Paralyzed (ON HIATUS)

By -Nelra-

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"Why are you doing this?" I cried as I sat defenseless on the hard metal chair. My wrists had started to burn... More

Quaint Little Town
'Friendly' Stranger
Be Patient
The Aftermath
Just Friends
Hidden Mark
Heavy Rain
The Other Side of You
Bouquet of Roses
New ArRival
Breaking News
Old Friends
More Than a Friend
Two Are Better Than One
Seeing You Again
Safety First
Troubled Conscience
Helping Hand
Late to the Party

Cold Justice

132 9 0
By -Nelra-

I adjust myself on the harsh metal chair as the door opened, I had been waiting in this room for about an hour.  An officer comes in with a file and flashes a fake smile towards me. He drags his chair closer to sit down and annoying sound rips through the silent room. Coming here, I thought we were just going to sit at one of their desks for a couple of minutes and fill out paperwork. Instead, they separated me and Felix and left us in the room, I'm pretty sure they were watching behind the glass. 

Hello Brianna, my name is officer Hill, how are you today?" I leaned forward onto the table, my warm skin coming in contact with the cool metal table. 

"Why am I here?"

"Were just going to ask you a couple of questions."

"But why am I in here?" I leaned on my elbows as I made sure to show how annoyed I was. 

"This is in regards to someone you used to employ, Nicole Howard." 

"And you couldn't ask me this at The Center?" Being here wasn't necessary and I was starting to lose my patience. I don't know if they were trying to scare me, maybe they think I know what happened to her. 

"We wanted to talk somewhere private." He gave me another fake smile and I had to fight the urge to roll my eyes. 

"My office would have been fine. All I know is Nicole was murdered and was last seen at The Center before driving off. That is all I know." I spat as I stood up, I was beyond annoyed. I know they wanted to get answers but this was extreme. Bringing us here, especially in these rooms, made it seem like we were guilty of something. Doing this is not only wasting their time but mine as well. I had a lot of work to do at The Center so I was stressed out. And with all the time I've been here, I definitely missed the meeting, making it even more infuriating. I was already behind schedule but now I'd have to come in early in the morning before work to catch up.

"Where are you going?" He stood up as I walked out of the door and into the hallway. I walked towards the room that I saw they put Felix in. 

"Back to The Center, you can't hold me here. If you want to talk more about this I'd be happy too. Please stop by my office anytime but Felix and I have to go." I walk in the room to see Felix already looking at me. He must have heard my voice from the hallway. "Now if you'll excuse us, officer Hill, we have important matters to attend to." I motion Felix to follow me and we walk halfway down the hallway before I feel a firm grip on my wrist. I turn to see the officer staring me down, Felix gets in between trying to break the tension.

"Rest assured that I will be visiting with both of you real soon. I will find who did this and justice will be served."

"Let go of me, now." He slowly let go and I quickly ripped my wrist from his grip.

"Officer Hill? As in the young woman who was killed by the murder?" Felix questioned as he pulled me towards him. Other people's stares had landed on us and I tried my best not to make eye contact. Officer Hill stayed silent and Felix nodded his head towards him. "I understand why you want justice but perhaps you being on the case isn't the best idea. I'm sure you have the right idea but getting physical with someone who has done nothing wrong is not right. 'Rest assured' we will tell others about how incompetent you are to work this case." Felix puts his hand on my back and walks with me to the front. He tells me to wait outside as he was calling an uber and talking to one of the sheriffs about what happened. 

I wait outside and minutes later a white car pulls by, I look back at Felix but see he's still talking. I wave to get his attention and he looks up to me and smiles. He wraps up the conversation and soon gets in the car with me. In the corner of my eye, I see officer Hill walk outside and stare at us as we drive away.  


It had been a week since Felix and I had been brought to the police station. Officer Hill hadn't followed up with his threat of coming to my office. From what I can assume he was probably pulled from the case, and maybe that was for the best. A feeling of pity went through me as I realized how hurt and angry he must have been, he just wanted justice for his wife and I didn't blame him. 

At the moment I was in my office finishing my last appointment. I was collecting my stuff before heading home, I had caught up on all the work I was behind thanks to Felix. As I locked up my mind drifted to him, he had been acting different lately and seem distracted from work. We were trying to find someone for the nurse position but we didn't have much luck. It also didn't feel right, her murderer hadn't been found yet so it felt wrong to try and replace her so soon. But my mind quickly brought up the many sick people at the center who can't afford medical bills. I shook the conflicting thoughts in my head and started my car before driving home.

