Hellfire On The Other Side

By TigerDreamer101

3.7K 63 16

Clara Frollo, daughter of Judge Claude Frollo. Only four more months until her 18th birthday, she is preparin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 29

44 1 4
By TigerDreamer101

   "Wake up mama!" Clara woke up to Adrianna jumping on her giving her hug. She rubbed her eyes and sat up. Claytin sat on the dining table watching them smiling. "What happened?" Clara asked as Adrianna unwrapped herself from her. "You got sleep," Claytin shrugged, a mischievous smile still on his face. He got up and kissed Clara's forehead. She then remembered how Claytin told Shane to put her to sleep. She narrowed her eyes at her husband. "Right, I remember now." Clara stood up brushing her fingers through her hair. "Well, I've got some things to do today..." she said going over to the closet and grabbing one of her short purple dresses and a black cloak. Claytin went over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Sorry dear, your gonna have to cancel those things," he whispered. Clara looked over her shoulder at him. "Okay, three things. First of all, when did we agree on the nickname, dear? Second of all, I don't have to cancel anything. And third of all, I am angry at you!" she pushed him slightly off. "Adrianna, go play outside, mama and I have to talk." Claytin sighed. Adrianna nodded and ran outside to play. Clara sighed and turned around to face Claytin. "There is nothing to talk about." "There is and you know it. I only asked Shane to do that because you wouldn't sleep otherwise. Do you think I like having to force things on you? I would much rather not have to force anything on you, especially sleep." Clara sighed, quickly got dressed and looked to her husband, "I know that. But you used my best friend." "If it makes you feel any better, he enjoyed it," Claytin said giving a small laugh. Clara rolled her eyes with a chuckle, "I guessed so, he is the one and only Shane Facilier." She went over and grabbed her phone from the nightstand. "Where is my dagger?" "You won't be needing it today," Claytin said crossing his arms. "Why not? I told you, I've got things to do today. You know how much I hate being out without it." Claytin went up to her and grabbed one of her hands. He spun her around until her back was laying on his chest with his hands, holding both of hers, hugging her. "What are you doing?" Clara laughed. "We are going to spend this day together, just you and me," Claytin explained kissing her cheek. Clara took a few steps away and turned back to him frowning. "I can't Claytin. I'm sorry. I am busy with things." "Too bad, we haven't had a day, where you and I could just hang out and be a couple. You are stressed with whatever is going with this deal. And you're stressed with trying to protect Shane, me, Adrianna, and everyone else you love. You need a break!" "Claytin..." "I'm not finished. I need something too. I need my wife. You act like I am just a friend, and I am not just a friend. I am your husband too and I would like if you started acting like I was. So, today, we will have no contact with anyone in New Orleans unless it's an emergency. It is just you and me," Claytin said. "What about Adrianna?" "She will be spending the day with Roma and my dad. My dad will come pick her up soon. I planned everything last night. And please don't try to go, Clara, I know all your tricks," Claytin said grabbing her hands. Clara looked away and tried to walk back, but Claytin didn't let her go. "Clara, please, one day? I am just asking for one day..." Claytin whispered. Clara bit her lip and sighed, "Fine, one day." Claytin kissed her smiling. A few minutes later, Adrianna came in. "Grandpapa is here, I'll see you later!" she said hugging them. Before she ran off, Clara knelt to her. "What is the code word you text if you are in danger?" "Bon Bon, I know it, mama," Adrianna said. Clara kissed her forehead. "Alright, go on." Adrianna laughed and ran out to Clopin and they left. 

   Clara went over and sat on the bed. "One more thing about today," Claytin said coming over to her. "What now?" "No worrying about everything that is going on. No worry about the deal, no worrying about your father, and no worrying about Shane being stupid and putting that spell on you. Well, think about it enough so you don't end up hurt and in the process hurting him," Claytin said. Clara thought about it and then nodded. "Then I need to make a call." She grabbed her phone and went out in the front yard. She glanced in the window before starting to sneak off. She was glancing over her shoulder when she ran into someone. She yelped surprised and fell to the ground. Claytin stood in front of her, arms crossed. "Told you, I knew all your tricks," he said helping her up. "You're keeping me prisoner." "No, but you said we could spend the day together and just yesterday you had a panic attack because of everything. I am keeping you from hurting both yourself and Shane. Also, as I said before, I need my wife." Claytin kissed her again. "So, are we going to go back home or do you want to go out?" he asked. Clara gave him a sarcastic look and smiled. "Home, but I do actually need to make that call." Claytin nodded. "Race you home?" he asked. "Oh, you are on!" "On the count of three! One... two... hey!" Claytin started. Clara had started running before he could even finish. Laughing he chased after her.  

