The Birth of Freedom

By RowenaWarden

121K 4.7K 1.6K

"The truth will set you free but not before it's finished ripping your world apart" Some are born great, othe... More

Preface - Hunted
The Nature of Things
The Fall of Shiganshina
The Choice
Deal with the Devil
Section Commander
Here there be Monsters
Tempered Steel
Ours is but to do and Die
Humanities Darkest Hour
We Fight Or We Die
The Girl the World Saw
The Battle for Trost Part one
The battle for Trost Part two
Wings of Freedom
Battle Angel
Of Dreams and Hope
The Mummer's Trial- Part One
The Bonds that Bind Us
A Knife in the Dark
The Levi Squad
I Am Hers and She is Mine
The Titan and the Well
Together We Give Our Hearts
From the Ashes we Rise
United we Stand, Divide we Fall.
When All Things Are Said And Done
Feast for the Brave
Blood Never Lies
The Calm Before the Storm
57th Expedition
Female Titan
The Forest of Giant Trees
The Might of The Survey Corp
Best Laid Plans of Erwin Smith
We Rise Only To Fall Part One
We Rise only to Fall Part Two
With A Million Lies The Truth Will Rise
The Souls of The Defeated.
Of Death and Love
How to Catch a Spy
A wolf Amongst the Sheep
The Call to War
Flight of the Valkyries
Clash of the Titans
The Aftermath
Epilogue- It Has Only Just Begun
Sequel Announcement and Fun Facts!

The Mummer's Trial- Part Two

1.7K 77 15
By RowenaWarden

(The amazing commission art work is by Midoryka Art who is also the talented artist of the Webtoon Jingle Witch which I really recommend as a read. I'm just so happy that they brought my babies to life. )


"I was there, that's how!" I snarled as I bared my teeth at the smug bastard and a deep sense of satisfaction burned inside me as Nile's face paled in shock. I was going to tell them all, no more hiding, they wanted to see a monster, well I will give them one.

"I killed two of those murdering child trafficking bastards, and I would do it again in a heartbeat" I spat "Eren saved Mikasa from a fate worse than death and then, Mikasa saved me when I was hurt and threatened with rape. But you don't care about their intentions do you commander? Did you seriously think two nine years could kill five grown slavers? So since you have no idea what happened, would you like me to tell you, sir, because it's seared right here in my brain" I tapped the side of my temple without taking my eyes away from the Commander.

"Who are you soldier?" Premier Zackly asked, breaking through my rage. The room was deathly silent and I could feel everyone's eyes on me.

"Aurora Alexandra Sparhawke sir, of the scout regiment, the southern division under section commander Miche Zacharius" I declared and saluted proudly as I scanned the room. The wall priest who had argued a moment ago stared at me with horror, and I suddenly felt the centre of this man's attention was a terrible place to be.

"Ah yes, the battle Angel of Trost" Zackley mused, and I couldn't keep the frown from my face, I hated that title "I've been reading reports on your deeds this morning. I appreciate you coming forward with this testimony but how do you explain why your name wasn't on this report, Solider Sparhawke". 

Shit, I hadn't thought that far ahead, why wasn't I mentioned in the reports?

"Because my grandfather and I took her from the scene before MPs turned up sir, she was over 15, and we feared that she would be sent beyond the wall for defending herself and the children." Rian's deep voice echoed around the chamber and I turned to look at him in utter bewilderment as Rian looked me in the eyes, his face a picture of reluctance.

He doesn't want anyone to know what I have done.

"And who are you, son?" Zackley asked, though why he needed to ask that was a waste of time, he only had to look at mine and Rian's faces to know we were related. 

"Rian Tristan Sparhawke sir, of the scout regiment southern division, also under section commander Miche Zacharius." Rian saluted before gesturing to me with his head "She is my twin sister, sir."

"And miss Sparhawke what is your connection to Eren Yaeger?" Zackley asked as he looked between Eren and me. 

"We were raised together, sir. My parents were killed by cutthroats, and the Yaeger's helped my grandfather raise us" I explained as I looked back to Eren and gave him a gentle smile "Eren is for all intents and purposes, my brother sir"

A stray tear fell from my eye as I watched Eren stare at me with absolute love and if I ever had any doubt at all to whether he was still the Eren I knew, I didn't then. My hand moved of its own accord as I reached out to him, hoping he would see I felt the same. 

