Hellfire On The Other Side

By TigerDreamer101

3.7K 63 16

Clara Frollo, daughter of Judge Claude Frollo. Only four more months until her 18th birthday, she is preparin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 21

52 1 0
By TigerDreamer101

   Clara had locked herself in the bathroom, Adrianna was out, and Claytin was trying to figure out what was going on, "Wait, she made some sort of deal with them? In french?" Claytin asked. He was slightly whispering so Clara wouldn't hear him through the bathroom door. "Yeah," says Charlene. "But it's my fault. I wanted to speak with Shane. And he was almost done with his recovery. I should've waited." "I should have come! You guys don't know french! Clara was a villain kid! Friends with those people once. I don't know them as well but I know this. They wouldn't agree to help you guys if Clara hadn't said she give them something that they really want. They are four villain kids. Four villain kids don't usually agree on something. Whatever it is, it is big," Claytin said. Tina groans. "So now, we have to deal with yet another one of Clara's problems? Is... is she just cursed to cause nothing but trouble?" "No, you guys aren't dealing with it. I will. And she was raised by her father, she can't help it. I will take care of the deal..." Claytin said. "I just love when people talk about me like this," Clara said opening the door of the bathroom. "And the deal I made won't involve Shane, Char, TIna or anyone other than me and the other four." "Then what was the deal?" Claytin asked. "Nothing, don't worry about it," Clara said. "And to Shane's spirit wherever you are, that is the same for you!"

   Suddenly, there was a knock on the cabin door. Clara looked to Claytin, "This isn't over Clara Frollo!" He goes over and class out, "Who's there?" "I think you know who this is," says a familiar voice from the other side of the door. Claytin opened the door a little bit "Dude, c'mon! It's me!" says the voice. Charlene sighs and swings the door open. It's Shane he's made a full recovery and is visibly fuming. He slowly walks over to Clara and punches her arm. "Frollo, do you ever think before you make these deals?" he says. "First of all ouch... second of all, just because I don't trust Markus and he has magic, tell me something that only you would know because I got a dagger and I'm not afraid to use it!" Clara said picking up her dagger giving him a look. Shane grabs Clara's hand with the dagger and pushes it up against his neck. He smiles tauntingly. "Just tell me something idiot or I swear Facilier I will cut you. Uh, how about this, why did I decide to run away from my father? Markus wouldn't know that," Clara asked rolling her eyes. She had a good feeling it was Shane but she just wanted to make sure. She couldn't be too sure. Shane continues to smile tauntingly. But he whispers in Clara's ear, "If you were certain that I wasn't Shane, you'd have used the dagger already. You know that it's really me," he says. Clara kicked him away. "A lot of things have happened in the past few months, why are you avoiding my questions?" "Give me a break, Clara. I just cheated death here," says Shane. He walks over to Charlene and gives her a kiss. "Excuse me for not trusting you, I just gave blood to a villain, so why do you avoid the questions!" Clara asked. "How do you expect me to remember the answer, Clara? That was a long time ago. Also, uh, I nearly died!" Shane shouts. "But if you want me to prove that it's really me, fine. Your middle name is Romana, but you refuse to use it because it reminds you of your mother." Shane folds his arms and smirks. "Alright... it is you..." Clara put the dagger down. "So I haven't done this in over five years but now is a special occasion..." Clara started. She went over and gave Shane a hug. She backed up afterward and sighed. "I would slap you for banishing Iven but I can't. I should have just stabbed him when I had the chance. I can't believe I let him get in my head like that!"Shane sighs. "Well, he got into my head, too. The cretin mentioned my father." "Are we just forgetting about this deal that my wife made with four villains?!" Claytin yelled. "Yes! We are! Also, like Shane said, he just cheated death, let's focus on that..." Clara responded rolling her eyes. "Nah, nah, nah. You ain't getting off that easy. Claytin's got the right idea. What was the deal you made with those hacks?" says Shane. "I said don't worry about it before and I am sticking to it. I will deal with the deal I made. It is my problem!" Clara said. "Clara, the day you make a friend, your problems are no longer your problems. That's in the contract of friendship," says Shane. "And it's not like I can't probe your mind to find out. I should warn you, though. I heard it's a painful experience for the one being probed." "Probe me and I will stab you, why can't you guys just leave it alone. You don't want to get sucked up into this, I am perfectly capable of handling it on my own!" Clara said. She went over to the bed and sat down. "Clara, we are just trying to help you!" Claytin said. "And I don't need help. I can help myself!" Clara practically yelled. "Where was that energy when I was gone for four months?" Shane sneers. "I will stab you!" Clara growled. She grabbed her dagger and started playing with it. "But seriously, if I say I can take care of myself, I can take care of myself." Shane sighs. "Okay. Charlene, Tina, let's go," he says. Clara looked up at him, "Hey, why are you all of a sudden leaving? I mean last I saw you, you were dying." Clara said crossing her arms. Shane is halfway out the door. "Oh, I thought you could handle this on your own. I guess you don't need the three of us, anymore," he teases. "That's not what I meant and you know it! I mean I can take care of the deal myself! And I don't need you to protect me to be here. Your still my best friend Shane Facilier!" Clara said standing up. "Clara Romana Frollo, you are a walking enigma! I don't know what you want half the time!" Shane yells storming over to Clara. "Seriously, you are one confusing girl. One of these days, I'm gonna end up in jail because of you. Because you are crazy!" Shane takes off his cap and sighs. "But I guess, by that logic, so are all of we." Clara sighed, "You won't end up in jail Shane. You won't be involved in this, none of you Americans should be." Clara said gesturing to Charlene, Tina, and Shane. "And what about me and Adrianna?" Claytin asked. "When the time comes, you two will be Americans for some time I hope. Or at least, you won't be french." Clara explained. "And what does that mean?" "It means, you and Adrianna will take a vacation to New Orleans or somewhere out of France at some point in the future. And then I will deal with it than you two will come back and tell me all about it." Shane laughs an obnoxious and obviously fake laugh. "Yeah, no. Listen. Thing is, Markus doesn't know how blood deals work. That's voodoo's territory," he says. "It wasn't a blood deal idiot. I gave blood to summon you and of lord did it hurt. The deal was a simple shake hand deal. Trust me, I am the only reason your girlfriend isn't prisoner to Maleficent's son. A promise can go a long way," Clara said rolling her eyes. "You didn't have to do that, Clara," says Charlene. "Yes I did, and you know that Char," Clara said before looking Shane right in the eye. "And don't think Markus is calling the shots. His mother might have been the mistress of all evil but he isn't like her. That group doesn't have a leader. They used to but they don't. Garrett tries but he isn't much of a leader," Clara explained. 