   "Will you shut up and listen to me?!" Clara growled into her phone. She was really getting tired of villain kids. "We made a deal!" Markus said angrily. "And all I am saying is I am not coming over today. Jeez, Markus, I don't need to come over every single day." "Do you want me to turn on the pain on?!" "Don't you dare! You know I work best alone! Especially when it comes to planning! And besides, I have a life outside helping you with the deal. I have other things to do," Clara said rolling her eyes. Markus annoyed her and pissed her off more than Shane. Which was saying something because, over the years, he had learned exactly how to press her buttons and was still learning new buttons to press. "If you want there to be any chance of this takeover happening, you have to give me days where I don't go over to your cave. Today is one of them, I will come over another day, whether it be tomorrow or a week from now." "Fine, what do you want us to do in the meantime?" Markus asked sighing. "Nothing, just do what you normally do, let me plan." "What about contacting my mother? To get the staff." Clara bit her lip and looked back to the cabin. "Not yet, let me think about it. I want to look at other options too." "Fine, see you soon then," Markus said. "Can't wait..." Clara responded with her most sarcastic tone as she hung up. 

   Clara went inside, to almost immediately be grabbed by the waist by Claytin. She laughed as he spun her around more before kissing her. "So it is true. Clara Frollo can smile and laugh without being sassy and sarcastic," he laughed kissing her again. "Haha, very funny," Clara said pushing him back as she sat down on the bed. "Why are you always so sarcastic and sassy anyways?" Claytin asked kissing her cheek. "If I tell you, it will ruin this moment," Clara laughed, again kissing Claytin. Claytin stopped and put his hands on her shoulders. "Come on Clara, open up some for once in your life." Clara sighed, "I don't know, after my mom died, I thought putting up walls would protect me from getting hurt." "But you were never like that around your father... oh, you thought Shane would leave too, didn't you?" Claytin asked. "I was seven when I started training myself to be this way. At thirteen when Shane protected me from Garrett, I knew he would never abandon me but by then? I was already like this," Clara explained. "I was thought Garrett was too much like his father for his own good, all full of himself," Claytin said rolling his eyes. "What can you expect from a son of Gaston," Clara laughed. "Why won't you tell me about the deal?" "I thought we weren't worrying about that?" "Alright, good point, I'll leave it be for now," Claytin sighed. Clara smiled at him, wrapped her arms around him and started kissing him again. 

   "Hey, we should talk about the wedding," Claytin said. It had been a few hours, after lunchtime. Clara was putting back on her cloak. "What about it?" she asked. "Well, Char can't plan everything. It is our wedding after all." "Alright, what should we figure out?" "What day of the week should we do it?" Claytin asked. "Sunday, my father will be back on his side of Paris for church most of the day. That will keep him away from the wedding," Clara said without hesitation. "What day?" "We will figure that out later. I want to talk to Char, Shane and Tina to see when they are free to come," Clara explained. "Alright, how big do you want it to be?" "I want both of our families and friends there which means all of the Court will be there," Clara said. "So we are inviting Roma?" "Yes, and Verity." "Verity?" "Shane's mom." "Right alright." "I haven't seen her since I was five when she visited me and my mom, a few weeks before mom died. She was supposed to be who I went to if something happened to my mom but obviously, my father got to me first," Clara explained. "Where do you want it?" "Well, not somewhere in public, would your dad be okay doing it at the Court?" Clara asked. "I can ask him, and I am sure the other gypsies can help Char with the decorations. She most likely will want the help when she sees how big our home is," Claytin laughed. "Oh, what do we want Tina to do for the food?" Clara asked. "Well, this is France. Maybe she can do some popular french meals? She is talented and we have plenty of people in the Court who could help her," Claytin said. "And she can put her own twist in it. It is Tina and she is Tiana's daughter, you have to let her experiment a little," Clara laughed. Claytin grabbed apiece of paper and wrote everything down. "All right, I'll give this to Shane to give to Charlene next time he comes," Claytin said kissing Clara.

   Clara was in the bathroom. She had just finished taking a shower and got redressed. She looked at the window and bit her lip. Claytin hadn't let her have any alcohol today and she was starting to want a beer. She could get out, run to a bar or a store, grab a beer and get back. Sighing, Clara tried to open the window but it was jammed. "Every trick!" she heard Claytin yell from outside the bathroom. Rolling her eyes, she opened the door and leaned against the door frame. "You know, trying to open a jammed window makes some sound," Claytin said arms crossed again. "I was only trying to run out to grab a beer or something, you won't let me drink," Clara said. "Yes, because once you have one, you can't stop. You are not getting drunk today Clara. I am only trying to help you," Claytin said. "I don't need help with my drinking. I am not trying to sober up, I am not an alcoholic." "Yes, you are Clara. I am so sorry to tell you but you are. Maybe you don't drink every day but you at least drink three beers in one day when you do drink. And when you're trying to get drunk, when no one is there to stop you, you can drink over seven.  Clara, I love you but you need to hear this. You are an alcoholic and you need to sober up. If not for yourself, then for Adrianna. She already had a drunk father before, she doesn't need a drunk mom. At this rate, you will end up just as bad as Iven when it comes to his drinking. That man drank what, ten things of alcohol a day?" Claytin said. Clara sighed, "I am trying Claytin but I haven't had one thing of alcohol in a few days. You can't blame me for wanting some." "No, I can't. But today is not that day. Tomorrow if you want to have a drink, then you can have one beer with someone around so you can't have another." Claytin said going up to her. "What are you my sponsor now?" Clara asked. "Yes," Claytin said kissing her and picking her up and spinning her around. "What are you doing?" she asked laughing. Claytin put her down and past her, her tambourine. "Let's have some fun." 

