The Birth of Freedom

By RowenaWarden

121K 4.7K 1.6K

"The truth will set you free but not before it's finished ripping your world apart" Some are born great, othe... More

Preface - Hunted
The Nature of Things
The Fall of Shiganshina
The Choice
Section Commander
Here there be Monsters
Tempered Steel
Ours is but to do and Die
Humanities Darkest Hour
We Fight Or We Die
The Girl the World Saw
The Battle for Trost Part one
The battle for Trost Part two
Wings of Freedom
Battle Angel
Of Dreams and Hope
The Mummer's Trial- Part One
The Mummer's Trial- Part Two
The Bonds that Bind Us
A Knife in the Dark
The Levi Squad
I Am Hers and She is Mine
The Titan and the Well
Together We Give Our Hearts
From the Ashes we Rise
United we Stand, Divide we Fall.
When All Things Are Said And Done
Feast for the Brave
Blood Never Lies
The Calm Before the Storm
57th Expedition
Female Titan
The Forest of Giant Trees
The Might of The Survey Corp
Best Laid Plans of Erwin Smith
We Rise Only To Fall Part One
We Rise only to Fall Part Two
With A Million Lies The Truth Will Rise
The Souls of The Defeated.
Of Death and Love
How to Catch a Spy
A wolf Amongst the Sheep
The Call to War
Flight of the Valkyries
Clash of the Titans
The Aftermath
Epilogue- It Has Only Just Begun
Sequel Announcement and Fun Facts!

Deal with the Devil

3.1K 132 72
By RowenaWarden


"Oooh, this is exciting! How often do we get tipped off about potential recruits these days!" Hange clapped her hands together and all but jumped on the spot. Her eyes were wide with excitement as she tugged on Miche's arm, who raised his eyebrow at her.

"This better be worth it, I had planned drills for the brats this morning, don't want them getting lazy" Levi said while picking dirt from his nails, the dark-haired man's face a perfect picture of boredom.

"What do you think, Erwin? Think Sadies really has what he says he does?" Miche asked and I looked over to the sandy-haired giant with a neutral expression.

"We shall see" I replied. And see we shall. It had been a year since Wall Maria fell and recruitment for the Survey Corp had been at an all-time low. Taking over from Sadies a year ago, I had worked hard to implement the long-range formation and had improved on our casualty rates, the scout's veteran contingent had also improved on skill and effectiveness in the field; however, that could only go so far. We needed fresh meat to boost our numbers. Especially if the fresh meat was talented, that was why I had brought my Section Commanders and Captain Levi to the Training Corps.

A week ago, I received a correspondence from commandant Sadies inviting me to observe the mock Titan assault course with ODM gear for the 102nd training class, I had been set to decline when another missive had arrived through more secretive channels.


  I sent you an official invite to observe the training to make things appear formal as one former commander to another; however, I have a reason for doing so. 

In this batch of cadets, I have two remarkable trainees who I think you should come and see. Twin brother and sister who have performed well beyond exceptional limitations and are nothing short of prodigies. I do not say this lightly, their raw talent is as extraordinary as Levi's when we first encountered him. 

There has also been interest from top brass MPs who have asked for hand-delivered reports on their progress and background checks. I have carried out said checks, and I get the feeling these two are being targeted for something. Lovof style targeted. Something isn't right here Erwin, and It would be a crime against mankind if these two joined the MPs with what they can do.

Use this as you will, but while doing some digging, I discovered that they have young dependants, they have been sending their joint wages to their uncle who cares for three minors and said uncle has been sent beyond the wall in operation retake Maria leaving the children without any official protector. You know as well as I do that he is as good as dead. As I said use this as you will. 

Their names are Rian Tristan Sparhawke and Aurora Alexandra Sparhawke, and they hail from Shiganshina. I know you will want to assess this for yourself. 

Don't waste this opportunity. Burn this. 


I had shown the letter to Hange, Miche and Levi trusting their input, especially Levi's in this regard before burning the letter. We had carefully made inquiries as to not draw attention to our digging and initially, we had drawn a blank with the name Sparhawke dying out with a house burglary in the Underground. The dates had been off, and we had not been able to link them to the supposedly nineteen-year-old Sparhawkes in the training corps and had decided to simply resign ourselves to observing them and moving on when Hange hit gold.

A marriage certificate for an Aelin Alert and Aiden Sparhawke in Shiganshina and death certificates for an Aelin Alert and Aiden Alert in Shiganshina, stating the death was due to cutthroats. We knew we had them when checking the name on the tenancy agreement; the Trainees sent their wages to was also Alert. What struck as odd was why Aiden Sparhawke took his wife's name instead of keeping his own but what had made us sit up and pay attention was the fact that on Aelin Alert's death certificate it had her listed as pregnant at the time of her death and that her babe died with her, it was signed and confirmed by a Doctor Grisha Yeager. The date of death was the same date of birth as what the trainees had filed on their enrolment forms, either someone wanted people to believe they had died with their mother or a clerical error had occurred, and with the MP brass showing an unprecedented interest in them before graduating I'd wager that a clerical error is out of the question.

