The Princess Within Me

By IloveAC

33.4K 807 95

Sarah Watson is a student of Mayfield preparatory, a school for the rich and famous but she isn't any of thos... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 22

766 19 5
By IloveAC

Sarah's P.O.V.

I trotted through the hallway as soon as I got to school on a freakishly cold Monday morning. I wasn't running late or anything but I just wanted to avoid crashing into the last person I liked to see.

I'd even gotten up pretty early a while ago just to miss riding to school with Cedrick. It actually confused me why he had to join me in the car if he had one of his own. Besides, he was even driving himself to school before all of this had happened.

On the other note, I was devastated as well by the fact that my weekend passed by faster than it should have. I hadn't even done anything productive during those days. I only sulked in my room, thinking about anything that was within my grasp.

I shrugged off any idea of my miserable weekend as soon as I saw my locker. I quickly fiddled with the lock and abruptly got my things. I was too paranoid about accidentally meeting Cedrick to even have the chance to think clearly.

I walked fast to my classroom and hid myself inside. I didn't want to encounter anyone specifically him.

I was actually having a hard time thinking about the best possible reason on why I was acting like this. There were tons such as hate, disgust, and irritation which were all similar in one way or another but I knew that there was something more to that. I guess I should just dig a little deeper.

I couldn't also avoid to reflect about the words that made me feel troubled over these past two days. Worst, he was the one who let those escape his foul mouth.

I thought you'd never talk to me again? I guess you don't have the guts to stay away from me.

I suddenly shuddered as soon as my mind replayed that moment all over again. I knew that he only meant those words as a joke and I was already used to him doing that but this time, I felt really affected by it. I didn't even know how to act normally anymore.

I would be insane. Like totally insane.

I slammed my head onto my desk after I felt mentally tired. I should've skipped school today and just remained in my bed. It would be better, way better to be precise.

The door suddenly swung open so I fearfully looked up. I sighed in relief as I saw a couple of normal people walked in, at least I was saved for now.

I rested my head back on the table and stared at the window next to me. The sun was piercing through the sky which was undoubtedly bright today. It was a shade of blue just like those mesmerizing eyes of his.

Gosh. What's wrong with me? I mentally exclaimed.

I glanced in front of me to see the two talking to each other. I wasn't interested to listen to their conversation but I accidentally overheard a portion of it.

"You're such a klutz! Don't you even know how to take care of yourself?" The boy said in a mocking tone.

I instantly raised my head to see what happened and I saw the girl sitting on the floor. It seemed that she fell off her chair.

As if on cue, A fragment of my Saturday morning occurred back to me. It was the time when Cedrick uttered those same words to me after I slipped on the ground.

What the hell was happening? I couldn't even tell if I was only dreaming or not. The events today were turning me into a complete fool. Everything was like a deja vu.

I ruffled my hair as I glowered miserably, earning some suspicious and disturbed looks from my lovely companions. Now, I didn't only look like a dimwit to myself but to others as well. I was definitely pathetic.

A couple of minutes after, I finally heard the bell, signaling the beginning of classes. It was the first time that I'd gotten excited to immediately start studying. The reason? So that I could divert my attention away from him.

Little by little, students were crowding in as they sauntered to their seats. I huffed a thin air as I impatiently waited for them to settle down. In my defense, the teacher was also feeling the same as I did.

After a while, he finally started discussing our lessons. He spoke monotonously that was why I almost gave up listening to him until he came up with the idea of having a pop quiz.

My eyes widened with astonishment after hearing his sudden change of plans. I fidgeted in my seat especially that I didn't know what to answer to whatever question he had for me.

I'm dead. If only I could have a brain like Cedrick's.

Cedrick. Not again.

I immediately forgot the pop quiz ordeal and my mind instantly focused on this guy that gave me butterflies since this morning, or maybe since the time I could ever imagine. All this time, I thought that I was only in love with him but never did I imagine myself falling head over heels for him despite of my hatred towards him. I couldn't even take a grip of myself anymore.

He already penetrated my brain with those nonsensical words of his and those mysterious acts that he committed and now I couldn't even think straight. He had taken over me.

"Ms. Sullivan, are you listening?" Mr. Andrews exclaimed, braking off my train of thoughts.

I instantly rose from my seat, noticing that everyone around was already staring at me. I grinned innocently as I thought of a way to get away from this problem.

