Majestic Desire (AlucardxInte...

By TheCharlieMoon

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Integra has felt deeper feelings for Alucard, that she has not be able to express. She is bent on keeping con... More

Part 1
Part 2 Challenge
Part 3- The Game
Part 4- Trust me
Part 5- Sensation
Part 6- Conflicted
Part 7 Childs Play
Part 8 Silent
Part 9 Unholy Craft
Part 10 Between the Moon and Time
Part 11 Blessed and Damned
Part 12 His
Part 13 A Gentlemens Conversation
Part 14- Waking
Part 15 Complete
Part 16 Small Pleasures
Part 17 Trapped
Part 18 Mating
An Invitation

Part 19 Masquerade

382 13 4
By TheCharlieMoon

As a bandaid for 2020. Stay Healthy. Stay Alive. Vote. Love you.
faith <3

The bone chill of the Halloween night was electrifying. The all too familiar anxious thrill,
Was Integra ... excited?
She knew they were on a mission - of course...
And it required her pique mental focus... as always!
Still, Integra had never actually been to a party...
Of any kind...
Not even her own...
Integra didn't count when the servants brought birthday cake on a random day of the year instead of lemon squares.  Integra snorted at the fleeting feeling that her childhood questionable and looked to the chateau. Made within the dreams of a fairytale, the sprawling Majestic mansion was the most impressive estate she'd seen after her own grounds and Buckingham Palace, of course.      

Alucard was already outside her door. A shimmering black apparition solidified outside her car, and the driver was gone. Alucard was a mystery Integra long stopped trying to solve... publically. Legs extended, standing tall, Integra took his white-gloved hand to approached the bustling chateau. Integra took it, pushing herself toward adventure. A small crowd was gathering between the columns that lead through large wooden and studded door. By the time she felt warmth coming from inside, the couple preceding them briskly walked inside just as Alucard and Integra approached the door and its keeper. 

A young man was in a black suit, with smooth dark skin, bright emerald eyes, and a striking silver crescent moon painted over the center of his face. Upon closer look, the doorman appeared to be of African descent. A shimmering gold waxing crescent moon marked his face, offsetting his stunning eyes.
 "Good evening," the young man's voice was smooth and sounded like a deep chime. 

The boy's jeweled toned eyes flashed before he stepped aside without asking for their invitation, before taking three strides inside a nearly identical child headed off their path. The exception was this was a girl; her eyes were golden, matching the crescent moon painted on her face. 
"Warmest regards, Lady Integra, Vampire King Alucard," she said with a deep bow. "I was alerted by my brother Zeke of your arrival. I am Zala. I will be your servers and chaperone in the Majestic Manor." Her braided black hair dipped with her curtsey. Turning without looking back, Zala was off. Alucard and Integra followed behind the girl and into the house of their #1 suspect behind all the supernatural and unholy occurrences all over Europe for within the last 7 years. There was no going back now. Her eyes had to be sharp. 

Following behind the girl down the corridor, Integra was struck by how young she thought the girl and twin brother had to be. Integra hadn't missed the boy's eyes flash. Regardless of age, Integra knew better than to overlook instincts. Nor could she let herself be intimidated. Integra was a mere human constantly around the supernatural. Not remarkable herself. The first and only time Integra suggested Alucard turn her into a vampire, she didn't see him for nearly a week after he discharged his gun and shouted archaic obscenities. Integra knew she'd struck a chord. Still, Integra was only human. As was Walter... but he was extraordinary... 

Before Integra could begin her own tailspin, she found herself swallowed a cozy and opulence. The corridor that leads to the door was the center "T" shaped level of the mansion's property. Proceeding behind Zala, Integra took in the decor. She couldn't help admire the attention to detail or the frankly impeccable taste. Whomever this Majestic was, they certainly have style. A few feet into the walk, Integra caught a glance into the oversized dining room to her right. It was busy with servants with moons and stars painted over the middle of their faces, masking their individual features. Some silver, some bronze. Others gold, while some were a shimmering blue. Just shooting stars, chasing behind the night.

Grand and ready to greet them were the double spiral staircase that leads to the second floor and the only way to the other wings of the home. Veering slightly to the left of the stairwell, Zala seemed to float with elegance and speed. Her dark skin looked polished and smooth in the candlelight. When reaching the staircase, Integra got a good look inside the Library to the left. This was the only room reminiscent of her home. With the exception that Majestic has stairs on rail tracks around the room. A fire was roared in the stone oversized fireplace. Two younger workers who also held stars on their faces worked diligently on sorting something just outside of Integra's view. Before she could double take over her shoulder to get a better look, Integra and Alucard were wished into the Great Room that held the masquerade. 