Hange, Miche and Levi all agreed that something was amiss here; however, all also agreed that the trainees appeared to be none the wiser about whatever it was that was surrounding them; mostly due to the fact they used their actual name of Sparhawke instead of an alias and had also used their exact dates of birth. In the words of Levi, nobody with something to hide would be that much of an idiot, so, what was it that we were missing?

So here we stand on the observation ledge waiting for Sadies to make his appearance and show us what we all came here to see. The Purpose of the drill was to assess individuals in a mock combat scenario, large wooden frames carved out to resemble Titans would have been placed around the area with leather padding on their napes to mimic an actual Titan nape. This was an excellent way to gauge where a soldier was at in terms of making the killing blow, it also helped in ranking the top ten cadets.

"Do you think he's taking a shit" Levi scowled while kicking a lump of dirt away from him.

"Just lining up the cadets' Captain, I'm sure you can appreciate the need for protocol" Sadies scolded as he came to stand in-between myself and Miche. I saluted, and he reciprocated before turning back to point at the cadets that had amassed into four teams below.

"See the tall redhead built like a brick shithouse" Sadies indeed pointed to a tall, well-built man who was assessing the training course "That's Rian, lads a thinker, methodical and has the skill set to back it up. Good team player and has good comradery with his classmates. Doesn't say much but speaks if he thinks it needs saying. He is quick for his size, but you will see that soon enough" I nodded, making mental notes on everything Sadies said.

"You said there was two, a brother and a sister" Levi quipped after he had too finished his initial assessment of Rian and appeared unimpressed. Sadies gave Levi a sly smile before pointing to a woman standing next to Rian, she was much shorter than the man she stood next to, I'd dare say she would be head level with Levi if not a little smaller. She had a woman's curved figure compared to all the young teens standing near her, and her bound up hair was a brilliant shade of vibrant red.

That must be Aurora. 

"That is Aurora. The girl is bewitching to look at, has one green eye and one grey that have this haunting look that could turn your insides. She's all instinct and aggression, more of an act first then think later character which will need reigning in. She has on rare occasion been known to not play well with others, minor altercations which were punished, either she's learned her lesson, or she's gotten smarter at handling herself when an audience is around, my guess is the latter. Overall though respected by her classmates. She is fast and agile, strong for her size too. She coordinates fluidly with Rian and others sometimes when she bothers to extend herself. I think you will appreciate her blade work Levi, it isn't too far away from your own technique."

"Tch. Sure" Levi scoffed and I smiled. Levi may not be one to be easily impressed, but I must admit I was liking what I was hearing, especially the coordination. If they could work well with others, I could use them in the long-range formation without issue, of course, that rested on the could part.

"Tell me more about their coordination," I said and Sadies nodded in approval.

"Rian and Aurora work together flawlessly, it's almost supernatural the way they communicate in a fight, some creepy twin thing if you ask me but hell it works." Sadies grinned, "They have an instinctual feel for what the other is doing without needing to say before they execute their moves. It translates into all aspects of their training, from ODM gear to hand to hand combat which is terrifying to watch by the way. The other cadets damn near pissed their pants. They have struggled to work well with others in past simulations but over the last year that has steadily improved. I think it's more of a trust issue than an actual inability to work with others, they were in Shiganshina when the Titans came, they know first-hand what they can do. If I had to guess I'd say they assess their teammates and if they deem them competent then they work with them, incompetent then they work around them. They will be in squad one, I placed them with Hannings, Petrov and Carmichael all capable cadets who will likely be in the top tier. Are you ready?"

I nodded my head in confirmation and fixed my eyes on the redheaded siblings.

"Squad One you're up" Sadies commanded his voice ringing through the grounds. "On my mark, 3...2...1" Sadies threw his hand in the air, and they were off. and I watched the spectacle unfolding before me eagerly.

All five cadets sprung into the air using the trees to grapple on and were moving in synchronicity. They were fast approaching a 'Titan' when Rian flipped himself upside down and held his arms out, Aurora flipped herself towards him grabbing onto his arms and using both of their momentum's,  flung herself high into the air above the 'Titan' in a wide arc giving herself room to maneuverer. She drew her dual blades and spun herself so fast during her descent that she had become a blur of silver and red. Bearing down on the 'titan' she sliced the nape with such force that it cut through the wood underneath the leather padding and I felt my mouth open in shock as my eyes snapped to Levi whose face remained neutral though his eyes had widened slightly.

He is impressed.