"I'm sorry but could you repeat the question? I di-" I pretended to puke as I held my mouth. He rushed to my aid and called for someone to bring me to the clinic. Tina was raising her hand but Mr. Andrews assigned another person. How I wished it to be her instead so that I could already stop acting dumbly. I didn't even think that they will believe me. It only meant that I had a future as an actress.

Mark, my classmate, assisted me to the infirmary. I was holding my head, pretending to be dizzy.

When we we arrived, he told the nurse about my condition then they quickly lead me to a room with a couple of hospital beds. I grinned at them before they left me alone.

After some time, the nurse went back with a glass of water in one hand and tablet in another. I was about to protest especially that I didn't feel sick at all but I chose to just comply with her.

I drank the medicine then I lied back on the bed. I guess it wouldn't have much effect on me anyways.

* * *

I hadn't realized that I dozed off to sleep due to the effects of the medicine. I was even astonished by the fact that I was in bed for half a day already. Someone should've waken me up.

I struggled to get up as soon as I felt my head doubling with pain. I used the bedside table to balance myself in standing up. Maybe I should just answered Mr. Andrews' question.

When I got out of the room, I didn't see the nurse at her usual post so I left the room without her approval. I'd been asleep for so many hours already so in my opinion, that was quite enough.

I passed through the hallway and there wasn't any person around. It was still lunchtime so it was obvious that most of the students were hanging out in the cafeteria or in the parking lot.

I heard my stomach grumbling so I decided to drop by the nearest vending machine to buy myself some snacks. I wasn't in the mood to eat yet but I was hungry so I needed to fill my body with some nourishment.

I scanned the food items inside as I dropped my coins in its proper slot. I was careful not to choose any sandwich for it didn't taste well.

After contemplating for a while, I finally bought myself an energy bar. I hadn't found anything appealing so I ended up with this instead.

I peeled off the wrapper and threw it away then I began munching the food. Fortunately, it tasted good so I was quite contented with it.

Afterwards, I sauntered to my next class for lunch was about to end in five minutes. I was about to enter the room when I heard a hushed voice coming from the inside.

"I can't do that yet... No, it's just that its still too early for that... I rather not sacrifice anything..." The person said. It was predictable that he was having a conversation with someone on the phone. I couldn't tell what it was about.

When I heard him bidding farewell, I went inside nonchalantly. I found out that it was Richard. Maybe I should've just barged in moments ago. It was him anyway. He wouldn't mind.

"Hey!" He greeted. "You just arrived?" He queried as if he was worried about something.

"Obviously" I rebutted. I wanted to ask him about the phone call he had but I thought that it would be rude. I also didn't want to be labelled as someone who was importunate.

"Well, are you alright now? I heard from Tina that you almost barfed publicly." He stated in between chuckles. I smacked him on the head, agitated by his attitude. If only I could tell him that it was only an act.

"No need to remind me that! It was absolutely humiliating." I exclaimed. He shrugged me off then he fished something from his bag, activating the nosiness within me.

I eyed him curiously as he revealed the object; a red hoodie. It looked familiar.

My eyes widened when I finally recognized it. I remembered that it was lent to me by Cedrick when I got sick a few weeks ago.

I lost it when I bumped into Richard in the hallway during our first meeting. I already forgot that it was gone. Fortunately, Cedrick also did.

"So it's with you? Why didn't you return it to me?"

"I always forget to bring it, I'm sorry."

"It's alright, at least I can now return it to Cedrick."

"So that's not yours? Maybe I should give it to the rightful owner, personally." He said as he snatched the hoodie away from me. I wonder why he did that?

"But you and Cedrick aren't in good terms yet. Meeting up with him would only stir up tension." I protested.

Knowing Cedrick, he would always put matters into his own hands and that was anything but good. Letting them meet again might only lead to menace.

Before I could take the hoodie away from him, he was already walking out of the room. I ran after him.

"Hey, where are you going?" I inquired as I tried to catch my breath.

"I'm gonna skip classes. Wanna come?" He teased. I shook my head in response. "Well then see you tomorrow."

His pace was faster than before so I chose to not follow him anymore. Besides, the bell had already rung so I needed to get back to class before anyone could catch me strolling around. To top it all, I didn't need any trouble right now, especially that I had lots of it already.

I went back to the room seeing that most of my classmates were already there. Most were chatting and some were studying for the next subject. I sat on my seat, at the back so I was able to take sight of the entire room. I noticed that Cedrick wasn't around yet.

I thought that he was only late but when the teacher called out our names, some people confirmed that he was really absent.

