His Rejected 'Queen'.

By Marie_Curia

269K 7.9K 1.5K

Iris Black is a strong, smart, logical, sweet 21 years old girl with new life and name. Her real name is Dian... More

Author's Note!
Queen Made From Courage.
Still Exists...
"Welcome" To The Palace...
In Confusion...
All About 'Her'...
Dreams VS Reality...
In Tension For Her...
Desperation For 'Two'...
A Queen Never Bows...
Too "Close"...
In 'Pain'...
Truths & Regrettings...
Anything For Her...
"Already 'Inside' You..."
"You Are Mine...", Part I.
"You Are Mine...", Part II.
Triggering The Beast...
"One Last Chance..."
Contract, Jealously, Challenge.
'Her Royal Highness'.
"I Belong To You!"
Trust, Closeness, Nightmares.
"You Are My Queen!"
Insecurities, Passion, Rogues.
Worries, Feelings And Roses.
Earned It!
"Good Team!"
The Woman That Stole His Heart!
"With Me!"
"Important To Me!"
Reveals And Memories!
Tree Of Life!
Allies And Enemies!
There Is Love!
Enemies And Guardians.
Royal Birthday...
Queen's Battle!
The True King!
"With You!"
"I Love You!"
Family Conflicts...
Real Family's Love!
"Till Death!"
Strong Man!
"He Is My Home!"
"We Are One!"
Love And Sudden Problems.
Overshadowed Happiness...
To Northern Alaska!
Tensions And Instincts.
Reveals, Realizations And Shocks.
Her Truth.
One Breath Away.
Author's Note: Sharing Few Things.
Howls And Gunshot.
It's Now Or... Never!
Facing Death.
What Everyone Deserves...
Back To 'Life'!
Moving On With... Reveals.
The Two Extremes.
No More Secrets!

She Is Diana...

7.8K 194 45
By Marie_Curia

"They are both brave and strong and broken all at once and now it is about time for the truth to come to the light..."


Diana's (Iris') pov

I get in the palace timidly looking around me quite nervously.

I do not want to fall on someone and this someone as most of you know is the asshole I am trying to avoid and get rid of all the time, Daniel.

It is already time for breakfast and I am not going to attend it even now anyway because firstly I am not that hungry, secondly the more I stay away from him the better and thirdly I am still wearing the short, narrow black dress, the heels and my hair is wet because I was in the waterfall and I jumped in the lake.

So, the good news is that this really helped me but the bad news is that a storm is coming because suddenly lots of clouds are gathered, the sky is almost black now and the wind is strong, cold and wild and if I need a run again later then I am not sure I will be able to go.

Okay, you will have to stay in with the guys Diana but this also means that the asshole can be close to you quite easily and you won't have anywhere to go in order to avoid him.


Even in the thought I want to punch someone and then vomit.

Anyway, surprisingly no one is walking around so I quickly walk to the stairs to go to my room when a familiar scent hits my nose and I listen to some low sobs. I instantly open my eyes and stop before I set my foot on the first stair and look around me. I spot a small corner at the end of the long corridor with a big vase hiding it quite well and smirk.

I guess I found her...


I walk quickly to her side and pass the long corridor in no time. I love kids and especially this one because we have spent some time together the last two weeks and generally she is very cheerful so I am worried. The worst thing for me is to listen to kids crying or sobbing, it just breaks my heart, they are a gift and our future, so vulnerable and humble and the last thing we want is them suffering for any damn reason.

I stop walking so fast gradually as I get closer to her and the sobs stop for some seconds with some sniffles following. Destiny perks her ears being more over touched than me and I clear my throat discreetly.

"Is there any princess that cries?" I ask gently from behind the vase some steps away from her and the next second the response comes.


She jumps up and rushes to me with puffy eyes and wet cheeks and I open my arms to hug her. She buries herself in my embrace and I smile weakly, she is almost shaking...

"What happened princess? Who made you cry?"

"My best friend, Annie..." she whispers and stiffens in my arms without lifting her head up to look at me.

"Oh... I see... Do you want to talk about it?" I ask her softly and I understand that she nods.

"Okay then. We will go to my room, alright? I want to give you something I bought for you some days ago." I say as I stand up with her in my arms and she finally lifts her head to look at me with an excited expression that makes my heart melt.

I told her the truth to be honest. I bought her something when we went for shopping with the girls but I had forgotten about it with everything that is happening and now that I saw her I remembered it.

"Really? For me?" she asks me immediately and I nod as I turn and walk again to the stairs.

"What is it?" she asks next with an impatience that makes me giggle.

"You'll see..."

~some time later, room~

I get out of my bathroom fully dressed with a black pair of sport trousers and a dark blue top and my hair half dried half wet. I had to take a bath and get dressed so I left Libby alone to watch some cartoons.

Thanks God for the hot water and the shampoo with blueberries scent!