Shooting a hook away from her kill, Aurora spun her body away upside down looking back to make sure she had cut deep enough. Happy with her work, she re-joined her brother, who began to engage the next 'Titan'. Weaving through the trees with impressive speed, Rian used his gas to slingshot himself above the 'Titan's' head; however, his angle was off for his descent. Instead of changing course like I thought he would have another flash of silver whipped in front of the 'Titan's' knees and sliced the limbs, toppling the structure forward. Rian then spun and carved deep into the nape, his angle now perfect, it was a flawlessly coordinated strike, just like Sadies had said.

I watched them make short work of their section of the course and marvelled at how they worked. At one-point Aurora had used Hanning's and Carmichael's legs to propel herself into a spinning arc to carve out another nape while Rian had removed another's legs to allow Petrov the killing blow. They completed the course in record time and had begun to weave back to the start when Sadies' voice bellowed out.


Without so much as a fumble, the redheaded twins redirected their trajectory and flipped themselves up into the air before landing bent kneed together in perfect unison on the ledge a meter in front of us. Looking up they both shot up into salutes and held their positions, eyes straight ahead and I took this moment to appraise them.

They both stood with their salutes proud, and anyone looking at them could see they had a physical strength about them. Rian's face was strong, and his light blue eyes were alert and aware, the set of his shoulders were stiff though as if uneasy.

Does he suspect something is amiss?

Looking over at Aurora, I pulled in a slightly unnerved breath as I saw her looking directly at me. Her large almond-shaped eyes were haunting, the sharp contrast between the spring green and pale cool grey made her face impossible to look away from, even more so with the scar that rested beneath her right green eye which oddly added to the allure. She had an angular face like her brother's all sharp cheekbones and strong jawlines, though where her brother had clear pale skin, Aurora had a light dusting of freckles across her face.

She gave me a once over, clearly assessing before looking to my companions, she flicked her eyes between Hange and Miche before resting them on Levi and her mouth parted slightly revealing straight white teeth and her stance became more ridged as she watched him.

Clever girl, you know he's a threat .

I quickly glanced at Levi and did a double-take; he too was staring back at Aurora intently with his mouth slightly parted and I had to fight off the smile threatening my lips.

Interesting. So, you're not immune to a beautiful face .

Miche coughed slightly and gestured at the twins standing before us, I nodded my head, giving him permission, I was curious after all. Miche walked up to the cadets and took turns inhaling deeply just by their heads before smirking. Aurora looked over to her brother a question burning in her eyes, and Rian gave a slight shake of his head, and Aurora straightened up again and looked forward.

So, he keeps you tethered or do you simply trust him when he says no .

I nodded to Sadies to let him know we were done here.

"You're dismissed go back to HQ and prepare Lunch" Sadies commanded.

"Yes, Sir!" Rian and Aurora said together before engaging their ODM gear to return to their squadmates. I mulled over everything I had catalogued and made my decision.


We had to play the charade of watching the other cadets of the 102nd complete their training as to not arouse suspicion and I made a show of watching them swing through the trees, but my mind was going back over what we had witnessed.

Sadies had been right, it would be a crime to let the Sparhawkes go to the military police. You couldn't teach raw talent like that; you were either born with it, or you weren't. If they were given to Miche or myself to train I dare say they could be invaluable to the scouts, Erwin would do well to ensure they chose the scouts over the garrison and the MPs.

They had made an impression, Rian's imposing figure would be enough to make any normal man apprehensive, and Aurora was different that much was clear. The memory of when I had seen the sun for the first time flashed in my mind. the way the light had burned my eyes, but I hadn't been able to look away, that's what it was like looking at her. Like seeing something bright.

She had turned her weird eyes to me assessing, and just like that the allure was gone, I felt mild annoyance at her appraisal and tried my best to keep my face neutral but the longer she looked, the more I felt my composure slipping and my irritation pushing through. I had caught the way her body slightly stiffened in apprehension when I met her gaze, she knew I was dangerous, so at least she wasn't an idiot, we could work with that.

"So?" Hange clapped her hands together again in excitement. "What are you guys thinking? Don't know about you but I haven't been this excited about a recruit since I saw shorty do his thing" she gestured to me with her thumb making me scoff.

"They smelt strange" Miche commented, one arm across his chest and his other hand stroking his chin, Erwin turned to look at him with a puzzled expression.

"How do you mean?" he asked.

"There scent was similar, obviously. Rian's scent was more earthy, and Aurora's scent had sunshine in it, but they both had something more, something I've smelled a hint of before" Miche mused.

"Well, where did you smell it before?" I snapped, irritated more so by the fact he had said she had smelt like sunshine.

"On you" he replied, gesturing to me, "It isn't exactly the same, the only thing I can describe the scent as is different. It's how I knew you weren't like everybody else."