At least 250 people were in attendance, each adorned with intricate eye and face masks. Couture ballgowns notable designers. Tuxedos made to fit the wearer. And both humans and supernaturals. A witch was in the far right corner of the room. Integra had dealt with plenty of witches to know one when she saw one. Across from the room was a pacific island land spirit, in the form of a woman in white. Intricate gold and silver decorations lined walls and drapes, framing the party in a dreamscape. Hundreds of lit candles shone off the decorates and danced along the walls. Haunting music was played by a small pale woman in all black behind the largest Steinway in the middle of the room Integra had ever seen. 

Now deeper in the home, Integra could smell decadent foods being prepared to perfection. Involuntarily she licked her lips, drawing Alucards side-eye. Both elites and nobles from the entire continent took up space next to supernaturals. The room hummed life over the trance melodies of the piano. White grey hair flashed in her peripheral.  She was less surprised and more irritated to see Father Maxwell, clearly here to spy for the Catholic church. So they were looking into Majestic and their ties to the carnage, too? Or were they already connected? She would have to find Ceras and Walter to see what information they've gathered thus far. Integra considered weather to find them now to see what they've learned but decided against it, as not to blow the possible alias they'd inevitably created.

Zala glided to an empty couple of leather Oxford leather chairs and a small table with a lite long stem candle. Table and armchair combinations littered the side of the room—each with notes of the masquerade's guests' names. Upon further inspection, Integra saw a small box of Cuban cigars per cut and waiting use. Cubans were Integra's favorite dinner cigars. Twirling on her heels, Zala gestured to the cozy setup, displaying a bronze serving tray with their names Alucard & Integra. Alucard moved with a roll and a spin to position them, so their hands remained entwined as they sat down. 

"May I take your invitation?" Zala's tone both polite but sure.

"Oh yes," Integra reaching into her hand purse with her black-gloved hand. Fingering past the personalized pistol, her father left her for her 16th birthday. Its cool holy metal warmed Integra as another reminder of her mission. Grabbing the invitation, she handed it to the awaiting the hand of Zala. A gentle squeeze of her hand brought Integra back from her personal thoughts. In the flash of an eye, Zala was gone. Integra's eyes then dropped to her hand in Alucard's, sending a flush up against her chest. 

"Alucard, we must-" Integra started.

"Don't," Alucard Interrupted.

"What?" Integra's confusion clear. 

"Don't you dare push me away, or I will fuck into you like my own little whore in front of all these guests?" Alucard proclaimed. Integra's face lit up red. Her palms began to sweat, and her womanhood pulsed deep in response. He continued, "Put down the bricks you use to build the walls between us, or I will remind you how you are now my mate now and forever, Moonlight..."

"-Moonlight?.." Integra interrupting him again, feeling a wash of emotions, most of which was horny. 

"The second most beautiful sight in my dark world is Moonlight. This why I sold my eternal soul in exchange for the power of a monster the night I died on that battled field. All was lost. My armies had exhausted. My time as a human was coming to an end. Moonlight shone on me, from the Goddess of the Moon. And she granted my wish, assuring my damnation. I was in a pit until I smelled your blood. I've been clawing my way to you since. You are my Moonlight. The light at the end of a dark tunnel." Alucard spoke slowly, so Integra understood he was serious. Integra's inner goddess sang with approval, which resonated with the music of the bell toll of a Ball. 

Clinking a spoon on a champagne flute, a woman with muted skin and fire-red hair, poised in a floor-length off shimmer dress, breaking the flow of side conversations. A precisely painted red fingernail pushed the off white mask further up her straight pointed nose. The woman was so pale, Integra wondered if she was part albino.   

"Good evening, and welcome guests of Majestic. I'm Esmerelda, Majestic's friend and co-host for the evening. I am the Head Mistress of the Cirque de la Luna. Tonight, you are in for a treat and many pleasures. The night will proceed as follows. First, a waltz, to sir up the appetite. Then finally dinner with some entertainment. I hope you're ready. " Esmerelda stuck Integra as very steady and very capable immediately. Her tone was commanding and sure. Her gaze was fixed and focused, sure of the invisible target. If Integra was frank, the woman reminded her of herself. Esmerelda continued, "And now the MezzoMedicie Waltz..." 

A tall and strapping man with an impeccable and distinguished handlebar mustache in his mid 40's strolled along sided Esmerelda in a matching all-white tuxedo of a similar shade. Both his hands shot out before him at shoulders length, his right hand holding a baton at the ready. With a lightning-fast downbeat, the musical pits interlaced throughout the cavernous room oozed a darker alternate of Dmitri Shostakovich - Waltz No.1. In a whiff of evening breathe, Integra was on her feet and perfectly poised in front of Alucard in the first position. By the end of the first 5 measures, the room was in their first positions. 

