Hellfire On The Other Side

By TigerDreamer101

3.7K 63 16

Clara Frollo, daughter of Judge Claude Frollo. Only four more months until her 18th birthday, she is preparin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 18

57 1 2
By TigerDreamer101

   Shane walks in on Clara and Roma, after Claytin. "Well, that's a bit of a shock. You two actually aren't tearing each other apart." "Oh trust me, I have markings on my hand from holding this dagger so tightly," Clara said tensely. "I'm just going to take that..." Claytin said, taking the dagger out of her hand. "Clara, I..." Roma started but was interrupted by Clara punching her. "You know, why don't we move back," Claytin said grabbing Clara's hand and backing up. "That felt really good," Clara said. "Ugh. And to think, I could be hanging out with Charlene right now," Shane grumbles. "Roma, Clara, you two have some serious unresolved issues. Roma, you start. Say what you need to say." "You should bring Char here, I've been meaning to text but I was... oh yeah, kidnapped. Anyways, I don't know clothes. I thought maybe she would want to help find a dress for the wedding and possible help decorate. Basically we need a wedding planner. Tina can do the catering if she wants." Clara says. "Clara, Shane is right, we need to talk," Roma said. "What I did was selfish, I am sorry. But the Court has been my family since I was a young girl. I was afraid of losing that." "And I was afraid of my father, but you didn't do anything," Clara said. "Okay, that's it." Shane snaps his fingers. "There. I've put a silence spell on Clara. You may proceed," he says to Roma. Clara glared at Shane and would have slapped him but Claytin, knowing what she would do, had pulled her into a tight hug. "Clara, I don't know if you can forgive me anytime soon but I do want to be your mom. I do love you, I do care for you." Roma said. Clara gave a struggle against Claytin's hug but he held onto her tighter and kissed her neck, calming her down some. "But you didn't help Clara when Frollo got his hands on her. Why?" says Shane. "I had to choose! I had three choices! One was to let him have Clara and I would stay in the Court. I knew you would go after her to save her! I thought that was the best option. I could have saved her, yes, but I thought I'd lose my spot in the Court! The Court is my home, I couldn't lose that. And my last option was to be taken by Frollo as well and I would never do that! I didn't know what he would do to Clara! I don't know their relationship! I knew if he got his hands on me... well, let's just say, he would have done a lot worse to me then he did to her." Roma explained. Shane puts a hand on Roma's shoulder. "Listen, I understand that you were scared. That's normal. But you shouldn't let that fear stop you from saving those that you love. Do you know how many times I've been scared half to death trying to keep Clara safe? More times than I can count on my hands and feet," he says. "Heck, when I was disguised as Facilier, talking to Frollo, my heart was going so fast that I could barely feel my own heartbeat." Clara had gotten out of Claytin's hug and went to the fridge. She grabbed a beer from the back of the fridge. "Hold up, I thought Tina broke all your beers, we haven't gotten you anymore..." Claytin said getting up and looking in the fridge and then to Shane. "This girl has gotten a secret fridge in the fridge hiding more beer." Clara rolled her eyes, kissed him and continued drinking. "Can you not get drunk when we are trying to fix your relationship with your mom?" Claytin asked. "Leave it Claytin, she is a drunk, you can't fix that," Roma said. Clara tensed before ignoring her and taking a long sip of her beer. "Point is, Roma, that I would rather have the entire world hate me than ruin my relationships with the people that I love. If you get kicked out of the Court, so what? Your daughter is way more important. You missed thirteen years of her life. The last time you saw her before I brought you back, she was only a toddler. And I know that she couldn't tell Frollo about a lot of her firsts growing up, so she told me." Shane shudders. "She told me everything, Roma. And I had to explain so much to her. Those conversations scarred me for life. You couldn't have been there for her then, but you