"Hey, why is Cedrick absent?" The girl beside me queried worriedly.

I was actually amused that Cedrick still had a lot of people who liked him despite of his devilish attitude. He was indeed destined to become popular.

"I'm not sure why. Maybe he's sick." I replied nonchalantly, as if I really knew the answer. Though, I didn't have the chance to talk to him again so I wouldn't know.

* * *

"Your highness, it's nice to see you back!" Corrine, one of my maidservants greeted.

I got curious on why was Cedrick absent today. I wanted to know his condition so I went to the palace to check on him.

"Yeah, I missed all of you also." I replied as I hugged her. "Where's Ms. Lisa and the others?" I inquired. The smile on her face turned into a frown which made me bothered.

"Everyone in the palace is very busy right now preparing for the prince's birthday party. I didn't even know the reason behind the rush, it's still more than a week from now." She grumbled. I raised a brow in confusion.

I didn't know that Cedrick's birthday was drawing near already. He was a schoolmate of mine for almost four years but I never found it out until now. Maybe I really wasn't paying attention at my surroundings.

"So are gonna stay here again?" She suddenly asked. I pursed my lips into a thin line giving her an idea of my answer. "That's sad, I thought you will. Well, maybe I should leave you now. I need to help the others with the preparation."

I went to the third floor, cautiously. I was expecting to immediately see Cedrick, slumped on the couch but he wasn't there. He wasn't in the kitchen as well and I doubt that he was in my room so it was quite obvious where he might be.

I knocked on his bedroom door but there wasn't a reply so I thought that maybe he wasn't at the palace at all. He might be visiting some friends.

On the lighter note, it might be the best that Cedrick was somewhere else than here. At least, he wouldn't be able to meet Richard if ever he would still go through with his plan. I didn't want to have them fighting again.

I was about to leave when I saw Cedrick walking towards me. He was wearing a blue pullover and gray sweatpants. He's hair was disheveled as always and his brows were furrowed in confusion.

"Why are you here?" He queried. I noticed a hint of annoyance in his tone which made me wonder why. The last time I talked to him, he was anything but irritated.

I was about to rebut his inquiry when I saw how sick he looked. His face was unhealthily pale and his lips were purplish. His voice was also hoarse as if he had colds.

"Are you sick?" I asked instead. He looked at me questioningly.

I knew that I couldn't expect a serious answer from him so I approached him instead. I touched his forehead and to my surprise, it was very hot. I was astonished and amused at the same time that he could still stand still despite of his condition right now. He was really strong.

"What you did that for?" He muttered.

" You're sick, idiot." I countered.

"Am not!" He exclaimed like a child. I rolled my eyes then I pushed him, lightly, to prove my point. He lost his balance a bit which made him wobble.

"See?" I retaliated.

I pulled him to his room then I forced him to lie on the bed. He looked at me, confusion all over his face. It was obvious that he was taken aback by my actions.

"Stay there." I commanded.

I went to my room to get some medicines. Afterwards, I got a face towel from my bureau. I soaked it in cold water before bringing everything to Cedrick.

I was agitated when I saw him by his desk, reviewing some paperworks. I was curious at what were those about. Knowing him, he wouldn't busy himself over something that was worthless.

He immediately kept everything away when he noticed me by his door. I rushed to him, making him lean back on his chair.

"Are you even listening? Didn't I tell you to just lie down?" I reprimanded.

He raised his hands in surrender as he strutted towards the bed. He slowly performed his actions of lying down while adjusting the blanket on his body. Clearly, he was trying to irritate me.

When he was finally settled in his bed, I wiped the wet towel on his neck and face quite forcefully. I couldn't resist it, I was still annoyed at him.

"Ow! That's harsh! Let me just do it myself." He snatched the soaked cloth away from me then he began rubbing it on his head as he mumbled some profanities. I chose to ignore him and I just played with my fingers.

My eyes widened in astonishment as they darted at him again. He was taking off his shirt, completely oblivious of my reaction.

"What are you doing?" I asked, utterly shocked.

"I'm undressing so that I can wipe my back. I feel hot." He stated nonchalantly. "Could you get me a clean piece of wear?" My mouth gaped at his ignorance. Was he blind or was he just dense?

I groaned furiously as I stomped my way to his walk-in closet. I irritatedly grabbed a white shirt from one of the cabinets then I returned back to his room.

I threw it at him which coincidentally hit his face. As the shirt fell, his serious expression was revealed to me.

