Superheroes | The Avengers [1]

By ReverseCanary

82.4K 1.8K 213

SUPERHEROES | "When you've been fighting for all your life, you've bee... More

I) Cast
II) Playlist
III) Prologue: Superheroes


3.7K 87 9
By ReverseCanary

"Yeah, couldn't tell"

      INAUDIBLE CHATTERING FILLED THE ROOM OF scientist, agents and others that Loki had taking control of. A possessed Reyna Daniels stood next to Clint Barton, watching as he scrolled through a list of different minerals that Erik Selvig apparently needed to create a certain device.

Reyna was dressed differently to how she was in Wakefield. She wore a full black outfit with her long hair dangling down her back. Her pale skin stood out against the black outfit and a sword sat across her back and a pistol on either side of her waist.

Her outfit was made out of the same material as what Melissa's cape was made from. Reyna would easily be protected from bullets with this suit.

"There," she pointed to a rock that suddenly appeared on the tablet. Reyna's voice was emotionless, sounding like it was empty.

"Where did you find all these people?" Selvig asked as he continued with the device.

"SHIELD has no shortage of enemies, Doctor," Clint responded, spinning the tablet and holding it up to the entrance. "Is this the stuff you need?"

"Yeah, Iridium, it's found in meteorites. It forms anti-protons, it's very hard to get hold of."

"Especially if SHIELD knows you need it," Reyna spoke up, continuing to look over Clint's shoulder as he searched for the place where they could obtain it.

"Well I didn't know! Hey!" Erik stepped to the side so he could see Loki, who was approaching them quickly. "The Tesseract has shown me so much. It's more then knowledge, it's truth."

"I know," Loki's head nodded slightly, his lips in a villianous smirk. "What did it show you, Agent Barton, Ms Daniels?"

"My next target," the archer answered in a monotone voice.

"Tell me what you need, Ms Daniels?" Clint handed the device to Reyna before marching over to where his archery set laid.

The brunette looked over to Loki as the tablet hung by her side, her dull coloured eyes hiding any sign of any certain emotion. "The ways I can kill Melissa Ryans."

Loki's smirk grew into a wide grin. The whole reason he made Reyna join him was to get to The Superhuman, knowing she was one of the only people that could match his strength.
With Reyna saying she knows the way to kill Melissa, his plan was falling into place perfectly.

"We need a distraction," Cint told Loki, an answer to his first question regarding what they'd need for Clint's next target. "And an eyeball."


of the room, watching the SHIELD agents rush around, accessing different types of cameras and devices around the world in search of Loki.

She shifted slightly, her cape swaying behind her as she waited patiently for something, anything.

"I mean, if it's not too much trouble..." Coulson said, trying to contain himself as he stands next to one of his heroes.

"No no, it's fine," Steve replied kindly.

Melissa watched them from across the room with an amused smirk.

"It's a vintage set... It took me a couple of years to collect them all..." Coulson continued, Steve keeping a straight face and trying to be as nice as he can to the fan."Near mint! Slight foxing around the edges, but... "

"We got a hit! A 67% match," an agent called out, making Melissa straightened her slightly bent over posture. "Wait. Cross match, 79%."

"Location," Melissa spoke up, beating Coulson to it.

"Stuttgart, Germany. 28 Konigstrasse," he pulled up an image of the location whilst Melissa gracefully flew across the room, gently landing behind him. "He's not exactly hiding."

Melissa's eyes squinted, she agreed fully with what he was saying. She knew there was something suspicious about Loki's action but her honest thoughts were that she wanted to capture him and get back to Wakefield.

"Captain, Superhuman," Fury announced, catching both of their attention. "You two are up."

Whilst Steve inhaled slowly and exhlaed sharply, Melissa grinned brightly, turning back to the computer and obsorbing the photo before beginning to make her departure.


     REYNA AND CLINT WALKED THROUGH THE shadows, perfectly hidden from guards' eyes. Clint quickly loaded an arrow into his bow and aimed it to the rooftop where a guard stood whilst Reyna loaded her silence pistol and aimed it towards the other.

Exhaling slowly, she fired the bullet as Clint let go of the arrow. Both types of arsenal soared gracefully through the night sky, landing perfectly in the separate targets. The guards fell instantly, both being killed.

Reyna twirled the pistol in her hand before sliding it back in its holster and following Clint to back entrance where they both then had to wait for Loki to get a replica of the eye.

Reyna's foot tapped impatiently as the archer pulled out one of the devices they stole from SHIELD. The purpose of it basically being that it'd create a realistic hologram of whatever it came in contact with, in this case being an eye that Loki was going to retrieve.

Clint placed it to the eye scanner, its three legs securing around the edges.
Reyna got to watch as the device slowly created a hologram of the eye and gave them access to the building.

The door slid open, Clint gripping tightly on the edge and holding it open. He ushered the agents with them inside before following closely behind Reyna.

They rushed through the building, searching for the iridium Selvig needed.

"Here," Reyna called out, pulling a drawer out, revealing a uniquely designed stone.

She quickly tore it out and handed it to Clint who secured it in a small bag.

Meanwhile, in Stuttgart, Loki walked through the building, smiling at the screams and yells of terror from the crowd. His Asgardian armor slowly faded onto his body as he walked, his helmet slowly growing and the horns swinging upwards.

