Hellfire On The Other Side

By TigerDreamer101

3.7K 63 16

Clara Frollo, daughter of Judge Claude Frollo. Only four more months until her 18th birthday, she is preparin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 41

32 1 0
By TigerDreamer101

   Adrianna spoke quietly to Floria and Gabriel in french. "I have to go back to Paris, and not just for a little, I need to go back permanently," she said. "We were just reunited, why do you have to leave?" Floria asked. "I need to see my parents again, even if I can't talk to them." "You are almost eleven, you're still young," Gabriel said. "I know, I know, but your only fifteen and your protected Floria who is six and can't see. I miss them so much that it hurts. Please understand." "We do, we just wished we had more than a day with you," Gabriel said. "I know, but I can't sit back while my family is in trouble, I am tired of hiding!" "We won't tell anyone," Floria promised. Adrianna took off her amulet and handed it to Gabriel. "You make sure they don't think I used this. I don't want it taken away. Protect it please!" she says. Gabriel pinched her nose. "Anything for you squirt." "Don't call me that!" Adrianna laughed. She gave Floria and Gabriel a hug before sneaking away. She had to leave before Verity or Shane stopped her.  

   Adrianna snuck onto the plane. She stayed close to one family. She knew this plane had an extra seat, she had been researching before Gabriel and Floria showed up. She found the seat that was empty in the very back next to the window. She watched as the plane took off. She felt a bit of guilt in her gut. She hadn't even left a note for Verity or Shane. They'd worry and probably be angry when they find out what she did. She didn't know exactly what she was going to do when she got home. She knew she was going to go to her collection but when it came to her parents? She knew she couldn't go to her mama and her papa would call Shane and send her back. She wanted to see them in person instead of just on a magic mirror. Not to mention how she missed her home country. She was willing to hide in her house, her collection if it meant she could be where her parents were. 

   Clara walked down the street. She wanted to check her house, even if she couldn't go inside it, or make it clear she was watching it. She finally got there and stared at it for a second. Nothing was out of the ordinary. It was quiet, and still, just like she left it. She was about to leave when she saw movement through a window. Her hand went to her dagger. Claytin wouldn't be dumb enough to go back here until this was all over, even if he was dumb enough to stay in Paris. She stood up and the front door opened. A girl came outback towards her, she was wearing a jacket with the hood up. "Hey!" Clara yelled. The girl froze and turned to her. Clara's grip loosened on her dagger. The girl ran. Clara put her dagger away and chased after her. She turned into an alleyway but the girl, who had run in there, wasn't there. Clara sighed annoyed. "I know your here! Come out!" she said sternly. No response. "I said come out!" Clara sighed. "Adrianna! I am not playing! I recognized you! Come out!" Adrianna came out from behind some trash bins. "Hi, mama..." 

   Clara took Adrianna to the hidden location under the city. She angrily marched her way to where the others were. "Where is my husband?!" Clara shouted. "Over there..." a woman said pointing to another room that was empty. Clara dragged Adrianna over there. "Stay!" she said going into the room without Adrianna. "Clara? Is everything okay?" Claytin asked standing up from a seat. "You sent Adrianna to New Orleans, right? She isn't hidden in France?!" "What? No! Really, no! I made it very clear to Shane that I didn't want her anywhere near France while this went down, why?" Clara grabbed Adrianna's arm and pulled her into the room. "Adrianna?! What are you doing here?!" Claytin yelled. "Hi, papa..." Adrianna muttered. Clara grabbed her phone and dialed Shane's number. "Yeah, what's up? Something happen?" Shane asks. "Who was last with Adrianna? Or who is with her?" Clara asked, masking her anger. "Gabriel and Floria, why? I can go find her if you need an update," says Shane. "Can you go where those two are? Please?" Clara said throwing a glance to Adrianna. "Yeah, they're just outside of the restaurant," says Shane. He exits the restaurant and walks up to Gabriel and Floria. "Hey Shane," Gabriel said hugging onto Floria. "Shane put me on speaker," Clara said tensely. Shane puts the phone on speaker. "Alright, you go," he says. Clara yelled something angrily in french. Floria flinched slightly and Gabriel bit his lip. "Or in English for Shane, will somebody explain why my daughter is in Paris?!" "What?!" Shane yells. "Ugh! She must've used the amulet!" he groans. "Actually, she left it with us, to make sure she made sure no one would blame it on it and take it away from her," Gabriel explained taking out the amulet from his pocket. Shane furrows his brows. "But she never lets anyone touch her amulet," he says. "How did she get all the way to Paris in such a short amount of time?" "Planes get to France quicker, Markus cast a spell. It feels like the amount of time but it only takes a few minutes. It's a trick," Clara explained, "Look, Shane, can you just get over here?" "Markus," Shane grumbles. "Yeah, sure. Right away." Clara hung up. Adrianna went over to a couch and sat down. Clara was pacing some while Claytin was leaning against the wall, arms crossed, and staring angrily at her. 