I feel great and more relaxed than I had imagined, I almost forgot about the asshole so you can imagine how good I feel.

And also Libby seems much better. While we were coming in my room she explained to me that she was crying because last night her best friend, Annie didn't give her one doll to play together and when Libby got sad Annie got mad and left her alone to play with someone else.

Well... I wish I had this kind of problems right now and not Daniel's but I understand that it's a lot for her in the age she is so...

"Your eyes are not so red now princess, see? Some cartoons and you are better, I told you that they will help you." I say as I walk to the bed and sit in the middle of it next to her.

She just smiles and nods quickly, then stands up and sits on my lap facing me and cups my face in her little hands with a quite confusing look. It is like she is happy yet worried at the same time and she looks deeply into my eyes like she is searching for something.

"What is it? Do I look so awful?" I ask her teasingly but she doesn't replies, she just narrows her eyes thoughtfully.


"Iris are you okay? Did you have a fight with your best friend like me?" she asks shortly after some seconds and I blink my eyes.


"The eyes are the mirror of our heart Diana and... You can't hide from a kid!" Destiny says smirking and I growl.

"Yeah... Like you are in a better mood, right?" I reply back ironically and she groans.

Take it you smart wolfie!

"Um..." I say nervously and pause biting my lower lip and trying to think of a good excuse.

I can't tell her that I am worried about the asshole (well, thank you I know it is too obvious but anyway...).

"I just miss my family sweetheart and I am a bit tired." I say as casually as I can.

"Why? Didn't you sleep?"

"Mmm no... I was out with a friend."

"Hunter?" she asks in enthusiasm and I roll my eyes as Destiny starts howling.

I forgot that I had met to my friends about five days ago and she loved Aiden, Hunter and Parker.

Well, cool Diana! In the end the whole palace will know, not that they don't but surely it is going to get worse!

"Mmm, yeah!" I say nervously and she smirks.

"Is he your boyfriend? Did he buy this great dress for you?" she asks the next second pointing the dress Jayden bought me and jumps up with a joy I have to admit that I had days to see.


They all want me with someone, not that I have problem with it when this someone is Hunter but it is weird to talk about it. I want to keep it more private.

"Aren't you young enough to know about it? No, we are just friends, he didn't buy this dress for me and now it's time to see your present." I say and she seems to forget about Hunter when I mention her gift.

"Okay! Where is it?" she asks clapping her hands and I move a bit towards the bedside table on my right.

I open the first drawer and take a small pink box in my hands. I close the drawer and hold the box with my hands in front of her.

"Open it, I hope you like it!" I say impatiently and she nods smiling.

She quickly takes the cap and opens her eyes widely in amusement with a 'wow' escaping her lips.

I took her a small bracelet from pink gold with small, sparking precious stones in her eyes' color, honey. I wanted something special for her because she is special for me so when I saw it she was my first thought because of its color and I couldn't hold myself from buying it.

"Do you like it?" I ask shortly and she lifts her head to look at me.

Her face is shining from happiness and I can't do anything else than smile, I think she really likes it and it is a big relief for me.

"It is awesome!" she yells and hugs me tightly.

We both start laughing and I put the box next to me to hug her back.

I am relieved she likes it and I have managed to cheer her up again in this way because she is very sweet and a great kid, not to mention that she really helps me forget the situation I am in.

"I am glad you like it. Come, I will help you wear it." I say and she pulls back like a flash giving me her hand.

I chuckle and take the bracelet in my hands. I quickly open its locker and then put it around her wrist and close it so it won't get out of her hand.

"We are done!" I say and she lifts her hand up proudly.

"You are the best Iris! I love it!" she yells and I raise my hand to caress her cheek.

"Perfect baby but now we need to talk about something... Okay?" I say seriously and she lowers her head already knowing what is coming next.

"So... When you have a fight with someone you can't just curl like a ball in a corner and sob baby. You have to understand that we are not the same characters and sometimes we disagree or even have some fights." I start and she stiffens nervously trying to look up to me timidly.

"But... Annie and I never fight. She is always nice but last night she wasn't and she left me. I am hurt." She whispers apologetically and I nod smiling warmly.

"Well Diana... Kids have answers for everything, try harder." Destiny says smirking and I roll my eyes.

Genius wolf I have!

"Libby, things like this can happen. Growing up you will see that people have worse fights than yours and Annie. When something like this happens you have to give time to the other and then try to talk with him about it once he is calmer. You don't have to get so sad, we all have some personal problems and maybe Annie was mad at someone else and not you." I continue and she bites her lower lip thoughtfully.

"What do I have to do now?" she asks me after some seconds.

"Try to talk to her later. Okay? Ask her if she has any problem with you and if she doesn't then try to forget about it. Listen to her and see what you want to do but don't cry, she may ask sorry..." I reply and she nods timidly.

"Okay, I will." She says and smiles but then a weird noise comes from her stomach and she hides her face in her hands giggling embarrassed.