"My love," Alucard uttered, just for Integra to hear, "dance with me."
     In a swing of warm pumpkin spiced air, Integra and Alucard began the first of many gentle revolutions in a circle pattern of five. There was a group of four masquerade guests dancing in a circle to the right of them. Although each had similar black masks, it was easy to tell they were all smitten with each other. Twirling Integra around in a fourth revolution,  Alucard dipped Integra, going against that natural scheme of the waltz at the end of the song, drawing the eye of many around them. Integra blushed, slightly shoving Alucard as a warning before the smirking vampire king kissed both Integra's gloved hands before continuing with their swing. 

By their third set of revolutions, the song had evolved into something deeper. Occasionally looking over her shoulder, Integra watched other groups dance, swing and sway. Groups of various sizes and makeups danced their own waltz patterns. Each lost in their own family of fantasies. Many couples inevitably paired off. Plum satin, Black silk, and burgundy velvet were a warm Autumn sea with the musician pits as life rafts. Integra noted many important faces in the room as she twirled with her mate under starlight. Integra spotted at least 5 masked guested she suspected were in parliament. She also noted at least eight Russian oligarchs and their dates, not to mention several members of the Russian KGB. Integra recalled a Russian Wearbear problem a few years back. The group joined hand-in-hand, doing a traditional dance only taught by grandmothers.

With another shift of the music, an alternate version of Dmitri Shostakovich Waltz no. 2 before alternating into a well-composed Shostakovich medley. The melody hugged the dancing crowd surrounding the masquerade, deepening the curves of the night. Integra noticed Enrico Maxwell again. This time Enrico was standing stark still against the sway of the crowd next to who she assumed was Father Alexander Anderson. Up to this point, Integra had only heard the legend of the Catholic church's version of Alucard. Or at least their attempt. The man fit the bill. Tall navy suit with a white collar for the lumbering blonde man. Both stood tall next to a six-foot roaring fireplace, dwarfing the structure. Integra noticed the masked Maxwell hadn't done much waltzing all evening. In the corner of her eye, Integra also noticed Zala approaching. How did she manage to find them in such a crowd? They were clear across the room from where she'd left them over an hour ago. Not for the first time did Integra wondered if Zala was human. 

When Integra brought her gaze back to Enrico Maxwell and whom Integra assumed was Anderson, they were staring at her. Alucard sensed the tension but remained quiet and motionless. Alucard had never formally met Enrico Maxwell before, so he did not react, which Integra considered safer and certainly more civil. Next to Maxwell and Anderson stood with two also fairly tall men with swimmers builds. The first man was fair and had mane much like Integra- Long, blonde, and to his thighs. The other man, a deeper olive tone with golden dangerous undertones and dark shoulder-length hair.  The blonde man's tuxedo was a cool all white with gold embroidery and a matching mask.  The darker man tuxedo donned a matching and opposing black with gold embroidery. Both true couture pieces worth \a museum. The blonde, whose long tresses were gathered in an intricate dutch braid all the way down to his calves. Integra took a mental picture of their faces just in time. Zala greeted them both. Integra, greeting back in kind and Alucard remaining silent. Before Integra could ask what they were to do next, Esmerelda gathered a crowd around her with The Conductor with the perfect handlebar mustache on her arm. 

"Distinguished Guested. It's dinner time. Please, enjoy the remaining few moments of the waltzes until your escort to seat you. Carry on, we must..." And with that, Esmerelda spun on her heels with The Conductor in tow.  

"If you'll follow me," Zala's beautiful and confident voice, somehow clear with so much going on. Alucard drew Integra in closer before beginning the strides toward the dining hall. Butterflies flew to Integra's stomach as she felt her mate pull her closer. Blood rushed to her pussy involuntarily, causing Alucards nose to flare. Blushing and knocking him with her purse, which still held her gun, was all Integra could this to do.

The couple walked in a warm embrace to the threshold of the dining room. Rectangular, circular, and "U" shaped arrangements preselected perfectly for the groups that showed a predisposition to gravitate during the waltz. The dining room, almost as large as the ballroom. The whole room smelled of warmed spices, herd, and kinds of butter. The noise of musing as people found their way to their seat quietly filled the quiet noise, which has once again be filled in with the playing of the Steinway. The Moon couple were being escorted to a more exclusive area, allowing them room to speak freely. This table also had the Cubans she adored. Someone must be stalking her at night, and it isn't Alucard. Once seated, Zala handed each their preselected menus.

