Saving Bennett Reid (Book 3)

By fictionowl

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[Jasper Falls Saga: Book 3] This book is part of a series and must be read in a specific labeled order. Pleas... More

Twist of Fate
Looking Out For Me
Ivy Rose
Anxiety Attacks
A Desperate Beta
Peace Offering
Shut It Down
Past is Past
All For You
The Date #SpookFest2k19
Strange Behavior
It Begins
Consequences of Officiality (Part 1)
Consequences of Officiality (Part 2)
Consequences of Officiality (Part 3)
Beta Mate
Phase One: Uprising
Phase Two: The Hunt
Cheesy Romance
Puzzle Pieces
Troubling Developments
Ready Or Not
Game Plan (Part 1)
The Mole (Part 2)
Game Plan (Part 2)
Woeful Descent
Raid and Rescue
The Mole (Part 3)
The Mole (Part 4)
The Fall of Black Rock Canyon
Jaxon's Beta #SpookyFest2k20
Hope Unanchored #SpookyFest2k20
Unhinged (Part 1)
Unhinged (Part 2)
Man of Steel
A Slice of Normal
The Last Stand (Part 1)
The Last Stand (Part 2)
Iron Fist

Gaining Intimacy

7.2K 256 178
By fictionowl


There had been a bounce in my step since last night as I haven't been able to stop smiling.

Work around the borders has been completed, and despite it being a weekend and my 'birthday', things proceeded as usual. For the rest of the pack. My parents had set off earlier to the beach house, taking Nathaniel with them, to stock the cabinets for the weekend and ensure everything was in place.

Whatever it was that my mother seemed to think was out of place. I don't know. She's far more excited for my birthday than I am, meanwhile, I only cared about one person showing up.

Asher had officially claimed me as his chauffeur to the beach house, so I had to wait for him to get ready.

"Hey!" I said, my voice tight with controlled impatience. "You almost done? We're gonna be late." I frowned when I saw him rolling up swimming trunks and dumping them into his gym bag.

"Are you kidding? You should've done that last night or something." I argued, marching further into his room and plopping down onto the edge of his bed. Asher passed me an irritated side glance as he moved about his room as if double checking.

"Calm your titties, Carter." he retorted nonchalantly, digging through his drawers and pulling out a few T-shirts. "The only reason you're in a rush is because you wanna be there when Bennett shows up." he drawled.

I raised an eyebrow to give him a dry stare. Gee, you don't say! What gave it away?

"You can chill. Jax messaged while you were downstairs. Bennett isn't even up yet."

Oh no! Did he change his mind at the last moment? Did he decide he'd rather spend his weekend doing better things than be bothered with me?

Gosh! I hope not! I'm really looking forward to spending some time with him, and this weekend couldn't have happened at a more convenient time.

"I said he's still sleeping. I didn't say he wasn't coming." Asher reiterated. Snapping out of my thoughts, I gave him an appreciative smile, glad that he was doing his best to keep me optimistic.

"Hey, I still have a few things to pack. Why don't you head out to the car? And maybe you'll run into a peeved pack member." he suggested, patting my shoulder.

Oh yes, that happened. I had completely forgotten about the party. It was tradition that on the birthday of a prominent leader, a party would be held so that all members of the pack can celebrate the occasion. Following the incident in the parking lot, I'd simply wanted to get as far away from school as possible. And then Bennett agreed to do something.

Time with him was far more valuable and I'd rather spend it with him than at some party that was a yearly bash. When I'd gotten home, I hadn't bothered with showing my face. No doubt, some wolves were ticked.

Nodding, I left the Stone residence and headed out to the Silverado. I shouldn't need to explain my absence. Sure, the bash was thrown in my honor, but it was really for the pack. And after seventeen years of the same bash, I found it intriguing to spend my time another way.


My hand withdrew from the door handle as I glanced in the direction of the voice to find a pack member a year younger walking along the pavement, a gym back dangling from his shoulder.

"Vic." I greeted as the younger boy approached, all smiles. And as of late, I realized Vic to be less volatile toward me. "Heading to the gym?" I stated the obvious. Vic flushed, ruffling the side of his hair, his other hand wringing the strap of the gym bag.

"Yeah..." he drawled, "I gotta blow off some steam. Hey, where were you yesterday? I tell ya, some people were really ticked you didn't show up."


I shrugged in nonchalance. "I didn't see a point in attending since I've had seventeen years of the same party."

Of course, being the sharp little shit he was, Vic saw right through my 'lie' even if it wasn't a total lie.

"Sure." He dragged out that one word as if subtly calling me out on my bullshit.

"I'm not lying, Vic." The younger dominant only grinned secretively, successfully getting on my nerves.

Where the bloody hell is Asher already, dammit? We're going to be late and I'd rather be there to greet Bennett when he arrives.

Vic shrugged. "Didn't say you were." Both hands wringing at the strap of the bag, Vic's smirk mostly disappeared if it hadn't been for the almost invisible curl at the corner of his mouth. "Well, I'm off. Happy birthday, dude." He patted my shoulder before walking off as I gave him a suspicious stare that lasted only a moment before me called out to me again. He kept his back toward me, sending a wave of his hand my way which was swiftly accompanied by words that made my face heat up from embarrassment.

"Tell your boyfriend I said hello."

Oh my gods! Does everybody know about my sudden obsession with Bennett? Have I really been that noisy about my attraction to him?

Then again, it was impossible to be quiet when he's related to someone like Mandy. And it was impossible not to draw attention when he's diagnosed with severe PTSD and constantly surrounded by fools who trigger it. Mostly, it was incredibly impossible to stay away and keep quiet when my attraction toward him was through the roof.


Turning at the sound of Asher's voice, the sub gave me a curious frown when he caught my expression. No doubt my embarrassment shone through.

"Finally! Hurry up!" I breathed in relief. The sub only rolled his eyes but got into the front seat anyway.

