The Organization (Season Thre...

By KingzGaius

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I'm Gaius Dominic. An avenger. The only legitimate son of the late deputy senate president (Senator Uche Domi... More

Episode 1 (S3)
Episode 2 (S3)
Episode 3 (S3)
Episode 4 (S3)
Episode 5 (S3)
Episode 6 (S3)
Episode 7 (S3)
Episode 8 (S3)
Episode 9 (S3)
Episode 10 (S3)
Episode 11 (S3)
Episode 12 (S3)
Episode 13 (S3)
Episode 14 (S3)
Episode 15 (S3)
Episode 16 (S3)
Episode 17 (S3)
Episode 18 (S3)
Episode 19 (S3)
Episode 20 (S3)
Episode 21 (S3)
Episode 23 (S3)
Episode 24 (S3)
Episode 25 (S3)
Episode 26 (S3)
Episode 27 (S3)
Episode 28 (S3)
Episode 29 (S3)
Episode 30 (S3)
Episode 31 (S3)
Episode 32 (S3)
Episode 33 (S3)
Episode 34 (S3)
Episode 35 (S3)
New story alart

Episode 22 (S3)

299 24 6
By KingzGaius

(The Tough😠 And The Dangerous😬)

Finally, I will get to hurt those whom my cousin brother choose over us again. killing two birds with a stone at once (wink).
Time: 8 am
Location: At My Mansion.

“Do your mom know about it?” •*I asked with concern just as i sat down on the driver's seat of my Bugatti SUV, about to go to work*•.

“It has nothing to do with her, so no need of warning her". •*Clara said with less concern, and just then my customized wrist watch began to blink, indicating emergency mission, as well with my phone which was placed on my left ear, and my mind drove to nothing else but to Dan and the organization planning to utilize this opportunity to assassinate Mrs Nwachukwu. Probably, they've been monitoring her for so long*•.

“Just a minute baby, I got a business call to attend please". •*I said to Clara and drop the call without hesitating*•.

After what Dan said few days ago at the organization's game hall, I instructed Taiwo to keep me updated with every mission that comes up, and he just did.

I quickly connect my wrist watch to my car sound system and turn off it's mic so that they won't be able to hear whatever i say, and the next thing i heard was “Sir... Mrs Nwachukwu and her son just drove out of their compound, accompanied by IMO state governor's securities. I guess they are attending the mother to the IMO state first lady's funeral". •*Taiwo said through the transmitter, probably referring to Dan, and i remain silent just to know what their reply will be*•.

“This meeting will be postponed to tomorrow morning, And you all should better fine my oil before then or I'll do it my way". •*Dan's mean voice sounded with a bit rage to the transmitter, probably he's addressing his employees or something*•.

Shit!! •*I muttered barely audibly as i hit my hand lightly on my forehead*•.

Dan just postponed whatever he was doing, which means he is going after Mrs Nwachukwu. For the first few seconds, I was puzzled with many thoughts in my mind. Thoughts on how stop him from hurting Desmond's grandma. And it's either Dan attends the funeral with them or stop them from attending it at all. “Shit! Somebody is gonna die today, I just don't know who it will be".

“Use the traffic delay tactics to hold them within the city". •*Dan said to Taiwo through the transmitter after some seconds, which means he intend to stop them from attending the funeral*•.

Delaying them within the city, probably buying enough time to go get his war materials. And i need to get mine too.

I grabbed my briefcase that contents some files and my official laptop computer, got down from the super SUV and bossily walk back to my mansion. None of the maid was insight when i got into the living room, probably minding their morning duties, and i advanced to the stairs immediately.

Within 100 seconds, I was already in my room. I quickly dropped the briefcase on the dressing table in the adjoined dressing room and quickly unlock the adjoined cyber office and walked in immediately.

As i walked in, I puzzledly stood at a spot for some seconds, thinking of what to do exactly as i glance around the newly super upgraded personal cyber office which i took my time to equip with many stuff the organization don't have. And in the next seconds, I grabbed a sniper's medium briefcase, opened it and placed it on my table.

