The Birth of Freedom

By RowenaWarden

121K 4.7K 1.6K

"The truth will set you free but not before it's finished ripping your world apart" Some are born great, othe... More

Preface - Hunted
The Nature of Things
The Fall of Shiganshina
The Choice
Deal with the Devil
Section Commander
Here there be Monsters
Tempered Steel
Ours is but to do and Die
Humanities Darkest Hour
We Fight Or We Die
The Girl the World Saw
The Battle for Trost Part one
The battle for Trost Part two
Wings of Freedom
Battle Angel
Of Dreams and Hope
The Mummer's Trial- Part One
The Mummer's Trial- Part Two
The Bonds that Bind Us
A Knife in the Dark
The Levi Squad
I Am Hers and She is Mine
The Titan and the Well
Together We Give Our Hearts
From the Ashes we Rise
United we Stand, Divide we Fall.
When All Things Are Said And Done
Feast for the Brave
Blood Never Lies
The Calm Before the Storm
57th Expedition
Female Titan
The Forest of Giant Trees
The Might of The Survey Corp
Best Laid Plans of Erwin Smith
We Rise Only To Fall Part One
We Rise only to Fall Part Two
With A Million Lies The Truth Will Rise
The Souls of The Defeated.
Of Death and Love
How to Catch a Spy
A wolf Amongst the Sheep
The Call to War
Flight of the Valkyries
Clash of the Titans
The Aftermath
Epilogue- It Has Only Just Begun
Sequel Announcement and Fun Facts!


3.1K 121 40
By RowenaWarden


The day had finally come, today was graduation. We all stood in perfect rows in at ease positions waiting upon the commandant to arrive and announce the top ten cadets of the 102nd training corps. The courtyard had been cleared to allow enough room for the 103rd and the 104th cadets to witness the ceremony and somewhere to the left Eren, Armin and Mikasa were standing, ready to watch Rian and I graduate and chose our branch.

Or predetermined branch in our case.

Things had changed a lot in the last three years. Through stress and degradation, I had been stripped down to my basic core elements and moulded into something new, something stronger. Beaten and starved but educated and trained. Gruelling work out regimes and endless endurance tests. Mock combat simulations and all weather and terrain ODM aptitude courses. All had given me the strength and skill set to, in theory, survive for what came next. the Survey Corps.

True to his word Erwin Smith had ensured Eren, Armin and Mikasa didn't starve after Uncle had been sent to his death beyond the wall in the disgrace that was Operation retake Wall Maria. The government had averted their food crisis and in return another member of my family was taken from me, our blood thinning more and more. I was numb to the pain that I surely should have been feeling, my parents, my home, Grandfather, Carla, Grisha and now Uncle Alert. What was one more name to the list of precious things I had lost.

Rian had taken the news hard but had powered on until Commander Erwin had turned up, reopening the raw wounds. Losing his grip on the pain he had buried, Rian had flipped his shit, shouting and tearing his hair out in rage, he had to be restrained by Shadies and another officer before being placed in isolation for two days to calm down. I had slept outside the holding cells waiting for Rian to be released when I was woken up by Section Commander Miche, the giant of a man who had sniffed us when Commander Erwin had come to make his deal, assuring me that Rian was fine and that he would be released when he had some time to think.

Miche had visited at least once a month after that night, throughout the last three years he came and exclusively helped Rian and I train, sometimes two scouts, Nanaba and Gelgar, would accompany him and we all would train together, after each of these sessions Miche would ask about us about our lives, taking an unprecedent interest.

At first, I had thought Erwin had sent him to be a reminder of the deal we had struck but as time went on, I became less and less sure this was the case. Miche would ask us questions, simple things like what we liked, did we enjoy military life and much to my amusement, did we have a favourite smell. Rian had been completely puzzled by that question and had replied with "Erm... strawberry" Miche had smiled and said "good choice". I understood then what this man was doing, he was trying to make a connection with us and know us on a more personal level.

I had wondered if this meant we would be joining his section of the scouts and had wanted to know the kind of soldiers he would be getting.

The sandy haired giant had also brought updates on Eren, Mikasa and Armin with him and assured us they had not interfered with their lives, just simply ensured they had enough food to eat and no one bothered them. That was, of course, until they had enlisted into the training corps themselves. I still wasn't sure how I felt about that. Eren I knew would enlist despite my pleas not to and as such I had expected Mikasa to follow him, but Armin, that I hadn't seen coming.