The ride to the beach house was mostly quiet, save for the music playing. My nerves were all over the place jumping from anxiety, to happiness, to complete and utter shit. We had just crossed into the human populated part of town when Asher finally broke the tensed silence, turning to pin me with a disapproving, irritated glare.

"Can you stop that?" he blurted, making me jump slightly as my mind had stayed- for the better part of the drive- fixated on the idea of getting to spend an entire weekend with my mate. Albeit, we would not be alone, but just having him there would mean everything.

"What?" I queried, truly confused and startled by his sudden sharp scolding.

"Calm down, man. Your anxiety reeks."


There's only one other person I know of who can pick up on those things. I gave Asher a skeptical glance from the corner of my eyes, and he rolled his having caught me trying to figure out from where he'd attained that particular skill.

"Jax taught me."

I raised an eyebrow at that. "It took you less than two weeks to learn how to track through chemo signals?" The sub shrugged his shoulders in a nonchalant manner, keeping his eyes trained on the road ahead of us.

"It isn't that much different to tracking through scent. Just requires a little more focus."

"From what I remember Bennett saying, it's more complicated than the usual."

Asher shook his head. "It sounds like that. But it's really simple. And it becomes as easy as breathing once you keep doing it everyday." He paused for a moment, glancing to me for a bit before he exhaled sharply. "Just don't fuck up this weekend."

I said nothing in response. But he needn't worry. I have no intention of screwing up this weekend and I just hope no one else did anything idiotic to upset Bennett.


It was closing in on the hour of nine and I was beginning to get panicky. What if he really decided against coming? And while I'm sure he had other, better ways of spending his weekend, not having him here would be a crushing defeat.

I was pacing to and fro on the front porch of the beach house, and the guys were sprawled about. Sky and Jace occupied the two patio chairs we'd dragged to the front. Laken and Dale took up most of the bench; especially Dale with his long ass legs. And Asher was perched on the concrete bannister that barricaded the porch, his legs swinging freely on either side.

Their eyes collectively, closely followed my nervous pacing and fidgeting.

"Dude," Asher called, "you really need to calm down. They'll show up."

"Are you certain they didn't bail last minute?" My question was rushed and panicked. I could hear Sky and Jace futilely stifling their snorts. Laken simply smiled in amusement, and Dale was a stoic motherfucker. No surprise there.

Asher gave me a blank stare, turning to swipe through his phone. I made a sound of distress, returning to my pacing until the sub reached an arm out. In his hand was his phone, the screen pointed toward me.

"Jaxon messaged me a bit ago. They're on their way." He wriggled the phone, and I looked closer to see a message sent to him from his mate, indeed indicating and confirming Asher's words with a snippet for reason behind their running late.

"Don't worry, Mr. Future Beta, your prince charming isn't ditching you. He'll show up to your ball."

Shooting a glare his way, I slumped down into the spot at Dale's side as Sky and Jace burst into a fit of boisterous laughter. Laken chuckled softly, and his most often stoic mate bore an amused smirk.

Have they no empathy? Laughing at my expense when it was obvious Bennett alone could make or break this weekend. His choice to spend it otherwise would ultimately ruin these next two days and make me a miserable bastard.

"Oh look! Your boy's here." Jace announced as the gates rolled open and sure enough, a sleek metallic blue Toyota Prado came strolling up the driveway to park directly behind Sky's SUV.

I sat bolt upright allowing me to see through the tinted windows, two figures. The engine turned off and the doors opened a moment later, but before either Jaxon or Bennett could get out, I bolted inside the house, straight into the kitchen hoping to find my courage and dignity.

"Mature." I heard Jace retort dryly all the way from my hiding place behind the island counter. Mom was already in the kitchen, cooking up a light brunch; something we can munch on for the duration of the day until we had a hearty feast later tonight.

"Sweetie?" Mom's voice drew my attention, frowning down at me in concern as I pathetically slid to the floor.

Why am I acting this way? It's not as though this will be the first time I talk to him. Or the first time we hang out together. I mean, for two nights in a row we'd gone out.


"He's here, mom. He's outside." I whispered, gripping the counter ledge pathetically peeping over the top and into the living area where I had a perfect view of the front door that was left slight ajar. I could hear him and Jaxon; the Black Rock beta hassling and teasing his mate earning witty remarks and retorts.

Bennett was speaking with the others, asking after me finally realizing I was nowhere to be found.

Sky scoffed. "He saw the car and immediately ran away. He's probably inside looking for his dignity."

The deep, rumbling sound that came as a response made my heart go Ba-boom!

"Maybe you can help him find it." Asher added on, making Bennett laugh more. My heart was hammering against my ribcage so hard; anymore and I feared it would burst through. The door was pushed open and Bennett came strolling in, looking as gorgeous as ever even if all he wore was camouflage cargo shorts and a black, long sleeved jumper. He glanced about looking for someone.


Or just me.

A gasp left my mouth and I collapsed to the floor. I was being pathetic, and I knew it. But I was too damn excited. Too happy. He was actually here. He hadn't changed his mind at the last minute, and for whatever reason, chose to spend these next two days with me, my family and closest friends. He hadn't even realized what this meant to me, having him here.

"Sweetie, get up!" mom barked, and a moment later, his scent and presence invaded everything around me. He was so close.

"Bennett!" mom greeted, cheerily. "So happy you could make it."

"Um...thanks, Mrs. Hayes. Have you seen Carter?"

Oh my gods! There it is again! He called me by my first name.

"Please, don't bother with the formalities. And Carter...well, it's funny you should ask." she replied, her tone laced with amusement and something else. Frowning, I glanced up to my mother, but she paid me no mind as she prepared whatever it was that she was making.

"My son seems to think the kitchen floor will show him where he left that dignity."


His presence got nearer and a second later, I felt something press into my hair and tap my head, tiny electrical impulses zapping through my scalp, down to my ears and spreading along my neck to raise goosebumps in it's wake. I tilted my head up to find him perched over the counter and staring directly at me, a slight grin pulling at the corner of his mouth.

