| ❅ | Finding Home | ❅ | A No...

By Decembra1998

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A young orphan named Risa, is sent out on her own now that she is eighteen. Trying to find her family and fol... More

❅ Copyright Information ❅
❅ Author's Disclaimer ❅
❅ Awards & Publish Dates ❅
❅ Cover ❅
❅ Chapter One ❅
❅ Chapter Two ❅
❅ Chapter Three ❅
❅ Chapter Four ❅
❅ Chapter Five ❅
❅ Chapter Six ❅
❅ Chapter Seven ❅
❅ Chapter Eight ❅
❅ Chapter Nine ❅
❅ Chapter Ten ❅
❅ Chapter Eleven ❅
❅ Chapter Twelve ❅
❅ Chapter Thirteen ❅
❅ Chapter Fifteen ❅
❅ Chapter Sixteen ❅
❅ Chapter Seventeen ❅
❅ Chapter Eighteen ❅
❅ Chapter Nineteen ❅
❅ Chapter Twenty ❅
❅ Chapter Twenty-One ❅
❅ Chapter Twenty-Two ❅
❅ Chapter Twenty-Three ❅
❅ Chapter Twenty-Four ❅
❅ Chapter Twenty-Five ❅
❅ Chapter Twenty-Six ❅
❅ Chapter Twenty-Seven ❅
❅ Chapter Twenty-Eight ❅
❅ Chapter Twenty-Nine ❅
❅ Chapter Thirty ❅
❅ Chapter Thirty-One ❅
❅ Chapter Thirty-Two ❅
❅ Chapter Thirty-Three ❅
❅ Chapter Thirty-Four ❅
❅ Chapter Thirty-Five ❅
❅ Chapter Thirty-Six ❅
❅ Chapter Thirty-Seven ❅
❅ Chapter Thirty-Eight ❅
❅ Epilogue ❅
❅ Author's Note ❅
* Bonus Chapters *
❅ Bonus Chapter ❅ Part One ❅
❅ Bonus Chapter ❅ Part Two ❅

❅ Chapter Fourteen ❅

17 4 11
By Decembra1998

Risa, Rolando, Loyal, and Vincent had been walking for days that went into a few weeks. Since Risa still had a bit of fear of trains, for the past two weeks, they bargained to drop off carriages, cars, produce carts to the next town or ride along with people.

They stopped at small inns and stayed there for the night and eating breakfast before continuing on their journey. It was nice to be out of the cold, in a warm bed, have hot food in your stomach before continuing on the journey. People were nice and friendly, which was a good thing.

It was coming up on three weeks when she had finally given in and taken a train through Germany. She was worried sick the whole time. She prayed nothing would go wrong, since they were not going to do the same l in Poland. Though Poland, it was smooth sailing as well, and Risa had gotten a little more comfortable, however, she still had anxiety about riding the train.

They hopped off the train at Metz, France, a beautiful city. Risa sat down on a bench at the train station, setting her suitcase and Loyal down beside her. "We made it to France! How much longer do we have until we get to Paris?" She asked, knowing by the end of this her legs would be very strong.

Rolando chuckled sitting down beside her and setting his luggage beside him. "Ah, we are in the city where my mother and father live. I was hoping you wouldn't mind stopping there for a few days and recovering from our journey? But to answer your question a few hours on a train or a few days by foot or a whole day by horse-drawn carriage." He replied, stretching his sore legs out in front of him.

Risa nodded, she didn't mind meeting Rolando's parents. It would be a chance for her to meet some new people and perhaps they could help her with all she needed to know about Paris? "Alright, they can help me learn more about Paris and how to find my family right?" She asked curiously, leaning forward.

Rolando smiled fondly at her question. She was hoping she had asked that. "Indeed, they can help you learn all you need to know and as Vincent has suggested, teach you how to be a fine lady in such a regal city." He was pretty happy to see his family again. He hadn't seen them in fifteen years, which was indeed a long time.

He paused for a moment, taking a drink out of his canteen he had gotten on their journey. "Then you can meet Stella. That is the first place we are going when we get there. Her house is just on the outskirts of the magnificent city." He was so happy to see the girl he loves with his whole heart.