"Oh, someone is too hungry!" I say teasingly and tickle her.

"Iris! No!" she yells and pulls back to fall on my bed laughing.

"I think we have to go at the kitchen and give you something to eat young princess..." I murmur as I am standing up and give her my hand.

"I want three pancakes!" she says taking my hand and jumping down from the bed.

"Three?" I ask impressed and she laughs shyly.

"I am too hungry!"

I roll my eyes and chuckle because the way she said it is...

Unique and so innocent!

"Okay princess! Three pancakes it is then!"

~some hours later, late afternoon, room~

"You did what?" my dad yells and he can't hide his surprise or his joy for what I just told him.


What was I thinking when I told him about me and Hunter? Now he won't stop asking me about it.

"Dad can you please take it easy. It's too soon and..."

"Bullshit!" he cuts me off and continues.

"If you accepted to kiss him and slept in his arms for the whole night then... Things are quite serious..." he says surely smirking and I groan nervously.

"Okay, I admire him, I feel great with him, Destiny adores him and his wolf and he is special to me but it's only the beginning. So don't get more excited than you already are!" I hiss and he laughs.


"It's the first time I see you so excited about someone... I have to be happy, at least!" he replies and I smirk nervously.

Well dear dad, wait until I tell you the rest of what happened last night...

"I have more to say so... Get ready because you won't like the rest." I say timidly and he stops laughing immediately coughing.

Great, just... Awesome!

"Am I going to have a heart attack?" he asks me worried.

"Mmmm, you are too young and healthy for something like this..."

"...But it is quite possible?!" he ends my phrase.

"Maybe..." I say and bite my lower lip.

I listen to him taking a long, deep breath and then clears his throat. Some seconds later I listen to his chair's wheels so I know he is sat already and I sigh nervously.

Here we go...

"So, last night at the ball the asshole came to me and the guys and he wasn't taking his eyes from me and as Landon had warned me he did something too unexpected and I have to admit clever. He asked me to accompany him at the first dance with a silly excuse..." I murmur and pause waiting for his reaction.

"He... Asked you to... Dance? Did I hear correctly?" he asks shocked.

"Yes... But I avoided it, I left to go outside after he made the usual statement and then... Um..."

"What did you do Diana? I know this tone!" he shouts slamming his fists on his desk (probably) and I groan.

"Nothing, I did nothing, I swear! It was that bitch who did!" I yell and for some seconds we stay in a deadly, awkward silence.


"His slut... That Samantha. She followed me to accuse me for trying to take the idiot from her and when I put her in her place he threw red wine on my dress, ordered me to bow and when I didn't she tried to slap me, I blocked her and then Queen Caroline appeared, put her in her place, brought me to my room, cleaned my dress, she knew who I am and then she saw my past, promised not to tell Daniel and then left to delay him because he was trying to find me." I say in hurry trying to make it end at one time and then stop and take a deep breath.

He is too silent for some time and the more I wait the more I think I have really given him a heart attack.


It was a lot to take but I can't hide him a thing or lie, we always share everything, he is my everything, I can't keep it for myself.

"Daddy? Are you there?" I ask nervously with concern.

"Not for too long..." he whispers breathless.


"Diana are you kidding me? Why are you so stubborn?" he screams and makes me almost leave my phone fall on the floor.

What a voice!

"Excuse me but I did nothing this time! Caroline already knew... Would you want me to stay in my room and let the asshole come here in person to ask me to attend the fucking ball?" I ask losing my patience and quite annoyed.

"Diana... He is not going to stop chasing you! Do you realize it?" he shouts and I sigh walking up and down my room nervously.

How am I going to tell him what Landon told me and what is waiting for me tonight?

At lunch Daniel made a quite sudden announcement and I know he did it on purpose, he is trying to get close to me in every way and honestly I do not know if I will make it and tonight.

"Do you listen to me young lady?" he shouts impatiently.

"Tell him." Destiny orders me in frustration.

She doesn't leave me any chance to step back. She has already gotten crazy after lunch and as the time passes she is getting worse so... She is really torturing me and imagine that she promised me to be calmer...

Silly wolf!

"Um... I have more but promise me you will be calm, alright?" I say as softly as I can and some curses escape his lips.

Very calm reaction, thank you!

"Speak!" he almost roars and I know it doesn't take me anymore to delay it.

"Landon found me before lunch and told me that Daniel talked with Caroline and she told him about the incident with Samantha in order to keep him busy from coming to find me. He got too mad, ordered some from his most trusted men to find her and then he threw her out of the palace by himself, he warned her to stay away from him and... Me! Then he searched for me at the whole palace, asked everyone about me but when he didn't find me decided to leave the ball and go for a long run in the forest. He came back about one hour after me and the storm was too bad that time... He was acting like a ghost and... During lunch he ate almost nothing, didn't talk that much and announced us that tonight we will all go at the best club at the city to have some fun. He booked it only for us and some special VIP members..." I say and once I finish I sit on my bed and tap my feet on the floor nervously.

