Do You Love Me? ||neymar jr||

By secrettown

6.1K 244 147

Vanessa Morldon is a 22-year-old, African American/Brazilian actress, and singer. She has two older brothers... More

-Before I Start-
Chapter 1: To UOC
Chapter 2: Different Conversation
Chapter 3: Here He Comes
Chapter 4: Bang Bang
Chapter 5: Timmy's
Chapter 6: Hiding Feelings
Chapter 7: New Ride
<<Note to Readers>>
Chapter 8: At The Beach [N.R Pt.2]
Chapter 10: Secrets & Dating
Chapter 11: A Broken Heart [S&D Pt.2]
Chapter 12: Party It Up
Chapter 13: Jealousy
Chapter 14: Breaking It Off
Chapter 15: Lonely
Chapter 16: Already Moved On
Chapter 17: Shut Up & Drive
Chapiter 18: Not Interested
Chapter 19: Victoria's Birthday Bash
Chapter 20: What Was A great Night Turned Into A Bad One

Chapter 9: Surprise Surprise

226 11 8
By secrettown

This chapter is dedicated to MrCents_04 for suggesting that this book should go on :)


Neymars's P.O.V

I make my way into the living room and see Rafaella sleeping on the couch. Instantly an idea pops into my mind: Wake her up! I smile and walk into the kitchen. I open the fridge and take out whip cream. I pour some water into a plastic cup grab the two and make my way to the living room. I grab my phone and start to video tape it. I count to three and shout "RAFAELLA WAKE UPPPP!" while pouring water on her head. I then jump on the couch and put whip cream all over her face. I stand up and start to run away.

"NEYMARRR I'M GOING TO KILL YOUUU!" she screams chasing after me.

I laugh my head off while running away as she slips and falls on her bum. I laugh even harder.

"Ney this isn't funny!" she manages to spit out while laughing.

"That's why you're laughing!" I answered still laughing.

She stands up, "I'm going to go take a shower!"

"Okay bye!"  yell back trying to calm myself down. I smiled walking back to the living room. She didn't know that I took a video. 

15 minutes later...

"Ney, delete it!"

"Delete what?" I asked knowing exactly what she was talking about.

"You know what 'm talking about!"


"Don't play with me."

"I'm not."



"Ughhh, Neymar da Silva Santos delete the stupid video you took while waking me up or I shall stick my foot up your a-"

"Ha, saved by the bell!" I ran to the door.

I opened it and there stood Carolina.

"Hey Ney!" she smiled, "Rafa around?"

"Yeah come in!" 

We walked over to the living room and Rafaella stood up. 

"Hey Carol!" she smiled, "Ney you're so lucky Carol saved your behind!" 

Carolina looked confused "What's going on?"

"Here i'll send it to you." I smiled.

We heard a beep coming from Carolina's phone signaling that she received my video. She tapped on my video and started to watch it with Rafaella. The video ended and laughter filled the room. Carolina was on the floor laughing. Rafaella took a wooden spoon and chased me around the house with it.

"Deleeeeetee itttttt!" Rafaella sang chasing me down the hall.

"Neveeeerrrrr!" I replied.

Suddenly the doorbell rang and we stopped. 

I frowned, "Were you expecting somebody?"

"No, but then again people show up here all the time and mostly unannounced."

I walked over to the door, opened it and froze.

"You weren't expecting me were you?" the person replied. 

I remained frozen.

"Why are you still standing there? Frozen?" she smiled, "Let it gooo, let it gooo!" she laughed.

"Who is it?" Rafaella shouted.

"It's...Victoria." I managed to spit out still surprised and shocked to see her.

"Oh, now you wanna say somethin!" she teased.

"OMG VICTORIA!!!!!!!!!" Rafella attacked her.

"RAFAAAAA!!!!! Finally some love!" 

I finally smiled.

"Oh now you wanna visit!" I teased in the same tone she used.

She laughed.

"At least I did visit, unlike some people!"

"IwassearchingforyournumberthenfounditanddecidedtocallyoutodayafterIbeatupNey!" Rafaella told her.

"What did you say?" I asked.