"Found it yet?"

What is this joke at my expense? That they managed to rope my mate into?

Mom laughed heartily for a whole four seconds before I whined to her about embarrassing me. Her laughter sobered a moment later and she wiped at her nose with the back of her hand.

"Sorry, baby. Why don't you show Bennett where he'll be sleeping?" she offered instead, lightly tapping my shoulder. I nodded, gathering the remains of said dignity and leading the way, up the steps and down the corridor.

We came to a slow at the fifth room, and I opened the door stepping aside to let him see his temporary domicile. I took note of the awestruck expression on his face as he walked into the spacious bedroom that looked like something a celebrity couple would stay in.

The walls were a soft grey, the carpet a white with intricate black designs. The drapery was white silk, even the drapery at the bed canopy. The rug beneath the bed was also white but with golden stitches and patterns. The furniture which consisted a chest of drawers, a wardrobe, and a bedside table were all black. A sofa was jammed in a corner opposite the bed, but unlike the grey, black and white color scheme, it was the only piece of furniture that was a light shade of beige with intricate gold patterned stitching.

The window was facing the ocean so I knew he would enjoy the view from there. And he didn't have to worry about the room being too dark because we had only white lights.

I watched quietly as he placed his bag on the bed and stooped to touch the rug. A second later, his face contorted in bliss as he plopped down stomach first.

"This is nice." he commented quietly, his voice sounding a bit on the tired end.

"Are you tired?"

Bennett rolled onto his back, looking up at me from an upside down perspective. He shrugged.

"Kind of. Barely slept last night."

I was suddenly wary of leaving him alone in this room. Not that he wouldn't be safe. But what if...

What if he had bad dreams? Nightmares. What if he didn't sleep last night because those nightmares kept him awake?

I didn't want him to be alone when it happened. Especially if I would only be one door away.

"Are you okay sleeping in here alone?" I asked. Bennett sat up, folding his legs as he tilted his head in curiosity.

"Um..." he started, poking out his bottom lip in uncertainty. It was only then did I realize how my question sounded, and immediately, panic flooded me when I felt a wave of uneasiness wash over me. It was coming from him!

Great going, fucktard. He hasn't been here ten minutes and I've already made him uncomfortable. I was so worried about other people upsetting him, I forgot about keeping myself in check.

"Oh gods, no! I didn't mean it that way! I just..."

Bennett tilted his head again, curiously, and expectantly staring up at me. Expelling a deep sigh at how pathetic I truly was, how incompetent I became in the presence of someone I was crazy about, I walked into the room and sat down next to him.

My mate only closely watched me as though I were some intriguing creature.

"I only meant..." I scratched at my forehead. "I did some reading. Learned that people with PTSD sometimes get...dreams." I met his gaze, noting that his had considerably softened. "You said you barely slept last night. I just wanted to be sure you would be fine sleeping alone in a different place. And if you're not...I'm sure I could find a more suitable sleeping arrangement."

"You would do that, for me?" he asked, clearly surprised by my offer. But the thing is, I'd do anything for him.

I only nodded, offering him a soft smile that eventually turned into me fighting off a severe blush as a result of the one creeping up along his neck.

"I'll be fine." he offered, giving me a smile in return.

"You don't need to lie. Really, it won't be any trouble. I want you to be comfortable-"

My mouth snapped shut at the sensation of Bennett's hand on my bicep. That single touch made my beta hormones roar to life and suddenly it was like a fiesta going on inside me. He was looking at me with a soft expression, one filled with an array of emotion. But one I did pinpoint was appreciation.

"Really. It's fine. And there were no bad dreams last night. Guess all the things that happened this week sort of took it's toll and I was far too tired to get comfortable. You know that feeling?"

"So, you'll be alright in here?"

"I said so." he responded quietly, the two of us suddenly caught up in this strange moment where neither of us said anything. Silence ensued as I continued to gaze at him, and he did the same until I guess he finally snapped out of that strange trance.

"So," he started, clearing his throat as if to emphasize the awkwardness, "what exactly have you planned to do here?"

Surprisingly; nothing. Far too caught up in wondering whether the source of my main focus would show, I didn't particularly care what anyone did.

"It isn't like a party or anything. It's kind of like a getaway. A mini vacation to get away from all the stress of school, work, and pack life."

" why invite me then?" Was there something wrong in just wanting him here? "You're being a lousy host. You invite me and yet have nothing planned." he accused, a teasing gleam in his eyes.

"Fine, then. How about we go for a walk?" I suggested, getting to my feet. "Seeing as I'm a lousy host." I retorted, mocking his words to which he rolled his eyes.

"Oh, I see. You're one of those guys." he retorted, and despite the playful edge to his voice, it didn't stop me from frowning. What did he mean by that? What type of 'guy' is he referring to?

Bennett got to his feet and I took notice of the nonexistent tension. Well, so far, so good. He's relaxed.

"I'm guessing you like romantic sunsets too." he carried on teasing, now smirking a little as he continued to give me the look like I was a rare, exotic animal.

"You know, I never did understand that whole romantic sunset thing. It's just a sunset." I then shook my head, realizing we were going off topic and he was either avoiding the question or delighting in getting a kick out of my seemingly innocent request. "Do you wanna go for a walk or not? It'll give us something to do. You know, take in the scenery, watch people be idiots."

Bennett only stared at me for the longest while.

"What?" I asked, uneasy. He then burst out laughing and I suddenly felt very unsure of myself.

"Is that what you do for fun?"

"Well, no. But people are entertaining when they think no one's watching."

Bennett accepted that, nodding in approval. "Okay, then. Let's go."

Before we headed down to where everyone else was, I gave him a quick tour of the beach house so that he wouldn't get 'lost'. An excuse I used that he seemed to buy. See, Bennett is considered the best tracker in Black Rock Canyon, being able to track as a human would, and as a werewolf using sense of smell for scent and chemo signals.