He sighed exhaustedly as he wore the clothes on, making me feel relieved. I gave him a tablet of medicine then he downed it with a glass of water. Afterwards, he lied back on the bed.

His eyes were already shut and his breathing was ragged. His forehead was creased making his eyebrows arch. I was pondering on what he might be thinking during his sleep. Was he reflecting on the events that transpired these past few days? Was he scared? I didn't really know.

I pulled a stool to the side of his bed and I sat on it as I stare at Cedrick's agonizing look. It was saddening that he was still in pain even if he was unconscious.

It might sound silly but I still care about him even if I was mad at him. I wouldn't deny the fact that he somehow became kind to me during the days that we'd been together but I still wouldn't say that I'd forgiven him already.

Silence took over the room a few minutes after Cedrick drifted off to sleep. I got bored so I decided to check out the books in his working area. I wasn't really interested at any of those but it was enough to kill off some time.

I pulled out one of the novels and sat by his desk. I was about to lie the book on top of it but then I noticed the pieces of paper that Cedrick was reviewing a while ago but it was scattered all over the place.

I sighed in dismay, feeling completely annoyed with the mess in front of me. As a result, I piled all of them together and tucked it twice to secure that every piece would be aligned. I gently place it down but I suddenly noticed something on the paper that got the curiosity out of me.

I scanned the contents and it was something about a telecommunication company and phone records. I was bewildered on why did Cedrick need all these informations. I looked at the next page and it was just filled with numbers and dates but the cellphone number of the owner were only represented by asterisks.

I continued doing the process of inspecting the succeeding pages until I found the last one the most intriguing of all. It was about the owner of the cellphone digits Cedrick was looking onto. The name was highlighted with black ink and his/her contact information and number were censored as well.

I became totally baffled on why did Cedrick do all of this. I had a lot of questions in my mind like who was this person that made him go through all this trouble. Also, why was everything confidential? What was all of this really about?

"I'm sorry... I really am." Cedrick mumbled in his sleep. I got alarmed at his peculiarity so I quickly rose from my chair and approached him.

I gently tapped him on the shoulders but he made no response at all so I just assumed he was only dreaming.

My mind got blank after a moment of silence. I was just staring at nothingness while sitting comfortably by Cedrick's bed. I was very tired to think so I closed my eyes until I also drifted off to sleep.

Cedrick's P.O.V.

I woke up still feeling a bit nauseous. I was sick since yesterday, maybe because I got soaked in the rain and I wasn't able to go home after that.

I looked at the window and it was already dark outside. It seemed that I'd been asleep for a while now.

I rolled to the other side of the bed and I was astonished to see Sarah by my side. Her head was rested against my bed and she was also drooling, making the sheet underneath her head wet with saliva.

In all honesty, I would actually gag at her looks right now but I didn't. I didn't know why but I found how messy she looked cute. I stared at her for a moment and I was surprised that I didn't get tired of doing it. In fact, I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Well, until I finally got into my senses.

I rose up and immediately left the room. I was bemused and that was only an understatement. I was also mad for everything I was doing was for nothing. Everything just fell apart without me knowing it and now, everything was already in shambles.

I took out my phone and dialed Mr. Sanders' number. I waited for him to pick up but it took him a while before he did.

"What took you so long?" I stated exasperatedly. I wasn't able to hold back my emotions so I just humbled my self and said "I'm sorry."

"It's alright, your highness, but is there something that you need for calling me?" He inquired.

"I want you to bring me the files regarding Sarah's family. I know that you've done a background check before assuming that she would be the next in line for the throne. I need those now!" I demanded.

"I'm sorry but those are confidential. I couldn't-" I hung up on him before he could continue his nonsensical blabber. I threw the phone hard on the ground. I was really furious.

I knew that no one would help
me with this so I just decided to do everything on my own. Actually, I was too preoccupied with my thoughts that I couldn't even control myself.

The events that transpired hours ago kept swirling in my mind and they, at the same time, caused my fury and confusion. I felt like everything was already screwed up from the beginning.

Not a moment after, I was surprised that my feet brought me to my grandmother's office, unconsciously. I went inside then I just began searching around the area without any forethought. It was like I wasn't in the right state of mind.

I checked every folder and flipped through each sheet but I found nothing. I couldn't solve the enigma I just found out moments ago.

As if on cue, everything that occurred nine hours ago suddenly flashed in my mind. I was numbed through my bones.