can still be there for her now." I know she doesn't give off that vibe, but she loves you and wants to give you one more chance," says Shane. Clara threw her empty bottle near him, again making sure she didn't actually hurt him. "I don't think she likes you speaking for her..." Claytin said, grabbing her waist before she could go get another beer. He sat down with her on the bed. "Well, that's too bad! I'm doing it anyway!" Shane says. "Roma, don't pay attention to her violence or aggression. That's just the behavior implanted into her head by Frollo. I know what she really wants. I can sense her aura. If you need to fight back, do it. Don't let fear stop you." Roma looked to Clara, then to Shane, and back to Clara. "I do care for you, Clara. I always will and I want to help you. But I don't know how. I won't lie to you when I saw you after I came back and I saw what you did to your motel room... you scared me. You weren't even fazed that you cut your hand or you destroyed the room completely. I hate to say it but you are a lot like your father." Claytin tightened his grip on Clara but was struggling. "Shane, can you restrain her or something, I can't hold her back much longer," Claytin said still trying to hold her on the bed. "Shadow Projection!"Shane shouts. Three shadowy figures grab Clara, restraining her. Claytin unwrapped his arms from her and moved in front of her. "Clara look at me! You need to calm down. Attacking her won't fix anything. You know this baby. Please, baby, calm down, Claytin said putting his hands on her cheeks. Clara looked at him and started crying. Claytin looked to Roma. "Will you put a filter on what you say! She has gone through enough, she doesn't need you talking her down like Frollo did!" Shane raises a finger. "On the one hand, I agree with you, Claytin. Clara doesn't need to be talked down to. On the other hand, it's just the truth. Aside from her appearance, Clara's nothing like her mother. And side note, you calling Clara 'Baby' made me realize how Clara feels whenever Charlene calls me 'Darling'. But, yeah, you need to be really careful what you say to Clara," he says. "To a point, she isn't like Roma. She is amazing with a dagger while Roma is talented with a sword apparently and both of them are gypsies." Claytin said. Clara kicked his shin, she was still crying some. "Ouch..." Claytin muttered. Roma took a few steps to Clara. "Clara, I am willing to try and learn to be your mom. I don't know how to be your mom because I didn't raise you. But if you let me, I will learn. I will be there." Roma said. Clara looked to her and then to Shane. She mouthed the word, voice, to him. Shane snaps his fingers, then glares at Clara. Without saying a word, Shane let her know that he will not hesitate to take action if she isn't calm and collected about this. "Testing testing, oh, thank the lord. Anyways, of course you don't know how to be my mom. That part has been clear and I never asked you to know. I never asked anything of you. But even I know that to be a mother, your number one job is to protect your child. Do you think I don't know how scary he is? I lived with him for years, more than you did." Clara said. "Shane, get your shadow buddies off me." Shane waves his hand, making the shadows disappear while giving Clara the same glare as before. "I thought I was the one who glared." Clara laughed as she went to Claytin who wrapped his arm around her waist. She looked at Roma. "It doesn't have to be said, you lost any trust or respect I have for you but the beautiful thing about trust and respect, with a lot of effort and work, you can earn it back. Which reminds me..." Clara said. She went to the closet and grabbed something. She tossed it to Roma. "Been hiding it from father for thirteen years." Roma looked down at it. It was a baby Clara and her sitting on a stage. "Where did you find this? I lost it..." Roma whispered. "It's the only baby picture, also been hiding it from Shane now that I think about it. Baby pictures are the most innocent and innocence was something I kept from him when it came to me." Clara laughed. "It's true. I honestly didn't think she had any innocence after a while," says Shane. Roma pocketed the picture. "I should go, I've got other things to do. I am sorry." Clara nodded and Roma left.