Vincent sat down beside Risa and nudged her shoulder. He had a thought that popped into his head and he gave her a sly smile. "Perhaps you could pass off as a duchess of something with Stella and then get to meet the Count and Countess Rosenberg." He smoothly tried to make his voice as light and playful as he could.

Risa looked over at Vincent and raised an eyebrow at what he had said. She couldn't tell if he was joking or not. He couldn't have been serious, could he? "What do you mean? I am not going to be passed off as a Duchess and meet the Count and Countess. I am blessed if I can meet Stella alone." She pointed out.

Vincent rolled his eyes at what she had just said. "Risa, darling that is not what I mean. I was joking. I wasn't serious. Just fancy me for a moment, think that maybe you could be royalty. You could be the Duchess, perhaps Stella may recognize you, and bam, you found your family." He exclaimed pretty proudly of himself.

Risa was so lost she had no idea what he was getting at. "I have no idea what you mean Vincent. Yes, that would be easy but that is too cliche and I doubt that could happen for me. Why would she recognize me? I am an orphan, I know nothing of my past or family, the only thing I have is this pocket watch." She said, holding it up and shoving it in his face.

Rolando couldn't believe he was still trying to find a way to make her the Duchess so he can get the reward money. "Vincent, I know what you are implying. Very few of these watches were ever made, and I was there when Persia gave it to Clarissa. I overheard some palace staff saying how popular that pocket watch design was and many were getting it. Just because they also had a similar pocket watch doesn't mean anything." He was trying to be reasonable with Vincent.

Risa looked at her pocket watch and ran her thumb over the words engraved on it. "So, by this, you think I could be this long-lost Duchess? The Duchess, Clarissa that you keep going on and on about?" She had no idea how to react to this news. She just couldn't fathom that would be true.

Vincent clicked his tongue and pouted finger guns at her. "You are quite smart. Indeed, you could be the long-lost Duchess Clarissa. You look like a young version of her mother. How can you not see the similarity! I see it, why can't you? Just think you could be royalty and have a family." He really would do anything for that money, even if it meant insisting that Risa pretend to be her.

Rolando gave that young boy a death glare at what he was saying and stood up, dragging the boy away from Risa. "Vincent, you are giving her false hope that she is the Duchess and it would break the heart of the Count and Countless to hear that she isn't her and would be worse for her if they find out they were tricked." He frowned, narrowing his eyes at him. "Besides, there is no proof either way, plus it isn't right to speculate about something so personal as that."

Vincent rolled his eyes and huffed at what Rolando had said. "You have said once or twice that she could be her. You have a feeling she is the lost long Duchess." He pointed out with a smile on his lips and bright eyes. "I am simply just pointing it out. Putting it out in the universe. Risa can think upon it over time." He shrugged gently.

Rolando shook his head, that was just a feeling, it wasn't a fact. They had no proof of anything. Yes, he had a feeling but a feeling wasn't proof. "It isn't a fact. She knows nothing about her past. Perhaps I could ask Stella to ask a few questions to see if that will help Risa recall anything from her past -" He tried to explain to Vincent but was cut off.

Vincent quickly cut off Rolando, that was what he was wanting to hear. "Great, you can ask Stella to ask her questions and see if she can answer then with anything she knows. She may know things but only thinks they are dreams." He could see how foolproof this could be and if she did answer anything correctly then there you had it. Then the money would be his.

Rolando shook his head and pursed his lips looking back at Risa before at Vincent. "You will not say any more about this. It will just question, and we will not say she is the Duchess since even dreams can not be trustworthy." He pointed his finger at the boy. He wasn't going to have him back to his con-man ways.

Vincent sighed with a nod, at least it was something and he truly hoped he could secretly help her learn. "Fine, I can agree to that." He put his hands up in defeat but still had the little plan of his no doubt. He would make sure he carried on about it no matter what.

Rolando walked over to Vincent and grabbed the bags taking in a deep breath of this cold weather. Now that was out of the way they could finally move on and get to his parent's house. "Come now Risa, the sooner we get to my parent's house, the sooner we can have a nice hot lunch." He said with a smile on his lips.

