Everything I Expected

By MoneyFallin

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Sequel to Not What I Expected!! Should read Not What I Expected to understand the story Can be triggering W... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 1

943 27 16
By MoneyFallin

2 Years Later....

  "Kalia and Kaleo, get your stuff ready for when your mother comes. Cheylise make sure you help them pack their bags for me." "Okay!" I hear them yell in harmony.
It's been 2 years since Dinah left me. Two years since we've been coparenting. Two years I've tried to get her back. And nothing is working. i never wanted to have two baby mothers that are stubborn. I thought I was going to have one and a wife, but I guess I played myself.
The week after Dinah left me I was a wreck. The house that I had built for us is up but nobody lives there. I was thinking about putting it on the market, but I thought against it as I know that me and her are going to get back together and I refuse to build another house. Her father, uncles, brothers, and cousins came and removed her and the twins stuff from the house. i couldn't bare to help them out at all. I just laid in bed the whole entire time crying my eyes out. I didn't leave the house unless I needed to. Cheylise went to Melanie for the whole week and the twins went with Dinah. The girls always tried to contact me but I never answered any of them. Thats until Lauren and Normani came to my house and told me that crying and mourning in my sadness won't get me nowhere with trying to get Dinah back and that I have kids to take care of.
After that week was the worst days of my life. Dinah refused to actually meet me in person so I can get the kids. She would send the kids with the girls to bring them here. It would piss me off because I just wanted to talk to her about the situation but she never would try and see me. I released my new album at the time that was titled "DJ" knowing that she would want to name her album after herself at one point. I invited her to the album release party and she didn't even come to the party. Everyone else that I invited came except for her. Even Melanie and Milika came to the party, but she didn't come.
When the news broke out that me and Dinah were not together the tabloids went crazy. All of them were stating that I either cheated on her, my side chick pulled up at the wedding, or that she decided to find someone better. Dinah and I's first interview, separately, were totally different. Our stories were both the same with different story lines. Then it went out that Dinah and I was just a publicity stunt and that the wedding got cancelled because Dinah couldn't stand being used anymore and she ended it all together. In which, me being the hothead that i've became, made the situation worse by getting mad and escalating everything. you can't blame me though. What me and Dinah had was real. There was nothing fake about it at all. All the smiles, all the pain, and all the frowns were real. We never acted anything out. Everything between us was real. The day Dinah finally started talking to me was when she came to finally pick up the kids. 


I just gave the twins a bath and now I'm getting them dressed. I start to put on Kaleo's shoes and tie them when the doorbell rang. Cheylise just left with Melanie no more than 20 minutes ago, so I know that its Lauren or Normani to come get the twins. I pick them up and their diaper bag and head down stairs to open the door for the girls. I open the door trying to fix the diaper bag in my hand not paying attention to who is standing in front of me or how I look.
  "Hey, tell Dinah that the kids just got a bath so they won't be needing one tonight, but knowing her she would give them a bath. And Kaleo's diapers are starting to become too small so I bought a new box for her so she wouldn't have to go without any before getting him some. And the diaper bag is filled with clothes for the twins that I bought that I thought that they need over there. Like just plain colored onesies and some more socks." "You know I don't have to tell myself that, but I appreciate that you went and got those things for me. The girls didn't give you their car seats?"
I lift my head up so fast and I can see my heart itself looking right at me. Looking more beautiful than I remember. "Hey, I wasn't expecting you to be behind the door nor being the one to pick the kids up." "Why not?" "Dinah don't act like you're the one that has been picking the kids up or as if we are on good terms. You haven't tried to contact me unless its been about the kids. Then on top you have Lauren and Normani to come pick and drop them off. And no they didn't give me their carseats because I have carseats of my own. Do you need them?"
  "Yes I do. And there is no need for us to talk for anything more than the kids because we aren't in a relationship so there isn't anything else for us to discuss." She says as I let her in while I put the kids down and the diaper bag while I run upstairs and grab their carseats. She's crazy if she thinks that there isn't anything else that we need to talk about. I grab the carseats and go downstairs putting the carseats on the coffee table. I pick up Kalia and go to fix her in the car seat while Dinah does the same with Kaleo.
  "What do you mean there isn't anything else for us to talk about besides the kids. You act like we wasn't supposed to be getting married a month ago. But we have nothing to talk about. Just a month ago you had a lot to say bout me and this relationship. Why don't you have anything to say about it now?" "Y/N we aren't together anymore so there isn't anything to say about us. We are now just coparenting." "What if I don't want to do this bullshit with you? What if I don't want to coparent? What if I want you me and the kids including Cheylise living in the house that I had built for us that is just now sitting on free land. What if thats what I want, huh? There is nothing more in this world that I want than you and our family."
  "Y/N you know I cant do that with you." "You can't or you won't?" I say looking her in her eyes. She looks away and then looks back at me. "I can't do it. Y/N its only been a month. You can't change yourself that quickly that fast. Yes I admit that you started being there for the kids more, yes that is one of the things that I wanted you to do, but that isn't everything. For us to work, you have to put me and our family first. Start working on us as a family. Put me first. Stop choosing everyone else around you."
  "Its kinda hard to do that when you aren't around Dinah. You won't even answer my calls, reply back to my messages that I send you. I feel like you don't even want this Dinah. Im sorry that I played with your feelings in the past Dinah, but please don't do it to me now Dinah. If you don't want this at all just let me know now that way I can spare my heart and time the trouble of trying to keep this together." I say as I feel a tear slip from my eye but I wipe it before it could go down my cheek.
"Im not playing with your feelings Y/N. I want this just as much as you do. But I need to know for sure that this is what you want. Im not going to allow myself to go through what I already went through. I know my worth and I love myself and our kids to make us feel like we will always come second to you. I read every message that you send me. I keep all of the flowers that you send me. All the gifts that you send me. But buying me things aren't proving anything but how much you can spend on me. I need to see you put me first. I need your actions to put me first. Saying you're going to do something is totally different than you actually doing the things that you say you are going to do."
She says as she grabs Kaleo and the diaper bag and walks out the door. I shake my head and grab Kalia and the box of diapers. I open the door to the backseat of the all black Range Rover that I got for her, and put the box of diapers on the floor. I put Kalia in and lock the car seat in place with the seat belt. I kiss her forehead and then close the door and open the drivers door. Dinah walks around the car coming to the open door. Before she can get in the car I grab her by her waist and pull her close to me. "Stop being a stranger Dinah. Let me fix this. Allow me to fix this. I can't fix this without you letting me in." I say as I bring my face closer to hers. She places her hand on my stomach.
  "As much as I want to fall for this little thing that you're doing, I'm not going to. I will start to answer your phone calls and text messages when I see you starting to change the people around you. Because little do you know some of the people that you have around you are no good for you. And you know I've always been a good judge of character." She says as she gets out of my embrace and gets into the drivers seat, puts on her seatbelt and starts the car up.

