Back to Me (Camila/You)

By BadassCabello

97.1K 3.8K 178

Baby, I call in the dead of night, but you don't need me like I need you. More



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By BadassCabello

Your POV

1 Month Later

I opened the door of my apartment, taking off my shoes at the door before making my way over to the couch where Camila was sitting.

This had become a little routine for us these past couple of weeks since Camila was in town while she worked on her new album. I had gotten used to coming home after class to find the pretty Cuban here writing a song or testing out new instrumentals.

We had practically been inseperable. When she wasn't over at my apartment I was most likely at her house. It reminded me of old times when I would go hang out at the Fifth Harmony house after my classes.

"Hey, bebé," she smiled as I leaned down and pecked her lips.

"Hey, love. Get some writing done?" I asked as I took off my bookbag and put it down before sitting next to her.

"I did actually," she smiled as she closed her notebook and placed it on the table in front of us.

"How was class? You're back earlier than usual."

"It was good. He let us out early because finals are coming up. He just needed to go over a few things and give us the study packet," I explained, watching her nod in understanding.

"Are you ready for finals?"

"Yea, I only have two that I actually have to go sit down and take a test for," I told her. "My other two classes are just final essays and I already wrote both of them."

I had gotten ahead in most of my classes these past few weeks. The reason I did that was because I ended up getting approved to graduate early, but I hadn't told Camila that yet.

"Wow. Look at you," she laughed. "Taking your schoolwork seriously for once."

I laughed with her, playfully pushing her away and rolling my eyes.

"There's actually a reason I'm so ahead in my classes," I said, watching her eyebrows raise. "I have some good news."

"Good news? I'm already excited. What is it?" She asked, turning to face me and holding both of my hands in hers.

I giggled at how excited she was before continuing.

"After this semester I have all the credits I need to graduate. I can graduate early."

I smiled as her face lit up and she jumped on top of me.

"Camila!" I laughed out as she placed kisses all over my face.

"I am so proud of you!" She squealed in between kisses. "Besitos! Besitos! Besitos!"

I laughed as she slowed down her kisses and finally placed a chaste kiss on my lips.

I let out a happy sigh, smiling as I looked into her caramel eyes and saw all the adoration she had for me.

"I love you," I spoke lowly, watching her eyebrows rise as the smile on her face grew even wider.

"I've been waiting so long to hear you say that again," she said, tears brimming in her eyes as she pulled me back in.

The kiss lasted longer this time, as if she was trying to make me feel all of the love and care she had for me through that one kiss.

"I love you," she whispered when we pulled back, our foreheads staying connected. "I am so proud of you."

I couldn't contain the smile on my face as I pulled her close to me and snuggled into her side.

Things were falling into place.

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Title says it all. Enjoy!