I had been on stable duty that day when my dorm mate Nova Petrov had come running in, spooking the horses with her flapping.

"The new recruits have arrived for the 104th corps" she panted hands on her knees "I've been helping them enlisted and three cadets put you and Rian down as next of kin! ... Woah I need to eat before exercising" she puffed out. I had looked around the mare I was brushing puzzled and had laughed at her scattered appearance. She was the only girl I had befriended beyond a casual acquaintance, though it had not been due to any effort on my part. The wild haired brunette had wormed her way into my life through sheer persistence and her big baby blues.

"What are you talking about Nov? You do know you've got leaves in your hair, right?" I had walked over to her and plucked the leaves from the fifteen-year olds hair, laughing at her flushed face. 

"Do you ever listen to me! Three cadets enlisted with you as next of kin. An Eren Yeager, Mikasa Ackerman and an Armin Alert for the 104th corps!" I had accidently snagged her hair when I jerked in shock making her wince. I had patted her head in apology before bolting for the stable door.

"Go find Rian, tell him I said we have an Armin on the loose! He will understand, thanks Nova!" I had shouted over my shoulder.

"Whaaaaaaat?!?! You know I can't talk to Rian without turning red....AURORA GET BACK HERE!"

Running to the first-year mess hall I had been furious. I couldn't understand what Armin had been playing at, Eren and Mikasa weren't afraid to fight and didn't lack for aggression, Armin however was the complete opposite. It's what had made him special, his empathy and compassion. I had slammed open the large refectory doors and had scanned the room for my targets and a  hush had fell over the baby-faced cadets.

I didn't have to search far for Armin stood up from his seat in the middle of the hall and made his way over to me sheepishly,  Eren and Mikasa trailing behind him. The first thing I had noticed was how much he had grown in two years; he was twelve now and much taller than when I had last seen him, his face was a little leaner but he still had the face of a child. Looking into his large blue eyes I had seen the sadness they had held when suddenly, Rian had come crashing into the hall behind me and all my anger had disappeared.

I had grabbed Armin and pulled him into a tight hold crying over and over about how sorry I was about his Grandfather. he had held onto me for dear life and buried his head into my shoulder. I had looked over his head and marvelled at the beauty Mikasa was becoming and the strapping young man Eren was turning into, we had been gone two years and they had grown up while we had been away. Bitterness has clouded my thoughts on how much we had missed.

That had been just under a year ago and now I stood freezing my ass off in the chilly evening air waiting for Shadies to get his act together. Rian stood to my right bouncing slightly on his feet in what I could assume was excitement, I tried to ignore him but the more he wouldn't stay still the more annoyed I could feel myself becoming.

"Can you not?!" I snapped and Rian froze before looking down at me, his eyebrow raised.

What's crawled up your ass?" he scoffed.

"This is taking too long. I was hoping to see everyone before we left considering how we are riding off to death and ruin in the morning" I grumbled and Rian scoffed again, shaking his head and smiling at me.

"Yeah it would be nice to see them before we leave. On the bright side though we may get to see them more often with the leave days we are entitled to once were fully fledged scouts" Rian remarked brightly, far too happy considering our situation, he really was getting on my nerves tonight.

"You mean if we aren't eaten as soon as we leave the walls". I drawled. 

It's not that I wasn't unhappy joining the scouts, quite the opposite actually, the scouts offered the most noble path and I would be proud to serve with them. If I was honest, it was more the fact that I was yet again leaving behind my loved ones, we had spent so long without our family and had barely been back together a year. I had begun to feel something close to happiness with being able to see them at meal times and allotted free time, now we would be torn apart again for another two years and I was struggling to come to terms with the inevitable separation.

"As long as we are together everything will be fine" Rian whispered reassuringly to me. "We have to let them stand on their own now, we have done our best for them"

You always know what's in my head don't you brother.

"We gave them everything we could. It's time we started living a life for ourselves, a one we can be proud of. Even if it means we get eaten by Titans" he gave me a lopsided grin and I tried not laugh but couldn't help myself, he was right of course, he always is.

"Cute speech in all but have you guys thought about I dunno not joining the scouts?" a voice I recognised fondly spoke up. Smiling, I looked behind me to Nova who was looking at me worriedly, I was about to reply with something unwise when her eyes widened and she gasped.

