The Organization (Season Thre...

By KingzGaius

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I'm Gaius Dominic. An avenger. The only legitimate son of the late deputy senate president (Senator Uche Domi... More

Episode 1 (S3)
Episode 2 (S3)
Episode 3 (S3)
Episode 4 (S3)
Episode 5 (S3)
Episode 6 (S3)
Episode 7 (S3)
Episode 8 (S3)
Episode 9 (S3)
Episode 10 (S3)
Episode 11 (S3)
Episode 12 (S3)
Episode 13 (S3)
Episode 14 (S3)
Episode 15 (S3)
Episode 16 (S3)
Episode 17 (S3)
Episode 18 (S3)
Episode 19 (S3)
Episode 20 (S3)
Episode 21 (S3)
Episode 22 (S3)
Episode 23 (S3)
Episode 25 (S3)
Episode 26 (S3)
Episode 27 (S3)
Episode 28 (S3)
Episode 29 (S3)
Episode 30 (S3)
Episode 31 (S3)
Episode 32 (S3)
Episode 33 (S3)
Episode 34 (S3)
Episode 35 (S3)
New story alart

Episode 24 (S3)

326 22 24
By KingzGaius

(The Tough😠 And The Dangerous😬)

I quickly got up with a flip get up (Chinese get up) and attacked her immediately, and she skillfully defend my first punch and punched me hardly on my ribs, causing me to groan as i stagger.

I angrily want after her again and we got separated by the organization's securities, and we stared at each other with rage and the eagerness to clash again.

“Let me go". •*She Upsettingly said, referring to the security guard that holds her hands back, and he hesitate*•.

“That's an order". •*She barked angrily and the security guard let go of her immediately, while she angrily stared at me for a while and head towards the exit door without muttering a word, and the security guard that locks my arms behind let go of me*•.

“Shit! I just fucked up big time, i never knew she had something with my boss". •*I thought to myself as i head towards the restroom to clean up*•.
An hour later, a female agent came knocking on my door. She said agent Dan (my boss's elder brother) demands my presence in his office immediately, and my mind drove to nothing else but the fight between i and agent Sonia.

Without hesitation, i went back in, grab my phone and left for agent Dan's office.

Few Minutes Later.

Agent Dan: Is it that you didn't hear me clear or that you don't understand the simple question that has to do with geographical location? •*He said with all seriousness and i stylishly clicked on my wrist watch, sending an emergency to my boss*•.

I thought he called me because of what happened between i and agent Sonia, not knowing that Sonia had already sold me out all because of what happened earlier.

Agent Dan: For the last time, where were you on Friday?

ME: At home.

Agent Dan: Do i look stupid to you? Never you lie to me again. •*He said upsettingly, and just then, the door opened and my boss walked in*•.

Boss: What's going on here? •*He asked no one in particular*•.

Agent Dan: It's a good thing you're here, because i was about abiding by my words of executing who ruined my mission. •*He said with all seriousness, staring at my boss*•.

BOSS: And what does that gat to do with her? •*He asked defensively, maintaining a serious eyes contact with his brother*•.

Agent Dan: Because i gat prove. •*He said and clicked on his keyboard, and a footage of what happened earlier at the dining hall began to play on the flat screen monitor that hangs on the wall, and i looked down in shame*•.

🎦 Footage:
ME: Everything was moving perfectly fine till it got ruined by that emergency mission.

Sonia: What mission are you talking about?

“The mission to stop a convoy na, on Friday morning, the one i got shot".

Sonia: Wait a minute, you mean you were the female sniper that agent Dan shot?

“Agent Dan was the one who shot me? I mean, why will he want me dead?
🎦 Footage Stopped.

I glanced at my boss and he stared at me disappointedly, and i stared at the floor immediately in remorse, while agent Dan proceed on operating his keyboard, and within seconds, the monitor switched to displaying a barely old man who looks more like agent Dan.

Boss: Glory leave us. •*My boss said and i stood up, about to leave*•.

Agent Dan: Hey dude? She's in my custody, so I'm to decide whether she leaves or stay. •*He said, gesturing me to sit down*•.

Boss: It gat nothing to do with her, she was just following my orders. She has no idea that you were out there, she has no idea that she was double crossing any mission. So if you are looking for who to execute for ruining your mission or betraying the organization, that should be me. •*He said, pulled a black pistol from his suit inner pocket, cocked it and drop it on the table, close to agent Dan*•.