Now and always.

"Maybe she is one, look at her eyes! They aren't natural!" the merchant shouted as he pointed an accusing finger at me, and the whole room turned into an uproar as Eren's face turned from one of love to one of terror as I became the focus of the angry mob.

I don't understand...

"I bet she's not human either." Another merchant shouted as he jabbed his fat finger at Mikasa "Freaks all of them!".

Mikasa stiffened, and her eyes widened like that of startled prey and reaching out to her, I gently tugged her back so that my body shielded her. Her hand found mine and grasped it tightly as Armin looked at stands which were quickly turning into a frenzy.

Have they lost their minds? She is barely older than a child.

"Yeah your right, dissect them too just to be safe." another man from the opposition called out as if our lives meant absolutely nothing. Had we not saved their city, had we not beat back the Titan invasion, had we not given them everything already when we put our lives on the line? 

No, now they want our blood. What have I done?

"Now hold on a second! Maybe I'm the monster that you want dead, but you leave them out of this! They are innocent!" Eren cried as he struggled against his chains, his eyes darting desperately between Mikasa and me as the crowd called out for our heads. 

"Like we can believe you!" Nile shouted.

"It's the truth!" Eren tried to reason, though it only seemed to incite the crowd more. Commotion began to rise in our stands as the scout regiment began to become unsettled. This was about to turn ugly and if the Premier voted in favour of the MPs I would act. I would die, but I was at peace with that if it meant I had a chance at saving Eren. Mikasa and Armin would no doubt try to follow me, but they didn't deserve to die, my only hope was that Rian would get them out of here.

Rian placed his hand on my shoulder, sensing my turmoil, I turned to meet his gaze and did my best to convey my message without uttering a word. His eyes began to fill with angry tears, and I knew he understood what I was asking him.

Save them over me.

"They must be one if you protect them!" the merchant shouted, drawing my attention back to the room. So many angry faces, and all of them directed at us. A slither of dread ran down my back as it became more and more likely that my hand would be called.

"STOP IT!" Eren screamed as he lost his grip on his temper, and the room fell deathly silent once again "Your wrong. About all of it, but you're so intent on pushing your own selfish agendas that your blind to what's in front of you."

"Wait, what do you mean?" Nile asked with uncertainty in his eyes as Eren directed his fury at him. Instinct made me step forward, but my arm was caught by Levi's firm grip and meeting his eyes, he gave me a pointed look before jerking his head to the Commander, who was watching the scene unfold with a small smile on his face.

He has a plan.

"What does it even matter? You haven't even seen a titan, so why are you so afraid?" Eren taunted "There is no sense in having power if you're not going to use it to fight! If your too scared to fight for your lives then fine! Let me do it! You... Your all cowards! Do you hear me? COWARDS!"


"JUST SHUT UP AND PUT ALL YOUR FAITH IN ME!" Eren bellowed at the top of his lungs and I felt my breath catch in my throat as I waited for the inevitable reaction. 

"Take aim, dammit!" Nile commanded, and I prepared to rush forward and shield Eren from the shot.

"Now" I heard Erwin whisper and, in a flash, Levi had vaulted the bars. Fear gripped at the prospect of Levi being gunned down, but that was quickly replaced with a new horror when Levi booted Eren across the face, sending his tooth flying across the room.

"NO!" I screamed as I dove forward to stop him but strong arms wrapped around my waist and heaved me back. Headbutting backwards I clipped Rian's shoulder, making him grunt in pain as Eren's pained cries filled the room as Levi viscously attacked Eren over and over, kicking him in the head and stomach.

I'm going to break his fucking legs!

"Get off me!" I snarled in warning as I tried to throw my elbow back to connect with his nose, he may not care for Eren's safety, but I wasn't about to let this go unchecked. Catching my arm, he twisted it behind my back painfully and pinned it between our bodies as Levi continued to kick into Eren as his blood splattered across the floor and too injured to fight back the poor boy just lay there and accepted the beating.