I saw Erwin deep in thought, and looking in his eyes I could see him calculating, no doubt weighing up his options.

"What are you thinking, Erwin?" I asked suspiciously. He looked at me and gave a small smile before setting off back towards the training headquarters. He kept his silence most the way while Hange and Miche chatted quietly about the twin's assisted flip technique and implementing it in their own squads.

"Three dependants Sadies had said. A cousin and two adopted siblings if I'm correct" Erwin said offhandedly.

Sly bastard.

"So that's the angle you're going for? The children?" I sneered. Leverage was Erwin's speciality; I was proof enough of that, and usually, I wouldn't give two shits about what he did to get us what we needed to take the fight to the Titans, but something was nagging in the back of my mind about this.

We arrived outside the mess hall just before midday and sitting outside scrubbing potatoes and peeling them were the offending articles themselves. Aurora spotted us first and met my eyes with a hard glare before she kicked her brother, who looked up and gave us an equally challenging stare.

Nothing gets past these two.

Erwin undeterred walked up to the young adults and smiled in greeting. He quickly looked around, making sure they were alone for what was to come next.

"Hello, I'm Erwin Smith. Commander of the scout regiment. Would you two care to take a walk with us?" he said as charming as ever.

"We know who you are" Rian stated appraising each of one us with his critical eyes.

"What do you want?" Aurora challenged, staring at the commander. I felt a small smirk pull at my lips, especially when her brother sighed in annoyance at her forwardness, her eyes snapping to mine and then back to the commander's.

Oh, this one would need reigning in all right.

"Oh, I like this one Erwin!" Hange laughed manically making Rian's face pull in bafflement.

"I wanted to discuss something with both of you in private that may be beneficial." Erwin explained and Aurora rolled her eyes, making her brother smile.

Definitely needs reigning in.

"Beneficial to whom," Aurora asked too innocently as she eyed Erwin with an eyebrow raised. Her twin scoffed in mild amusement before grabbing another potato from the bucket to scrub.

"We're as private as we can be at the moment" Rian gestured to the area around them, potato in hand, which was deserted. Erwin looked to Miche who inhaled deeply no doubt scenting the air for anyone nearby and when Miche gave the nod, Erwin turned back to the redheads.

"I have a proposition for you" Erwin began and Rian's back stiffened. "We have come to the understanding that a family member of yours has been unjustly sent beyond the wall in an attempt to retake Wall Maria, leaving behind three children without a caregiver."

Aurora's face broke out into a snarl, and she made to stand up.

That hit a nerve.

I readied myself to put her down when Rian's hand clamped down on her knee, holding her in place. She whipped her head around to stare at him, incredulous no doubt for stopping her, Rian's eyes, however, were fixed on Erwin.

"What of it?" Rian demanded. His hand tightened on his sisters' knee in warning to her or to Erwin, which I was unsure, either way Erwin needed to make his point soon before these two lost their composure.

"I would like you two to join the scouts upon graduating" Erwin smiled and Aurora's body jerked in shock. "Of course, I understand the predicament you find yourselves. On the assurance that you will join the Scouts and continuing after you join, I will personally ensure that the children will be safe and not have to worry about when their next meal is"

Rian sat back in his seat his face uncertain, but Aurora eyed all of us dangerously. I found myself liking a little more, because it was clear she was looking for the catch.

"That's all, we join the scouts and you protect them? What's game are you playing?" Aurora snarled.

"None." Erwin swore, a speech ready to deliver "I need soldiers to fight the Titans, and right now your skill sets are something we desperately need. I'm willing to ensure your family's safety because I don't want you to go to another regiment, I believe you could make a great contribution to Humanity and protect her interests. Of course, this isn't without personal sacrifice, our mortality rates are high and you will likely die young, alas the choice is yours to make but ask yourselves this, knowing what I have offered, can you afford to turn me down?"

Sly fucking bastard.

Rian turned to look at Aurora who was looking at him with a question burning in her eyes. A few heartbeats passed with them staring at each, and frankly, it was beginning to become uncomfortable before Rian nodded to his sister.

"I go where you go," he said only for her. A brilliant smile of sheer relief spread across Aurora's face, and I felt my chest tug absurdly as I realised she didn't care for her own life, her goal was to protect those children, she had been prepared to join us without her brother. The twins both stood up and faced Erwin Smith, the commander of the Survey corps.

"You keep them fed till they are old enough to make their own decisions and my brother and I are yours to command upon graduation. We will join the survey corps" Aurora swore before saluting. Erwin returned the gestured and smiled before shaking her hand and then Rian's.

This was good for the corps. Granted that they didn't piss themselves the moment they went on their first expedition and get eaten, they would be significant assets. This was a win. So why do I feel regret burning in my gut?

Because I stood by and watched them as they made a deal with the devil.

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