I unlock my front door and am welcomed to Max putting his paw in the air dancing around me in excitement. I pick him up and cuddle with him before getting his toy. I played a bit of fetch with him before my phone starting ringing. 

"Hey babe. You on your way? I cant wait to see what you got planned for tonight." I say as I answer Mark's call. 

"Hey baby, I'm sorry but I won't be home soon. I know you wanted me to cook for us tonight but a customer showed up at the last minute. My boss wants me to stay and fix his car."

"Oh okay. How long are you going to be there?" 

"Probably till nine." 

"Nine? Mark no, we had plans today. You were supposed to cook tonight." I say as a hint of sadness was laced in my voice. I understand that his work was demanding sometimes but I was really hoping to spend some quality time with him, especially today.  

"Babe I can cook for you any other day. This is a good opportunity and extra money for me and-"

"Wait, you mean you had a choice?"

"Well yeah-" 

"Mark are you serious. Do you know what today is?" 

"It's the twenty-eight?"  I waited for the realization to hit Mark and a couple of seconds later he starts cursing. He immediately began to apologize and I just sighed heavily and said I'd see him later before hanging up. Part of me knew I should let go of the anger but my feelings were really hurt, it was hard to get over it right now. I sat down and bawled my fists on my sides as anger was coursing through my veins. I wanted to scream and throw shit out of frustration. I may be overreacting but I never have quality time with Mark anymore. We work at separate times and only see each other at night, even then it's only for a few hours since I work early. I let out a shaky breath as I ran my fingers through my hair and get up, yanking my keys off the stand before walking out the door.

I pulled up at The Center and sighed as I got out of my car. I made my way towards the front and walked to my office, earning stares from people. I told the staff and volunteers I'd be off today so they were probably confused in seeing me. However, I decided the best way to get over it was to bury my head in work. I logged into my computer and started looking at applications for the nurse position. I hear my door open and look up to see Kendall looking at me, he cautiously approaches me. 

"Yes?" I say as I get up and walk towards him, he looked concerned. 

"Brianna, I thought you were off today." He said in a way of a statement rather than a question. 

"Yeah, but my plans canceled so here I am."  I flash a fake smile and he shakes his head. 

"Bri we're worried about you." He gestures me to sit down and we sit on the couch against the wall. He places a comforting hand on my knee, but not in a romantic way. "Ever since we got the news about Nicole you've been here day and night. Now the one day you finally give yourself a break you're back here." I laugh at his scolding face he had at the moment. 

"I'm fine I promise. I just want to make sure everything is okay."

"And it is Bri. You are the kindest and most hardworking person I've ever met. I just don't want you to stretch yourself out too thin." I place my hand on top of his and give it a friendly squeeze. Kendall was one of the first people to start volunteering here. At first, it was only for the hours he needed for a class but soon I saw him coming on the weekends. He had started to show up hours before his shift and would stay late at night. He had a big heart for helping others, my grandma had hired him and we quickly became friends. He's been with us for years and being honest, without him, The Center wouldn't be as big as it is now. 

The door to my office opens and in walks in Felix with a smile, he looks down to my hand and his face falls a little. I let go of Kendall's hand as we both realized that it probably looked a little weird for him. 

"I'm sorry. I'll just go." I stand up to protest but he was already out the door. Kendall stands up and gives me a sad smile. I let out a dramatic sigh and he chuckles at me before pulling me in for a hug. 

"We'll finish this conversation later okay?" I say as he pulls away and heads towards the door. He nods his head before closing the door behind him. I plop down on my chair and reach for my phone. I had a miss call from Mark and an unread message. I lock my phone not bothering to read it, I was still upset. I decided to go check up on Felix and make my way towards his office. 

I knock on the door but get no answer, I let myself in and open the door. I skim my eyes around the front but don't see Felix. I walk to the back and see him with a box in his hand, he had his back towards me so he hadn't seen me yet. Clearing my throat I try and get his attention. He turns around to see who had walked in and I give him a friendly smile. 

"Oh hey, I didn't expect you to be here." He turned back around and I frowned. 

"I run this place Felix." I tried to tease him and lighten the mood. The atmosphere of the room seemed heavy.