"Diana..." he whispers with a broken voice and clears his throat before he continues again.

"Be careful because I have a bad feeling... I saw a nightmare last night and now with all these I... Just promise me you will be careful. He surely feels the bond and he won't allow you to avoid him for too long but..."

"Do you think he can harm me?" I ask him confused cutting him off.

"What? No! This is the last thing I can imagine. In fact I am certain that he is never going to harm even a hair of yours but this is not our point now. The point is that I have a bad feeling and you have to be careful." He says obviously worried, almost panicked and I feel my heart aching in pain.

I don't want him to feel like this, he always says that I am the only reason he lives for and knowing this is too much. I can't feel him suffering like this, it is breaking my heart.

"Dad, it was only a bad dream and..." I stop a loud thunder echoes and I jump up like I was hit from it.

It's like my whole body feels the electricity and my heart stops beating for some seconds.

Destiny instantly takes her alert position and for some time she stays emotionless without moving or making even the slightest sound.

What is happening out there?

"Diana is it still raining?" my dad asks me bringing me back to reality and after I exhale I sit down again.

"Um... Not now, it stopped about an hour ago but it seems that the storm will come back again. The sky is black and it's too windy. I don't know how we are going to drive till the city..." I reply and he sighs.

"It's not a good sign..." he whispers.


"The nightmare I saw... You were alone in a forest and it was dark with an awful storm making it unable for you to find your way back home..." he says with a voice that trembles and in the ends breaks and he begins crying.

A weird feeling starts building up and my dad's cries make things even worse and I suddenly have a bad pre feeling as well.

"Diana... Don't worry, I am here, our friends are here, Aiden is here!" Destiny says encouragingly.

"I am not worried about us... But about them!" I tell her shortly and I gasp for air feeling like I am drowning.

I stand up in hurry and rush to the balcony door. I open it and the cold air hits my face immediately making me feel a bit better. The smell of wet soil is so relaxing that Destiny even purrs but my dad is still crying.

"Dad, you are breaking my heart. I will be fine, I have Aiden, Hunter, Landon and the guys here. I won't stay alone for even a second." I say trying to sound relaxed.

"If anything happens to you... I... I won't..."

"No, dad! I will be alright!" I cut him off.

"If I lose you I will die!" He whispers through his cries.

"I promise you that you are never going to lose me! I will be careful, I will be alright, nothing is going to happen to me!"

"I love you very much! You are my entire world baby girl. Just remember that I won't make it if anything happens to you!" he says in desperation and I hold back some tears that are fighting to fall.

"I love you father! My life starts and ends with you, I won't leave you alone. We will always be together!"

~later, night~

Daniel's pov

I am taking one last look at the mirror and sigh pleased.

It is a big night tonight because whatever Landon, Hunter and Iris will try they won't make it, I am determined to talk to her in private even they like it or not.

What happened this morning is driving me crazy and Devon is done being patient. It is the first time we agree on something so much and to be honest it is a big relief for me. Having my wolf's approval for the first time after so many years it's like a gift and his support is too important.

He is in the same condition with me, he is thinking and feeling what I do and our needs are common.

First of all we want to talk with Iris and try to understand what is happening between us and also try to find the truth about Diana. We like it or not this is killing us and doubting is worse than knowing.

I don't know what is going to happen if Diana is alive and where or how to find her and now with Iris...

Well, we are both in love with two different women at the same time and I don't think that we will be able to choose if Diana is alive.

Iris is so different generally, not that Diana wasn't but...

They are too different personalities generally.

Diana was a little girl, too skinny, weak, emotional, vulnerable, humble, fragile and yet she showed some courage and respected my rejection if I can say it like this. She just left and caused me no problem, she told no one like it never happened. She was an easy to get along with woman and too romantic soul.

Iris from the other side seems strong, logical, self collected, realistic with an imposing presence yet simple appearance that needs no one and has nothing to prove, not that she wants to. She is definitely not romantic or emotional and she is obviously a difficult woman that keeps most of the people around her in distance with a calm way.

They are the two opposites and I won't even talk about their appearance because right now it is the least that matters me. The thing is that I can't understand how I can be in love with two completely different types of women.

Am I getting crazy or not?

I mean, this is serious, right? It is too weird.

"Concentrate, it's time! We can think about it after we talk with Iris..." Devon says reminding me that I have to get downstairs and I nod.

Okay, I am wearing a pair of black, formal trousers and a dark blue shirt with the sleeves pulled up on me elbows. I decided not to take a jacket as I won't feel cold and it will be quite likable to get too hot in the club with Iris, especially if she gets dressed like last night because today I saw her in that tiny, black, narrow dress so...