   Shane appears, wearing his mask. He immediately goes over to Adrianna. "What are you doing here? And how did you get here?" he yells. "It wasn't that hard. I just snuck onto a plane by staying close to another family..." Adrianna said scooting away. Clara groaned and ran her fingers through her hair. "Did I not tell you to listen and stay in New Orleans?!" Claytin asked frustrated. "You did papa..." "Then why are you here?!" "I haven't seen you or mama in six months! My birthday is at the beginning of next! Forgive me if I wanted to be home for that!" Adrianna yelled. "Do NOT yell at your papa!" Clara said sternly. Shane sighs. "Adri, you know better. What if Markus finds you?" Adrianna turned away. Clara opened her mouth when she was pushed away from someone behind her. "Roma? What is it?" Claytin asked. Roma looked from Shane to Adrianna, to Clara. "Sorry Clara, didn't know it was you, and is it over? Am I missing something?" Roma asked. "Nope, just that Adrianna snuck here from New Orleans," Clara growled. "Adrianna! What were you thinking?!" Roma said looking to her. "I get it! Okay, I shouldn't have but I can't take it back now!" Adrianna yelled. "I said don't yell!" Clara said. Shane holds Adrianna. "In most circumstances, I'd be able to forgive you. But this time is different," says Shane. "You shouldn't be here. This is incredibly dangerous." Adrianna pushed him away, "I wanted to come home, I was tired of hiding in New Orleans! You already told me what was going on!" "You what?!" both Clara and Claytin said in unison. "I had to!" Shane exclaims, walking over to them. "I couldn't just let her keep wondering and being afraid! Besides, I bet she'd have done this anyway! "I was planning to do it the day he told me..." Adrianna muttered. "Okay, everyone shut up!" Clara said. "You, you and you, all three I said to stay out of France," Clara said pointing to each Adrianna, Shane, and Claytin. "You stayed hidden, behind my back, you I get Markus magic thingy but then you came back for some reason apparently, and you, you snuck here knowing it was dangerous! Do my words fall on deaf ears or something?! If I say stay out of France, I really do mean it!" "Claytin's your husband, Adrianna's your daughter, and I'm your best friend! Did you really think that we weren't gonna get involved in this sooner or later? I'm not gonna speak for everyone else, but I don't care if my life is in danger! You need help! I don't care how much you deny it! If you had this under control, Adrianna wouldn't have snuck here, because this takeover would've been over with by now!" Shane yells. He takes a deep breath and falls to the floor. Clara went over to him, "You okay? I know emotions are a weird thing..." she asked calming some. Adrianna went to move to him but Claytin went over to her and stopped her, "You are staying right here young lady!" Shane shoots Claytin an aggressive look. "Let her come," he says. Clare took Shane's hand and forced him to sit up. "No, Claytin has the right idea. She still is in trouble. Besides, I didn't know what was happening, if it was an emergency, it would have been best if she was back. Even your stubborn head knows that." "I just... this is a lot to deal with. So much stress," says Shane, breathing heavily. "Oh, trust me, I know," Clara said. She looked over to Adrianna, "And you, young lady, are in an enormous amount of trouble!" Shane closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry okay? I just wanted to see you and papa again," Adrianna said. "I... will deal with this later. I need air..." she got up and left. Roma sighed, "Adrianna, you grandpapa is right outside this room, Shane, Claytin you come with me." Shane props himself up using his cane and follows Roma. "It's funny. For as long as I can remember, the cane has been just a presentation type of thing in the Facilier family. Now it finally serves its purpose," Shane jokes. Claytin shrugged. He made sure Adrianna got to Clopin and followed Roma.