Boss: Glory leave us. •*He said again and i got up instantly and head for the door*•.

“What's going on here?” •*The man on the flat screen monitor asked just as i opened the door, and i walked out and closed the door, hoping my days in the organization isn't numbered*•.
Location: The Organization.

“Alright honey, I will, take care". •*I said to Clara through the phone and dropped the call just as i drove into the organization*•.

I parked my range rover sport at the exterior parking lot and walked in bossily. Getting to the elevator, it automatically opened by itself, meaning someone was about to come out. And within seconds, Sonia walked out of the elevator with a frowned facial expression.

“Hey! What's wrong girl?" •*i asked with concern as i made to touch her face, and she forcefully slapped my innocent arm off her way and as she walked passed me, while i turned and watch her leave in surprise, wondering who provoked the evil spirit in her*•.

I shuddered and walked into the elevator just as she briskly divert to the hallway that leads to the building's exit door, and the elevator closed.

Few Minutes Later.

I was in my office, busy with a new project of  creating a Stronger universal anti virus that can defend and destroy any sort of virus that might be use to attack my devices both here and at home (preparing for cyber war) and got distracted by a customised emergency alert which can come only from my baby agent whenever she is in trouble and needs my help.

I quickly minimized what i was doing and tracked her down using the same system, and realized she's in the office next door, which is no where else but Dan's office, getting me wondering what Dan is up to, probably he's interrogating her regarding what happened on Friday.

Without hesitations, i got off my seat and zoom out of my office within seconds like a vampire, and in the next seconds, i walked into Dan's office without permission.

“What's going on here?" •*I asked as i glanced from Glory who looked so worried to Dan who was feeling himself as if he just achieved something no one else had achieve*•.

“It's a good thing you're here, because i was about abiding by my words of executing who ruined my mission". •*He said with all seriousness, staring at me*•.

“And what does that gat to do with her?" •*I asked defensively, maintaining a serious eyes contact with him*•.

“Because i gat prove". •*He said and clicked on his keyboard, and a footage of what happened at the dining hall, probably this afternoon began to play on the flat screen monitor that hangs on the wall, while i kept quiet as i watch*•.

And just as the footage stopped, i gently glanced at Glory disappointedly and she bent her face, probably scared of i will do. That she's called a baby agent doesn't mean she should talk and act like a baby. Although i am at fault for not telling her everything about that mission, which i decided to keep to myself for a reason best known to me. Had it been she knows, she wouldn't have opened up to Sonia just like that, for her mind, the mission is official, not knowing it's for my own interest.

Within seconds Dan connected my uncle to a visual transmitter and i told my baby agent to leave.

“Hey dude? She's in my custody, so I'm to decide whether she leaves or stay”. •*Dan said, authoritatively gesturing my baby agent to sit down as if he will break walls if she move an inch, and i decided to take laws into my hands*•.

“It gat nothing to do with her, she was just following my orders. She has no idea that you were out there, she has no idea that she was double crossing any mission. So if you are looking for who to execute for ruining your mission or betraying the organization, that should be me. •*I said with a serious tone, pulled my black pistol from his suit inner pocket, cocked it and drop it on the table, close to him, making the execution more easier for him*• .

“Glory leave us". •*I said and she obeyed instantly*•.

UNCLE: What's going on here?

“Gaius just admit of been responsible for what happened on Friday". •*Dan upsettingly said still staring at me with rage*•.

“What has gotten over you Guys?" •*My uncle gently asked and i glanced at the monitor*•.

“Killing Mrs Nwachukwu is my decision to make". •*I point at my chest*•. “Not yours, neither is it he's to decide". •*I said with a low raging tone as i point at Dan*•.

UNCLE: Do you realize you just betrayed these organization, which is against the rules and punishable by death? •*He gradually said*•.

“And i don't care if i do it over and over again for the sake of those i love. I mean what's these organization for? You are the organization, i am the organization, we're the organization. And i believe that it's purpose is to protect our interest and that of those we love. If the rules won't favor our wants, we break it and customise it for our own good. That's exactly what i did". •*I upsettingly said, irregardless that i was talking to my uncle*•.

