ErrorInk:To Be Enemies Or Not...

By HappyWriter62

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It's an ErrorInk story. Ink gets taken and Error helps. Will this change their enemy-ship? Read to find out... More

Chapter One:The Missing Ink
Chapter 2: A Clue!
Chapter 3: Finding Ink
Chapter 4: Bonding In the Void!
Chapter 5: Dreams can Get in the Way.
Chapter 6: The Roles Have Swapped.
Chapter 7: A Trip to OuterTale
Chapter 8: Nightmare.
Chapter 9: Nicknames
Chapter 10: The Setup
Chapter 11: The Figure.
Chapter 12: Jealousy
Chapter 13:Brother and his Tricks!
Chapter 14: The Deals!
Chapter 15: Ink!
Chapter 16:Error!
Chapter 17: Tiny!
Chapter 18: A Birthday Scar
Chapter 19: Hearts and Heartbreak
Chapter 20: Torn
Chapter 21: Together
Chapter 22: Ending Chaos
Chapter 23: Cracks and Siblings
Chapter 24:A New Start
Chapter 25: Not Another One!
Chapter 26:Forget or Not Forget
Chapter 27: Swap!
Chapter 28: Renew and Change
Chapter 29: Free!
Chapter 30: Love
Chapter 31: New buds
Chapter 32: Tricks and Fakes
Chapter 33:Weakness
Chapter 34: Strength
Chapter 35: Pirates and Theft
Chapter 36:Changes!
Chapter 37: Scattered
Chapter 38: Regroup!
Chapter 39: Away Again
Chapter 40:Trouble, Trouble and more Trouble!
Chapter 41: Tiny Error and Forests
Chapter 42:
Chapter 43:Palette?
Chapter 44: Goth!
Chapter 46:Blue!
Chapter 47:Joining Change
Chapter 48:Memory
Chapter 49:Promise Me...
Chapter 50: Raven!
Chapter 51:Overprotective
Chapter 52:Rescue and Reunite
Chapter 53:Tasks and Rivers
Chapter 54:Travel
Chapter 55: Experiments.
Chapter 56:Run!
Art area
Chapter 57: Arrows to the Point
Chapter 58: We have a Situation!
Chapter 59:💧👇✋💀🏳️
Chapter 60:Geno....
Chapter 61:....Is Gone
Chapter 62:Found By a Friend.
Chapter 63:Taking a Friend's Advice
Chapter 64: If You Love Him....
Chapter 65:....You *Let Him Go.
Chapter 66: Hold Him Close
Chapter 67:Silent Love
Chapter 68:Clues and Hobbies
Chapter 69:Brother!
Chapter 69.5:You Idiot!
Chapter 70: Code Thief
Chapter 71:Big Boom
Small announcement
Chapter 72:Mix Up!
Chapter 73:My World!
Chapter 74:Reaper?
Chapter 75:Where You Belong
Chapter 76:New Home and Goodbyes
Chapter 77:It's Time
Chapter 78:It's only the beginning
Chapter 79:Big Bear
Chapter 80:Love and Recruits
Chapter 81: Seriously?
Chapter 82: Where is He?
Chapter 83: I'm here!
Chapter 84:Dameon!
Chapter 85:Ohana means...
Chapter 86: Just a Knock Away
Chapter 87:Talk and Go!
Chapter 88:Protection
Chapter 89: Love you
Chapter 90: No More Nice Guy
Chapter 91:No...
Chapter 92:Reborn
Chapter 93: Papa...
Chapter 94:Break!
Chapter 95:Fear
Chapter 96:The Wall
Chapter 97:You're Welcome
Chapter 98: Burn
Chapter 99:Puppets and Hourglasses

Chapter 45:Dream :3

626 22 78
By HappyWriter62

Palette and I soon reach a strange place. It had snow littering the ground or building roofs. A sign said "Welcome to Snowdin". We wander around curiously. It's been a while since I've been to one of these classics. I was now in front of a building that said Grillby's. I was shoulders deep in the snow. I look around. The thread shows that Palette was by the Welcome sign still. I shrug and decide to go inside. The place was empty, besides Grillby at the counter. The bell rings above the door just before it shuts. Grillby looks up from cleaning the counter. He doesn't seem to see me.