I am getting sure that from last night she is trying to kill me gradually with the stylistic choices she is making and today at the waterfall where I saw almost her entire body naked and I am losing my mind.

One more time like this and I won't care about a thing, I will grab her and no matter who tries to stop me I will kill him and lock her with myself in a room. Even tonight I don't know if I will act maturely enough...

Anyway... I take a deep breath and walk out of my room more ready than I have never been in my whole life.

I am sure that Landon has already warned Iris that I will make my move again but guess what...

He won't know from where it came because for one hour after Iris left from the waterfall I had plenty of time to make a good plan. So, I pretended that I came back from the mountains, I acted like I was in a weird mood (I was but I didn't try to hide it) and at lunchtime I announced everyone that we are going to go out for clubbing tonight at one of my most trusted colleagues' club, the best in the city. It wasn't a problem to ask him to book it for us and some other friends we have so...

I will just ignore Iris at the beginning, after some time I will disappear and go to the room with the cameras and when I spot her alone I will make my appearance in front of her from the closest door and forget about her running away or being saved from Landon and Hunter. My friend is already informed about the situation and is more than willing to help me with the cameras and the secret exits.

"Daniel! Ready?" someone says as I walk downstairs and have almost reached the main corridor where I told everyone to gather and turn behind to see Thomas.

Great, one of Iris' best friends!

"Yeap, are you? Where are the others?" I ask him shortly as he joins my side and continue walking down the stairs together.

"Aiden, Parker and Hunter are waiting for Andrea and Iris and the poor Land and Jeremy for Ellie and Peyton. Women my friend..." he replies with a smirk and I laugh nodding.

I hope Iris decides to wear something special for tonight...

"Wow! Seem we are the last to arrive..." he says surprised after some seconds when we are almost done from the stairs and I nod impressed.

They have to be all here already. They are about 300 or more with some of my best warriors joining us tonight...

"I guess we are late and I was thinking that I was in time..." I murmur and he takes a look from his watch.

"But we are in time. They just came earlier... See? When it is about clubbing who wants to get late?" he asks me laughing.

"I know someone, my mate!" Jeremy states from somewhere behind us and we turn to find him and Landon with Elias walking to us at the last stairs.

"What is wrong man? You seem frustrated..." I ask confused and he groans.

"He is frustrated, he doesn't only seem to be." Elias replies and taps my shoulder once they reach us.


"Because my sweet lady can't decide what to wear and no matter how much I, the guys and Peyton have tried she still can't choose something and she wants Iris and Andrea's opinions." Jeremy replies shortly.

"Did I hear our names? Who wants my taste?" a woman's voice that probably is Andrea's says from the floor above us and my heart stops beating when her sweet scent hits my noise.

I perk my eyes and wait in agony to finally see her and Devon howls shaking his tail impatiently.

Some torturing seconds pass and she appears walking in front of the others wearing a...

(And yeap! Diana's dress is again here! Tell me what you think of it!)

A dreamy dress and she is breathtaking as always.


She is trying to kill me for sure!

The dress is something that I hadn't even imagined, her hair is up in a high tail and fall back in big waves, her makeup is light but her eyes that have the same color with the dress are making her face shining and her lips have this nude, rose pink lipstick that makes her lips so delicious.

Damn it, don't get aroused now Daniel, no don't do it!

She is walking down the stairs in the front with Aiden on her right and behind her is Parker with Hunter and Andrea.

The more she is getting closer the more she is blushing and tries to look away from me and I would gladly hug her but I have a plan and I have to act smartly right now. I will let her believe that I give her the space she wants.

She stops about four stairs away from us and they all smile greeting us warmly. Andrea takes some more steps to us and stops next to Jeremy who is calmer now but again not quite good, I guess Ellie really annoyed him with her behavior, it is sweet.

"What is it Beta? Problems with your mate I heard..." she murmurs teasingly and we all laugh except from him that sighs and crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"Okay, look, we are all ready waiting for Ellie and she is not going to step back and get hurry so... Iris only you can put her in her place! Can you and Andrea go and give her a dress to wear? The rest can leave and we will leave after she gets ready. Are you alright with it Daniel?" he asks turning to me in the end and I nod a bit unwillingly.

Okay... Maybe it will be better if I leave first without her.

"It's a deal then. Who stays?" Landon asks.

And yes, I know the damn reason he wants to know but fuck it for now.

"I stay here for tonight to take care of things if anything happens so I guess that Jeremy with Aiden and Thomas can stay to wait for the girls and the rest can go..." Elias suggests and Hunter with Landon groan a bit in protest but in the end nod and I smile pleased.

"I think it's okay." Aiden says and we all nod.

"Okay then. Let's go Iris! We have a stubborn, crazy friend to reason with..." Andrea states taking Iris' hand and they turn and walk again upstairs leaving all of us alone.

I follow her every move but Devon clears his throat for me to act discreetly and I gain my thoughts.