UNCLE: And who gave you the right to customize the rules i made myself? I can't remember building these empire together with you or with anyone else. Besides the woman in quote killed your own mother and did all she could to keep it buried, and you stupidly decide to keep her safe all because of that son from a bitch she called daughter. I can remember telling you both not to let anyone woman into your life, but you stupidly customized the instructions too........ •*My uncle gradually said in anger, and i interrupt him*•.

“Fine! Fine!! Fine!!! I broke your rules which are punishable by death". •*I said to my uncle as i picked my pistol from the table and turned to face Dan*•. “Now take this, you have not less than five seconds to shoot me. Point it at my forehead, so that i will die quickly". •*I said to him as i forced the pistol into his palm and closed my eyes as i wait for the execution*•.

4, 3, 2........ •*I began to count after waiting for some seconds, and opened my eyes as i count one, yet nothing happened, they both just stared at each other, then to me in silent*•.

“Since you can't punish me for breaking the rules, everything still remains the same. Never go after Nwachukwu's family again or i will punch you till you pass out". •*I gradually said with a gentle tone, but enraged, and head towards the door, leaving him with my gun just incase he change his mind and decide to shoot me from behind*•.

“Wait a minute, are you threatening me?" •*He asked and i walked out of his office without saying a word, heading back to my office to continue with what i was doing before i got interrupted*•.

“Wait a minute, are you threatening me?" •*I upsettingly asked him with the rage i felt inside me, and he briskly walked out from my office without saying a word, and i angrily hit my fist on my table*•.

I can't just believe that he said all that, and i couldn't do anything. I can't hurt him through Glory, he had already set her free by admitting to be the brain behind everything. And he's ready to fight back whenever i attack Mrs Nwachukwu, making me to feel miserable after all the efforts i made in getting back at him.

“Dad? Don't tell me you gonna let him get away with that, I kept my cool because of you". •*I said to my Dad who was pretending as if he didn't observed what just happened*•.

DAD: Gaius is getting out of control, and the best way to make him pay is by killing Mrs Nwachukwu in his presence, while he powerlessly watch without doing anything. I made him who he is today, and i only can take it away from him.

   : Connect me to the special squad team leader immediately, i need to make the orders myself, i want to see if he will come punch me till i pass out. •*My Dad said and i unhesitatingly did as he said*•.

Agent Smith: Good day boss.

DAD: Agent Smith, take your squad, go to late God's Will Nwachukwu resident and bring Mrs Nwachukwu here alive. Take out anyone who trys to stop you.

Agent Smith: Copy Boss.

DAD: Your time starts now. •*My Dad said and i hang up Smith from my transmitter*•.

“Dan you have to go manage the cyberians yourself, i need quick and clean work, Boy". •*He said and i nodded affirmatively before disconnecting the visual transmitter, and head to the cyber hall immediately, a bit satisfied with my Dad's instructions*•.
Location: Home

“Baby drop the plate in the kitchen first, then you can continue with your game". •*I said to Desmond who was playing video game with my phone at the dining room, referring to the plate he used for lunch*•.

He hesitating dropped the phone, picked the plate and head towards the kitchen, while i concentrated on the season movie i was watching.

“I've dropped it mom". •*He said as he sat close to me on the couch, and continue with the temple run he was playing*•.

“Good boy". •*I murdered barely audible, and the next thing i heard was a gun shot from outside, and my heart skipped beats*•.

Within seconds, i heard another and hurried towards the window to peep, after reducing the volume of the TV.

“Mom what's that?" •*Desmond asked just as the third security officer that was assigned to our home got shot by unknown gun men in SWAT team out fit and mask*•.

“Baby run". •*I muttered audibly as about four of them heads towards our building entrance*•.

“Run to where mom?" •*He asked frightenedly as he noticed my unpleasant facial expression, bouncing at a spot*•.

“Go hide behind the fridge honey, and don't come out till i say so". •*I said and watch him run towards the dining room*•.

“Hey! Get back to your rooms and lock the doors". •*I said to the maids whom just rush out to the interior veranda upstairs in hearing the unpleasant sounds, while i hurried towards the entrance door to confirm whether it locked.*•.

And just about six feet to the door, it explode with a loud noise, and everywhere turned smoky, while the wave blew me back into the living room just within a twinkle of an eye, and i groan in pains.

I was still on floor, trying to put myself together, and they trooped in and spread into different directions while one of them point his gun at me as he shouts “Lay Down And Face The Floor", and i unhesitatingly obeyed, praying they won't cause more damage.