"You're highness, Mr. Williams is waiting for you outside." My new help announced. I furrowed my brows in confusion as I narrowed my eyes at her. I was definitely surprised that the fool paid me a visit.

I went out of my room and I saw him at my living room. He was sitting on my expensive couch while his feet were on top of my mahogany coffee table. He was feeling really at home and I didn't want it at all.

"What made you come here?" I inquired as I sat at the seat opposite of his which were really wasn't his.

"I was worried about the prince's health. Is it a bothersome that I'm here right now?" He replied, deceptive as ever.

"Oh it is, I'm glad that you know." I honestly admitted. He laughed at my crudity which I obviously took as an insult.

"Well actually, it's not my only intention why I'm here today. I have three reasons. First is to ask you my previous inquiry. Second is to give this back to you." He handed me a red hoodie which looked very familiar. He noticed my confusion so he quickly added "You seem to forget. I got this from Sarah. She accidentally left this behind when we first met and never had the chance to find it until a while ago. I assume that you want this back so I'm giving this now to you."

I was a bit disappointed that Sarah lost the hoodie I lent her. It was not just for she misplaced it but because she didn't appreciate that simple thing I did for her. It was obvious especially after knowing the person it ended up with.

"No thanks, I have tons of its kind. You can have it actually. Also, I have a lot of hand me downs in my closet so I can also let you get some if you want." I joked.

"I feel really grateful but I prefer not to wear anything owned by a fraud." He rebutted nonchalantly. I didn't know what he meant by that. I was bewildered and at the same time offended by what he had said.

"A fraud? Are you still talking about me or yourself?" I rebuked, remembering him playing the goodie two shoes act in front of everyone despite of him being a villain. I noticed the annoyance in his eyes but he quickly hid it from me.

"No, I'm certain that it's you. Actually, not only you but your entire family. You pretended to be all so mighty by giving the Watsons a favor in exchange of the hand of their daughter for marriage. But in reality, you used them to your advantage."

I was confused. I hadn't have any idea on what he was saying. It was as if he was speaking in foreign language and all I had to do was to try really hard to comprehend everything in spite of the fact that I wouldn't really understand anything.

"Oh, I'm sorry. It looks like the royal highness won't get what I'm saying. Well let's start with the basics. The house of the Watsons? Well it was foreclosed a few months ago isn't it? But your family, specifically your grandmother appeared in their lives saying that Sarah would be the next princess and that had solved everything. Your family had promised that they would pay off their debts so that they could have their house back in exchange of Sarah's hand for marriage. I would admit that you did fulfill your promise but that isn't-"

I got up to my feet as I drew closer to him. I wanted to make him mute, permanently, so that I could stop listening to his lies but I restrained myself from doing so. I wouldn't want to do something that would ruin me any more.

"So like I was saying, what you know right now isn't everything. The land where their house stands on is something important not only for them but also for the royal family that's why your grandmother agreed on paying off their debts. In short, they want to take away that land because it is something that represents your clan's secrets. It symbolizes the deepest secrets of our history that you kept for a long time."

My head was throbbing. My mind couldn't take all the information that he was filling me with. I didn't know if he was telling the truth but something in me could tell that he was.

What intrigued me the most was the fact that he knew something about my family that I didn't even know. My family had tons of secrets but was there something more to that? I couldn't even tell.

"What do you mean 'we kept for a long time?" I finally asked. I was sick of solving the puzzles he was giving me and I, unfortunately, needed his help.

"Why don't you ask your grandmother or your parents about that? I'm certain that they know it. Before I go, I just want to tell you another thing. The third reason why I came here is to enlighten you about the truth behind your marriage with Sarah. It's not only for the stupid excuse that your grandfathers arranged it for you before they died but because Sarah and her family, like their land, is part of the history you kept from everyone. Well then, I must now go, young lord." He left.

I was completely dumbstruck. It would take a while before I could understand what just happened. He definitely beat me this time. I certainly failed.


Happy Holidays everyone! I'm really really sorry for not updating for three months but I hope this long and eventful chapter will do.

So I know that there are lot of "revelations" in this chapter so it's a bit complicated. I'll try to make you understand everything in the upcoming chapters so yeah. Also, there are a lot of "craziness and daydreaming stuffs" especially on the part of Sarah in this chapter so I'm sorry if that's a bit annoying but still, I hope you appreciate it. I just need to do that for some reasons that will bring development to the story.

So thanks for reading and enjoy!

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