"So, we are leaving. When you are done come to find us Jeremy and Elias if anything happens and you need us call me immediately. My father is free for you if you need any help." I say and after Elias nods we all turn and leave.

We get out of the palace and head to the parking lot.

Landon comes with me and we get in my car in complete silence. When I get sure that everyone is in a car and they are all ready I turn on my car and leave first showing the way to the rest.

I give a discreet look to Landon from the mirror and see the concern in his eyes, he has a thoughtful expression and stares outside the window lost in his thoughts.


Tonight things are about to change my friend...

~some time later, palace~

Diana's (Iris') pov

"Finally!" Peyton exclaims after about half an hour trying to make Ellie put on the dark red mini dress that Jeremy bought her as a gift some days ago.

"Is it okay? Do you like it? Are you sure?" Ellie asks once more looking herself at the mirror and I roll my eyes running out of patience.

"I will kill you! I swear, you are driving me crazy!" I say through my teeth and Andrea nods in frustration.

"It is almost midnight and we are still here. Cut the bullshit and let's go or else the boys will leave us here and we will go to the city by foot!" she almost screams and stands up walking to the door with Peyton following her.

"Iris?" Ellie whispers and I growl warningly.

I know this look of hers... She isn't sure about the dress yet.

"Ellie, I think I had enough for tonight. Stay here if you want." I state and stand up as well following the girls outside her room.

"Wait! I am coming!" she yells and gets out of her room like a flash banging the door behind her and grabs my arm to walk together.

I roll my eyes and the girls in front of us giggle as we are now walking down the stairs and the rest of it pass in silence.

After about a minute we finally reach downstairs where the boys are still waiting for us without Elias this time and Jeremy is red from anger but he seems to forget about it once his eyes land on Ellie that is blushing next to me shyly.


These two are unbelievable but they are perfect for each other.

"Ready my ladies?" Aiden asks excited and we all nod.

I walk to his side and give him my hand to hold it while Andrea and Peyton go and stand on the right and left of Thomas who gives them his hands proud to accompany them both and Jeremy kisses Ellie and then wraps one arm around her smiling enthusiastic with the crazy mate of his smirking at me.

"Okay ladies and gentlemen. I take Ellie, Iris and Andrea. Aiden take Thomas and Peyton!" Jeremy says as we get out of the palace and we all agree in union heading to the parking lot.

We walk teasing each other and laughing and we make some comments about the weather as it hasn't rained until now even if the clouds are still above us and never leave.

Personally I think that it is a matter of time before the storm comes again but anyway...

We reach the two cars, Jeremy and Elias' who gave us his keys to use it tonight and we get ready to get inside and leave but before I close my door Elias calls us all through the link.

"Guys!" he says in hurry in a panicked tone and we all freeze looking at each other worried.

"What happened?" Jeremy asks him first being calmer from us.

"Libby is gone, her father just came to tell me that he can't find her anywhere in the palace and the gardens and also our trackers that are on guard informed me that about 50 rogues are about to get in the kingdom's territory in less than ten minutes!" he screams and I instantly jump up.


That was my bad feeling about!

"Diana we have to find her!" Destiny roars outraged and I nod trying to gain my mind again.

Okay, we can do it or I think so...

"How many permanent fighters are there in the palace right now?" I ask Elias in hurry watching Jeremy a bit lost.

"About 45. The rest are either with Daniel or at their homes at the city, they won't make it in time." He replies shortly, I nod and turn and look at my brother that stares at me already reading my thoughts.

"I am going to find Libby. Aiden can go with Jeremy and the fighters to face the rogues. Inform the King to come back with the fighters. No fun for tonight!" I say quickly and run back to the palace again with Aiden next to me and everyone else following us.

"Iris, you are taking Thomas and Ellie with you. No one goes alone." Jeremy states as we get inside the palace again and almost fall on Jonathan, Victoria and Elias with the doctor Robert and Libby's father, John.

"The fighters are coming!" Elias says in hurry and Jeremy nods.

"Iris and Ellie with Thomas leave now to find Libby. I and Aiden take the rest and leave." He replies and Jonathan nods in approval.

"I called Landon! He is not picking it up." Elias says again and Jeremy growls.

God! Is it so difficult to call again or call someone else?

"Are you kidding me? Call Daniel or someone else! Call Hunter or Parker!" Jeremy roars and we hear footsteps.

The fighters are running from their rooms upstairs and in less than a minute they are all here while Elias is trying to call someone again.

I don't have time for this shit!

Fuck everyone, I am already late!

"John, how much time is she missing?" I ask Libby's father in hurry.

"I do not know, I and her mother have to see her for about three hours when we put her to sleep."

"What does she like? Any place she prefers?" I ask next.

"She loves water... She was asking me about the waterfall and the lake recently but I never took her there." He replies and I curse.


It is too far from here and she has to pass through the entire forest.