She sighed loudly and sounded annoyed. It was actually kind of funny.

"I said: I was searching for your number then found it and decided to call you today after I beat up Ney!" Rafaella told her.

"Haha what did Ney do?" Victoria asked. 

I handed her my phone as she watched the video. Rafaella stood off to the side annoyed glaring at the now laughing Victoria. 

"Yeah yeah laugh it up!" Rafaella playfully glared at Victoria.

"Oh gosh, I missed  you two come here!" 

She pulled us into a tight hug.

"Where's my hug?" 

"CAROLLLLL!!!!!!" Victoria screamed.

She ran to Carolina and they hugged. We all moved to the living room and chatted. We were getting back on track with each other.

"Hahaha I was telling Ney about when people thought you two were a together!"

I playfully glared at Rafaella, and she saw me.

"Awww is wittle Neymar not happy?" she teased.

"Shut up." I retorted.

"You two would actually make a cute couple." Carolina smiled as her and Rafaella formed hearts with their hands.

"It's funny because no one asked you." I smiled.

Victoria playfully gasped, "Neymar that is not a very nice thing to say! Shame on you!"

I stuck my tounge out at her as she softly pushed my face away.

"Awwwwwwweee! That's soooo cute!" Rafaella and Carolina cooed at the same time.

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever. I'm going to the kitchen." 

"Me too i'm hungry."

Me and Victoria walked into the kitchen.

"Soooo you Carol aren't an item?"

"No. How'd you know?" 

"Well she said me and you would make a cute couple."

"Oh. Yeah." I remembered.

"Why did you two break up?"

I relayed the everything that happened until now.

"Oh, I gotta meet this Vanessa!" she smiled.


I left the kitchen as Rafaella entered.

Victoria's P.O.V

"Having a kissing session?" Rafaella teased.

"Why would I kiss Vic?" Neymar replied.

"Ouch." Carolina shouted.

"No, I mean were friends."

Friends? Ouch. That hurt. I've just been friend zoned. After all we've been through he still thought of me as a friend. I mean when people thought we were together he wasn't happy at all. I didn't really mind because...well...I liked him. I still do. Obviously, now I know he still doesn't feel the same about me because 1. He's been talking about this Vanessa girl and 2. He just said that were friends. That sentence rang in my head.

"Anyways, Rafa, Carol meeting in Rafa's room." I smiled trying to forget about what Neymar said, "Oh and no boys allowed."

"Ouch." Neymar called out.

"Whatever!" we all three said at once.

I know what you might and might not be thinking. "Wasn't Neymar dating Carolina?" let me explain. I liked Neymar for the longest time. Since the first time we met to be precise. Then he was sorta kinda with Carolina. I was sort of jealous and Carolina knew that when we became friends.  Neymar introduced me to her when they were sorta kinda together. But I didn't let jealousy get the best of me. Anyways, before I left to complete my goal to become an actress, Rafaella explained about Carolina and Neymar not really being together and about David Lucca. To be honest I don't think Neymar knows that I know about Davi. But I do. Anywho, I didn't rage. I was actually happy for them but I was a little upset and jealous. I didn't let it get the best of me though. Anyway, Carolina knew threw out the whole relationship how I felt about Neymar and I told her that it had to stay on the DL (Down Low) and she knew that I didn't want them to break up and that I wanted them to be happy with their relationship status. It was nice that Carolina didn't mind me liking Neymar. Me and Carolina had a great relationship and I was actually for #camar.

"Anyways I needed to talk to you two about someone."

"Who?" Rafaella and Carolina asked at the same time.



Wow Victoria told you a lot didn't she? Anyways, WOW HOLY 944 READS?! Oooh I see my votes raised! Thanks sweethearts! I just hope more and more of you comment. It would really make my day. Can you wait to hear what Victoria has to say? I can't! You know I going to come out straight and say this: The reason why I haven't been updating that much is because I've been trying to find out where I left off and what I should write about. P.S I winged this chapter. Lol. Any who, it's almost 1 a.m so I should probably wrap this up but today is now December 31st therefore IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! Lol yes i'm a new years eve baby! So yeah until next update lovelies bye!

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