I knew he would not get lost in the large house, but I felt obligated to show him, nonetheless. Not only was it considered the hospitable action, but personally, I wanted him in every aspect of my life.

"Is all this really necessary? It's just a beach house." Bennett stopped to inspect a glass figurine of a howling wolf in the downstairs lounge area. I only shrugged. Our beach house was on the extravagant side and thus, more so than our usual place of residence.

Home was humble in comparison.

We moved on through the house and out back to the patio where the others had migrated to. Dale and Sky were perched on lawn chairs in the shade while the others went crazy in and around the pool like pups on their first visit to the park.

As we passed by, I swiftly pulled Bennett to the side shielding him with my body as his dumbass best friend decided to cannon ball, splashing water up onto the side. Asher cheered his mate on, Jace laughed until he almost toppled into the water from his perch on the pool's edge. Laken was in the shallow end of the pool with Nathaniel who was decked out in goggles and floats since my brother had yet to learn how to swim.

Mom's fault.

"Are you heading to the beach?" Laken asked, capturing our attention.

"Ooh! Can I come too?" my brother pleaded, gripping onto the pool's edge. Their collective attention was on us now.

"Sorry, bud. You gotta get permission from mom and dad first." I replied. Nathaniel's shoulders drooped and he pouted before defiantly meeting my gaze again.

"No fair! How come you get to go?"

"Because, I'm a grown up now." I teased, sticking my tongue out at him childishly. Nathaniel's cheeks puffed in childish anger as he tried to glare his frustration my way. But he looked like a little blonde chipmunk instead.

"Next time buddy. Promise I'll carry you." I assured, laughing at his childish pout. But he really did have to get mom and dad's permission. Since Nathaniel was a sub, our parents hawked him every five minutes even though I knew, he didn't particularly need it. For two reasons. His father was Marcana's beta. Unless people wanted to get killed, they stayed well away from the sub. And also, sometimes I looked at Nathaniel and saw the next Asher Stone.

I'd give it a few years. If he spends enough time around Sky and Jace, and then some with Asher, he'll eventually develop a foul vocabulary and sharp skills.

Bennett followed quietly as I led the way out, past the pool and across the strip of lawn that was bordered by a wall painted in the same Apple White shade as the house. The top of the wall was barricaded with black iron spikes, the tips painted in gold. We walked along a cobblestone pathway with an array of flower plants on either side that led to a pedestrian black iron gate that let out directly onto the sandy beach. The arch around the gate had been decorated with vines and basket flower plants.

At times, my mother got a little too much into her landscaping hobbies.

"After you." I offered, holding the gate ajar and motioning for him to move on ahead. Bennett rolled his eyes but did as I offered. While I pushed the gate closed, Bennett walked ahead of me until he was at the edge, where the sea met the land.

I took a moment to observe him quietly my way over, slipping off my flip flops so that I could feel the squishy, warm sand between my toes. Bennett stood at the edge, clearly fascinated by the waves rolling up the shoreline to wash his bare feet.

"Wanna take a dip?"

He didn't respond right away, staring off into the horizon. "Nope." He turned the other way, facing our right, his expression full of sudden determination. "I wanna see what Jasper Falls has to offer when the beach is crowded."

I frowned at this, tilting my head. "In all the time Black Rock has been here, you've never gone to the beach on a weekend?" Week days were the optimal time to head to the beach in my opinion. It was quiet and far more serene. The downside, half the shops and eateries were didn't open the full shift so one didn't get the full Jasper Falls beach experience as they would on the weekend.

Bennett only shrugged, almost blushing from embarrassment. "I never had anyone to go with. Aunt Zoe and grandfather Kosta were always too busy. And Jax...well...we weren't exactly on speaking terms."

"So, what did you do then?" I asked truly curious about how Bennett had taken to spending his time before he went into rehab. Not only was I curious, but guilty that I had never taken a moment to observe him in the past and ask questions.

Then again, he probably would have said it was none of my business. Until maybe now.

But he didn't reply. Just gave a dry stare that spoke volumes and seemed to ask a silent rhetorical question.

Yes, I'm serious. I have theories. None are good enough because they're based off of assumptions.

"Tried to forget." he replied a moment later, turning his gaze back to the ocean, beginning to quietly stroll in the direction of the boardwalk. He left me behind to owlishly stare at his back.

Was it his life's purpose to continuously break my heart? But as quickly as I thought that, another question popped up.

Maybe if I nudged him a little, I'd get something more.

"Forget what?" I queried, hurrying forward to fall into step beside him. He glanced to me out the corner of his eye, appearing annoyed by my constant questions.

Well I had to do something.

Bennett and I could spend hours together, and out of those many hours, I would talk endlessly about myself while I only got a line or two about him. A few vague ones if I'm lucky.

"My past."

"What about it?"

Bennett raised an eyebrow. A pretty one, at that. "Everything. My past is plagued with darkness and memories I'd rather forget. Memories that still haunt me. And I'd rather not talk about it."

But, we aren't talking about it. He deflects everything to do with himself and gives such vague answers that raise more questions than anything. But I didn't invite him here to dwell on memories of the past.

"Very well. But just so you know," I paused, capturing his full attention as he stopped walking and turned to face me, expectantly awaiting my next words, "whenever and if ever you want to talk, I'm here for you. Prepared to listen. I read that you shouldn't keep things bottled up. It isn't good and I don't ever want you to feel like you need to hide things from me."

His gaze softened and I could tell he was at odds with himself. "I'll keep that in mind." he replied a moment later, but I caught onto the subtext. I shouldn't expect him to actually talk about those things.

Whatever it was that made him the way he is.

It couldn't just be his horrible relationships with Mandy, Cheryl or Vince that made him lock it up so tightly, refusing to budge, barely give anything away. It had to be something else. And in due time, maybe I would figure it out if it was something he refused to talk about.

I fell into step with him as, yet another question popped into my brain. Sure enough, his irritation at my constant questioning shone through boldly.