   Clara turned to Claytin and kissed him. "You know Shane is still here right?" Claytin asked. "Yeah but I get to hear him and Charlene talk all weird and sweet, he can deal with it," Clara said kissing him again before turning to Shane. "So, I've been meaning to ask. You said you killed your dad, is he still in the Soul Realm then or what?" Shane sighs, takes off his cap, and sits down. "I was really hoping that you wouldn't bring it up. Facilier is dead. Like, proper dead. No Soul Realm, nothing," he says. Clara nodded. "Well, that is good I guess. And now, here is the big thing, what are you planning with my father? Because I don't know if I am capable of killing him." Clara asked sitting next to him. "Trust me, it was really hard for me to kill Facilier. Remember when we were by the Voodoo Emporium and I basically broke down?" "Of course I remember but Facilier didn't raise you and you weren't a villain by his side. I am not saying it wasn't hard but your relationship with your dad is different them mine with my father." Clara said. "Can we worry about this later? We have a wedding to plan, hate to ask Shane but can you grab Char and Tina. Clara and I do want to see if they can help." Claytin asked. "I also have an important question for Charlene," Clara added. Shane puts his cap back on and nods his head. "Yeah, I'll go and get them," he says.

   Shane enters a portal to Tiana's Place. Charlene is usually there by this time. "Tina, Char, I need you," he says upon arrival. "Sure thing, Shane. C'mon, Char," Tina says, grabbing Charlene. "Here's your mirror back," says Charlene, returning Shane's mirror. "Thanks, Char." Tina, Charlene, and Shane walk back through the portal and arrive back in the cabin.

   "I always forget how quick it takes him to do that," Clara says standing up. "Clara and I have been talking and well, she doesn't trust many people but she does trust you two. Tina, could you do the catering for the wedding and Charlene, could you be the wedding planner? You would take care of the decorations and stuff." Claytin asked. Tina smiles. "Sure thing! Just give me a recipe and the ingredients, and I can make anything!" Charlene hugs Clara. "Thanks for letting me do what I never thought I'd be able to do! Planning a wedding! Ooh!" she says, her voice breaking with certain words. "Hugging, being touched. Ok, this needs getting used to..." Clara said putting her hands up some. Claytin swallowed a laugh. "Anyways, that's not it. Char, first of all, I need help choosing a dress because I got no wedding fashion, I had planned never to get married only a week ago. Also... will you be my... maid of honor?" Clara asked awkwardly. She looked to Shane, "Don't you dare laugh at my awkwardness Shane Facilier!"Shane shrugs. "Okay. Obviously, the dress needs to be white for you, Clara, but we'll definitely have a purple and lavender dress code for everyone attending. And Claytin, if you want me to implement some of your favorite color into it, I'll do that, too," says Charlene. "Honestly, purple and yellow are my favorites," Claytin said. "I have to run and fix things with the Court. Love you, princess," he kissed Clara and left quickly. Clara gave a small blush. "Did... did he just call you 'Princess'? Ugh," says Charlene, shuddering. "Oh, I haven't told you guys. Well, Clopin is the King of the Gypsies so that makes Claytin the Prince of the Gypsies and once I marry him... guess who is becoming a princess...." Clara laughed nervously. "Aww! How cute! But I was referring to the fact that he called you 'Princess', not the possibility that you are a princess," says Charlene. "I feel you, Char. So gross," says Shane. Clara rolled her eyes. "He is just trying to get me used to hearing it when referring to me. And you guys aren't any better with the darlin's left and right." Clara got up and got another beer and looks to Shane. "If someone told me when I was younger that I would become a princess of something, I'd laugh in their face, probably stab them too. Lord, Princess Clara of the Gypsies. No wonder father was so angry..." Speaking of, don't you think he'd find out about your wedding somehow?" Tina asks. "Yeah, because I'm pretty sure that he has means of finding stuff out," says Charlene. Clara gave a small laugh. "Your a little late." She pulled her hair back to where she was branded. She didn't have Shane heal that, she just had him heal her flogging scars. "I was trapped in a church for days. Trust me, avoid being flogged and branded. It doesn't feel so good. The only problem is keeping him away from the wedding. If he does show up, I'll have my dagger at the ready." "Yeah. And we'll be there, too," says Shane. "Thanks, if all goes well, neither of my parents will be present and no one gets stabbed," Clara said taking a sip of beer. "On a scale of one to ten, what's the chances Claytin will agree to let there be alcohol do you think?" Shane, Tina, and Charlene all glance at each other, then at Clara, and say, "Zero." I'm going to have to stock up for afterward then," Clara laughed. "Just for the record, if things do get crazy, I'll have Roma at the ready. She'll be in New Orleans somewhere, but I'll have a portal bring her," says Shane. "She won't stand up to my father, you know that. She says she will but she won't. Besides, my father is not only hunting me, but he is also hunting her. But... does anyone else hear that?" Clara said.