Soon the group was walking once again, towards the outskirts of town to where his family lived, in his childhood home still. The way was beautiful, even in the winter, a bit cold yes, it had just rained hours before. The path was a bit muddy and they had to be careful where they stepped.


After what felt like hours, which was only a half-hour, they were getting close to Rolando's childhood home. After the previous weeks of travel, settling down for a few days would do so much. "How much farther?" Risa asked, feeling like she could face plant into the mud and fall right asleep.

Rolando looked back at the girl, stopping and waiting for her to catch up. "Not much, just a few more miles." He said, pointing up the road before starting to walk once again when she had caught up to him. His heart was filled with anticipation. He was finally getting to see his parents again after so many years of not seeing them. The last time he saw them was a few months before the attack on the palace.

Risa groaned watching where she stepped as she held her dog and her suitcase in her hand. The snow had melted a bit and made a muddy mess in the dirt road. "You said that every time I asked." She pouted, feeling so exhausted. Who knew in a month and two weeks all that could happen. If she had known all that would have happened she wouldn't have gone.

Vincent glanced over at Risa, annoyed with her constant whining. Could she ever just not complain? He wondered if she was this way in the orphanage. "Well, he would stop giving you the same answer if you'd stop asking the same question." He shot at her, narrowing his eyes. He couldn't believe she was still asking that, and she had asked it at least fifteen times just this day. Yes, he had kept score.

Risa rolled her eyes, something the two of them did with each other. You would think with all the eye-rolling she did she would have a headache. "Did you ever find the book?" She asked trying to move away from the subject and to something that had just hit her; she hadn't thought of the whole way here.

Vincent groaned, he was hoping she wouldn't have asked. He had hoped she had forgotten about that hurt no, she had not. Now he had to admit what he truly didn't. "Surprisingly yes it was at the bottom of the bag. Seems I have a hole and somehow it slipped under there and I didn't notice it was there or something." He replied not wanting to apologize for blaming her.

Risa was pretty happy with what he had just admitted. So she hadn't done anything with it. She was telling the truth and had no reason to lie about a stupid book. "Oh, so I didn't do anything with it. I think I deserve an apology." She stuck her nose up in the air, waiting for him to apologize for blaming her over the issue.

Vincent bit his tongue from saying anything harsh to the girl and gave in. He didn't want to apologize but the glances he was getting from Rolando, he knew what he must do. "No you didn't and I'm sorry for blaming you for losing it." He mumbled out, giving an unhappy look down at the ground since he was not going to look back at Risa any time soon.

Risa felt a little bit of pride but was not one to keep it for a long time. He only apologized because of the look Rolando was giving him not that he meant it. Either way though, it was better than nothing. "I accept your apology and I shouldn't have gotten mad and blown up in your face, so I am sorry for acting the way I did." She knew she needed to apologize for that.

Risa, Rolando, and Vincent soon came upon a quaint two-story white house with baby blue shutters and a matching door, a wraparound veranda, and flowers around the house. It seemed to be something out of a painting, and against all the brick houses, it stood out. it was perfectly unreal, and Risa wondered how they were able to do such a thing with a house.

An older woman peeked through the curtains of that beautiful house, and a smile graced her lips. As she exited the house her gray hair was falling out of its messy bun it was in. Her olive-green eyes were bright behind her thick round glasses. "Oh, Rolando. I've missed you so much. It's been too long and look at you." She hugged him tightly, holding his cheeks in her hand.

Rolando smiled at his mother, Marie, hugging her back. She hadn't changed a bit since he last saw her and yes eleven years was a long time. "Hello mother, it has been a long time and I am truly sorry. I have been really busy but I am here now." He began then looked back at the two young adults. "Oh, this is Vincent and Risa, with her dog Loyal."

The moment Marie laid eyes on Risa, she was at a loss for words as she looked at her and walked closer. "Oh my, you do look an awful lot like Persia did when she was your age. I should know, Persia was like a second daughter to me, Baretta was my best friend. Unfortunately, we grew apart over time and our lives moved in different directions." She smiled fondly at the memory.