I don't need to be told they came for my mom just like the caller said. Thank God she had already left the country. And i believe by the time they notice she's not around, they will be left with no other choice then to leave.

“Oh Lord have mercy". •*I murmured as one of the  gun men upstairs shout “Your Hands Behind Your Heads", probably referring to the maids upstairs*•.

After some seconds that seems like ages, i heard them shouting “Lay Down And Face The Floor", and i glanced up to spot all the maids as the lay close to each other on the floor.

“Target not found sir". •*One of them said, and just then, my phone began to ring right behind the fridge at the dining room, and my heart skipped beats as i glanced at that direction, wondering what kind of caller that was destined to expose my innocent son where he was peacefully hiding*•.

One of them gently head towards that direction, pointing his gun and ready to shoot, while i pray nothing happens to my son.

“Daddy? Thieves are shooting in our house and forcing everyone to lay down and face the floor". •*My baby boy said to the phone, just before the gun man got to the dining, which means Gaius is the caller (i used his picture in saving his number)*•.

Gun man: Get up you little thing.

“Leave me alone!!! Daddy!!!" •*Desmond screams as he jacked him up to the living room after taking the phone away from him*•.

“Keep quiet boy, no one is going to hurt you. All you need to do is to answer my question or else i will shoot your mummy". •*The gun man that told me to lay down said as he point his gun on my head, and tears began to flow freely from my eyes*•.

Gun man: Where's your grandma? •*he asked and Desmond remain quiet*•.

Gun man: I won't ask you again boy! •*he shouted as him forced my face down with his gun, and i let out a little scream, caused by the pains i felt on my forehead*•.

Desmond: She traveled to London with my uncle.

Gun man: When?

Desmond: On Friday night. •*he said and the man took his gun off my head, while i kept shivering*•.
35 Minutes After.
Location: In my office, At The Organization.

I couldn't concentrate on what i was doing anymore, they just ruined my day. I would have go chat with Soina or train Glory, but everyone in the organization pisses me off right at this moment.

So i decided to call Clara to see if her sweet voice will cheer me up a little bit as i picked my phone from the table and dialed her number, and she picked up on the second ring.

“Hello dear". •*I muttered barely audibly as i relaxed bossily on my emperor seat*•.

“Daddy? Thieves are shooting in our house and forcing everyone to lay down and face the floor". •*Desmond frightenedly said to the phone and i gently sit erect as i muttered “Excuse me?" As if i didn't hear him loud and clear*•.

“Get up you little thing". •*A masculine voice said aggressively in the background, probably referring to my baby boy as little thing*•.

“Leave me alone!!! Daddy!!!" •*Desmond screams my name and i freaked out, and the call dropped, meaning whoever that attack my son dropped the call*•.

I quickly clicked on my keyboard to hack into Clara's home secret cameras, and my computer automatically shutdown for the first time. I grabbed my iPad, clicked on it's power button and it showed me “Shuting down", making me furious and my mind ran to nothing else but Dan trying to get back at me.

I hurried out of my office with my phone as i loose my neck tie a bit from my neck and shoved my phone into my suit inner pocket as i go to the cyber hall to see things myself. And within a 1/½ minute i walked into the cyber hall to spot Dan well concentrated on the large monitor that have a footage of what that was currently happening at Clara's home.

“Bro? What exactly is wrong with you?" •*I asked him as i briskly walks towards his direction with rage, and he turned to face me with a serious facial expression that means do and die*•.

“Tell them to stop now". •*I said just as i stopped right in front of him with rage in my eyes*•.

“I have no right to stop the general's orders". •*He said and i stared at him for a while, and aggressively shade him off my way with my left shoulder as i head towards Taiwo's direction*•.

“Tell them to stop now". •*I said just as i stopped right in front of him with rage, and he stare at me with fear in his eyes*•.

“I'm afraid boss, that's general's orders". •*he said, and i unhesitatingly pulled his transmittable headset off his head and fixed it on mine*•.

“Agent 002 over! Mission aborted, evacuate from your current location immediately. That's an order". •*I said to agent Smith and his team that were sent, probably after Mrs Nwachukwu*•.

“Attention to this general announcement everybody". •*My uncle's voice sounded loud and clear through the wall installed speakers which everyone within the organization most hear, and i turn to look at the flat screen monitor that was displaying him as i pulled the transmittable headset off and drop it on Taiwo's desk*•.