"STOP IT PLEASE! YOUR KILLING HIM!" I pleaded but Levi spared me no more than a glance as he continued to kick Eren into a bloody pulp. The man I had kissed was a far cry from the one before me now torturing Eren, when was I going to learn to listen to my instincts. I had said myself I could smell the blood, and now Eren's was joining the pool. 

"Aurora stop!" Rian ordered, his voice strained from the struggle to keep me still as Levi, barely breaking a sweat from his assault, jammed his foot against Eren's mouth before leaning down to sneer at the broken boy before him.

"You know, personally I think nothing instils discipline like pain. You don't need a good talking to, what you're in need of is to be taught a lesson, and you happen to be in a perfect kicking position." Levi drawled before he resumed kicking into Eren and the sounds of beaten flesh echoed around the hall, triggering a deep-buried memory.


I heard the sound of bone crunching before I felt the pain and falling to my knees, I tried to move from my grandfather's incoming kick, but I wasn't fast enough. White-hot agony ripped across my chest as Grandfather's foot connect with my side, and the sickening snap of bone made me gag. Some 13th birthday this was turning out to be.

"Get up" Grandfather huffed as he circled around me like a wolf does its prey and knowing he would give me no peace, I tried to push back to my feet. Still, my body spasmed and I collapsed to the wooden floor again, looking up I saw my grandfather's face twisted in disgust. Rian was leaning on the fireplace sporting fresh bruises all along his arms and on his face from his turn earlier, though he remained intact.

Why can't I be like Rian?

"I can't" I panted as I clutched my side, the stabbing ache  ripping through me with every breath I drew. This was supposed to be a training exercise, hand to hand combat, not a torture session. Grandfather hadn't even bothered to take us into Wall Maria for more space, instead opting to lash us around our living area.

"This isn't a debate. Get up!" grandfather snapped as he grabbed the front of my shirt and dragged me to my feet.

"It hurts." I whimpered involuntarily as I tried to stand straighter. Grandfather was really pushing hard today; he had been gone for a week on 'business' and had returned this morning with no good morning or anything and demanded we prepare for our lessons.

"The pain is both your teacher and your salvation, use it!" grandfather snarled as he grabbed my face before pushing me back "Now hands up".

Doing as I was told; I forced my hands back up into a defensive stance and braced for his assault and without warning, grandfather's right fist snaked out to connect with my face. Still, I narrowly dodged his attack and blocked his next swing with my right arm providing an opening to attack. Not wanting to waste the opportunity I reached out to strike back, but the pain in my side made me falter as my body spasmed.

Growling in frustration, grandfather stood back before kicking me firmly in the chest and sending me flying backwards and clattering to the floor, I barely had a chance to get my bearings when he delivered another kick to my side, forcing my body to roll across the floor. 

"Grandfather, please, stop!" I cried before a coughing fit took over and wiping my hand across my mouth, a trail of bright red blood spread across my fingers.  

"If you can't fight what use are you" grandfather taunted as he loomed over me "Master the pain, girl!".

"Brother!" I begged as I crawled forward unable to stand up. Rian made to move towards me when grandfather suddenly grabbed a handful of my hair, lifting me back to my feet and bringing me closer to him.

"Don't interfere, boy, she will never learn if you keep on protecting her." grandfather scolded as pain laced across my scalp, he had not yet let go.

"Please" I cried, but I knew it was no use, I could see by the look on my brother's face he would not defy grandfather. 

"You have to master the pain girl; a time may come where your brother won't be there to save you" grandfather warned as he shook my head as if that would rattle his wisdom into me "Breakthrough the fear, your blood demands it!"

"I will do better next time, I promise! please sir, no more!" I begged only to be struck hard across the face and spinning from the impact I hit the ground hard, the sharp pain in my side flaring up again making and me scream. 

"Leave her alone!" a little voice shouted, and I heard the unsteady stomping of a child running towards me. Looking up, I met Eren's large tearful eyes as he placed his small hand to my cheek. 

"Rowan that's enough!" Grisha's voice boomed across the room as he rushed to my side and kneeled next to me. Placing his hand under my chin, he lifted my face upwards and gasped at the sight.

"Dad, she is bleeding!" Eren cried in anguish as he thumbed my lip, before wrapping his arms around my neck and holding tightly. 