Risa blushed just a little and pushed her hair behind her ear. "I have been told I look an awful lot like her. Though I am sure it is just a mere coincidence. It is the greatest form of flattery to me to look similar to the late queen." She wished people would stop bringing it up, it made her feel uncomfortable.

Marie nodded before beckoning them to follow her. "Come come, I shall let you guys get cleaned up, changed, and in the meantime make a hot meal for you guys." She said seeing they looked like they had been through everything.

Rolando explained all they had gone through as they walked inside the house. From the moment they met Risa until known as they were at the doorstep. He tried to be as vague as possible as he explained everything leaving nothing important out, but not telling them all the trouble they had gone through. That would make his parents worry or all of a sudden get overprotective, which he did not want to happen.

After he was done, everyone had gotten cleaned up and Risa had been given an old dress of Marie's since that fit her perfectly. It was a bit outdated, but it was beautiful, comfortable, and warm for this chilly weather. She couldn't have been more thankful, never having such a nice dress before.

An older man folded his newspaper and set it down on the table beside him, running a hand through his gray shorts and having his icy blue eyes focus solely on Risa. "I'm sure you're very glad that Rolando took you in and offered to help you find your family. I also heard from Vincent that you seem to be a grown-up version of the long-lost Duchess, which I can see why."

Risa looked at Rolando's father, Randolph, and frowned a tiny bit. "I am very grateful he had taken me in and offered to help find my family. I assure you I am not her. I am merely an orphan wishing to find her family. Never could I think I could be here, such a coincidence can't happen." She denied politely. She wished people would stop comparing her to the duchess.

Rolando glared over at Vincent, who just shrugged his shoulders. "Father, Risa does have a point. Looks don't matter, we all know genetics have a mind of their own. For right now we are focusing on following the leads of finding where her pocket watch was made." He explained, hoping that would make everyone drop the subject.

Marie peeked out from the kitchen as she was making lunch for the trio and some food for Loyal. "My apologies Risa, I did not mean to hurt you in any way. I think we all miss royals and are doing everything to hold onto hope they somehow survived." She sighed going back to cooking.

Randolph stood up and walked over to the bookshelf, pulling three encyclopedias off the shelf. "After you have a full stomach, you will be using this book and we shall begin our lessons on making you into a notable lady of society." He smiled, setting them on the coffee table.

Risa looked at the books, how would they help her with becoming a notable lady of society? She lifted one of the overs of the books and glanced at the words written. "What am I going to do with encyclopedias? I'm not going to be made to read them am I? These say nothing about royalty but flowers." She closed the book back.

Randolph chuckled at her comment. She was so clueless about what these could be used for. He knew any normal person would be just as confused so he shook his head. "No, actually they're to place on our head to balance. It helps with good posture, grace while walking in the most regal way - my wife has said this many times before." He explained.

Risa rubbed the back of her neck and chewed on her lip. How on earth was she going to do that? It was heavy and thick. Her neck hurt just thinking about it. "Alright, please do note I am not the lightest on my feet and have been known to fall over." She pointed out, pushing her hair behind her ear.

Marie set the table with the plates and bowls of lunch. "Come, come, time to eat and fill those stomachs of yours." She said setting down a bowl with food for Loyal. "I couldn't forget about you, you're such a cute little puppy." She cooed, giving Loyal a few little pats on her head.

If Loyal could blush she would have blushed. She always loved when people would tell her how cute she was. What animal didn't love to be praised for anything? "Thank you, it looks great!" She exclaimed before digging into her food. It was warm and delicious, oh how she had missed food that was purely made for dogs. Table straps did not hit the spot but it was something to fill her stomach.

After the trio had filled their stomachs full of delicious food, they all relaxed in the living room. They had to let their food digest and when it had, Marie was focused on helping teach Risa all that was needed to know about being a lady. It would take some time but she knew she could manage in the few days she stayed here.

The elderly woman had just as must spunk as she had when she was younger. She had Risa stand in front of her and then clapped her hands. "Now, dear, first thing's first: stand up straight, shoulders back, head up and tummy in." She commanded the girl to do it, placing her hand on the places she had spoken to show Risa how it was to be done.