Sirens echoed down the street and Loki quickly fired a energy blast towards the police vehicle. It took it out of commission, flipping it onto its roof and he stayed unfazed.

Using his abilities, the demigod cloned himself so he was also on the otherside of the running crowd.

"Kneel before me!" he yelled, forming more clones on either side of the crowd to prevent them from escaping. "I said," the crowd still hesitated. Loki slammed his staff against the concrete, his clones copying his movement. "Kneel!"

The crowd instantly recognised the threatening tone and obeyed, everybody slowly falling to one knee and kneeling in front of the demigod.

Loki grinned widely, widening his arms slowly as he embraced the control he had on the weak humans.

"Is this not simpler?" Loki slowly approached the crowd, ignoring the trembling people and worried expressions. "Is this not your natural state?"

He slowly made his way through the crowd, squeezing through the many innocent citizens that tried to make a path slightly for Loki. "It's the unspoken truth of humanity that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life's joy, in a mad scramble for power... for identity," his clones shifted, cold glares never leaving the innocent bystanders. "You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel."

Suddenly, a brave old man rose shakily, having confidence and bravery surge through his veins to face the demigod. "Not to men like you."

Loki watched him with an evil smirk. "There are no men like me."

"There are always men like you," the gentleman responded confidently, standing his ground against Loki.

"Look to your elder people," Loki instructed, raising the staff as the end started charging up. "Let him be an example."

The staff's end lit up into a vibrant blue before releasing a strong energy like pulse towards the elder but Steve was faster.

The Captain leaped down from the quinjet and perfectly in front of the man with his vibranium shield in front of him. The incredibly strong material absorbed the attack and Melissa gently floated down, ready to use her heat vision if needed which she was waiting to do so.

"You know, the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else we ended up disagreeing," Steve stated calmly stepping forward with Melissa floating gracefully behind him. Her red cape flapped gently behind her and she hovered high enough to make sure she didn't hit any of the bystanders.

"The soldier and the Superhuman," Loki chuckled as he stepped towards them, eyeing them both. "The man out of time and the mutant."

Melissa frowned, crossing her arms. As public as it was that the Superhuman had an alien father and human mother, being called a mutant hurt her because of how people had used the word in the past.

"I'm not the man out of time," Steve shrugged, trying to get the conversation away from Melissa.

Natasha flew above them all, a mini gun hanging out of the quinjet and prepared to fire if Loki tried to fight.

"Loki, drop the weapon and stand down-" Loki ignored Natasha's request, firing another shot at the jet but the SHIELD agent was quick to swerve out the way.

Steve threw the American shield at Loki, hitting him in the face before Melissa landed and rushed over, slamming her foot into his side. With her strength, she made him stumble, giving Steve enough time to try and hit him again when his staff was thrown up.

The two weapons clanged loudly together before Loki got the upper hand and shoved Steve away. Melissa attempted to shoot him with her heat vision when he dodged it, making her have to avert her gaze to the ground to avoid hitting anyone. Loki saw the opportunity and slammed his staff into her to find that it didn't affect her.

Melissa held her hands up and cut her heat vision before gripping onto the staff and twisting it to hopefully try and loosen his grip. The demigod had an iron grip on the weapon though, making it difficult for even Melissa.

"Wow, you are strong, but Reyna Daniels knows your weaknesses," Loki commented and Melissa's icy blue eyes widened.

"Reyna-" the name had distracted Melissa enough for Loki to twist the staff again, aiming the end towards Melissa and fired a blast towards her. It hit her chest and made her fly back, her cape wrapping around her slightly and almost cushioning her fall.

Steve rushed over to Loki, throwing the shield into his before going in for the hand to hand combat. Loki had the advantage though with his golden staff and hit Steve in the back, making him fall to the side.

The God of Mischief made his way over to the Captain, placing the end of his staff onto the back of Steve's head. "Kneel."

"Not today."

Steve grabbed the staff and pushed it to the side, bouncing up and spinning to kick Loki.

Natasha's eyes moved around the scenery, easily noticing the multiple Loki's. "The guy's all over the place..."

"Yeah, couldn't tell," Melissa sassed back, jumping to her feet and bouncing into a flying position. She glided over to the two men, knocking Loki's side and making him fall to the ground but he was fast.

Suddenly, the PA in the quinjet shifted and Natasha eyes widened and her lips separated slightly as
AC/DC began to blast from them.

"Agent Romanoff, you miss me?"

The loud music made Loki, Steve and Melissa look up to the jet, only to see something advancing on them. With Melissa hovering over the scene, her eyes squinted, instantly having X-Ray vision kick in and she recognised the incoming figure.

Two energy blast flew towards Loki, knocking him down and making him loose grip on his staff. Melissa rushed to the staff, snatching it away before swirling it in her grasp as Tony Stark landed.

He stood up, pointing closed fists towards the demigod as different types of rocket blasters began appearing around his suit of armour.

Melissa scrunched her hands tightly together, her grip around the staff solid as she prepared to use her heat vision.

"Make your move Reindeer Games," surprisingly, Loki's Asgardian clothing and armour slowly disappeared as he raised his arms in surrender. "Good move."

"Mr Stark," Steve greeted with ragged breathing.

"Captain," his covered face glanced towards Melissa. "Superhuman."

The blonde smiled warmly, despite the slight pain she was feeling in her chest due to the blast Loki hit her with. "Hello Stark."

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