"What did you do to her?!" Grisha demanded as he gently moved Eren aside to assess my ribs.

"We agreed Grisha, that you would not challenge me on this or have you forgotten why I must do this" Grandfather hissed, "Discipline only comes through pain; this is the only way to prepare them!"

"Rowan her ribs are broken, how do you expect her to fight if she can barely stand! She is no good to you, half-dead!" Grisha shouted as he squared up to my grandfather. The two men locked eyes and appeared to be having a silent battle of wills before my grandfather sighed deeply, suddenly looking tired to the bone.

"She will return to her training tomorrow; we don't have time to waste on childish proclivities. You of all people know this" grandfather said as he gave Grisha a pointed look.

"Come Eren, we will take Aurora home with us," Grisha said as he helped me to my feet and supported my weight with his arms. Looking back over my shoulder, I saw my grandfather's face stone-cold though there was a hint of regret in his eyes.

"Don't worry Rora, we will take care of you" Eren promised as he took hold of my skirt in his own way of support. Reaching the stairs that lead to the streets, a long hiss escaped my lips as I began to descend.

"I know brave one, I know" Grisha comforted as he supported me the best way he could "But you must believe me when I say your grandfather is doing this for a good reason, the pain won't last forever."

"It will end once it has finished teaching me," I said the words I had heard many, many times before though I had never really understood them. It was all just repetition at this point, nothing ever made any sense, especially not my grandfather.

"Yes, dear heart, I'm so... so sorry." Grisha said gently. Tears rolled down his face as he looked at me with guilt and suddenly, I got an awful feeling he was apologising for something much more than for today's pain.


The sound of Eren's choked agony ripped my mind from the dark memory as Levi continued to deliver his discipline with kick after brutal kick to Eren's already battered body with no sign of stopping. I felt sick to my core, knowing that I couldn't prevent this from happening, that I couldn't save him like he had saved me. 

"Now hold on Levi" Nile whimpered making Levi halt all aggression.

"What is it?" Levi said lazily as he perched his foot against Eren's head. Fat tears fell freely from my eyes as I watched the blood trickle from Eren's slack mouth as he drew in sharp, shallow breaths.

"It's dangerous" Nile quavered "What if he gets angry or turns into a titan?

"Don't be silly." Levi chastised as he grabbed Eren's hair to pull his head up for the entire room to see "After all you guys are just going to dissect him, don't you? During the time that he was transformed they said that Yaeger was able to kill twenty Titans before he finally ran out of strength. As an enemy, his intelligence makes him all the more dangerous, but I could still take him down without a problem."

Over my dead body.

"How many of you can say the same, before you torment the beast you better think long and hard. Can you actually kill him?" Levi challenged as he dropped Eren's head, taking a few steps back, he cast a glance in my direction before quickly glancing away.

Too ashamed to look at me are you Levi?

"Sir. I have a proposition." Erwin's voice broke the tension that was quickly building back up again in the silence.

"Proceed." Zackly allowed.

"There is still too much we don't know and no doubt this danger will be ever-present as such I suggest this. Eren Yaeger will be placed under captain Levi's supervision and will conduct a recon mission outside of the wall." Erwin suggested as he gestured to Eren and suddenly everything made sense.

Erwin you sick bastard, this was your plan all along.

"Yaeger will join you in this excursion?" Zackly inquired as he sat forward again, his body language suggesting he was more than compelled by the proposal.

"Yes sir, and you can look upon the mission results yourself, and if he successfully controls his ability, Eren will have proven his value to mankind" Erwin spoke confidently. I allowed my body to relax ever so slightly and Rian loosened his grip but did not let go, I could see through the corner of my eye that his hopeful gaze was fixated entirely on the Premier.

So, you do care about Eren's future.

"Eren Yaeger will be closely supervised, and if he should lose control?" Zackly looked to Levi expectantly.

"I can definitely kill him if it comes to that, the only downside is there is absolutely no middle ground" Levi stated as his cold eyes came to rest on me, this time he did not look away and I made sure that my face was as hard as a stone. 

Your right captain, there is no middle ground. 

"Then I have made my choice" Zackly announced.

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