   There was a long silence when a knock came at the door making her jump. Shane slowly approaches the door. "Who is it?" he asks. "Is the Frollo girl here?" a quiet female voice asked. "Who wants to know?" Shane tightly grips his cane. "Mama told me not to tell my name to strangers, who are you?" the voice asked. Clara had stood up and had her dagger in her hand but it was loose in her hand. "Tina, Char, got your swords?" Shane whispers. Charlene and Tina nod, grabbing their swords behind their backs. "Tourists. We didn't know that someone lives here," says Shane to the woman. "But the Frollo girl has personalized the cabin, only dumb people would not realize someone lived there..." the girl said, her voice was shaky and young. Tina and Charlene put their swords away. "Sounds like she's a little girl," whispers Tina. "Yeah. We probably should calm her down, too," whispers Shane. "Okay. Why are you looking for her?" asks Shane with a gentle and friendly tone. Clara put the dagger down. "Adrianna, is that you?" "Clara! You are here! Can I come in? Please! I need your help!" the girl cried. Clara nodded to Shane to open the door. Shane opens the door immediately. Adrianna rushes in and into Clara's arms. "It's ok, I got you," Clara said crouching down to her. "I've got you." The girl started sobbing. "I thought you were gone..." "I know, I know. But I'm here now." Clara whispered to her, hugging her closer. Shane walks over to Adrianna and Clara. "Hi. Adrianna, right? My name is Shane. I'm Clara's friend," he says. "And that's my friend, Tina, and my girlfriend, Charlene." He points at Tina and Charlene respectively. The girl huddled closer to Clara and nodded in acknowledgment. "Hey, why don't you go get some ice cream from the freezer," Clara said. Adrianna went to the freezer and got some ice cream. Clara led the other three over to the corner. "I never thought someone could have worse trust issues than me but she does after watching her dad kill her mom when she was only seven. She is ten now. I've been practically her older sister since she saw me perform once and followed me. I haven't told Claytin yet." Clara explained whispering. Shane flicks the back of Clara's head. "Seriously? And you wanted to be a villain? Jeez, you would've been a terrible one, in that case," he says. "Shane!" says Charlene. "I kept her a secret from you, so at least I had that going for me." Suddenly a loud bang came from the door. "Oh, not today you don't!" Clara growled. Adrianna had run into the bathroom. Clara grabbed her dagger. "Shane, get ready for a fight, I doubt this will go away after a conversation." Tina and Charlene unsheath their swords. "Let's hope Roma's training paid off," says Shane, grabbing his cane and putting on his mask. "Bring it on!" he shouts. "Well, don't attack right away. Just only attack if I do..." Clara said. She opened the door to a scruffy looking man. "Mr. Iven, what an awful surprise," Clara said stiffly. Iven tried to push his way in but Clara put her dagger to his throat backing him out. "Where is my daughter?! Give her back!" he commanded. "Go to hell! Adrianna doesn't need an abusive father like you!" "You would know all about that wouldn't you?!" Iven said grabbing her wrist. Shane nearly lunges at Mr. Iven, but Charlene holds him back. Clara ripped her arm out his Iven's grasp. "You killed her mother in front of her! You are nothing but a drunk idiot! Stay away from Adrianna before I kill yourself myself!" "You wouldn't have the guts! If your daddy found out you killed the man he promised you to..." Iven started but was interrupted by Claraslashing his cheek with her dagger. "Get lost!" She slammed the door in his face and locked it. "Do something Shane, I don't care what, get him away from my cabin or I might kill him!" Shane phases through the cabin wall blasts Iven with a shadow orb, then whacks him a few times with his cane. "And if you come back, there's more where that came from," he says, breathing heavily. Clara went and got Adrianna from the bathroom and hugged her tightly. "Well, there you go, you know why I didn't tell Claytin. Or you," Clara covered Adrianna's ears. "I was promised to him. He may look scruffy, but believe it or not, he is a rich man. And a close ally with my father or he was going to be. He would help provide my father with what he needed to take over the Court if I married him. Of course, my father tricked him. I was to marry him, he was going to give us what we need and then I'd kill him. I wasn't going to become like Adrianna's mom." Clara explained before taking her hands off Adrianna's ears. "I am sorry Shane by the way. I don't mean to throw my life on you. You need to throw something on me soon." Shane phases through the cabin wall and says, "It's cool, Clara. That guy's nothing but trouble." Adrianna went to the