I picked one of the best sniper rifle, dismount it within seconds and set it in the briefcase along with it's magazine. I put in a smoky teargas and a black pistol and lock the briefcase. I got a black backpack, put in a black face cap and medical black mask into it, followed by a black leather hand gloves and a newly black customized bullet proof long sleeve jacket that looks like ordinary ones.

“What next?" •*I asked myself*•.

I fixed a personal customized transmittable device to my left ear, shove my cyber laptop and iPad into the backpack, zipped it and tugged on my grey suit. “Good To Go".

I grabbed the sniper's briefcase and backpack and within seconds i was already out of the secret cyber office and out of my room.
Getting to my Bugatti, I opened the trunk using it's remote, drop the sniper's briefcase and hurried back to the driver's seat with the backpack, while the trunk gently close.

“They're still moving from one street to another, trying to find their way into the major road". *•Taiwo's voice sounded audibly in my car sound system just as i closed the door*•.

“Keep the traffic busy, I am just few walls away from home. In not less than five minutes i will be ready". •*Dan said to Taiwo through the transmitter, while i ignored them as i unzip the backpack and brought out the iPad and laptop computer*•.

I don't know exactly how i am to stop Dan using a sniper rifle, but i have to do something. At least try to keep Clara's Mom safe. And i don't think i can do it alone, because i will need to hack and distract our cyberians for some seconds, if not Mrs Nwachukwu's convoy might not be able to escape when it finally gets tough and dangerous, which means i will be needing my baby agent.

I quickly tracked down Mrs Nwachukwu's convoy on the laptop computer that was placed on my laps, followed by Daniel's current location which was his mansion without attacking or tempering with whatever the cyberians were doing with the traffic (waiting for a perfect time).

I tracked down baby agent Glory as well before sending her a customized emergency mission alert using my iPad which only her will receive, and within a minute, she activated her transmitter.

“Good morning boss". •*Baby agent Glory politely greeted through the transmitter, and i muttered “Time To Go Baby" audibly to her hearing*•.

“Any problem boss?" •*She muttered with concern*•

“Yes, we get a little one to take care off this morning. Stay connected, Get into your car, and once you turn on your engine, your dashboard mini screen will automatically display my current location, then you find me". •*I said as i connect her customized car system using the ipad*•.

“Copy Boss". •*she muttered, and the within 100 seconds, her car system connect to my ipad, meaning she just turned on her engine*•.

I got home as fast as i could and hurried to my adjoined cyber office in my room to get some necessary stuffs that i will be needing, and within few minutes, i walked out from the cyber office, carrying a sniper's briefcase that contents all i will be needing for the mission.

Getting to the tall standing mirror in my dressing room, i stopped for a while and take a look. Then i dropped the briefcase on the floor, walked back to my wardrobe and picked an overall black American jacket which ends at my knees as i wore it, covering my black suit.

I wore a black eyeshade and walked back to the mirror to take a second look. This time i look just like a black mafian boss.
Few moments later.

I speedily drove pass Mrs Nwachukwu's convoy with my black tinted Audi and reselect my gear and increased my speed, giving them much gap, and within second i divert left.

“Once they get to the next junction, delay them a bit". •*I said to Taiwo through the transmitter and reselect my gear*•.

“Copy boss". •*He muttered*•

After speeding for about two minutes in 230km/h  just to catch up with time, i gently drove into the interior second floor parking lot of a multi purpose 25 storey building that was made up of different commercial companies, parked my car and got down mannerly.

I opened the trunk, pick the briefcase and walked up to the elevator. And within seconds, i got in and clicked on the last floor.

Already Sonia and Taiwo were doing great in bringing them to the target area by delaying the traffic, which they will have to divert towards my direction in other to meet up with time.

The elevator stopped at the last floor and i walked out as soon as it open, heading towards the staircase that leads to the roof top.

“Agent Dan, you get not less than 90 seconds to make your shot, they've already divert towards your direction, but from the other road which is approximately four blocks away from your current location". •*Agent Sonia said through the transmitter just as i made it to the roof top and i muttered “Copy" as i hurried to the left side of the roof*•.