What can I say? You intrigue me, Bennett. And I'll keep on asking the questions I can't figure out on my own.

Unless I wanted a little ego boost. Like right now.

"So, what made you decide to show up? Because honestly, I thought you would have found a better way to spend your time."

Bennett raised an eyebrow, yet again. Like seriously, does he have any idea how pretty he is? I've seen what his father looks like, and let me tell you, the only thing of Vince's that Bennett inherited is the eyes. Other than that, he took after his mother's side of the family.

Whomever she may be, woman, I thank you.

"What made you think spending my time here would be less worthwhile?"


"Uh-uh...I don't know. I-I just figured you know..." Bennett stared at me in amusement while I continued tripping over my words finding the right way to explain without upsetting him.

"Figured what?" The corners of his mouth curled slightly, and I stopped stuttering to glare at him. Little bastard! He was enjoying watching me squirm.

"If the last week taught me anything, it's that I shouldn't put all my cards out on the table with you." I retorted, immediately regretting it when I realized how it sounded. Of course, it meant something completely different in my head, but he interpreted it the wrong way. I felt something in him jump and I realized a little too late, that I had unintentionally upset him.

Gone was the teasing light in those blue eyes and his little smirk dropped to be replaced by an unreadable expression.

"Shit!" I cursed, stepping forward to intercept his pathway as he had already started leaving me behind. Damn! I really fucked up.

"Bennett, wait!" I called, grabbing his shoulder to stop him from moving only to have him knock my hand away. His expression was unreadable, yet I could feel that he was upset. Disappointed even.

"I didn't mean it like that. I simply meant, I just felt like you would try to avoid me like you've been doing since last week."

"What gave you that idea?"

It was my turn to stare at him incredulously. "Why else would you suddenly disappear off to Ivy Rose last Thursday and Friday? Not to mention, all the days you were in Marcana, you deliberately avoided me and couldn't seem to get away fast enough when I did corner you."

Bennett had his eyes downcast. I didn't like that because it betrayed the quiet confidence that surrounded him. Something I had come to realize that he possessed but didn't flaunt. It was a reserved type of confidence that made him all the more interesting.

"I didn't avoid you yesterday." he replied quietly, finding interest in squishing his toes into the sand.

"One evening isn't much for me to depend on."

But we were getting closer. If he, himself could admit that he had willing chosen to spend time with me, our relationship was progressing. Of course, I couldn't randomly flip for joy. That would freak him out.

Crossing my arms over my chest, I tilted my head trying to catch his eyes. "So, what made you change your mind?"

He stayed quiet for so long, I thought he wouldn't answer. But then, he held up two fingers.

"Two reasons. It seemed like the perfect distraction." He paused, locking his gaze with mine. "And you didn't lie."


I frowned for a moment as I sifted through the memories of the last week and a half, trying to remember anything I had been accused of lying about...

Wait! Ugh! I swear! That fucking bitch could have ruined this entire fucking weekend with her stupid 'white lies'.

I smirked at him, and he arched an eyebrow. "So, not only am I capable of telling the truth, I'm also a perfect distraction, eh?" Bennett rolled his eyes.

"The beach is a distraction, Hayes. Not you." he retorted, turning once again in the direction of the boardwalk. I feigned hurt, placing a hand to my chest.

"Why wound me like this, baby? It's my birthday. You're supposed to be nice and give me a birthday kiss." I teased.

"I'd rather kiss a dog." he fired, his tone equally teasing.


He grunted lowly in his throat and the disgust on his face was almost too perfect that it made me double over from a fit of laughter.

Our stroll to the boardwalk was filled with lighthearted humor and banter. I teased, he teased. I got cocky; he would openly display his disapproval all in good fun. The time it had taken us to get there had warmed me for a simple reason that made me realize why I warmed up to him so quickly. Desperation and the mate bond aside.

He was different from anyone I'd shown an interest in or even dated. My friends and family didn't count. They were expected to be brutally honest and straightforward.

Everyone I had dated, shown an interest in, or even had a passing fling with did one of three things, if not a combination in some way, shape or form.

They threw themselves at me.

They catered to my ego and worshipped the ground I walked on.

Or, they sought me out in hopes of boosting their own social status through 'dating' me.

Bennett... He didn't seem to care about social status, ego, or even sex. He didn't care that our history was somewhat bad and that I was capable of hurting him badly. He didn't care that we'd only just started talking and spending time together. He was brutal with his honesty. Straightforward. Spicy and fiery.

It both amused me and caused some serious palpitations of the heart.

My gaze followed Bennett's as I realized he had suddenly gone quiet, his eyes locked onto the ocean out in front of us. He'd found a spot on the boardwalk and came to rest against the railing. Out in the water, parents were with their kids. Some people were on floats of all shapes, sizes, designs and colors. Further out where the water was deeper and the waves higher, some guys were riding jet skis, waterskiing, and just a bit further out, one or two people were surfing. He was paying close attention to the surfers, and when I looked closely, he seemed to be caught in a daze from the far away gleam in his eyes.

Was he reminiscing about something from his past? I couldn't tell for sure if it was a good memory or a bad memory because while I felt his subtle happiness, there was a shred of sadness that wrapped itself around that positive emotion.

"Do you surf?" Leaning against the railing, I kept my body at an angle where I was facing him yet the surfers were in my peripheral vision.

"I used to." he answered after a moment, and once again, I noticed that he had started absentmindedly stroking the ring that dangled from its cord around his neck.

Was there some kind of sentiment behind it? It just seemed that every time he went into a daze, that thing served as an object of focus meant to trap and keep him there.

"What happened? Why not anymore?"

"We moved." he stated, draping his arms over the railing, and lifting one foot to rest against the lowest bar of the rail. "Black Rock used to reside near the coast. Back in Starlight City. Every other weekend, we used to head out and catch a few waves."


"We?" I queried, and his head snapped up in my direction. The sudden shock and dejection in his eyes caught me off guard. I was about to ask what was wrong when he spoke, robbing me of that chance.