"I hope the meal selection is to your liking. Master Majestic took the liberty of selecting and individualizing the meals for each of his guests. I hope you don't mind, but he did some research into each of you and your wonderful organization. Based on their known dietary limits and understanding of general tastes, Master Majestic hand picked each of his guest and their guest menu. Enjoy"

Before Integra could ask any further questioned, Zala has darted off. Integra tried to manger her patience with the fast young girl. She did probably have other guests to sit and tend to. As waves of masked guests took their seats, Integra and Alucard observed their personalized selections. Integra's contained a British culinary masterpiece. Roasted and stuffed quail, wild mushroom and rabbit stew, spring iceberg salad, and Beef Wellington. Paired with a chocolate mousse. Both red and white wine. Integra had to admit, she was impressed. By the time the last of the guest had been seated, the first of the meals were being served. Doors to the serving quarters ushered in the smell of open fire roasting and brick oven flame broil. Not to mention hours of simmer, growing, and caramel. Decadent and Divine 
Plate after plate...
Shooting star after shooting star
Meal after meal. 

Integra gazed at her quail then back at Alucard as he was handed a bottle of wine. Left to self-pour, Integra was able to read it was a 150-year-old Bordeaux wine. Upon closer look, she saw it was infused with O Positive blood and AB negative blood.
"A special blend I thought I would never taste again. 'Small Pleasures.' It was a wine selection I assure was created incased I lived long enough to see its harvest. I was sure I wouldn't. And I didn't. It's a wonder how our host got their hands on a bottle, ave the wine from the village I once fostered back to health after World War I."

"Fascinating. I suppose you are beyond the wonder of such 'Small Pleasures' as a rare bottle of wine, considering the many lives you've probably lived..." Integra stating in a tone Alucard recognized.

"No one is above anything, especially not myself. I've done the world's cruelest things... I don't deserve any pleasure for the rest of eternity. The only 'small' pleasure in my life is you, Moonlight...Integra...And now... I can enjoy a past pleasure with my greatest joy." Alucard finished. The rest of their meal was in general silence until the 3rd course of small salad. Esmerelda stood on a small platform in the middle of the room so the room could see her clink her large silver ring against the side of her crystal glass to gather the room. When silent, she announced..."Cirque de la Luna proudly present... Majestic: Small Pleasures."

The room grew darker, leaving just table candles for light. Shooting stars shot across the room at breaking speeds. The kinsman of the house of Majestic now glowed in the dark. Their facepaint uniform allowed for a blending of the stand before and now allowed them to stand out. The lower the light shown revealed the stardust laced costumes, exchanged for uniforms. Zala stood tall and beautiful in the center of a 4x4 stage about six feet away. Although Integra could not be sure, it was Zala. Integra thought Zeke stood in a tuxedo, a deep shimmering ocean blue rather than the black it seemed had at the door. His emerald eyes shone like beacons in through candle's light. Hidden violins, violas, and cellos throughout the eating hall began to play.

 A saxophone and small accompanying ensemble began, "I Put a Spell on you."

Zeke swayed with the first few measures before beginning the song's slow lamenting spiral. Zeke wailed the opening words with the confidence only earned through living life.  Zala, who was gazing at the couple, also began to sway. The young girl held eye contact with Integra through her mask before breaking it going into a back-breaking backbend, gracing her golden eyes to the other side of the room. Her head then popped back up from underneath, to gaze into Integra's icy blues. Zala was The Contortionist of Cirque de la Luna, Integra now understood. 

As the young girl moved her body, others descended from the ceiling on large aerial silks. Dancers graced the headspace above the feasting guests with elegance. Majestic and Cirque de la luna performing various skill and tricks to intimidate audiences who could see their once time performances. Magic was done. Illusion in its place, other times. One large show, made up of smaller intimate shows meant only for those who witnessed them. Smaller pleasures, acted out in smaller circles, much like the waltz. Up close and personal theater and magic. The show, music, and food continued on in grand form. In total, the entire event took several hours of grandeur.

As Alucard escorted Integra back into their warmed and awaiting Rolls Royce early before the official party was over. Strapped with some Cubans, a cup of chocolate mousse, two types of unopened bottled red wine. As the car hummed to life marking her own face with the mousse as she split some red wine on the twenty-five thousand British pound carpet of the Rolls. Alucard's tongue darted out to lick the mousse from her nose causing Integra to laugh harder, spilling more. Licking the wine from her fingers before drunkenly dashing to kiss her made Integra remembered the Masquerade of Majestic in the way one's mate, as they try to sleep explain a dream they had the night after making love. It was a masquerade with a family of small pleasures. Integra lite a Cuban, appreciating the time with Alucard, away from Ceras and Walter. Although she was no closer to understanding who Majestic is, their connection to the Catholic church or the rising supernatural happening around London. But for tonight... a dance and its dreams were enough. 

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