"No way! Is that Captain Levi!" she whispered fiercely. Spinning back around and I peered at the front of the assembly. Commandant Sadies was standing in the centre and behind him stood three men, I recognised Commander Dot Pixes and MP Commander Nile Dok and to the far left of the assembly, true to Nova's steely eyes there was the man himself, Captain Levi of the Scouts.

It had been two years since I had last seen him and the man had not changed a bit. My last encounter with humanities strongest soldier had been the day I sold my soul to the scouts to secure my family's future, and I had known from the moment we landed on that platform that they were there for us.

I remembered how his intense stare had made me feel on edge, everything about him screamed dangerous and yet I couldn't look away from him. The longer he looked in my eyes the more everything around me seemed to fall away, everything but him. Section commander Miche had cleared his throat freeing me from the spell and I had been thankful I had just been exerting myself because I could feel my face burning. I had hoped the flush on my face would be seen as being down to the exercise, Rian however hadn't been fooled and had teased me relentlessly as soon as we were alone.

"Quit it! I was not blushing, I was angry!" I had snapped shoving Rian onto his ass. He had burst out laughing which had made me angrier and my face must have shown my temper had been at tipping point because he had held his hands up in surrender.

"I'm sorry. I'm only teasing. I know you aren't stupid enough to look at him like that" he had jumped back up to his feet and dusted off his trousers. "He's dangerous, we would do well to stay clear of him when we join the scouts" I had nodded my head in agreement, Levi was dangerous but to stay away from him? Somehow, I knew that wasn't going to be a possibility.

Each man behind Sadies was standing underneath their regimental flags. I listened as Shadies spoke about how well we had done to not embarrass ourselves completely and that we would soon decide on where to serve, he ended his heart-warming speech with a reminder that though we were no longer his problem we also represented his training and as such should behave in accordance. 

Good old Sadies, forever the tyrant.

"Top ten cadets! If your name is called you will move your ass in haste to the front. Am I understood!?!" Shadies bellowed. A chorus of "YES SIR!" rang through the yard and Rian began bouncing again on the spot again.

For god sake.

"Number Ten! Nifa Allard" 

Good, Nifa was a capable soldier and one of the few I had heard openly declare for intending to join the scouts. She weaved through the lines and took her place next to the flame beacon.

"Number Nine! Kira Locke" Shadies bellowed, the young cadet scurried forward and took her place next to Nifa.

"Number eight! Mason Hannings"

 I scoffed, Hannings was great with ODM gear but he was also a prick. I lost my food privileges for three days when I kicked his ass for tormenting one of the younger recruits, not that I wouldn't do it again, he had that beating coming. 

"Number seven! Stefan Carmichael" Shadies shouted, I could swear he was getting louder, as if that was even possible.

"Number six! Heleena Freeman"

"Number five! Anya Mikhail"

"Number four! Dannielle Hopper". 

I won't lie, I was loving the female dominance in the top ten this year.

"Number three! Nova Petrov" 

I congratulated Nova as she passed me, her face was bright red with all the eyes on her. She deserved this; she may be young but she had a noble heart.

"Number two! Rian Sparhawke" 

Rian's face was a mask of shock. He looked to me with wide eyes and I gave him a wide smile before mouthing 'go'. He made his way to the front and took his place in the second spot as a fierce sense of pride settled in my chest which grew when I heard loud whooping from the 104th trainees.

"Number one! Aurora Sparhawke" 


No that must be a joke. Sadies constantly said I was too reckless and insubordinate to be a disciplined shoulder, but everyone was looking at me expectantly, he said my name.

Move your feet idiot.

I moved through the crowd before taking my place next to Rian who clapped my shoulder before returning back to his stance. Looking up I saw Captain Levi watching me, catching my eyes he inclined his head in acknowledgement and I couldn't help the small smile that pulled on my lips.

Cheering erupted again from the 104th trainees and I felt the smile spread wider on my face. We had done it; we had not only graduated but we were the best of our class.

Are you proud grandfather?

"Shut it piss ants! Rest of you look ahead these are the top of your class!"


The celebrating had been going for hours and was still in full swing. Rian and I had been swamped after we had declared our chosen branch of the Survey Corps by Eren, Armin and Mikasa who had a small gathering of friends with them. I had enjoyed chatting with them all, especially the two tall boys called Reiner and Bertholt, being a few years older than others in their class they had a more mature take on things which was refreshing.