   Shane walks up to Clara and grabs her hand. "Look down," he says. "What?" Clara said giving him a look but then gave in and looked down.  "We're standing in a shadow. If we hide in it, you can tell me what the deal is. I promise that I won't tell anyone. And I won't get involved unless you say so. I just want to know if this is a deal that won't bring any harm to anyone," he whispers. "It won't bring harm to you. I'll send Adrianna and Claytin when the time comes. That will give you the message not to come to France. And I am telling you, don't come when the time comes!" Clara said. "Okay. I trust you," says Shane. "But if anything happens with Frollo, you let me know. Dude's a sneak." "Oh, something is going to happen with him alright, and I won't be liking it," Clara said. After a minute she sighed, "I need you to promise me something Shane, something that Claytin, I know, won't promise." Shane rubs his temples. "Ugh, I know I'm not gonna like this, but sure," he says. "If I tell you or if I go... well, truly evil, you take my dagger or something and kill me. If you can promise me this, and actually mean it, I'll tell you the deal but you can't tell anyone else..." Clara said. Shane's heart drops upon hearing Clara's request. His mind starts racing. "She seriously asked me to kill her?! Is she crazy?! But I guess I have to. But I trust that things will never reach that point." Shane bows his head and casts a spell unbeknownst to Clara. "I promise," he says. "Well to start things off, I was the leader of that group. Or until you gave Garrett that scar and I just stopped hanging with them. I never told you I hung out with them before that incident. But we had made a plan for when we were all eighteen. Well, Anna turns eighteen in a month and Dawn in two. Markus and Garrett are already eighteen. Basically, the Villians of France are taking over France, and I am leading it..." Clara explained "Well, then. That clears up a lot of things," says Shane. "Yep, but I am going to stop it after we take over. That way both sides of the deal stand. But we've got at least three months until something big happens. I doubt they will do it as soon as Dawn is eighteen. I will figure it out. But seriously, if I ask you to or if it gets that bad, kill me. I don't want to hurt the ones I care about..." Clara said. Shane looks down at Clara's hand and sees the Mark of Eternal Bonding, indicating that he successfully cast the spell. "Yeah. Will do." "And just because I know you're sneaky, be honest, did you do anything? A spell or something?" Clara asked. "Yeah. The spell of Eternal Bonding. It only works for deals such as these. If I kill you, then that means I die with you. But if you succeed in stopping the four of them, then neither of us will die," says Shane. "But I know that you can pull through." Clara slapped him. "You're lucky I can't tell the others about my plan or I would let Charlene give you a piece of her mind. Also, your girlfriend is a weird force when she is mad. But like I said we got three months. I plan not to cause anything else at that time other than an actual wedding." Shane rolls his eyes. "Yeah, whatever," he says. "And I don't see Charlene when she's mad. We love each other too much." "Claytin and I are married and we fight. Though I haven't seen him completely pissed off yet. Anyways, we should get back. The group is probably wondering where you took me, or at least Claytin will be wondering," Clara said.