"Sans? Are you here to pay your tab? This joke isn't nice."Grillby says

I stay silent. I stay out of sight. Grillby sighs and puts a container of ketchup on the counter, then returns to work. I take the chance to teleport out of the place before Grillby saw. I can't mess with the timeline. I find myself buried in the snow due to my size. A pain grows in my head so I shut my eyes. When I open them, I was above the snow. I grew back! But when I feel for the thread, it was gone. I look around, unable to see the thread anywhere. I get up quickly and look around. I see Monster Kid with another monster without arms, most likely their parent. Monster Kid looks at me and an awe-struck expression came across his face.

"Mommy! Mommy! Look! Who's that? I've never seen someone like them before! They're one-eyed like Undyne!"Monster Kid says

The mother looks at me and frowns. She narrows her eyes, then widens them. She quickly nudges Monster Kid along, muttering things to him. I quickly feel uncomfortable and raise my hood back up. I feel something different on my head. I don't investigate yet. Too out in the open. I just tug my hood lower over my head to hide whatever was different. I run to the welcome sign to find Palette. He was nowhere in sight. Panic hit me. I look around.I start running.

"Palette? Palette? Palette? Palette! Where are you? Palette?"I yell, running around in search of him

I couldn't hear him. Then, I do once I leave Snowdin, through the forest trails. I look over my shoulder. I don't see him. But I hear him.

"Goth? Gothy? Gothy! Where are you? You gotta be around here somewhere!"Palette shouts

"Palette! I can hear you! I'm coming!"I call out

I look ahead just in time to see Palette running to me. He was looking over his shoulder and before either of us could react, we collided. This caused me to fall back while it only made Palette stop. I land on the ground, my hands holding me up behind me. I look up at him. He looks at me. He smiles and gets down to his knees, his scarf in his arms. He looks at me nervously.

"Now I get why the thread came off! Gothy, I'm so glad you're okay!"Palette cheers

"Heh, ya....Sorry for running into you. I was getting worried about you."I say

"It's okay. I was d-doing the same."Palette tells me

"Makes sense. Based on our situation and all."I say

"Uh-huh....Sure does."Palette nervously says

I notice his gaze keeps going slightly above me. He seemed very nervous, though was smiling slightly. I look at him, confused. I look behind me to see if there was anything. Nope. Nothing but the trail and trees behind me. I look back at him, even more confused.

"Is something wrong? You seem uneasy."I ask

"Yep, just fine....Just another one of those chemical effects seem to be in action."He replies

"What do you mean?"I ask

"You have animal ears...."Palette says

My eye light shrinks. I feel my face warm up extremely fast.

"A-Animal ears?"I echo

"Ya. Kinda like how PJ says Ink or Error had 'em. Guess he was telling the truth. Hopefully you don't turn into a full cat though..."Palette says

"Is that what happened with them?"I ask

"According to PJ, yes. But maybe it won't happen. Though I promise to protect you even if it does."Palette tells me

"Are you serious? Oh my stars why did Science even let these chemicals exist? I hate these chemicals!"I mutter

"I think now they're just making the chemicals from scratch."Palette says

"As if that's any better! They are destroying the multiverse after all!"I say

"True....Would this be a bad time to say that you look cute with those ears?"Palette asks, rubbing the back of his head

"Palette! You're just finding whatever these chemicals cause 'cute'!"I reply, pulling my hood over my face

"I'm sorry. You just pull it off well."Palette tells me

"Uh-huh. Sure."I say sarcastically

Palette smiles at me and I just tug my hood lower. I hold my hood down, feeling my face brightly burn. He's so nice....and his smile is cute.....What can I even do? A silence comes over us. I find interest in the snowy ground or the inside of my hood. I don't know what Palette is doing. But then, I feel two hands rest on my shoulders, having a soft grip. It still makes me jump. I look to see Palette in front of me, seeming a bit panicked.