I quickly drop the briefcase on the floor and opened it, and within seconds i was done mounting my sniper riffle and cover my lower face with the medical black mask and my hand with a leather hand glove.

“How much time do i have?" •*I asked as i positioned the dangerous riffle on the roof mini fence and cocked it*•.

“19 seconds boss" •*Taiwo muttered*•.

Currently Mrs Nwachukwu's convoy wasn't insight, some taller buildings were still preventing me from seeing them. And all i gat to do is stay ready just for seconds, and everything will go on the low.

“9, 8, 7, 6, 5......" •*Taiwo kept counting down seconds just to keep me noticed on how close they're, while i aim at that direction and zoomed in the monocular as i look through it*•.

All of a sudden, i heard a gun shot💥 from distances just as Taiwo count 3 and i quickly got my eye off the monocular, yet their convoy wasn't insight.

“Did you do that?" •*Sonia asked puzzledly through the transmitter, getting me confused*•.

“Not me". •*I muttered puzzledly with a mean tone, still staring to see if Mrs Nwachukwu's convoy will show up*•.

“I think we aren't the only people after Mrs Nwachukwu. Another sniper attacked from the other side of the road". •*Taiwo said immediately and i fixed my eye on the monocular again as i search the roof top of other buildings within, in search of the sniper that made the shot*•.

“Shit!!! We lost them!" •*Taiwo exclaimed through the transmitter*•.

“What do you mean by we lost them?" •*The cyberian boss asked puzzledly*•.

TAIWO: Their GPS just turned off automatically ma'am..... Shit!! Road side cameras are turning off as well. •*He announced puzzledly*•.

“What exactly is going on Taiwo?" •*Sonia asked with a serious tone*•.

TAIWO: I think we have been hacked ma'am.

“Hacked?" •*I exclaimed as i got my eyes off the monocular*•.

“Transmitter disconnected". •*The robotic female voice said, meaning my transmittable device have been deactivated from the cyberian's system, probably the hacker's hand work*•.

Just then i heard another gun shot. This time it was loud and clear, and i quickly aimed at that direction with much rage in my heart.

Within seconds i sight the shooter on the roof top of the 15 storey federal hospital that was about 280 feet away from me, and i zoomed closer to realized that it's a female sniper who has her face covered with a medical black mask and a face cap which was fucking similar to the organization's mission costume.

“Hope it's not what i am thinking?". •*I muttered to myself*•. “Opportunity comes but once". •*I muttered as i aimed at her heart and pulled the trigger 💥 and she fall back within a twinkle of an eyes*•.

“That's for ruining my mission". •*I muttered with rage as i abandoned my sniper riffle on the floor and head towards the staircase*•.

I've been disconnected from the cyberian whom were my eyes that sees from afar, i don't know what comes before me, so trying to dismount and leave with the sniper riffle might be a waste of time.

Getting to the staircase, i pull off the overall jacket, medical black mask and hand gloves as i descend, and abandoned them as well. Then pulled off my eyeshade and replaced it with another one from my suit inner pocket as i walked into the elevator.
Agent Glory
Rank: Baby Agent
Location: unknown


I really enjoyed the little time i spent with my lovely family, though it wasn't enough. I never expected a urgent call to duty, but i got no choice then to obey my one in a million boss.

I was about to accompany my mum to the salon when i got an emergency mission alert. I didn't give her the explanation she wants on why i was called by my company all of a sudden. I just hand over my purse that contains the money we were to use to her and left with just my phone, debt card and car key after muttering “Don't worry mum, i will call you as soon as i get to work".

Few moments later.

After displaying my driving skills with much km/h as i go after my boss using the dashboard GPS, i drove into the 15th floor interior parking lot of the federal hospital which was 15th storey building and parked few lots away from my boss car.

Through the transmitter, he had already told me that my mission is to stop a convoy. I don't know who's convoy it is and i never bothered to ask, because if he wants me to know, he would have told me.