   They had danced and sang together for a while before they went out to eat and went home. The sun was lowering. They were sitting on the bed, Clara resting her head on Claytin's shoulder. "When is your next performance?" she asked. "This weekend, Saturday at noon. I'm performing beside my father with the Court. You know, the stage is open before out show. Do you want to perform? I can schedule it and my dad and the rest of the Court can see you. They are still iffy on you, especially Esmeralda, Quasimodo, and Phoebus..." Clara gave a short laugh. "But, they are warming up to you. You are going to become princess of the gypsies, someday queen of them." Claytin said kissing her. "Oh don't remind me. Isn't the wedding also going to be my coronation or something to officially make me princess?" "Yep, you will be Princess Clara of the Court Of Miracles..." "And someday Queen Clara of the Court Of Miracles, yes, I know. You have told me multiple times. Sometimes I regret falling in love with you. Prince Claytin Trouillefou of the Court Of Miracles, someday to be King Claytin Trouillefou of the Court Of Miracles," Clara interrupted. "You sound upset, what is it?" Claytin asked, grabbing one of her hands gently. "It's nothing. I just never thought of myself as a princess or a queen. I mean, I once thought of me as the ruler of Paris alongside my father. But that was as a villain, I wouldn't have any pressure on me to do the right thing, I wouldn't have to be a princess or a queen," Clara sighed. "Is that what has you worried?" "Possible more worried than this deal I made or my father," Clara laughed nervously. "You do realize that you are becoming a princess of gypsies right? Not all of us all are completely sane. We like to have fun and perform. The only new duties you will have? Probably not a lot. Other than help protect the Court and the people apart of the Court. And when we become King and Queen? We just schedule performances, protect, and of course, rule. You'll do fine, I promise," Claytin said kissing her. "Thanks, that makes me feel a little better," Clara said. "Good. Though I do have a question for you?" "What's up?" "Are you going to change your last name?" "What?" "From Frollo, are you going to take on my last name, Trouillefou? Adrianna already has taken it on and you refused to let her have both of our last names," Claytin asked. "For good reason, she doesn't need to be cursed with the last name of Frollo, like my mom is along with me," Clara said rolling her eyes. "Then why don't you change it?" "I am thinking on it. But I am not sure. I am never going to stop being a Frollo. And I have been thinking about how Shane is making his family name a hero one instead of a villain one. Once my father passes, well, I can die knowing I was the last Frollo. When the time comes of course. Besides, I've been a Frollo all my life. I don't know if I want to give it away, does that sound crazy?" "Not at all." Claytin started kissing her when his phone dinged. He picked it up and saw a text from Clopin. "Adrianna fell asleep, might want to come pick her up soon." "Come on, we need to go pick up Adrianna," Claytin said standing up.

   "Hey Clara," Roma said giving her daughter a hug as she and Claytin came into the Court. "Hey mom, where is Adrianna?" Clara asked. Roma led her to where Adrianna was sleeping. "She did eat dinner. She was playing when she fell asleep," Clopin explained whispering. He was sitting up against the wall near Adrianna. "Thanks for taking her today dad. She had fun?" Claytin whispered, picking up sleeping Adrianna up. "I would say so," Clopin nodded. Clara hugged her mom again, saying her goodbyes, as she and Claytin left. Once back in the cabin, Claytin tucked Adrianna in the bed. "You know, the cabin is small for the three of us, we are sharing one bed," Clara said looking around. "We can move into the Court full time," Claytin suggested. "I don't mind staying there for a while, especially when I am a princess or queen but I do want a place to go to live beside the Court," Clara said. "Well, do you want to sell the cabin and look for another place?" "No, not sell the cabin. Too many memories. If we move out this can be our hangout or our escape when we want a day, just us. But maybe we should look for a house that can suit the three of us," Clara said. "I'll keep a lookout and talk to my dad about it. He might know a good place." Claytin kissed her, "Let's get some sleep." "I'm going to stay up, not tired," Clara said. Claytin wrapped his arms around her waist. "The day is over, I will call Shane," Claytin said. "You wouldn't dare!" "Watch me." Clara sighed. She got out of her dress and into pajamas, the same with Claytin. "I'll go to sleep in a second, I want to read some," Clara said going over to the bookshelf. Claytin grabbed her waist again, kissed her cheek and laid her down on the bed smiling. "Every trick." Claytin got in bed next to her, turning the lights off, kissing her goodnight. "I had fun today," Clara whispered to her husband. "I love you, Clara." Claytin out a hand on hers and they felt Adrianna shuffle some, cuddling closer to them. "I love you too, Claytin."

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