“As the general and legitimate owner/founder of these precious empire of mine, i hereby demote your superior agent Gaius Dominic to nobody in these organization". •*My uncle said, and i shuddered both physically and spiritually, while every cyberian glanced from him to me in surprise of hearing what he said, probably wondering what i did to deserve such punishment*•.

“And from now henceforth, no one takes orders from him till further notice. If anyone insist or found guilty of been loyal to him, he or she will be automatically kicked out of these organization without warning. I hope you know what that means". •*My uncle added more pepper and fire to the burning soup, and i felt embarrassed, while Dan gave me a serious satisfactory look that made me wish i could slap that his round hat off his head*•.

“Sir. Mrs Nwachukwu flee out of the country on Friday, after the mission got ruined". •*Taiwo said audibly, and everyone turned their attention back to what they were doing*•.

“Better, now order them to let go of those innocent people they are holding hostage". •*I authoritatively said to Taiwo, forgetting that I've been demoted, and him quickly gave me that fearful look that simply means (I can't be the first to die sir) while Dan said “You're giving orders after been demoted?" *•.

“blindfold the little boy and his mother and bring them to the organization, they will be our prisoners till we see Mrs Nwachukwu". •*My uncle said and my heart skipped beats in seconds as i stare at him on the flat screen monitor*•.

He's taking things too far. I can't just let him bring them here, let alone letting him imprison them. They don't have to know the real me. It will definitely jeopardize all we've built together for years, and that means death sentence to them, because no outsider lives after founding about the organization. This time i have no other choice then to beg him to stop.

“Sir, please, keep them out of this". •*i pleadingly said as i walk towards the monitor that was displaying him*•.

UNCLE: You involved them into everything dem thing the moment you choose to betray the organization.

“You can't just bring them here sir, they don't have to know about us, me in particular". •*I tried reasoning with him as i want closer with a slow step*•.

“Oh! really? Good idea". •*He said and i brighten up a bit with the thought that my words are making sense*•.

“Taiwo? Order agent smith to tie the boy and his mother up, then go to the eastern bridge and throw them into the river alive. We don't need them here". •*He said and i stepped a little backward and turn around and speed towards the exit door*•.

Enough of the begging, the more i beg, the more they have the guts to torture me. And the more i wait for his mercy, the more i run out of time. I better use that time in saving them myself.

“Stop him". •*Dan said just few steps away from the exit electronic door, and the two securities on black suit blocked my way, getting me so enraged*•.

I just forcefully pushed one of them out of my way and typed in the door pass code. And just as the door opened sideways, both of them grabbed my shoulders, preventing me from walking out.

I angrily hit the face of the security guy on my left with my elbow, causing him to stagger backward, while i quickly grabbed the other one on my right by his arm and forcefully swing him, and he land in front of me within seconds. And without hesitation, i kicked his abdomen with all my might, and he forcefully slide out of the cyber hall through the opened door.

“Let him go". •*my uncle authoritatively said as i walked out of the cyber hall, and the door automatically closed*•.

“I'm so sorry boss". •*Glory said just as i walked out from the cyber hall*•.

“Glory leave this organization immediately, it's no longer safe for you". •*I said as i walked into the elevator without even glancing at her, and she joined me before the elevator closed*•.

“I swear, i never mean to cause you all these pains". •*She said remorsefully with a teary voice*•.

ME: No time for that. Go get your car key, phone and debt card.

GLORY: They are here with me, and my debt card is in my car. •*she said, showing me her phone and car key*•.

“Good. Go lodge in a hotel far away from here and wait till i call you". •*I said to her, and just then the elevator opened downstairs, and we walked out at once as she muttered “Copy Boss"*•.

We hurried out of the main exit door, and head to the parking lot within seconds. She got into her car, while i left my range rover sport and got into a faster black tinted BMW for a reason best know to me, and masked my faces with a medical black mask after wearing a leather hand gloves.

“This shit just got real". •*I muttered to myself as i speedily drove out from the organization with much velocity.

“Idris? Agent 002 over". •*I muttered to the customised car robotic system that helps in controlling the GPS and so on, which it's code name is Idris*•.

“Welcome agent Gaius". •*the robotic voice said instantly as it recognized my code*•.

“How many organization's official customized cars are outside the organization's arena, apart from the one that I'm using?" •*I asked and reselect my gear*•.

Idris: Two.