Risa did all she said but had a hard time keeping it all happening at the same time. She had to admit that the position she was in was a little uncomfortable. "Marie, I am not sure this is going to work." She said, her voice held nervousness. Never before she had ever done such a thing and it felt so uncomfortable.

Marie hummed and noted what Risa had said. A lot of people didn't think it would work considering it took time and perfect balance and pose. "Yes, yes Risa, I know but you can do this. Now walk, however, keep one in front of the other. Toe to heel and heel to toe. Don't think too much into it." She explained stepping off to the side and watching Risa.

Risa was rather impressed she was doing it and indeed she was not thinking about it. At least all her focus was on all of that. She hoped by the end of this time here she could at least pass as a notable lady of society. "I'm doing it." She exclaimed happily pretty proud of herself for what she had accomplished.

Marie was impressed she was such a fast learner. "Now slowly turn your head side to side with a wave. Keep your hand closed and just turn your hand at the wrist along with a soft smile." She instructed Risa, following along with her to show her what she should do.

Risa took a deep breath and followed what Marie had told her. She gave a soft smile as she waved her hand, keeping her fingers together and only moving her wrist. At first, it was a bit awkward, but as the minutes rolled on, she thought she was getting the hang of it. "Like this Marie?" She asked, glancing out of the side of her eye at the older woman.

Marie smiled and nodded her head, she was learning quickly. She was glad since they would be only staying a few days before setting off for Paris. "Indeed dear, now pivot around slowly and walk back to Randolph so we can put one encyclopedia on your head. This may be a little trickier and I am probably doing this prematurely, but we can still try." She tucked her hands into her apron pockets.

Risa pivoted around but lost her balance and fell on the floor. She groaned but got up and went to pivot again, this time going slower. She did wobble a bit but she kept up as she walked back to Randolph, who placed the book on top of her head. She took a few moments to try and keep it from falling off her head. Her hands were right beside the bookkeeping it from falling. "Whoa." She gasped as the book had almost fallen.

She stood up straight, kept her shoulders back, head up, and tummy as she began to walk slowly trying to not let the book fall off her head. She leaned a bit to the left and that was when the book fell onto the ground. She gasped and frowned. "Oh come on." She bent down and picked up the book placing it back on her head.

Marie gave the girl a soft look. She was trying her hardest which was more than most could say. "Try again, dear." She said softly, watching Risa attempt it all over again with coming back. She frowned gently when she watched the orphan girl tilt just a bit and the book fell right on the ground again. She could tell Risa was having a hard time.

Risa groaned and picked up the book and looked at it. "How am I going to learn this in a day or so? Why did I agree to this? I'm a failure! I'll never get this down and become a notable lady of society and I'll never find my family." She said setting the book down on the coffee table and sitting on the couch.

Marie got up and walked over to the girl sitting down beside him. "Practice makes perfect. You've just gotta keep trying. Picasso never painted a masterpiece the first time he painted or Auguste Rodin never sculpted The Thinker the first time nor The Age Of Bronze either. It takes time." She rubbed her back. She hoped that made her feel a bit better.

Risa had her elbows resting on her lap and her head resting in her hands. "If I can't do something this simple, perhaps I will never get it right. I'm not a natural at anything but a natural klutz, that is the only thing I am beside an orphan nobody." She sighed. She was having trouble finding confidence. She was just going to be another uncultured tourist whom natives found repugnant.

Marie gave her a gentle smile. "Let me tell you something: When the royals ruled Frontrance their oldest daughter, Princess Clarissa wasn't the good girl everyone claims she was. She got into a lot of trouble and she wasn't the best listener though she never disobeyed her parents. She was far from what would call a notable lady of society." She could recall being told that by Baretta.

Risa looked up at her. She couldn't believe that a girl who was raised in royalty could act in such away. It was unfathomable to her. "Well, if she was a princess and wasn't anything like a lady then perhaps I shouldn't hate myself for messing up so many times." She mused with a little sigh, leaning back against the back of the couch.

Marie gazed at the girl and stood up, gathering up the books. "We have a few days to help you learn a few things and you can practice when on the way to Paris. Soon, you will fit right in and no one - other than your accent - will think you didn't grow up here." She said, putting the encyclopedias back on the shelf with the many others.