    They went outside and found Clara sitting in the shadows hugging her knees crying. Claytin went up next to her and pulled her into a hug. Shane leans against a wall and removes his cap and mask. Clara says something in french. Roma throws her arms into the air, "She admits it!" "Now say it in English for Shane to understand," Claytin said nudging her. "You are not my parent, you don't get to tell me what to do Claytin," Clara muttered. "But I am, tell him," Roma said. Clara sighed and said something under her breath to quietly for Shane to hear."I'm afraid I can't hear you," says Shane. "Speak up," both Claytin and Roma said. "Alright, alright... I need help..." Clara murmured. Shane holds his head up and smiles arrogantly. "I knew it," he says. "Shut up!" Clara said hitting him, "But I do have a plan. Can you get everyone who can help to my room in the mansion? My father is out, he won't be home for hours." "Yeah. I'll talk to Charlene and Tina next time I see them and get them caught up," says Shane. "Or, just bring them all to my room. Trust me, we are going to want to plan everything now. I don't plan on letting this going on for more than a week. Markus won't know and Charlene and Tina aren't targets anymore. You got to trust me on this one, whoever is going to help, needs to be there," Clara said. Shane nods. He takes out his phone and texts Charlene, Tina, and Verity: "It's go time. Get everything you need, and message me back when you're ready."  "Let's get there now, Claytin, your dad is going to help by keeping track of Adrianna, I don't trust her to stay in New Orleans if we sent her there and I don't know who else to trust to watch her." Claytin nodded and texted his father the information. "Alright, let's go." Shane gets three texts. "Got my sword, Shane," from Tina. "Ready, Darling!" from Charlene. "Can't wait to fight alongside you, son," from Verity. 