"No that's not what I meant. I mean I thought you-" He faces me again and looks a bit frustrated.

"Felix I'm just teasing you." Felix's shoulders relax and he nods his head as he looked at me. We stay quiet looking at each other for a couple of seconds before he shows me his back again. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and watch him organize the supplies. I walk towards him and grab a box of supplies before placing the items in the right place. I look at the corner of my eyes to see Felix look at me for a bit.

"So what's up?" I say finally breaking the silence we were in for minutes. I turn to face him as he walked to the other side of the room with the box. He stacks some supplies on the top shelf, his tattoos peeking from his long sleeve shirt as he reached up. I didn't know he had tattoos.

"What do you mean?" He says without turning his back to look at me.

"You don't seem like your usual self."

"My usual self?"

"Yeah, your charming and mysterious persona." I lean against the counter and fold my arms.

"You think I'm charming?" I hear a faint chuckle making me feel relieved to know that he's at least okay.

"Answer the question Kjellberg." He finally turns around to see me, a gleam in his eyes as he walked towards me. I subconsciously unfold my arms and stand up straight.

"You first Green." I playfully roll my eyes at him as he stops right in front of me and stares down at me. I lightly shove him away, I hated when people towered over me. It made me think they were challenging me but I wasn't mad, I know Felix didn't mean it that way. 

"Of course. You're like the mysterious boy who people assume is bad but ends up being a softie. Except instead of you being in high school you're in your late twenties." I pat his back and finish putting up the little equipment left.

"I don't know whether to take that as an insult or a compliment."

"Why not both?" I shrug my shoulders and earn a laugh from Felix. He sits down and leans on his knees, it looked like he was contemplating something. 

"Today has just been stressful and kind of not that great. I have a tendency of losing my temper when things don't go my way. It's a bad habit I picked up from my father that I'm working on."

"Oh trust me I feel you on that." I say as I sat across from him. He gave me a questioning look that made me let out a chuckle. 

"You have anger issues?" He says with disbelief. 

"Yep. Big time, it's why I'm here actually. Trying to bury my emotions through work." I say with a fake smile. 

"Arent you a therapist?" I laugh at his face and he smiles.

"That's the thing, a lot of therapists have some really deep shit themselves. Kinda ironic huh?" I say in a fake surprised voice. He chuckles lightly and smiles at me.

"Well, I'll believe it when I see it." He stands up and I subconsciously do the same. 

"Hopefully doesn't come to that." We both let out a small laugh before the silence overcomes the room again. 

"So you and Kendall huh?"

"Oh god no." I let out a laugh and watch confusion overtake his face making me laugh more. 

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just thought, from what I saw..." He trails off at the end and I smile at how awkward he was being. I liked seeing this side of him, the goofy and insecure side that made him really sweet. Even though I didn't see Felix that way, it made it easier for me to talk to him when he was like this.

"Kendall is like family. He was just checking up on me." 

"Is something wrong?" I nod my head, there was no point denying it I already told him I was here because I was upset. "Want to talk about it?" 

"It's not that big, my boyfriend forgot our five year anniversary." Felix gives me a pity smile and I roll my eyes. I know it was a sad thing to say but I didn't want his pity. I just wanted to distract myself before I go off on Mark or do something stupid. "I'm fine, I'll get over it. Eventually. " Felix put his hands up in defense in a playful manner. 

"Whatever you say. But Bri." He gets closer as he looks at me intensely, my body had started to get warm. "If there's anything you need. Don't hesitate to ask, I'm here for whatever." The mood had drastically changed and I had become aware of my change in breathing. I laugh it off and smile before deciding to change the topic as we walk towards the front of the office. 

"Thanks. I really appreciate it but  tell me, what's up with you? You said something wasn't going your way. So tell me, what isn't going Felix Kjellberg's way?" Goofiness laced in my voice as I messed with him, he lets out a light laugh. All of a sudden he's in front of me, taking me by surprise and making me reel back a bit. He smirks as he leans his hand on the doorway before speaking. 

"I thought I lost at a big opportunity, I was honestly thinking of throwing it all away and doing something I probably would have regretted. But now, I see that I have a bigger chance than ever." And with a devilishly charming smile, he walks out of the office leaving me with a bizarre feeling.

A/N: Made it hella longer to make up for the late updates. Sorry if there are any mistakes I'm way too tired to fix them right now. Hope you guys have a wonderful night. -A

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