bed and cuddled up in the ball, closing her eyes. Clara gave her a small smile. "I love that girl," Clara whispered. "It's not illegal for you to adopt her, is it?" Tina asks. "She is still in her dad's custody. Also, I'd have to talk to Claytin about it and we are just about to get married." Clara said. She sat down on the bed and rubbed Adrianna's back. "Well, shoot! I can definitely see you and Claytin taking care of her!" says Charlene. Clara didn't say anything at first. "I wouldn't be a good mom." Shane chuckles and puts his arm around Clara. "Well, look at it this way. Everything that Roma never taught you growing up, you could teach Adrianna. You've clearly got the basics of being a mother figured out. It's all you from there," he says. Clara pushed his arm off her. "Look who I was raised by. Trust me, no one wants a Frollo as a parent, I should know." She stood up and walked to the other side of the room. Shane gets an idea. "So your main concern is the fact that you're a Frollo? Even though you're different from your father, and you've shown time and time again that you're way better than he will ever be?" he says. "Shane, be honest with me, if you looked at me would you think I would be a good mother. I don't know the first thing about parenting. I only know abuse for discipline and manipulation for control." Tina walks over to Clara and says, "I think what Shane is trying to say is that you can't let your own or your family's past define you or your future." "Yeah. Just like how Shane is changing the Facilier name, you can change the Frollo name," says Charlene. "Exactly! Clara, we can learn from our families' mistakes and change everything around for the better. Adrianna is just the first step," says Shane. "No, the first step was running away," Clara said. "Don't get me wrong, I'd take her if I could. But as long as Iven has her in his custody, I can only try and shield her." Shane strokes his chin. "Hmm. Is there a legal way to remove Adrianna from his custody?" "The has to see him to be unfit. And I won't let him near her long enough to prove that. But other than that, I have no proof. No one would take my word for it. I am a Frollo. a villain kid. You know the struggle, Shane. No one would believe me but Claytin." Shane gets another idea. "No. I know that look, Shane," says Tina. "Can we kill him?" Clara asked still whispering to make sure they didn't wake Adrianna. Shane raises an eyebrow. "As a last resort," he says. Clara smirks at Shane's response. "But I have an idea, and I don't think you'll like it." Clara frowns, "What are you thinking? Because I am getting the feeling I need to get some beers ready." "Remember what I did to get a confession out of Frollo?" he asks. "No! We aren't doing anything with that!" Clara said sternly waving off the idea. "Alright! Alright! I didn't really like the idea myself, either! But, I just got another, more spy-like idea," says Shane. "What is this one?" Clara asked he was giving him a look, "And though I doubt it does, this better not have anything to do with my father." Shane takes his mirror out of his coat pocket and hands it to Clara. "Whenever you know that Adrianna is with Iven, just open this and think of her. If you see any kind of suspicious activity, give it to Claytin, and have him show the authorities. That should be all the proof you'll need," he says. Clara bit her lip and looked back to Adrianna, "Shane, even if we get her out of her father's custody, do you think I could actually do this? And I still have to adopt her and what if social services don't think Claytin and I can do it..." Charlene grabs Clara's hands. "Clara, if that's the case, try to convince them to give you a chance to prove them wrong." Clara smiled and glanced at the window suddenly deep in thought. Then her face grew in shock. She cursed in french and ran out of the cabin.

   "I'll watch Adrianna. You two go check on her," says Shane. Tina and Charlene follow Clara out of the cabin. "You two, don't follow me! Way too dangerous! Lord, why am I so stupid!" Clara said as she sped walked away from the cabin. Shane suddenly appears in front of Clara. He motions Tina and Charlene to head back into the cabin. "Shane, you know deals. Your dad made them all the time. When you make a deal and someone falls short, what do you do? If you really want what they can give you. You make another deal. Iven wants Adrianna but he wants me too. It takes half a day to get here from the church. He'll be here soon Shane! And Iven will make a deal! He knows where I live! I have to stop him... I have to make a deal," Clara said. Shane nods. "Don't do anything stupid!" he calls as Clara walks away. "Don't worry. That's your job!" Clara calls back. Shane chuckled to himself as he went back to the cabin. 

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