“I need the fastest route to them". •*I said and the dashboard mini screen automatically began to display a visual GPS from me to the special squad convoy*•.

“How long will it take me to meet up with them?" •*I asked as i driftingly wheeled right and reselect my gear, and hit 170 km/h on the barely busy road, following the GPS*•.

Idris: 18 minutes.

ME: I want to meet them in not less than five minutes.

“Increase to 220 km/h". •*the robotic voice said and i increased my speed immediately and over take three vehicles, while my mind got filled with everything my uncle said back there*•.

They just automatically made me a threat. And that's exactly what Dan wants. He wants Clara and my son to pay for Rita's death with their own blood. And I'm not gonna let that happen, i will save them from the hands of Smith and his team, and even if i had to kill to do so, so be it. I rather die trying then letting them adhere to my uncles selfish orders that will bring no good.

After about four minutes of maintaining 200-220km/h, i got a bit closer to them with approximately 25ft away from them. And just as they got to the next junction, they driftingly divert to different directions in a furious manner, getting so confused as i deliberate on which one to pursue.

“Which way? Which way? Which way?" •*I murmured to myself as i work with my brain, still maintaining that speed limit*•.

Idris: Which way to where agent Gaius? •*The robotic voice said, and i ignored it*•.

The easiest route to the eastern bridge is by left, which means the car that divert left is the one carrying my son and baby mama, which made me to unhesitatingly divert left as i pulled the hand brake and driftingly scared off road users as my tyres makes that familiar scratching sounds, caused by it rough contact on the coated road.

And within seconds, i pushed down the hand brake, reselect the gear and increased my speed as i got so close to the car. And within 60 seconds, i speedily double crossed their car as i driftingly wheeled left in the middle of the road and stepped on the brake. And they furiously stepped on their brake to avoid hitting me, so did everything other road user stopped within seconds.

I quickly opened the little dashboard drawer, and took the loaded black pistol, and cocked it as i hurried out of the car like a day light professional armed robber, irregardless of anything else.

They made to reverse and flee, and i skillfully aim at their front left tyre and fire💥 within instantly, and it deflate immediately, causing their driver to lose control and hit another car and stop, while people began to run helter skelter.

I fast walked to their car and forcefully opened the front door, while they remained calm despite been armed, which means they knew that I'm the one behind the mask. They can't attack me na, not in this bad mood of mine. They no reach.

I checked inside to see just five special squad agents, no Desmond no Clara. Which means i want after the wrong car.

Shit!! •*I exclaimed with rage*•.

“Let me have your transmitters, all of you!!". •*I authoritatively said for a reason, and they just stared without obeying me, probably because I've been demoted*•.

💥 I skillfully fired one shot on the passenger's seat, through in between the thighs of the guy sitting on it, and he freaked out.

“I won't miss shooting your balls in the next 3 seconds". •*I said to him as i point the gun on his man man with my left hand stretched out and he pulled off his transmitter from his left ear and dropped it into my palm, followed by his colleagues, and i hurried back to my car.*•.

“Dan, I'm coming for you bro". •*I said loudly to the transmitters in my palm as i turned on the car engine and dropped them on the passenger's seat along with the pistol, hoping he heard me clear, and within seconds, i reverse a bit back and drove off*•.

Through the side mirror, i noticed as the agents got down from their car and attacked another car, probably to snatch it away from the owner and find their way back to the organization.

“Idris? Fastest route to the other official customized car". •*i said to the robot, and after some seconds, the dashboard displayed (ERROR), meaning that Idris had been suspended temporarily, which is no one else hand work but Dan*•.

“Son of a bitch!" •*I exclaimed as i grabbed those transmitters, slide down the side window and threw them away, been so furious as i think of how else to stop the other car before they gets to the eastern bridge,*•.

“Or did they changed the plan?" •*i thought to myself as i slide up the window, and just then, my phone began to ring*•.

I grabbed it from my suit inner pocket to realize it baby agent Glory, getting wondering what exactly she wants.

“What is it?" •*I asked Glory with an upsetting low raged tone*•.

“Boss? I am currently 15ft away from the other car that took right at the last junction. Should i attack?" •*My baby agent said, and i regain hope as i smiled devilishly, i never knew she was following me all this while, and i never told her about pursuing any car*•.

“That's my baby girl". •*I muttered barely audibly as i think of the next team work to apply*•.

By Kingz Gaius Chinedu.
[Story Boy]


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