I left my phone on the passenger's seat, got down from my beautiful car and mannerly walked up to my boss Bugatti. And on getting there, i opened the passenger's door to see him well concentrated on his laptop/iPad.

“Get dress, we're running out of time". •*He said, pointing at the stuffs on the passenger's seat without glancing*•.

And without hesitating, i picked the black jacket, wore it and zipped it to my neck. I wore the black medical mask, face cap and hand gloves, matching perfectly with my elastic black jeans trouser, and i glanced on my watch.

“Good to go boss". •*I said to him*•.

“Go to the trunk, get the briefcase and find your way to the roof top through the staircase at the extreme left in not less than 15th seconds". •*He said still concentrated on the systems in front of him*•.

“Copy boss". •*I muttered, closed the passenger's door and head towards his car trunk*•.

On getting there, the trunk automatically opened, while i grabbed the sniper's briefcase and head towards the staircase at the extreme left. And within seconds, i was already there.

“Mount your riffle. Be fast with it, the convoy is almost at your target point". •*My boss ordered through the transmitter and i adhere to his instruction without muttering a word*•.

“Done". •*I muttered through the transmitter and cocked the astonishing sniper riffle*•.

“The convoy is few feet away from you from the left". •*He said and i hurried and maintained position on the roof top mini fence, by then i can clearly see the convoy that was made up of three vehicles as it speeds towards my direction*•.

“In position Boss". •*I said as i aim and zoomed in my monocular to get a closer view*•.

“You are to stop them by defleting the first vehicle's front tyre, and you've to do it before they gets to that junction". •*He said and i brace for a second and muttered “Copy boss" as i aim at the first vehicle's front tyre and gradually moves the sniper muzzle as i calculate the vehicle's speed*•.

“You get 3, 2, go!" •*My boss counted and i pulled the trigger💥*•.

Immediately the bullet pierced through the tyre, the vehicles began to sway uncontrollably, and stopped just as it hit a street light, while the other two vehicles stopped within seconds.
Location: Federal hospital parking lot.

“Agent Dan, you get not less than 90 seconds to make your shot, they've already divert towards your direction, but from the other road which is approximately four blocks away from your current location". •*Sonia, the cyberian boss said through the transmitter just as Glory left with the briefcase, and Dan muttered “Copy"*•.

I've been trying my best in manipulating the traffic as well, and luckily they divert into the exact road i want which is a bit far from Dan's current location, making things more easy for my baby agent.

“Mount your riffle. Be fast with it, the convoy is almost at your target point". •*I ordered through the transmitter*•.

“How much time do i have?" •*Dan's voice sound through my car system, referring to the cyberians, and Taiwo muttered 19 seconds*•.

Baby Agent: Done.

“The convoy is few feet away from you from the left". •*I said to Her*•.

Baby Agent: In position boss.

“You are to stop them by defleting the first vehicle's front tyre, and you've to do it before they gets to that junction". •*i said to my baby agent and she muttered “Copy boss".

“9, 8, 7, 6, 5......" •*Taiwo began to count down seconds probably to keep Dan updated on how close Mrs Nwachukwu's convoy is, because i am pretty sure he haven't sight them yet because of buildings, which was my hand work*•.

“You get 3, 2, go!" •*i count ahead of Taiwo and my baby agent pulled the trigger💥*•.

“Did you do that?" •*Sonia asked puzzledly through the transmitter*•.

“Not me". •*Dan muttered puzzledly with a mean tone, while i concentrated on operating the keyboard as i hack into the cyberian's privacy to get them disconnected from the vehicle's GPS*•.

TAIWO: I think we aren't the only people after Mrs Nwachukwu. Another sniper attacked from the other side of the road. •*He said, meaning he had already detect my baby agent, and i work towards that as fast as i could*•.

“Shit!!! We lost them!" •*Taiwo exclaimed through the transmitter*•.

“What do you mean by we lost them?" •*The cyberian boss asked puzzledly, and i turn off their accessibilities to road side cameras as well*•.