"We are lost, do you know that?" Ellie asks me in desperation and I nod.

"Anyway. We have to go right now. We can't wait the others." I say and look at Jonathan waiting for his approval.

He gives me a worried look but in the end nods and Victoria sighs nervously next to him.

"Take care and inform us all the time Iris." He tells me quickly and I bow in hurry.

"I will my King."

"Iris, be safe, okay?" Aiden tells me then and pulls me for a short, tight hug.

I bury my head in his neck and nod fighting with myself not to cry. I am not worried about me but for him, he has to face the rogues and I won't be there to have his back.

Damn it!

"Be careful Den! I love you very much!" I whisper and kiss him on his neck.

I pull back breaking our hug and motion for Tom and Ellie to follow me.

We have a waterfall to go but before we get outside I listen to Elias...

"Land thanks God! We have a rogues' attack, we need you. Tell Daniel to come back NOW!"

~some time later, forest~

We keep on running for I don't know how much time. I think we are following a scent but some minutes ago started raining again and the wind is making everything even more difficult as it is changing its direction all the time. It is too dark but we have no problem with this but the scent...

Well, we are fucked!

I run in the front showing Thomas and Ellie the way as I have already come here before but the more time passes the more I believe that we have to search for her separately. We will have more possibilities then and I am sure that we can find her faster in this way.

"Thomas you go on the right, Ellie on the left, I continue in this direction." I order through our link and Thomas groans a bit protesting.

"It is not safe Iris! You have to have someone with you, take Ellie, I can go alone!" he replies but I growl in disapproval.

"We will find her easier if we go alone. Three teams are better than two!" I reply and Ellie nods.

"She is right Tom. Come on, we have to!" she says and after some seconds of thinking about it he groans defeated.

"We will have communication all the time!" I say in hurry and they both leave towards the directions I told them leaving me alone.

"Okay, let's do it!" Destiny howls.

I continue running towards the waterfall while taking deep breaths trying in desperation to catch even the slightest scent but nothing. The wind get stronger but it doesn't delay me, Destiny is extremely strong and fast, we never had any problem with running under any weather condition but I do not know for how long Libby will be able to survive in a forest with weather like this.

She is just a child and in about three hours look how far away from the palace she managed to reach!

"Diana!" Hunter screams through our personal link and I sigh relieved.

"Hunt! Where are you?"

"I am coming! We are about ten minutes from the palace and then I am coming to find you. Daniel gave me already order to come with you. Landon and I are dying here. Aiden is dealing with the rogues fine by now. Thanks God you are with Ellie and Thomas. Elias told us everything." He says shortly.

"Sorry Hunt. I am alone, we got separated to find Libby faster!" I reply and he howls angrily the next second.

"Shit! Why did you have to do this? We..."

"I smelled something!" I scream interrupting him and instantly stop running violently.

"I have to leave you. See you in a while!" I say and close our link looking around me quickly.

I take some more deep breaths and turn my head to different directions trying to find from where comes her smell and after a while Destiny asks me full control to guide me.

"All yours!" I state and give it to her willingly.

She begins running up a small hill full of bushes and the smell gets stronger.

The more Destiny runs at the top of the hill the more I think I can listen to some weak sobs.


We run for some more meters and Destiny suddenly stops looking at some big rocks under a tall, old pine.

"She is there..." she tells me and I sigh relieved.

I open my link with the guys and call them. After some seconds they both reply in wary.

"I found her. You can go back or come to find me. Ellie inform Jeremy and I will inform Hunter and Land, they haven't arrived at the palace yet." I say quickly and take some more steps to the rocks.

"Fine commander. I am glad you found her and you are both okay." Ellie replies relieved.

"I am coming to find you Iris." Thomas says next and I nod closing our link.

I take a deep breath and walk closer to the rocks that Libby is hiding behind and I am getting worried because I do not want to scary her more in her condition.

I just hope she reacts calmly and understands me.

I take some more determinate steps and get to the other side to see Libby curl like a ball crying. She is wet, she has some scratches and her hair is a mess. She has her big honey eyes open and she watches me immediately. She freezes and for some seconds she stops crying, she has paralyzed.

What do I do now?

If I shift I will have no clothes on me and then I will have to shift again and carry her back to the palace.

I instinctually sit down on the wet soil some steps away from her and look at her deeply in the eyes. She opens her eyes widely some time later and moves a bit.

"Iris! Is that you?" she yells in agony and I lower my head trying to say yes.

I do not know how she understood me but I am glad she did it so easily and...

"Our eyes Diana... It is not that difficult! Focus!" Destiny says in frustration and I groan.

Pain on my ass! I am right! She is changing and gives me a headache all the time, I lost my mind from the wary and look at her now?

The lady is trying to insult me.


Anyway, I stand up slowly and walk to Libby that stands up as well and once I reach about two steps away from her she tries to hug me from my neck and buries her face in my fur.

