The Troublesome Hitachiin Twi...

By Kaiyri-Akuma

39.9K 1.1K 191

Meet Kino Kamiyoto. The newest honour student at Ouran Academy. After a dark event of the past she was made... More

Chapter 1 - Kino
Chapter 2 - My Class
Chapter 3 - The Twins
Chapter 5 - Childish Fun
Chapter 6 - My Parents
Chapter 7 - The Food
Chapter 8 - Is He Okay?
Chapter 9 - The Poster
Chapter 10 - The Hitachiin House
Chapter 11 - The Realisation
Chapter 12 - The Feelings
Chapter 13 - I'm a Hostess
Chapter 14 - The Hints
Chapter 15 - The Tranquil & Trauma
Chapter 16 - Tamaki's Plan
Chapter 17 - Haruhi's House
Chapter 18 - Commoner's Supermarket!
Chapter 19 - The Beach
Chapter 20 - The Anniversary
Chapter 21 - The Nightmares
Chapter 22 - The Date
Chapter 23 - My Past to Present
Chapter 24 - The Sacred but Secure
Chapter 25 - ¿End?
Chapter 26 - The Fight
Chapter 27 - My Amnesia
Chapter 28 - The Pain
Chapter 29 - My Memories
Chapter 30 - Love

Chapeter 4 - The Host Club

1.9K 60 3
By Kaiyri-Akuma

We all exited and I sat down with Hikaru and Kaoru. Immediately girls came rushing towards them.

'This is gonna be a long afternoon.'

"Hey there ladies" they said in sync with charming smiles.

The girls went all googly eyed.

'The actual hell?! How could girls go audibly screamo for just those smiles alone?'

As time progressed their conversations seemed to mainly consist of random topics such as the weather, upcoming school and Host Club events and so forth. Suddenly, at some point, Kaoru 'accidentally' spilt coffee onto his hand, seeming to have scalded it. I was about to jump up and get some cold water to help when... things started to get kinda disturbing.

Hikaru, unprompted and shockingly,  grabbed his brothers hand and pulled it close to his face... And tried to kiss it better as if they were madly in love.

The holding hands check

Looking lovingly into each others eyes check

Holding each other close check

One word, Twinsest.

My mind broke for a good few minutes there as I was frozen in disbelief and a feeling of wanting to be sick.

If I didn't know any better and hadn't met them before hand I would've sworn they really were like that. It was so...creepily convincing that even I had to rethink what the hell was going on.

The girls went crazy and I just looked away, feeling like I was gonna throw up.

"May I be excused."

It wasn't a question and I certainly didn't wait for a reply before walking away from that awkward scene.

I randomly wondered around when I spotted Haruhi with a few people and so I decided to sit with 'him'. As I felt it would and should be a lot calmer considering her tone of character.

"Hey Haruhi." I waved.

"Hey Kino." 'He' replied.

"Mind if I sit down, Hikaru and Kaoru are freaking me out."

"Sure." She laughed.

I sat down with the other girls at the table.

"So how are you finding the host club so far?" Haruhi asked me.

"Well the whole 'brotherly love' thing is kinda disturbing and the whole thing with Tamaki is a bit over dramatic if you ask me." I told him truthfully. "But I'm okay with you."

"You'll get used to it."

"How did you get used to it?"

"I was forced. I didn't have a choice but to get used to it." He whispered in my ear.

I let out a small smile, causing the other girls to glare at me, like I just flirted with their boyfriend.

As I scanned the room I saw Tamaki beckoning me over.

"Looks like his Highness wants me." I joked. "See ya later."

"See ya."

I strolled over to the large sofa littered with girls surrounding the blonde doufus that was the proclaimed 'King' of the Host Club.

"What do you want Tamaki-senpai?" I asked, somewhat annoyed.

I didn't wanna be dragged into more creepy drama.

"I was just wondering if you wouldn't mind sitting with me for a bit." He told me.

"But it looks like your area is full." I gestures to all the girls gathers sitting down.

"There's still one place." He patted his lap.

"There's no way in hell I'm going to sit on your lap senpai." I glared.

"I'll do it." One of the girls squealed.

"No. That's quite alright." He said sheepishly.

I was about to leave when he gave me...the puppy eyes. One of my few weaknesses.

So I ended up sitting on the table.

"So my princess, are you having a good time?" He asked, stroking my cheek.

"Senpai, I'm not your princess, I'm not anyone's princess." I said coldly, swatting away his hand "and I'm fine."

"You're a very strange girl, that's for sure." He smiled. "In a good way of course."

"Well, maybe it's just because I'm not like you. I'm not rich, I'm not fancy and I'm sure as hell not interested in things such as this." I told him.

"Neither is Haruhi, but now he's a host." He countered.

"Only because you forced the poor guy." I mumbled. "Well I'mma go off and see how the others are doing. See ya later senpai."

I got up and started wondering again before I ended walking up to Kyoya.

"How much longer till we can all leave. And by we I mean me." I asked.

"5:30pm." He replied simply.

I looked at my watch.


'Great there's still another hour to go yet. Why did I even mention about Haruhi's gender anyways? Oh that's right. Because I'm an Idiot. '

Before I knew it I was being lifted up by my arms again back to my original spot by the twins.

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