something?" Jaebum asked between chuckles.

"No I just—" Jinyoung scratched his head, his fingers tugging at his shirt. "You know I'm awkward with this stuff..."

Jaebum found this side of Jinyoung adorable, the way he sat slightly leaning on Jaebum's bent leg while his words still marinated in Jaebum's brain made his heart beat incredibly fast. "That's okay."

It took a moment for Jinyoung to realize that his confession went unanswered, looking back up at Jaebum with knitted brows. "Wait, did you even hear what I said? Why aren't you reacting?"

"I heard you I just... I'm still processing it." Jaebum replied, which he was, making sure that he hadn't just been hearing things and that Jinyoung actually said what he thought he heard.

"What is there to process? Are you a fucking computer or something?" Jinyoung scoffed while nudging the other in the head.

"I mean, I don't know I just... I didn't expect it so I'm just processing the fact that my dream is coming true."

"Y-Your dream?" Jinyoung repeated.

Jaebum had let that part slip out, he hadn't meant to mention that Jinyoung's been in his dreams but, that's been going for quite a while now, and nearly all of his dreams involve him and the angel doing something romantic which only helped Jaebum fall for him faster. "I mean, not that you confessing to me is my dream or anything... but like, it's a desire I've had for a long time."

"So... you're saying you like me too?" Jinyoung asked, a hint of hope in his tone that made Jaebum want to scream out a 'yes!'.

But instead he took the long route because in such a moment, it was hard for him to outright confess as Jinyoung did a few minutes before. "Did I say that?"

"Stop playing dumb!" Jinyoung whined, hitting Jaebum's chest.

Jaebum winced, the angel's attacks for some reason getting harder with the more awkward he grew. "You stop being so confusing!"

"I'm not confusing, I said I like you!" Jinyoung retorted with little to no hesitation.

Jaebum let out a soft chortle, his heart leaping out of his chest. A wide grin spread across his mouth, his eyes surveying Jinyoung's face that morphed into slight shock after he confidently repeated his confession. His gaze drifted to the angel's lips, watching his tongue run over the plump flesh. Jaebum wanted to show him then and there how much he reciprocated the feelings, but was still absorbing the fact that their feelings were mutual. He realized that Jinyoung was also staring back at him, the angel's eyes focused on Jaebum's bright smile that he couldn't suppress for even a second. "Really?"

Jinyoung swallowed hard, his hesitation yet desire to get his feelings off of his chest nearly palpable. "Really..."

Jinyoung tensed when he felt fingers suddenly running down his arm. They were Jaebum's, gently running along his skin, leaving goosebumps in their wake. Especially in this situation, Jaebum couldn't keep his hands to himself, it was a natural urge to reach out and touch the thing he'd been helplessly attracted to for months. And apparently Jinyoung couldn't either, as he returned the touch on Jaebum's neck and leaned in close. There was a chill that sped down Jaebum's spine as he felt Jinyoung's fingertips lightly drag up his neck and over his jaw, his throat going dry and words unable to form, leaving him speechless as the angel drew even closer.

His eyes just naturally drifted closed. Nothing happened yet for another few seconds, but Jaebum's body was automatically prepared for whatever was coming next. And rightfully so, since soon enough, Jaebum felt the soft brush of Jinyoung's lips against his own.

It ended almost as fast as it began. He smelled the soap Jinyoung liked to use on his skin and felt the angel's soft breaths against his upper lip. Nearly melted as Jinyoung's thumb caressed his jaw and his heart exploded into a thousand tiny bits when he felt the wonderfully soft pressure of Jinyoung's pouty lips. He nearly whined when it ended, ready to beg for more, but too wrecked from just a few seconds of kissing him to even do much of anything but lazily open his eyes and stare at Jinyoung.

"W-Why did you-...?"  He somehow managed to ask, his voice failing to even finish the question.

"To wipe the stupid grin off your face." Jinyoung replied, his hand still holding Jaebum's jaw as if any sudden moves would break it. "And... to heal your lip too."

Of course Jinyoung came up with some obvious crap answer rather than just admit that he had the strong urge to kiss Jaebum, but that was nothing new. Jaebum couldn't even care that much about the reasoning for it, the fact that it happened was good enough for him.

He indulged in Jinyoung's fake reason though and touched his lip, still feeling the now hardening split from Jinyoung's earlier head attack. "It's still there."

"I know. My powers are all gone." Jinyoung mumbled, though they had already established that the other day.

Jaebum hummed, gently running his finger over his cut. "It doesn't hurt anymore though."

"Really?" The angel asked, leaning in to get a better look.

Jaebum nodded, wetting his lips with his tongue and not tasting any blood. Jinyoung watched the action closely, it causing him to lick his own lips as a force of habit."I think you still have a bit left. Try kissing me again and see what happens."

Jinyoung's eyes widened, the thought of him still having some power obviously exciting him since that wasn't even his original focus anyway. "Really?— Wait a sec, you're a perv."

Jaebum watched him sit back and fold his arms over his chest, shaking his head.

"How am I a perv?! You're the one kissing people around here." Jaebum retorted, though in this case, he totally was a perv since he was lying to maybe get himself another kiss.

"You just want me to kiss you again! I know my powers are gone." Jinyoung stated, reading Jaebum's plans like an open book.

Jaebum scoffed, a small smirk tugging at his lips."You can't prove that was my intention."

Jinyoung leaned in, pressing his finger into Jaebum's chest. "I don't have to, I know how pervs like you think."

"Because you are one?" Jaebum guessed, watching Jinyoung crack a small smile at his response.

"Shut up."

"Make me."

Jinyoung raised a brow, hesitating to take that challenge. Jaebum waited patiently, leaving his invite open for Jinyoung to do as he pleased. And to his joy and happiness, Jinyoung decided to swoop in and kiss him again, this time cradling Jaebum's head with both hands to keep him close. Jaebum easily returned the kiss, one of his hands on Jinyoung's waist while the other reached up to his chest as the angel shifted and hovered over him.

Jaebum really liked being pressed against the arm of the couch as long as it was Jinyoung doing it, and the angel was eager to kiss him just as much as he was eager to return it. It was something both of them had been thinking about, dreaming about, and craving for what felt like too long. Months had passed since they both started catching those fluttery feelings, and to finally let it all out in a soft mash of lips and adoring touches was like Heaven on earth.

"Thank you for everything." Jinyoung mumbled against Jaebum's lips when they finally broke apart for just a few moments to breathe.

Those few moments really didn't last too long, as Jaebum responded to the angel's gratitude with a hard tug on his shirt and a more passionate kiss.


(* I wanted their first kiss to be natural and sort of in their teasing element lol hopefully I did alright with it 😭 and that pic at the top is Jaebum and Jinyoung's heads but the bodies are not theirs just so you know skskssm*)

This is the pic at the top for anyone who can't see it

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