"Jaxon and me." he replied quickly, his voice getting quieter near the end. I narrowed my gaze when I felt something in him jump. It felt similar to the shred of sadness, only it was amplified. He pursed his lips, seemingly lost in thought. I started calling his name to recapture his focus when he spoke again. This time so soft, I had to strain to hear him over the many voices of beach goers.

"And a... friend."

I tried to ignore the profound heartbreak he tried so desperately to mask when he said those words. It was obvious that Bennett and this 'friend' had a history.

Good or bad?

I wasn't sure.

"Did you like surfing?" My main hope here was to take his mind away from whatever thoughts of the past he dwelled on. He slouched against the railing, lazily cradling his head against his palm.

He shrugged in response, glancing to me out the corner of his eye. His expression remained otherwise stoic, betraying the slight stirring I detected from him every once in a while. And I got a large enough vibe to know he didn't just like surfing. It was probably his favorite past time.

"Would you pick it up again, given the opportunity?"

"Maybe if I had someone with me..." he answered after a moment, slouching a little less now. Bennett then turned his head to glance my way, a sudden frown working its way onto his face when he caught the soft smile directed toward him. "What?"

An idea had come to me. I read online that one way PTSD victims can overcome it and return to normalcy was to reengage in hobbies they would have done before the 'incident'.

"Come. I've got an idea."

"What?" he called after me in puzzlement as I started moving away. "Where are you going?"

"Come on! Trust me, okay. You'll like this." I encouraged, waving him forward as I moved further into the commercial area of the beach. A grin broke out onto my face when I heard him groan, which was swiftly followed by his footsteps and his warning for me to wait up.

Yeah, warning. I sensed a bit of a threat when he told me to slow down. But I couldn't! The idea itself was quite exciting and I had a feeling he would truly like my plan.

We ventured past the screaming children, crying toddlers, superficial teens, frustrated parents, and obnoxious young adults as we made our way further from the central gathering point of beach goers and onto the strip that led to the shops and restaurants. Before we got to the street bustling with businesses, I noticed that Bennett had slowed down as we passed by some open vendor stalls where tables were laid out under large tents.

These stalls sold small items like jewelry, children's toys, beach rafts and floats. The items came from some of the nearby shops just in case people were too lazy to foot the journey to the actual shop where there was a wider variety of the same things.

"See anything you like?"

He shook his head, his gaze lingering on a pair of customized stainless steel obsidian rings. I frowned, taking a closer look only to realize there was something engraved into the steel. One ring had the word 'His' engraved into it, and the other, had the same word. It was a pair of customized couple rings for a gay couple.

And again, he started to absentmindedly stroke the ring on the cord.

"Do you want that?" I asked, gesturing to the pair of rings and I only received a roll of the eyes and a look that said I was an idiot.

"Don't you need to be in a relationship to wear those things? They're called couple rings for a reason."

That's probably the whole idea that kick started it, but why do only couples get to enjoy the rings?

"It could mean different things to different people." I tried, and he raised an eyebrow as if challenging my idea. I shrugged. "It could mean friendship. Or even a promise."

He chuckled softly. "Really?" He had an amused smile on his lips. I nodded, sticking with my theory. Or maybe, I was just looking for excuses to buy him it.

I don't care. I'm a clingy, possessive son of a bitch, and if it were up to me, I'd make him wear a sign that read 'Belongs to Carter Hayes. No touching!' and it would be freaking luminescent.

Bennett shook his head, still smiling and amused by my suggestion as he moved past me. "Where were you taking me to again?"

Taking one last glance at the couple rings, I moved along and led him to a store that sold beach wear from bikinis and swimming trunks, to high quality water sport clothing.

"You guys need anything?" I turned to the sound of a familiar female voice, a friendly smile curling my lips as Isabelle approached sporting a similar smile. She was Marcana, and the older sister of Dustin who was in the year group immediately below us. Isabelle was a few years older than us, and happily married for almost three years and had two adorable kids with her husband.

"Browsing for now." I replied, my gaze closely following Bennett as he sifted through a rack of competitive men's swim wear. Isabelle leaned closer to me, keeping her voice down just in case he might overhear us.

"Is that him?" I nodded, a prideful grin brightening up my face. Because she ran a hectic life as a working mom of two and loving wife, she rarely had time to socialize with a lot of people within the packs. Let alone, outside. I suddenly frowned. "Wait! How did you know?"

Isabelle laughed. "Vic and Dustin have been over a few times in the last week. Your puppy love is their favorite topic of discussion."

Oh my gods!

I flushed at her comment as she did a double take, obviously checking him out. She made a face of approval and nodded her head. "He's cute. Nice. I'll be over there if you need me." she said, gesturing to a stool near a table of bikinis.


Frowning, I glanced over to see that he had moved onto another section, this one carrying wetsuits for surfing which was what I had dragged him here for. I studied his appearance for a moment. He had a perfectly proportioned body, toned in all the right places and a perfect height to boot. Chestnut hair ruffled and unkempt in an adorable fashion. Long lashes that hid away striking blue eyes, a sharp jawline, perfect bone structure and symmetry.

Nope! Laken is cute. Bennett is a specimen in a class of his own. And that's not the mate bond talking. That's just me creeping on my mate's exquisite physical beauty.

He suddenly glanced away, locking gazes with me, a barely visible smile tugging at his lips. "Just going to stand there? What are we doing here?" he asked, and since the store was mainly empty save for two other guys looking at life jackets, I heard him as though he were standing a foot away.

Fighting off the blush that threatened to creep up my neck, I went over, gesturing to the wetsuits.

"I got an idea. Let's go surfing."

He crossed his arms over his chest. "I don't own gear. Or have cash on me to purchase any." I grinned at that, placing a hand to my chest.

"I'm being a hospitable host." He rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "Pick one." I gestured to the wetsuits laid out on the table, racks, and even on the mannequin.