Risa grabbed a pillow and cuddled it in her arms. "What if no one can find my family? That question has been playing in my mind since we left with a bunch of others. A part of me doesn't want to go through with this. I have made it too far to quit now." She mumbled with a frown.

Randolph looked over at the orphan girl and set down his newspaper. "Come now, Risa, at least you will get closure if you do find out what happened and if you don't ever stop searching." He pointed at her with his finger. He hated seeing her so torn up and from what Rolando had said, almost being killed various times doesn't help.

He then looked up at his son and picked up his teacup. "Oh, an old friend of mine said that all the Rosenberg royals excluding Risa is alive and going by a new name or something. I am not sure how factual it is, I have no reason to doubt this person."

Rolando's eyes widened and he couldn't help perking up. "Wait, you mean they all could have survived? I will ask Stella about that I am sure she would know since she is Persia's sister." Just the thought of hearing that his old friends could be alive made him feel so much better.

Randolph smiled gently when he saw how this made his son very happy. "It seemed they had some help escaping during the chaos. It also involved the oldest princess getting lost on their journey out of Canada." He replied.

Rolando could not believe his ears. He then paused, there was no need to be excited over something that could not be true. "Before I get too excited and set myself up for heartbreak, I will talk to Stella about it. I truly hope she is willing to tell me the truth about it and if she isn't, I understand."

Marie couldn't help but aw at her love-struck son. "She did a number on you, hasn't she? It just goes to show that love has no age, and you two are adorable. You two are what your father and I are still on occasion." She laughed softly at the mere thought they did fight a lot.

Randolph had to admit, they did fight a lot but it wasn't anything bad or got out of hand. "She is right. As I have gotten older I am a major grouch to everyone I see, even though I do try and be kind." He didn't know why he was so irritated, but he knew that he would do his best to not fight.

Risa yawned and covered her mouth before rubbing her eyes. "Marie, I hope you don't mind if I retire for the night? I know it is still pretty early, I am really tired. I haven't gotten any sleep on that train ride for a few days at a time." She asked gently.

Marie nodded and stood up, beckoning for Risa to follow her. "Or course did. If I had gone through all you did I would be terrified to sleep on a train or even a ship. I have a spare bedroom for you to use. It is right here." She said walking down the hall and into a small room.

Risa followed behind her and when she entered the room, it was a cute little place. "Thank you, Marie, and thank your husband for putting my suitcase in her as well." She smiled, taking off her shoes and picking up the nightdress Marie had laid on the bed.

Marie smiled pushing some loose hair behind her ear. "I will tell him that. You get to keep that nightdress, it is my gift for you and since I know you don't have that many clothes, the dress you are wearing you can keep." She told her gently.

Risa watched as she left the room and she changed into the nightdress before putting away the dress she had been given in her suitcase. She had never had such a nice thing, as far as she could recall. She was so happy that they were so kind and welcoming to her.

She crawled into bed and snuggled under the sheets and comforter, so nice and warm. This was a huge step up from the bed she grew up on in the orphanage, the bed on the ship, the seats on the train, and the inns they had stayed in on their way here. She knew that these few days she needed to focus on the task at hand so when she met Stella she would make a good impression on the girl.


Whoop, another chapter in less than a week. Am I on a roll? Why yes, yes I am. I figured I should focus on this and get as many chapters as I can edit down this month. September will be the month of Finding Home.  However I may give in and finish a chapter of The Royal Charm Academy which is half done.

Chapter talk:
So, it has been a whole month and two weeks give or take a few days since Risa left Canada. As you can see I did do major time skips and only briefly said what had happened during that time. There is no use in boring you with useless things that have no major effect in the story.

We also got to see Rolando's parents who are in their late 70s almost 80s, since he is only in his mid 40s. I loved these two people, they were some of my favorite minor characters to write. You will get to see them more often in the coming chapters, but for various reasons and perhaps not entirely in person.

And lastly, anything else I forgot to ask away my pals. I am happy to answer anything!

In closing, all rude, impolite and mean comments will be replied to in a diplomatic way, reported or deleted if I feel like it is attacking me personally.

Thanks for reading!

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