She was too scared, I can smell her fear and my heart hurts about it. Not many kids would have done it until now.

"We have to go... I have a weird feeling!" Destiny tells me in hurry and I nod in agreement.

The sooner we go back the better.

I lift my right front foot a bit and tap her waist, she instantly pulls back and I lower my body pointing my back. She nods quickly realizing what I mean and quickly jumps on me and tries to hug me with her little hands.

Once I get sure that she is holding me and is quite stable I turn and start running not that fast down the hill to the palace's direction.

The storm gets stronger gradually and the wind doesn't stop even for a while but I can't stop now. I feel Libby shaking on me and I listen to her grinding her teeth from the cold and I do not know what else to do right now. I mean, the sooner we go back the better for her and especially now with the rogues' attack it isn't safe to stay here and try to warm her a bit.

I continue running as fast as I can at the point that Libby can also stay on my back and leave the hill behind me. Now I am getting inside the main forest again and it's even darker than before as the trees are too close to each other leaving me now option but to slow down a bit as I don't have so much space to run straightly.

A loud thunder strikes again somewhere not that far away from us and Libby screams horrified. I am thinking about slowing down a bit more but Destiny disagrees and in the end I listen to her and continue but once I reach in the middle of a small glade a sharp pain hits my front, right foot quite high close to my shoulder and the next second I fall on the ground.

I turn to find Libby lying next to me dizzy and feel the pain traveling quickly to the rest of my body and soon Destiny starts howling in pain. I feel like I am getting paralyzed and it takes me about two seconds to understand what happened.


"Diana... I love you!" Destiny howls weakly and I grind my teeth from the pain.


I shift back to my human form the next second and begin shaking as the well known pain hits me everywhere and makes me lose my breath. I stop smelling or listening and soon I find it difficult to even think. I feel so sore and lost.

I am done...

Maybe it's my end this time...

~at the same time, palace~

Daniel's pov

I get out of my car and rush to the palace like a maniac without waiting for the others.

I am glad I left Parker to drive because I am shaking from the moment I got informed about what is happening and Devon is trying to take control and go to find Iris right now.

I still can't believe how on earth this had to happen now!

I am sure that this attack was not a coincidence as well and I have to find the damn traitor soon or else I will kill everyone in this palace.

And the attack wasn't enough! John's daughter had to disappear and Iris left in the middle of the night, in the forest with such a bad weather and almost unprotected to find her.

Kill me now!

The nightmare is becoming true again...

What if something happens to her? What if this time she isn't so lucky?

I told Landon and Hunter to go and find her once we come back as I have to stay here and take care of everything or go to help our fighters but something is telling me to fuck everything and go to find Iris.

My feeling was right, I mean... Never mind!

I break into the palace and find my parents and Elias with Robert already here waiting for me. They all look frustrated and my mom is crying slightly.

"Do you have any news?" I ask Elias in hurry and he nods.

"Aiden and Jeremy are winning, we have no loss until now but these rogues are tough, I think we have to send some more fighters the sooner." He replies and I nod.

"Send Derek with his team right now!" I order shortly and he bows and leaves outside to find Derek that is on his way from the parking lot, he was behind me so I am sure he is here.

"DANIEL!" Landon screams and I turn around immediately to find him getting inside breathless, paler than ever with a frightened expression, panicked and shaking uncontrollably.

No damn it! Something happened!


Can it be? No, my feeling has to be wrong, not her!

"What?" I ask gasping for air already feeling ready to fall on my knees as the fear consumes me.

"Daniel... I am so sorry, I had to... I was afraid that I was wrong..." he says trembling and I take a step to him shaking even more with my heart beating ready to explode.


"Iris... She got shot, she just managed to... Mind linked me... And Hunt... She..."

"WHAT?" I scream and get ready to pass by him with everyone else, my parents, some fighters, Robert and John screaming panicked.

"Daniel... You do not know... She... She... I am sorry. I had to tell you from the beginning!" he continues and falls on his knees sobbing.

"I don't understand... Iris what?" I whisper breathless and lost.

"She... She is not Iris!"

"Excuse me?"

"She is Diana!"


Hello everyone!

I am back again with the chapter number 12 and I am ecstatic!

What do you think about everything that happened in this chapter? What do you think is going to happen next? What is Daniel going to do now that he knows that Iris is Diana?

Get ready for the next chapter because it is going to be a very emotional and catalytic...

Tell me your opinion and thoughts guys because it really matters!

And also I want to thank you very much for your love, support, commends and impatience in order to read the chapters. The views are about 1.570 in about one and half month and I am grateful to all of you, I am trying my best so continue showing me how much you want more from the story now that it is the beginning and:

1) Vote,

2) Commend and tell me your opinions and thoughts, or

3) Share the story.

This is it for this time, see you again in the next chapter. Be safe, happy and smile until next time!

I love you all,


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