   Shane releases Clara, and they slowly appear back in the cabin. Claytin immediately grabbed Clara's arm and pulled her to the side. "Clara, we have a daughter now! You can't go making deals with villains randomly!" "I know Claytin, I only did it to save Char and Tina!" "You shouldn't have suggested going to Markus! Why did you, Clara?" "Charlene wanted to talk to Shane! Maybe it was a mistake going to Markus but I can't take it back now!" Clara said. Their argument continued. Shane slams his cane on the ground, sending a slight shockwave through the cabin floor. "Claytin, she didn't do anything bad. I can assure you that," he says. "Wait you told him?! Clara! I am your husband! I get he is your best friend and I try to respect what you decide to tell me and what you tell him but there are things... you know what? Nevermind..." Claytin said starting to leave the castle. "Claytin! Claytin wait! Please!" Clara cried. "Adrianna will stay with me in the Court for a few days. That doesn't mean she can't hang out with you but she stays there for now. I'll come back in a few days..." Claytin said leaving. "No! Claytin!" Clara screamed as he left. Clara turned to Shane, "I think I just saw him truly pissed for the first time... oh lord..." Shane looks down, still wondering what Clara has gotten herself into. Charlene lifts Shane's head up. "You're certain that she's done nothing bad?" she asks. Shane simply nods. Clara ran her hands through her hair anxiously. Then her face turned angry. She grabbed her dagger and swung the cabin door open storming out in a hurry. "Clara!" Tina shouts. "Don't," says Shane. "She's gonna need a lot of time to cool down. We should get going back to New Orleans, anyway." Charlene and Tina each grab one of Shane's arms. The three of them sink into the shadow beneath them.

   Clara found the cave in a matter of minutes. "She is back already huh? Must be our lucky day," Garrett teased standing up from a rock he had been sitting on. Clara quickly put the dagger to his throat. "I will kill you right here! Right now!" Garrett laughed. "You can't kill me, we had a deal!" Suddenly Clara's hand stung and she dropped the dagger giving a gasp of pain as she clutched her hand. Markus' hand was slightly raised, a green glow coming from it as he smiled cruelly. "You should know not to give blood to a villain Frollo. Have you forgot how we work?" he asked. He came up to her, grabbed her chin and put his glowing hand down, letting her pain stop. "You work for us now Frollo," Anna laughed. "We want our leader back!" Dawn said crossing her arms. "My father put you up to this didn't he?!" Clara growled. Markus gave a small shrug. "You aren't the only one who made a deal with us. Your father can control you but he needs you to do so. So he came and said, we get you, make you a villain again, he will get us France. We don't need you to take over France, we needed him. He is the villain, you are the villain in training like the rest of us. Now, the deal is quite simple, you keep your side of the deal by being the leader of the Villans of France and we don't kill that Charlene girl," Garrett said. "You can't get your hands on her!" Clara growled. Suddenly, Markus pushed her back and Garrett grabbed onto her. Markus flicked his hand and an image of Charlene appeared in the caldron. No, not an image, a live feed. They were watching her. "By bringing her here, you gave us leverage. You are basically begging us to make you a villain again," Markus explained. "Shane will kill you if you lay a hand on her! I will kill you! Stay away from my friends!" Clara yelled. "Facilier is a voodoo master, not a magic master, besides, we have you. He won't hurt you will he? Would he allow you to die, to get hurt, all to save some girl that he loves? Who is more important to him? His best friend or his girlfriend? If it comes down to it, he can decide!" Markus laughed. Clara pushed Garrett off of her but before she could attack, Markus put his hand up and put searing pain in her hand. She screamed as her knees buckled. "I can make all your body hurt, I am just being merciful by doing just your hand," Markus explained. Garrett went in front of her, grabbed her chin and forced her to look up. "It goes without saying you keep this quiet. So what will it be Frollo? Ready to be our villain leader again?" Clara bit her lip but after a moment she answered, "Fine..."

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