“Their GPS just turned off automatically ma'am..... Shit!! Road side cameras are turning off as well". •*Taiwo announced puzzledly*•.

“What exactly is going on Taiwo?" •*Sonia asked with a serious tone this time and i smiled to my self as i continue displaying my hacking skills*•.

TAIWO: I think we have been hacked ma'am.

“Hacked?" •*Dan exclaimed and i hit a button, and every device in the organization cyber hall went off, getting he automatically deactivated*•.

“Boss, The officers in the first vehicle are out and in position for defense". •*My baby agent said through the transmitter*•.

“Shot one or two officers to scare them off". •*I muttered*•.

While the other two vehicles stopped within seconds.

Within seconds the crashed vehicle doors opened and the armed officers hurried out, aiming on different direction in search of the shooter instead of running for they precious life, and i report them to my boss through the transmitter.

“Shot one or two officers to scare them off". •*My boss ordered, and i muttered “Copy boss" as i cocked the sniper riffle and aim at an officer's right leg, I don't just want to kill today*•.

💥 I pulled the trigger and he crashed on the floor with a loud painful groan.

“Fall back!!" •*one of the officers shouted and the two other vehicles reversed with much velocity, and i cocked my riffle again*•.

💥 I heard a louder gun shot, and within a blink of an eye, i powerful bullet hit my chest and i forcefully failed few feet away from where i stood as if i was flaunt by a mighty giant, and everything went black.

“Shot one or two officers to scare them off". •*I muttered and she said “copy boss”*•.

And within seconds she released another bullet, disabling an officer, which made the other two vehicles to reverse without hesitation, probably heading back home which seems to be a mission accomplished to me.

💥 I heard a different gun sound, it not from the officers because i can clearly see how they were running halter scatter with the help of road side cameras, probably from Daniel.

“Glory get out of there now, it's no longer safe". •*I said through the transmitter and got no response from her which is unusual, getting me worried*•.

Glory? Glory!!! •*i exclaimed as i searched for closer camera to the hospital roof and turn it using my computer to see my baby agent lying dead on the floor and my heart skipped beats*•.

Oh my gosh!! •* I exclaimed as i backward the camera footage starting from when the gun shot was released, zoom it closer, set it on slow motion and play it and watch as the bullet hit her chest, and i took a deep breath.

“Thank you lord". •*I said*•.

She is wearing a bullet proof jacket, probably she went unconscious out of shock of been shot for the first time.

“Come on wake up".

“Wake up! Wake up Glory!!

“Wake up! Wake up Glory!! 🔊" •*My boss voice echoed to my ear through the transmitter and i gently blinked my blurry eyes*•.

“You're wearing a bullet proof jacket". •*his voice echoed again and i coughed twice*•.

I gently sit up and unzipped the jacket a bit to my abdomen just to check and be sure that i am not really really died, and luckily for me, my body and soul was still together and in good condition.

“I love you boss". •*I said in my mind for the bullet proof jacket he gave me*•.

“Get up baby, we get no time. Find your way to the parking lot". •*My boss said and i manage to crawl to the sniper's briefcase, pick a loaded pistol and strugglingly get to my feet*•.

I felt a sudden headache, my eyes were still blurry and i couldn't stand steady as i kept staggering like a drunk bitch. I wonder the kinda bullet this officer used on me.

🔊 Whenever things get tough and out of control, never bother of any other thing than your safety. If possible drop you firearm and run for your life. You live today, you fight tomorrow.🔊 •*My boss months ago advice echoed to my head, which gives me the courage to abandon such an expensive sniper riffle and other stuffs that was in the briefcase case as i staggeringly head towards the staircase with the pistol for self defense*•.

After struggling down the staircase with all my might, about to open the door that leads to the parking lot, i noticed a movement behind me and staggeringly turn with my blurry eyes to spot a man on red mask and black face cap just like me, and before i could point my pistol at him, he quickly grabbed my arm and hit my neck with an electric defuser and everything went black.

By Kingz Gaius Chinedu.
[Story Boy]


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