   Shane snaps his fingers, teleporting them to his location. Charlene hugs Shane. "You look beat! What happened?" she asks. "Just stressed, is all," Shane answers. "So this is your room? I can see it," Roma said looking around. "Are those cigarettes?" Claytin asked pointing to a pack on her desk. "No!" Clara said quickly putting them in a drawer. Verity looks around. "Wait, where's Adrianna?" she asks. "She's with Clopin. She snuck here," says Shane. "Seriosuly though, are you smoking?" Claytin asked Clara, ignoring the others. "Change of subject! I haven't seen you guys in six months, how have you been, please ignore my eye and no healing for the voodoo people!" Clara said to Tina, Charlene and Verity motioning to her still black left eye. "Working really hard at the restaurant," says Tina. "Especially since Shane took in all those people. I made sure that they're all being taken care of. I told my parents to head over to the Voodoo Emporium until I got back." Charlene ties her hair up. "Working at the restaurant, as well. Trying to get me and Shane our own place to live," she says. "Watching over Adrianna and her friends," says Verity. "Y'all really are some hardworking ladies," says Shane, admirably. "Yeah, just wish Adrianna didn't end up here... not blaming you Verity," Clara said. "These are cigarettes," Claytin said. He had taken them out. "Will you not go looking through my stuff! I didn't plan on having people over!" Clara said snatching them from him. Verity takes Adrianna's amulet out of her pocket. "I got this, too," she says, handing it to Clara. "Thanks," she said, putting the cigarette's back in a drawer. Claytin was giving her a look. "I know what you're about to say. Yes, I know I like things that I getting addicted too, but that's beside the point." She picked up a small ball from the drawer. "Uh, Char, you might want to duck, or move some." Char grabs Shane and drags him to the floor with her. Shane smiles at her. Clara threw the ball, it hit a small part of a picture on the wall. The picture fell, a small piece coin flew into the air, hit the overhead light which swung slightly until it hit a small string that broke and out from the ceiling fell tons of papers. Clara collected them and put them on her bed. "Glad I won't be setting that up again..." she said. "What's that paper for?" Tina asks Clara. Clara grabbed a cigarette from the floor that had fallen as well, "You'll see. Since this addiction is out, anyone want one? I also have beers..." Claytin and Roma both gave her a look. "Oh, leave me alone, I've had a hard six months!" She grabbed a match and lit the cigarette. Verity hands Shane a brown bag. Without even having to think, Shane reaches into the bag and pulls out a beignet. "So what's the game plan?" he asks, taking a bite. "We separate into groups. Sorry Char, but Shane is automatically with me. Our job is the most dangerous, and most likely a suicide plan. Anyways, I need people to go and help free the heroes. Verity, you should be on that one since they are all over France and other than Shane, you're the only one with transportation methods. Someone should go with her though. I need someone to rally up the neutrals and anyone else who is willing to fight. Claytin, I am thinking you and somebody. Not to mention, I need somebody keeping the other villain kids, and possibly my father busy. That is also extremely dangerous. Who wants what?" "I can take the villain kids if no one wants it or if no one needs me to come along," Roma said. Tina raises her hand and says, "I'll go with Verity." "And I'll go with Claytin," says Charlene. "Roma, are you sure that you can keep the VKs and Frollo busy?" Shane asks. "Claude is my husband, besides Clara, he wants me the most. If I see him, I can keep him busy easily, the other VK's, that's just me challenging their rule and using my sword," Roma assured him. "Yes, but Markus has magic mom..." "And he will recognize who I am and the worst thing he can do is catch me. With me being Claude's wife and your mother, I'm the safest with them out of all of you." "She has a point there, and put out the cigarette," Claytin said. "Leave my smoking alone, we've got work to do. Which brings me to Shane's and our job." Clara turned to Shane. "You can back out now, I am telling you, this might get you killed." Shane puts on his mask and cap. "If I back down now, I wouldn't be much of a hero, now, would I?" "Yeah, well heroes die, I mean look at Hercules, he almost croaked and he only didn't because he became some god or something. Anyways, you and I, we are going to Markus' cave." "I'm sorry what?!" Claytin said. "I have to get my blood and Maleficent's staff. I am the only one besides Markus to be even able to grab the vial of blood." "And I got a score to settle with Markus and Garrett," says Shane. "They won't be there... hopefully. Anyways, you all ready?" "Yeah, but remind me how to get out of here again, I may have lived here for five years but did my best to forget it," Roma said. "Oh, guards cover this house. I have a rope later on my balcony, you can use that or just jump. That's what I do," Clara said. "Before we all go, Clara, it's you isn't it? The Masked Savoir?" Claytin asked. Clara put her cigarette between her middle and pointer fingers. "Maybe..." "Called it!" "Whoa! That's awesome!" Charlene exclaims. "Yeah, I was shocked when I found out, too," says Shane. "Oh come on, it's not that hard to believe. I am skilled at more things than just drinking and being a gypsy. I don't have to show my riding and weapon skill to have it!" "Yeah, yeah," says Shane. "Let's just get this started." "Alright, be careful! I don't need Markus doing anything to my wife because of his stupid crush on her," Claytin said. "Woah, woah, woah, Markus has a crush on me?!" Clara interrupted. "You didn't know?" Roma asked. "No! Ew! I think I might puke! Seriously! Ew!" Shane and Charlene laugh. "Markus would be lucky to get any girlfriend," says Shane. "I don't know, Dawn has obvious feelings for him... oh, I get it. That's why she hates me so much," Clara said putting two and two together. "If you ask me, she's got horrible taste in men," says Tina. "Yeah so does Anna, she is dating Garrett. Anyways, let's all go. Like I said, the balcony has rope latter or you just jump, I like jumping," Clara said. "CLARA! GET DOWN HERE!" Markus' voice shouted up. "Or on second, though, give me a second." She went out on the balcony and shouted down. "What do you want Markus?!" "Your father needs to tell you something but can't reach you by phone!" "It's dead, what is it?" "Says he wants you to meet him at the church in three hours!" "Got it, now leave me alone!" Clara came back in, "He is gone, we good to go. Sorry, but at least we know he isn't in the cave!" Tina walks over to Verify while Charlene walks over to Claytin. "Char. Tina," says Shane. "Good luck out there." He gives them a thumbs up. "You too, Shane," says Tina. Charlene blows Shane a kiss. "And don't worry. As of now, I quit my job," says Shane, with a wink. Claytin kisses Clara and steals her cigarette, putting it out and throwing it away. "Hey!" "Love you too," he said. Clara rolled her eyes. "Shane, up to you, you wanna walk or just voodoo shadow travel thingy? I care little either way." Shane smirks at Clara. "We'll walk. Like old times," he says. Clara nodded. She went over to her balcony and swung herself over, landing on her feet. "Yes, I am wearing heels!" she shouted up. Claytin rolled his eyes, "I remember why I fell for her in the first place now." Shane nudges Claytin. "Just a heads up, she had a crush on me when she was thirteen," he says. He phases into the shadows and shifts down to Clara, where he phases out of the shadows. "She told me that years ago!" Claytin called out to him laughing. Clara gave Shane a look but just shrugged it off. 