"Are you okay?"He asks

"Ya, I guess. Why?"I reply

"I think this AU has a lot more Floweys than usual. His 'Friendliness pellets' kept hitting you."Palette tells me

I check my hp. It hasn't changed. This perplexes me. I look around, but see not a single Flowey anywhere. I look at him. Was he serious?

"What do you mean?"I ask

"Let's go before another round comes."Palette says, not answering the question

He stands up and runs down the trail. I run after him, worried now. Can't let him leave my sights. I see him dash behind a tree, so I follow. He sits down against the tree, so I sit beside him.

"Ok, now what are you talking about?" I say

"Wait! You're not covered by the tree. Come."Palette tells me, pulling me closer to him

He wraps his arms around me protectively. I look at him confusedly. Was the attack, that I didn't feel or know about, that bad? He looks around, completely alert and looking for the slightest bit of a threat. He looks at me and smiles. He then looks up and his eye lights shrink.

"Oh come on."He says

I feel his grip tightening on me. I gaze up to see snow gently falling from the tree in little flakes or bits. I smile. We weren't in danger, though I can see why he thought we were. I reach out, attempting to catch the falling snow.

"Relax, it's just snow." I tell him

"Oh, whoops."He says

The snow slips right off my hands softly. We were indeed safe. I smile and chuckle a bit even.

"Oh no! Mother Nature is attacking us with the snow cycle! Better go run and hide in the forest and blame it on Flowey!"I tease with sarcasm

"Hey! This situation got me tense! I'm sorry for the mistake!"Palette exclaims, his face glowing bright

"Heh, it's ok. Thank you for looking out for me, mistake or not. You're very nice."I purr

"D-Did you just purr?"Palette asks

My face ignites again.

"Noo?"I lie, though uncertain if he will believe me

"Ah, alright!"Palette says with a smile

I sigh with relief. The snow comes softly and swiftly down. It was quiet and peaceful. I smile, looking up at Palette behind me. His grip loosens and he smiles back. His face was consumed in the bright glow.

"So where should we go from here?"I ask

"Well, I think we should-"Palette begins, but cuts himself off

There was rustling suddenly coming from nearby bushes. Palette gets up, slowly inching towards it. He keeps me behind him, blocking me with his arm. He summons his roller and pokes the bush. The bush stops rustling.

"It's probably just an animal, Palette. Leave it alone."I suggest

Palette nods and steps away from the bush. Something swoops down in front of my face, catching me off guard. I jump back but do not yell in surprise.

"Hi, Goth!"Ink cheers

Ink hangs from a tree branch upside down, his scarf tying him to the branch. He smiles and seems ok with the situation.

"Hi, Ink. What are you doing here?"I ask

"What do you mean? I've been here the whole time. Can't get far with my scarf stuck. Well, ever since you went missing that is."Ink replies

"Ink, please explain."Palette says, coming beside me

"Hmm, well. Ok. I saw Goth getting taken by Fresh and began climbing up to stop him. Something hit me and next thing I know, I'm here. It's been quite boring and tense without knowing what's happening elsewhere.Then you both showed up."Ink explains

"But I saw you with Error before I went to get Goth..."Palette says

"That wasn't me, then."Ink states

"No wonder you didn't have any eye lights or ink mark on your face! Wait....But that means.....ERROR, E!PAP, SPRINKLE and possibly your brother or others are with an imposter! Shoot!"Palette exclaims

I get Ink down quickly. We each look at each other, panicked. We discuss it with each for a few minutes before concluding that we couldn't help or fix the situation and couldn't go back. No ability, no brush, no transportation.

"We should regroup though. There are others still lost."Ink says

"Geno and Reaper sensed some of our friends in this AU. And I can sense two of them nearby as well. Maybe we should go find them!"Palette suggests.

"Oh! I knew I sensed others! I know where they are as well! Follow me! I saw them go this way!"Ink cheers, running back to Snowdin

Palette follows after him with a chill stroll. I begin to do the same but I feel a hand grip my arm tightly and pull me back. I yelp and look to see a displeasing presence. Fell!Palette. He smirks.