He frowned. "What'd you mean? Are you..." he trailed, pointing at random to the table. He didn't need to finish the question, because yes. Exactly what he thinks I'm doing, I am doing.

"Buying myself one, too." Bennett just stared at me incredulously while I motioned Isabelle over grabbing up the wetsuit I wanted.

"You're kidding. You're not buying me this." He shook his head in denial.

"Watch me." I replied, sending him a wink as I scurried off in the direction of the changing room, meeting Isabelle halfway there. "Help him find a good one. We're dressing to go."


Almost fifteen minutes later, I sat waiting on a small bench near the change rooms as Bennett got dressed in hopefully, his final wetsuit. He was indecisive. It had started off with a single suit that fit perfectly, save for the legs since it stopped on his calves. He had then decided he didn't want a wetsuit like that because they had no nice colors and he didn't fancy the legs. So, then came the wetsuits that covered every inch of his body. Finding the size and the right colour seemed to be a bit of a challenge.

I honestly thought Bennett shared nothing in common with his sister, but this little adventure proved me wrong. She was something of a fashionista and before, when she dragged me along on her shopping sprees, we would spend almost two hours in one store because she was mixing and matching outfits. Colors, size, design, brand names. Bennett didn't strike me as a fashionista type of guy, so this was a bit shocking.

I had been scrolling through my Instagram that was spammed with birthday wishes from almost every werewolf in Marcana, some from other packs, and pretty much the entire school. I had been scrolling through long enough to learn that Mandy was moving on quickly as she had posted a photo of her and one of my team mates in a heated lip lock.

Good for her! Maybe now she'll leave me alone.

The curtain moved and Bennett stepped out as I glanced up, the phone nearly dropping from my grip.

Holy cow! He really does look good in anything he wears.

Clearing my throat, I gestured to the wetsuit. "So, is this the dress?"

Bennett gave me a dry stare, catching onto my reference as he walked forward, neatly fixing the clothes he had come here with.

"Here." I offered, holding out a string bag. I had bought two since neither of us walked with anything to safeguard our belongings. He didn't say anything even though I could tell he was thinking about the fact that I had bought it, in addition to the wetsuit I was about to purchase. On credit. Because all the cash I walked with was at the beach house.

"Isabelle, charge it to my tab and I'll swing by later to pay." She nodded, writing up the bill, keeping one copy for the store and giving me the other.

We left the store and headed over to a nearby shop that sold and rented out water sport equipment. This time, Bennett said nothing as he quietly made his way about the store, looking at all the equipment before he finally chose a surfboard to rent.

"You don't want to purchase one instead?"

"Why? It's not like I'll have much use for one after today."

"Then, why don't we make this a regular thing? Every weekend or so, we'll come down here and catch a few waves." I suggested. He shook his head walking around me, searching about for an employee since we had already chosen our boards. I followed as he spotted a store clerk and made our way over.

"We don't have much free time as before. You're going to have more responsibilities now and I already have enough on my plate."

Once the rental fee was added to my tab, we made our way out to the boardwalk and down the steps that led to the sandy shore. The shop was closer to the ocean and boardwalk than other shops because of the things they rented out and sold. They also had out front, lockers for rent which was yet another fee added to my bill so that we could safeguard our belongings. Gods know how many hours we may waste away catching wave after wave.

"That's exactly why we should come here more often." I reasoned as we walked toward the water's edge, stopping there for a moment to let the waves wash our feet.

"We'll see." Bennett then turned to face me, his eyes suddenly lighting up with child-like excitement as he raised his board slightly, an equally joyous grin pulling at his lips. "Shall we? How about a little race?" he suggested, wiggling his eyebrows.

Gesturing to the water, I barely held back from laughing as he sprinted forward, hollering in delight. I followed, pushing back against the current, dropping the board and climbing onto it, paddling further out into open waters where the waves were stronger and higher.

Bennett was ahead of me, already switching from a lying position to a standing position, carefully testing his footing as a wave large enough to ride approached. Mimicking his actions, a moment later, all I heard was his shout of delight that drew my attention to find him expertly maneuvering the board. That split second was all it took for me to go tumbling down, plummeting below the surface.

The board went one way, and I the other. I wasn't all that good at surfing. I was experienced enough not to drown and not fall off every two seconds. But the level at which Bennett stood...

It was obvious from his impressive skill that he didn't just love surfing. It was something he was quite dominant in. Professional, even.

Breaking the surface, I managed to keep my head above water long enough to spot the board floating one or two feet away. I swam toward it, letting the water carry my body along washing me closer to shore where the water wasn't so deep.

"Are you alright?"

I turned to the sound of Bennett's voice to find him afloat next to me, his head and shoulders peeking out of the water. Doing a double take from the waves back to his concerned expression, I wondered how he managed to do that so quickly. One moment he was whooping in joy as he rode the waves and the next, he was floating with me.

"I saw what happened. You're not very good at surfing, are you?"

I gave him a coy smile, kicking my legs to stay afloat. His concerned expression dropped twisting into irritation, only of the good sorts. He turned to scold me out in the surf.

"Are you crazy?" he shrieked, brows furrowing and lips curling in anger. Not that he was truly angry, just worried. "You can barely hold your own, why did you even suggest this?" he fumed, swimming a little closer.

"You're having fun, aren't you?"

He groaned in annoyance, rolling his eyes like he always did. "And if you drown? No thank you! I don't wanna be responsible for Marcana's precious future beta drowning on his birthday!"

" care."

Bennett scoffed, narrowing those pretty blue eyes in scrutiny miffed that I would possess the audacity to joke about something he found serious.

"It's alright." I assured gently. "It's been years since I surfed. A little rusty but nothing a few tries won't fix." I tried reassuring, but of course, he didn't buy it. But he let it slide, shaking his head and turning about with his board.

"Just, try not to drown. Please." he stated, though it sounded more like an order. "Remember, the way you place your feet and center your weight keeps your balance." he reminded gently. I already knew this but as it had been a while since I actually got a board and decided to go out into open waters, my balance was a bit off.