F L A S H B A C K  O V E R

Ever since then Dinah has been the one to pick up the kids and do everything. She's been answering my text messages and calls. We've been on family dates. But also me and Dinah have been getting closer. I began cutting out some people. Me and Chris are still friends, but I'm not as close to Queen anymore. We fell out from one of her producers trying to take credit for the work I did and she didn't back me up or nothing. Because of that I couldn't rock with her no more. Plus to me she signed a wack ass deal with Capitol Records. I'm not signed to any that's why I stick to my statement. All I got to say is that I got my freedom. I also cut ties from Stanely. Yeah I know what you're thinking, 'isn't that your cousin?' Yes thats my cousin, but family per se wouldn't try and get with my baby mother/ex a week after our break up. And then try and get with my first baby mother. So Stanely is gone. I cut off ties with some other people in the industry, but one person that I've became friends with in the industry that ya'll would least expect which is Young M.A. yeah I know what you're thinking but we talked everything out. Like the fact that she kept trying to hit on my then girlfriend.
Thats not the most of my problems. He is. Odell Beckham Jr. Thats my biggest problem. He's Dinah's soon to be boyfriend. Or so what I think he is. They're always together now. Most of time at night, so he's definitely taking her out on dates. I just hope he hasn't been around my kids because I haven't met him properly yet.

Ding Dong.