   "Come on, we are going to want to hurry. Me being spotted with you in public by certain people won't end to well." Shane puts his cane behind his neck. "Ah, look at us! Facilier and Frollo, finally on the same side!" he says. Clara shrugged, "Hearing that is weird, with our last names. It makes me think of when I contacted your father after mine brought him back or something." "Well, my father's death and yours is definitely gonna be history after all this," says Shane. "We're redefining our family names." "My father will be history someday. Not anytime soon. I am not risking someone I care about being sacrificed because I wasn't patient. But otherwise? Yeah, I guess we are in away. After my parents both pass, I'll technically be the last Frollo and when I go, there will be no one to carry on the name Frollo, hero or villain."  Shane nods. "We're here." Clara sighed, looking at the cave. "I'll look for my blood, you look for the staff. Be careful, if you see any sign of my blood, back away and call me. If you fell into the sleep spell, I could get Charlene but that would take a lot of time and I don't know if I'd have enough to get her here." "Got it," says Shane. He tips his cap. "Good luck, Clara." "I don't think there is enough luck in the world to help us..." Clara mumbled going into the cave and starting to look. Shane phases into the shadows and searches for Maleficent's staff. "Shouldn't be too hard to find," he says. 

   After an hour, they both still couldn't find anything. "Oh come on! How big is this stupid cave?!" Clara groaned, "My mom can only delay the villain kids for so long and by now, Verity and Tina probably have the heroes out and ready to fight! Or those who will, Queen Cinderella, Queen Aurora, and probably Queen Belle won't be that much help to us." Suddenly, out of Markus' cauldron, a green flash appeared with lots of green smoke. A female cough came from it. "Oh that was unpleasant... did I make it? Oh thank god!" a familiar voice came. "No way," says Shane. "I'm back!" The smoke cleared, and Doreen stood there, "Or, for a little I guess." Shane smiles. "I'm ever so excited to see you again!" he says. "What about Iven? Where's he?" "I allowed him to leave the part you put him in and join me. He is still there now, delaying my sister from warning Markus. Once a villain, villains always see you as villains unless you give them a reason not to. I've been trying to get here from the Soul Realm for ages but it's not that easy when no one summons you. The amount of things I went through to get here is obnoxious." Doreen explained. Shane shrugs. "Sorry, Doreen. Voodoo only allows one revival per person," he says. "Oh, not trying to get revied, me and Iven are happy where we are. But six months ago, we got word of a little problem here in France caused by my sister's staff. Thought I'd be of some use, I am after all, my powerful than my sister, and the same race as her and Markus. I know how they think and I also know, you both have been looking in ALL the wrong places for the things you are looking for. I mean, dreadfully wrong places. If you're going to find something, you need to know how the person who hid it thinks." "Well, if there's one thing that I don't wanna do, it's thinking like your dunce of a nephew," says Shane. "Then you never find the staff or her blood. Of course, I know how to get both and where they are hidden," Doreen said. "Then why don't you tell us?!" Clara growled crossing her arms. "Because I still don't like you and could care less if Markus had your blood. But for Adri's sake, I'll help you put the pieces together." Shane sighs. "Just as indirect as your husband," he says. "He fell in love with me for a reason, just be happy our daughter didn't turn out just like us," Doreen laughed, "But the things aren't that hard to find. The blood is the easiest thing. The staff on the other hand, well you either got to trick someone, or someone has to accept her magic..." Shane looks at Clara. "You're probably not gonna like this idea-" "It sounds like we either need to trick Markus or Adrianna needs her magic, no I don't think I do..." Clara said. "The staff is in there..." Doreen said pointing to the cauldron. But only a Dark Fairy Witch can summon it. I would if I could, but even with my magic, I have to be living to do so. I can only do my magic in the Soul Realm. Being dead makes my magic dead out here. As for the blood, Markus wouldn't put it anywhere. He'd put it somewhere it would be close." Clara hit her forehead, "I am an idiot! I know where it is!" "Where?" Shane asks. Clara ran over to a ledge and hoped upon it. "The place where he sleeps. That way, no one could steal it when he was asleep. It was so obvious, I overlooked it." Clara saw a shelf in the cave wall with a small door. She opened it and there were a bunch of vials with things. The special things he wants to keep close. One was even a letting from Clara from when they were young, now that she looked closer, it was practically a shrine to her. "This is just creepy and weird..." Shane shudders. "Dude's got issues," he says in a sing-song voice. Clara grabbed a vial, "Found my blood..." she took out a golden pendant and poured her blood in there until there was none left in the bottle. Then she shut it tight, "There, no enchanted vial. I'll have to get rid of this blood though, somewhere he'll never find it... I'll deal with that later." She put the pendant around her neck and hid it under the collar of her dress, taking out another cigarette and lighting it. "So, what should we do with the staff situation?" "Well, I feel like having Adrianna accept her magic would be the easier and less risky method," says Shane. "True... alright fine, can you get her here. I'll text Claytin and he can tell Clopin blah blah blah..." Clara said giving in.  Shane winks. "Alright. Now we wait," he says. 