"We just can't stop running into each other, can we?"He says in a taunting tone

"Actually, you pulled me back. You forced the encounter. Now let me go!"I snap at him, trying to tear free.

"Nah, I don't feel like it. Not at the moment at least. I can't find my Goth anywhere anyway."Fell!Palette says

"Well clearly you didn't learn from last time. Otherwise you would've backed off! Now, do that right now and leave Gothy alone!"Palette growls, running over

I stomp on Fell!Palette's foot and he releases me. Palette grabs me and pulls me beside him. I smile, grabbing his arm. I feel better with him than anyone.

"Hey. Let me have my fun. I can't find my Goth."Fell!Palette says

"Doesn't mean you steal another one and be lazy! You should search for them!"Palette snaps

"And who made you the boss of me?"Fell!Palette asks

"Well who made ya the center of the universe where you can do whatever whenever to whoever you want? That's right! Nobody! So back off!"Palette responds

The two begin to argue. Palette releases me, but made sure I was a good distance away from Fell!Palette. The two argue and argue, barking at each other angrily. I couldn't get a word in and Palette kept me from coming between the growing fight. I was accompanied soon enough, though.

"So, you're the Goth that he's bothering this time. Interesting. An original Goth. Huh."A voice says

I look to my right to see another me, though with darker clothes. I assume it is Fell!Goth. I nod.

"I'm guessing you're Fell!Goth if you know him. He bothers you as well?"I say

"Yep, that's me. He sure does. And trust me, you're not the first today or any day that I have to break him from fighting. Is that your Palette?"He says

"Yes. He is."I tell him

"He seems nice. And protective of you. Is that normal?"F!Goth says

"He really is. It seems based on the situation it depends. But he gets like this around your Palette the most."I state

"The jealousy fuel. That's new. But I bet he is as smart as mine, which isn't much."He claims

I narrow my eyes.

"I can assure you that he is smart, so if that was attempt to call him stupid, ya fail."I tell him

"Okay, well, I'm gonna say hi!"F!Goth says

Fell!Goth comes between the two Palettes. He shuts his up and apologizes to Palette for the trouble. I notice he lowers his hood while speaking to Palette. Palette smiles. He assures Fell!Goth that it was okay, as long as nobody was hurt. This seems to catch the other me's attention.

"You don't hurt your Goth, do you?"He asks

"Stars no! I would never! Every Goth deserves love, respect, and security. No matter the AU. And that includes you too. So don't let this Palette treat you any less nice than others. Ok?"Palette says

Palette reaches out and pats his head. Fell!Goth smiles, chuckling.

"Hehe. Ok."He says

Fell!Palette does not seem happy. He runs out of sight. While he was gone, the three of us chat. I warn Fell!Goth about Renew or E!Gaster and what has happened. Better safe than sorry. He listens carefully before nodding, thanking us for the information.

"He seemed hostile. Would he have done what he threatened to?"Palette asks

"Not to you at least. If he killed you, he would die as wel due to being another you. He's not that much of an idiot."Fell!Goth replies

I nod.

Then, I feel a tap on the shoulder from behind. I turn and there stands Fell!Palette. He shovrs a golden flower to me. I step back, confusedly shocked

"I'm sorry for how I acted. Take it. As. An. A-A-Apology. Gift."He says, though struggles to speak as if he's never apologized before

"Where'd you get this?" I ask

"From some golden dude's flower crown in Waterfall. Just take it."He replies

I hesitantly take it. I tuck it behind my back and send it away, knowing the true meaning of the gift and wasn't interested. Plus, what if he did something to it? Fell!Goth frowns and drags him away, saying goodbye. Palette comes close to me. I smile at him. I hold his hand, then see his face light up. We continue to head to wherever Ink went, only to find him waiting for us at the entrance to Snowdin.