Speaking of the devil. "Cheylise help the twins down the stairs their mother is here." I yell from the bottom of the stairs. I hear them all run to the steps and then I see them hold onto Cheylise's hand and they walk down the stairs. Kalia jumps into my arms when she gets to the bottom step. "Mama I don't wan leave chu. I wan stay here." "Awe bebe you have to go with mami. Don't you want to go and see grandma and grandpa? Don't you miss Titi Gina and Titi Mila?" Kalia nods her head. "Okay then you have to go with mami." Me and the twins walk to the door while Cheylise grabs their bags and walks behind us. I open the door and there stands Dinah. "MAMI!!" The kids yell once they see her face. "Hi babies, how was it with Mama? Did you guys have fun?" Dinah asks them. I look at her car when I see a figure move. I look closely at the figure and see that it's him. "Dinah can you come inside please? I need to talk to you." She nods her head and we walk into the house and we head into to the living room.
  "Why is he here at my house? Some people aren't supposed to know where I live. If I say something to Melanie it applies to you too Dinah." "Because he's taking the kids out with me. You say it like I'm having him come into your house or something. And since when have I become Melanie?" She says with a little bit of an attitude. "Take the kids out? So you mean to tell me that you have this nigga around my kids and you wasn't going to tell me? Dinah I thought we were better than that. I, at least, would've had the courtesy to tell you when I have a new significant other around the twins."
  "Oh really? So what happened when that girl was here when I came to pick up all of them? And im sure you seen the headlines of me and him going out together." "First of all that was a work related friend. It was a new person that works in Yonni's management. You know all new employees get a tour of my house for emergencies. So don't even try it. And two, yeah I see it but it'd be nicer to hear it from you." "Y/N I'm dating Odell Beckham Jr. and I'm bringing him around the twins. Better?" "Yeah sure, whatever Dinah."
She comes close to me and places a finger under my chin to make me look directly at her. "Don't be mad that you don't have this anymore." She says with a wink. I start to smirk. "Girl ain't nobody mad. If I wanted you I could have you right here with me. Which will happen soon. Because one you cant resist me..." I say as I wrap one arm round her waist and grab her chin with the other. "And two, he can't hit this like can . Believe that." I say as I slap her ass. She let out a gasp and moves away from me. "Cause you still love the sex, its the best, you confessed." I say reciting the lyrics of her song twisting it a little.
  "Come on babies. I'll see you next weekend Cheylise when mommy brings you over okay?" I look at Cheylise as she nods her head. "Bye Y/N." "Bye baby girl." I say as she walks out the door. I hear laughter as the door swings open and Chris comes through the door. "Bye baby girl? Really? You a clown. Her mans is sitting the car." He says through his laughter with Royalty coming in right after him. When Cheylise sees Royalty she grabs her and brings her upstairs to her room to play.
  "Okay and? He's in the car what is he going to do? And plus I'll do what I just did to her right in front of him too." I say plopping down on the couch. He sits on the chair across from me and laughs. "What did your stupid ass do?" "I slapped her ass. That shit it's getting fatter from the last time I hit it." Yes, you heard correct. Me and Dinah have hooked up. Ever since we've gotten closer, we've gotten closer. She tells me that the reason why is because she doesn't wanna have more than one body. But the way she asks for it says different. Just know that I've been hitting it for about 10 months now. "You a clown, Y/N. I still can't believe that you're still hitting that. As much as she's trying to make you 'work' to be in a relationship with her."
  "I mean I don't blame her though. The work that I've been putting in I wouldn't let me go either." Me and Chris laugh after that statement.  "Anyways, the reason I came here is for the track you asked me to be on, you still want me on it?" "Nigga is that even a question? Of course I do. But I actually want you to help me with this other track. I need your opinion." "Aight let me hear it." "Come on. Cheylise, me and Unc are going to be in the studio. Come down if you guys need us." "Okay!" I hear her yell back.
"I'ma be playin' in puddles, puddles
I left my rain boots on 'cause I'm jumpin' in puddles, puddles
Screamin' like a siren so if you put out that fire, oh
Puddles, oh, oh, oh, puddles
You just get naked
Puddles, puddles
Now we gotta change the sheets 'fore we cuddle

I'm singing in the rain
Just dancin' to the noise you're makin'
I just love when we make love
This here ain't somethin' that I could make up
Candy-coated raindrops, oh
That's how you taste to me, oh, girl
You ain't gotta hide your face, oh
Want you to see me while I'm sippin' on

Puddles, puddles
I left my rain boots on 'cause I'm jumpin' in puddles, puddles
Screamin' like a siren so if you put out that fire, oh
Puddles, oh, oh, oh, puddles
You just get naked
Puddles, puddles
Now we gotta change the sheets 'fore we cuddle

I need me more water, can I have a sip?
Know you got some more love that I think I'm feelin'

Splashin' in puddles, puddles
Like damn, girl, you done made a puddle, puddle
Tell me while you get naked
Puddles, puddles
Yeah, yeah
Makin' puddles, puddles
Now we gotta change the sheets 'fore we cuddle"

  "That's it!" "You need to stop making songs about her. That's why you can't let go of her." "Says the guy who wrote a whole 45 song album about one female. I'll wait." I say as I roll my eyes. "And she's not the only girl I've ever had sex with so this isn't about her."
  "She's the only girl you been hitting since y'all broke up because and I quote 'it doesn't feel right to do it with someone else'." "Would you believe me if I said I had some of Ryan Destiny?" "Nope." "Jessie Reyes?" "Nope." "SZA?" "Nope." "B. Simone?" "Nope. Do you even know what the B stands for?" "Nope. But what about Ari?" "Ariana Grande or G Herbo's ex?" "Nicki would never let me touch Grande. Thats basically my sister too. And yes that Ari." "Oh... well in that case yes I would." "Then I had sex with her." And we both laugh. We hear footsteps coming down the stairs and we see the girls coming down the stairs. "Mama someone is at the door." i nod my head and me, Chris, and the girls head upstairs.
When we get up stairs I hear the knocks on the door start to become more prominent. "Aight man I'm coming." Once I get to the door and open it and see Normani.
"Girl why the hell are you knocking on my door like you some damn police?" "Because I need to tell you something." I look around and pull her inside. We walk and sit on the couch while the girls both hug Normani and then go back upstairs. "So what is it Mani? What is it that you have to tell me?"
"Okay don't get mad because this is just my assumption but it has to do with Dinah and the twins." She rambles on. " Normani just spit it out."
A/N I know I probably took long to write this books but I'm back and I swear this book is going to get better. The updates might not come as often because I do have a life so I'll update when I can.

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