   Adrianna appeared. "What the... oh hi mama... what are we doing here? And where did she come from?" Adrianna motioned to Doreen. "Hi to you too..." "Adrianna, I hate to ask but we really need you to accept your magic, that way we can get staff and put an end to this..." Clara said. "Oh... I forgot that I forgot to tell you..." Adrianna said trailing off.  Shane's face lights up. "You already accepted it, didn't you?" "Yesterday right before Gabriel and Floria came... I thought Verity would have told you... it wasn't all that quiet..." Adrianna said. "Does that mean your maturity disease is healed?" Doreen asked. Adrianna shook her head. "It's been too long with it. I matured very little but otherwise no, but I don't mind. I like who I am... Uh, am I still in trouble after helping with this?" "Yes, very much so but your papa and I will put this into consideration while deciding punishment," Clara said. Adrianna nodded, "What do I need to do?" "Help us find your aunt's staff so we can destroy it," says Shane. Adrianna nodded, "Uh, how exactly am I supposed to do that?" "It's not that hard, summoning things are super easy," Doreen said. She did a quick explanation and Adrianna nodded. She stuck out her hand, said something in french and Maleficent's staff appeared in her hand. She quickly gave it to Clara. Shane woops as he punches the air. "Great job, Adri!" "Thanks... so does this mean I don't get grounded?" "Stop pushing it, and I'll think about it," Clara said giving her a warning look. "Well, I can go now. Nice seeing you all again, good luck! You'll need it!" Doreen said. "Alright, Adri. Now that I know you've got your magic, I've gotta send you back," says Shane. Adrianna nodded. Shane snaps his fingers, sending Adrianna back to Clopin. "Come on, I need to find a place to put this till tomorrow... or something," Clara said. Shane strokes his chin. "I've no ideas at the moment," he says. "Eh, I'll keep it in my room. You better believe I am going to have fun when I do this." Shane nods. "You do you, Clara." "Oh, you are going to be there. I thought you had a score or something to deal with, with Markus and Garrett. Tomorrow is an execution, and I am going to relieve myself. So I can't have the staff on me. You said you wanted to help. That will be amazingly helpful." Clara said laughing. "Yeah, I am gonna make sure that they fear the name Shane Facilier," says Shane. "Sorry to say, but your not that scary," Clara jokes. "I can be if I really want to," says Shane. "Maybe, but you have never taken over a whole country," Clara said giving a sarcastic flip of her hair. " At least I wouldn't need help to do it." "Hey, I need help ending it, whoever said I needed help starting it? Just because I used the others, does not mean I needed them to do this." Shane scoffs. "Point is, Markus and Garrett aren't gonna cross me after our next encounter." Clara shrugged. "I have a little speech I am gonna do. And my father will be pissed... I'm excited." Shane chuckles mischievously. "Looking forward to this!" "Alright, can you transport us to my room? Don't want to run into Markus with this in my hand," Clara asked, gesturing to the staff. 