We swam back out into open waters stopping at one point when we were far out enough. Bennett pulled himself out of the water and sat on the board, with me copying his movements.

"Don't do any fancy moves, yet. Try to regain your balance and feel for the waves."

"Yes, sensei." I teased, earning myself a rather dry, unamused glare. Bennett shook his head, gesturing to an incoming wave.

"Get ready." he instructed, and I did as told.

The wave reached us, lifting my board higher. My heart pounded and for a moment, I thought I would plummet into the water again because my feet weren't placed right. Taking a leap of faith and trusting the force of the wave not to knock me over, I carefully but quickly switched my footing. I rode over the wave's arch smoothly, maintaining that balance right until the water pushed me into the surf.

Staying afloat on my board, I scanned the waves for a familiar body and found him a moment later just as he did a flip on the wave's arch. I was in awe. And for the next twenty or so minutes, I watched him effortlessly ride wave after wave, doing a bunch of crazy stunts and never once falling off or losing his balance.

He was obviously a pro.

And maybe, I could be out there side by side with him if I hadn't stopping surfing when I started high school. Try outs for the football team that year had gone well and I was recruited. From there, my high school career as 'king of Jasper Falls High' followed with ease. I stopped surfing to prioritize football. If I wasn't training to hone my skills as beta, or playing football, I was out with the popular group of kids in school, going to parties and whatever else. The time spent with my best friends had considerably lessened as I chose to prioritize my acquaintance with the popular crowd.

It was only recently that Sky, Dale, and I had started hanging out like we used to. Because we had classes together, it always seemed like we were this inseparable unit. But the last few months had made us that inseparable unit, at least, for a moment. My duties as a future beta, and loyalty to my friends led me to push our friendship beyond just politics. But when I got rejected, I pushed them away even though they tried their damn hardest not to let me go. Especially Asher. We were friends, but growing up, we hadn't been that close until these past four months had certainly brought us closer.

Close to an hour or two later, we decided we'd had enough of water sports and relaxed in the surf, staying afloat on our boards.

"Did you have fun?" I asked, peeking him from the corner of my eye to see that his focus stayed trained on the waves rolling in. He was content. Not only could I tell it from his facial expression, but I felt it too. He was calm. Happy, even.

"What made you decide to do this?" he returned, turning his head to stare at me with a soft expression. "Really, I appreciate it. But how did you know?"

"I saw the look on your face. And then, you did say if you had someone with you, you'd give it a shot."

He became silent, pursing his lips in thought while he kept his gaze on the horizon. Minutes passed by and we settled into a comfortable silence watching the waves come rolling in.

"Thank you."

Two words. Yet it conveyed the depth his gratitude reached.


It was late afternoon when we finally decided to make our way back to the beach house. The sun was cooling down as Bennett and I took a leisurely stroll along the beach, having stopped by a mini food stall that sold corn dogs. The stall had a new kind of corn dog where the hot dog was grilled in sauces and hot sauce, and the cornmeal batter was had hot peppers mixed in.

Of course, it was a go to for Bennett and I can say that he thoroughly enjoyed that corn dog, going back for seconds, and even thirds.

Bennett suddenly burped loudly from beside me as we neared the privately owned beach houses. He slapped at his chest burping again.

"Gross." I teased, and he smirked.

"Like you don't do it." he retorted making me laugh and nod in agreement.

"So," I started. It was exactly my intention to bring up this topic completely aware of the possible outcomes and his reactions. But still, I wanted to know. "Can I ask you something? It may be a little personal and I understand if you don't wanna talk about it."

Stuffing a hand in his pants pocket, he waited patiently, locking gazes with me as if silently granting permission for me to poke my head where it probably didn't belong.

"You had fun out there today. What made it different when it was you, West, and the friend?" I asked, emphasizing the last word. Not quite the way he had said it earlier, but nonetheless indicating that I caught onto his hidden meaning.

I couldn't feel anything from him. "Please don't do that." I continued, promptly addressing his little need to deflect emotions. "Don't hide your feelings from me."

Bennett stopped walking then, and I came to a halt as he turned to face me. He expelled a deep breath. "If you want to know, this is the only way I can talk about it." He shrugged. "It's easier."

He's doing it on purpose. It has to be. How else could he manage to continuously hurt me like this and seem so oblivious to how his words were interpreted? His voice was void of emotion and that only told me that whoever this 'friend' was, their history must've been really bad if he had to shut himself down in order to talk about it.

Without even needing to think much about it, already I knew I wouldn't like what he had to say. And that just sparked a whole bunch of other questions, most that spiraled from over thinking and flickering feelings of insecurity.

"His name was Chester Alexander." he said after some time had passed, his voice a mere whisper that sounded so dejected despite his desperation to keep it concealed. I recognized the heartbreak in his tone. One I had been recently intimate with.

I'm not his first, am I?

"He wasn't just our friend." he continued, and once again, he reached up to fiddle with the ring.

Huh. I guess it does have sentimental value. It was plain, fake, and not even eye-catching so naturally I questioned why he treasured a piece of junk when he could have something more beautiful and far more worthy of him.

When he locked gazes with me, the smile he gave succeeded in breaking me. And it only birthed knew questions.

Would he ever come to love me as much? Was I even worth it? Our history was bad. The months that followed, even worse. My behavior, shameful. Disgusting.

"He was my mate."

There's no way in hell he would ever love me as much. His expression and tone told a tall tale. Some tragedy had befallen their love story and from what I remember Hunter and Jaxon recalling about the feud between their pack and Blackwater, Chester Alexander was one name that came up. As a fellow pack mate, deceased. A best friend and future beta passed on.

"You still love him." I stated, not bothering to hide the ultimate sense of dejection that stabbed me. Bennett shrugged, fiddling with the ring. He glanced to it for a moment before letting it fall to dangle from its cord.

"I did. Perhaps, more than he deserved."

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