I had made an effort to congratulate my peers who had made it into the top ten barring Hannings of course, because he was prick. That being said, there was a good chance I would never see half of these people again, for the most part that suited me fine, but some I would miss. I had hugged Nova tightly and had congratulated her again, her face was full of happiness. I would miss her the most, she had joined the military for the same reason I had, to keep her family fed. She was a good kid and I hoped the Garrison regiment would be everything she hoped.

Growing tired of all the social interactions I snuck out the mess hall for some fresh air and once outside I took in a deep breath and looked up at the night sky, the stars were really clear out here being far away from the districts and I marvelled at their brightness. 

I have always loved the stars.

"Shouldn't you be celebrating with your brats" a cold voice broke through my awe and I jumped out my skin, involuntarily lashing out in defence. A hand snaked out and grabbed my wrist bending it slightly back. Tingling shot up my arm lighting up my nerves in a not entirely unpleasant way and looking at the hand I followed it back to its owner and when I met his cold grey gaze I groaned internally.

Of course, it would be you.

Levi looked down at my hand still trapped by his own, his black eyebrows pulled together before he reached for my other hand and lifted it up to inspect. The tingling feeling grew stronger now that it was shooting up both my arms.

He is looking at the scars.

I gently pulled my hands away and looked down on them with sadness. If only I had the strength that I had now then maybe I could have saved Carla and my Grandfather that day. I looked back up to see Levi eyeing me curiously and I sighed.

Better to say this now instead of later.

"I grew up in Shiganshina" I began. "When the Colossal Titan kicked in the gate, a chunk of the wall landed on my house, my Grandfather was inside at the time. He was trapped by wooden beams that were heavy and splintered, they had cut into my palms when I lifted them out the way. I was sent into the fields after we had made it to Wall Rose to farm dead land and the dirt from the field made keeping them clean impossible and they healed like this. I swear they don't affect my use of a blade or the ODM gear"

"I see. Did he survive?" he asked gently, not once taking his eyes off me and I began to feel that treacherous heat rising to my face again.

"No. His lower half had been severed into by the house collapsing. I suppose I should be thankful he bled out rather than being eaten like my adoptive mother," I gritted out before forcefully swallowed the lump that was forming in my throat, I was not crying in front of Captain Levi of all people.

The man in question was now looking intently at my face, and I noticed his hands were clenching down by his sides.

Idiot, how many people do you think he has seen devoured.

"Is that where you got this?" Levi coaxed as he suddenly reached out and gently brushed his fingertips across the raised scar beneath my eye. The tingling feeling I had felt on my arms was now rushing across my face with a much greater intensity and I stiffened involuntarily at the unusual feeling. Levi dropped his hand immediately, a strange look crossing his face before his usual neutral expression returned in its place. The tingling feeling raced down my neck and all the way to my stomach where it flipped around nervously.

Wait, why was I nervous?

"" I stammered, "When the gate was destroyed, I was standing in the town square with my brother and the brats you mentioned. The blast was devasting. I shielded my cousin Armin, the blonde boy, while the debris was rushing past us. Then a chunk of wall fell from the sky, I don't know how but I spun us away and it missed us by inches, the stone fractured off and slashed my face open and again because I was working the fields the dirt made it impossible to keep it clean and it healed ugly" I shrugged, I had accepted that I wasn't pretty a long time ago, this scar didn't change that.

"It hasn't" he stated and I felt my face flush bright red.

Did he just...?

I was struggling to formulate a reply when the refectory door swung open and Rian's red hair popped out.

Walls bless you Rian and your perfect timing.

Spotting us, Rian's eyes darted between me and Levi, no doubt seeing my flushed face and our close proximity.

"Everything ok?" Rian directed to me.

"Yes," Levi replied for me. "I was informing Aurora that I will be escorting the new recruits to Headquarters tomorrow morning at dawn. I expect you both packed and ready on horseback when I arrive. Understood?"

Why did he lie?

"Yes Sir" Rian replied gruffly, his face showing he didn't buy what Levi had said one bit. Levi nodded and turned to walk away when Rian called back for him, looking over his shoulder, Levi waited.

"Did we get many sign up this year sir?" Rian asked, a hint of hope laced his voice and Levi scoffed.

"We got two more than last year" Levi drawled and just like that he disappeared, becoming one with the darkness.

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