   Shane snaps his fingers, sending them to Clara's room. Clara opened up a floorboard and put the staff in there. "And, there we are. Now, we wait until tomorrow. You want to call Charlene or should I call Claytin, see if they are finished. If they are, most likely talking about us, that worried me some," she laughed. "You call Claytin," says Shane. Clara called, it went straight to voicemail. She tried again, no answer. "We have a problem..." she muttered. Almost immediately, a phone call came from Clopin. "Clopin? Is Claytin with you? He isn't picking up..." Clopin replied in french, and Clara dropped the phone. "What happened?" Shane asks. "We'll be right there, keep Adrianna and Char with you," Clara said before hanging up. She started pacing before grabbing something and throwing it at her wall giving a scream. "Clara, what happened?" Shane asks again, his voice tensed. "My father has Claytin and the execution tomorrow was changed from the random person's to his... Apparently, he and Charlene separated for a few minutes and when she came back, he was gone and being dragged away by guards..." Clara said. "This is why I said to stay away from France! I knew the moment I asked for help this would happen!" "Well, can't you just ride in and save him?" Shane asks. "You're the Masked Savior!" "Yeah, but I can only do that when there is an execution. My father doesn't tell me where they are kept while they wait to be executed otherwise I'd save them. All I know is Markus has a spell to keep it hidden from anyone with or without magic," Clara explained, "And that's my husband. Or as my father knows him as, my ex-fiance. He'll make sure I am there, watching, to see if I really am a hero or a villain. I can stop it then and there, I don't have to be masked, the question is if I'll be fast enough and knowing when the right time is to do it..." Shane clutches his cane. "Claytin..." There was a loud bang making Clara flinch some. "Clara!" Claude's voice called. "What?!" "You were supposed to be in the church ten minutes ago!" "I'll be there! Give me a minute!" she called back. Clara sat on her bed and sighed, "You better go to Clopin, Charlene is with him. You two should be together, it could have been her instead of Claytin." "Alright," says Shane. 

   He snaps his fingers sending him to Charlene and Clopin. Charlene rushes over to Shane. "Did you find the staff?" she asks. "Yeah, and we hid it somewhere safe," Shane answers. "Does mama know where they took papa?" Adrianna asked. She was standing slightly behind Clopin. "Frollo got to him," says Shane. "He's gonna be executed tomorrow. We need to save him!" Charlene starts to cry. "Oh, no!" "If you and he hadn't spearated none of this would have happened!" Adrianna cried to Charlene before running off. Clopin sighed, "To make it clear, she doesn't actually blame you, Charlene. She is happy you weren't taken instead but she is just worried, as am I." Roma, who had just come, got a quick explanation before Clopin went after Adrianna. Charlene walks over to Roma. "This is so messed up! We need to do something! Clara's not gonna be able to save him without giving away her secret!" she says. "I thought that was the whole plan? I don't know, I expect we will all find out more tomorrow and I'll be damned if Clara lets Claytin get killed. The best thing we can do for him is to prepare ourselves for tomorrow," Roma said calmly, "And I contacted Verity, her and Tina got all the heroes out okay. They are in hiding with Esmeralda, Phoebus, and Quasimodo." "Good. We need all the help we can get," says Shane. Verity and Tina appear behind him. "Mission complete!" says Tina. "Good. We need all the help we can get," says Shane. Verity and Tina appear behind him. "Mission complete!" says Tina. "Just wish we could do it without any casualties. My biggest concern is Clara. She needs to be focused on tomorrow, and she can't act on emotion or feelings. She needs to be logical, otherwise, she might not make the right call in time," Roma sighed. "Yeah, Ro. But what if Claude tries anything?" says Verity. "Then we're gonna have to retaliate," says Shane. "Claude will try something, but we need him to. He'll force Clara to watch. She won't be able to get in the Masked Savior outfit but she will be there. Someone will have to be with her horse though, no doubt she'll want to have her near just in case. I can do that, don't know if anyone else knows how to ride." Shane nods. "We're officially in the last few hours before this all ends," he says. "I know. It's a little bit scary," says Verity. "I should go help Clopin with Adrianna. You are all welcome to stay overnight but I understand if you want to get back to New Orleans just, those who want to see the end of the takeover, make sure your back in time," Roma said, putting her sword away in its scabbard. "We're gonna stay here," says Verity. "Everything's good back in New Orleans, so they don't need us at the moment." Roma nodded before running off.

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