"What took you so long?"Ink asks

"We had an encounter that consumed some time. Let's just go."Palette replies

"Ok."Ink says

We walk all the way through Snowdin to Waterfall. I feel like this was too much of a coincedince. I remember what Fell!Palette said. I see up ahead two figures, both with what seems to be flower crowns. One of them had a flower crown of yellow flowers, like the one given to me, wearing golden shaded clothes. I was glad I got rid of the flower so that I may not get the trouble or blame, if any.

"That's Dream and Cross!"Palette exclaims, surging forward

"Wait, let's see where this goes."Ink says, blocking him

Palette and I look at each other. I shrug and he nods. We sit down in the tall grass, like Frisk during Papyrus and Undyne's chat. I know how this may go so I get out a deck of cards. We listen in, though.

"Cross, where are we now?"Dream asks

"We're in Waterfall right now."Cross replies

"Are we still getting chased?"Dream asks

"No, we're alone. We're safe."Cross says

"How can you tell?"Dream wonders

"Because I will always protect you."Cross says, leaning close with a friendly tone

I see more flowers grow in the flower crown on Dream as his face lights up. That's when I begin to wonder if that's even a flower crown.

"And why would you protect me?"Dream asks

"Because I love you, Dream."Cross says

"Y-You do? B-B-But-"Dream stutters

Cross was leaning closer to Dream, holding his hand. His eyes suddenly open and he glares upward.

"Shut up Chara! I know!"Cross snaps

I guess Cross!Chara said something to annoy him.

"Know what?"Dream wonders

"That it may seem stupid for me to like you. After everything I've done...."Cross tells him

"Ya, you did spread quite the negativity around. Destroying AUs with Nightmare's gang, erasing worlds, hurting Error, killing people...But...."Dream lists

"But what?"Cross asks

"You're not all that bad. You're also good. You've made friends, had fun and helped others. You still are, even you didn't have to. So it doesn't seem so stupid."Dream says

"Really?"Cross asks

"Really. Though, you still seem to be a liar. Exhibit A is right now. You said we are alone, but yet I sense others are nearby."Dream says

"WHAT? Who? Come on out!"Cross exclaims

There it is. I quickly shuffle the deck and give Palette some cards. I wink, lifting the cards to hint of my idea. He gets it and faces me. I place a stack of cards between us. We aren't getting into trouble with those two.

"I can sense positive thoughts coming from the tall grass."Dream says

"I'll go check. Stay here."Cross says

There was rustling in the grass and next I see is Cross pushing the grass aside. He sees each of us and looked displeased.

"What are you three doing here?"He asks

"Got any fives?"Palette asks

I look at my cards. Nope.

"Just a regular card game. Ink brought us here and he found ya. Go fish."I say

Palette takes a card from the deck.

"Ink! I don't know if I should be angry at you for ruining the moment and making me seem like a liar or to be overjoyed at seeing you! That's it, I'm mappy!"Cross says

"And Error says I make up weird words."Ink says with a roll of his eye lights

"Got any threes?"I ask

Palette hands me a card. I smirk I set the match beside me.

"Speaking of Error, where is he? He told me you were with him over the phone."Cross says

"He's with a fake. We had an encounter with you know who and got split up. Why do you say that?"Ink tells him

"Ah, ok. Error called me and said you were in horrible condition, hurt even. I got worried. But good to know I was spied on by friends with Dream."Cross says

We continue playing.

"UNO!"Palette cheers

"Wrong game, Palette." I chuckle

"Oh. Aw man."Palette says, realizing he's losing.

I look around curiously. I notice Dream was gone.

" Speaking of Dream, where is he? Wasn't he just here?" I ask

That catches all of their attention. Everyone looks around, finding him nowhere in sight. Cross begins to panic, and it doesn't help having Cross!Chara fuel his worry while Palette simply was trying to calm down, do the opposite. Ink gets up and begins wandering around curiously. Ink then waves his hands.

"He's over here!"Ink shouts

"Dream!"Cross cheers, running

"Huh?"Dream says, sitting up

"What were you doing? I told you to stay where you were!"Cross asks

"I was fighting off some attackers! What was I supposed to do? Blindly stand there and take it? Plus, I found some stuff!"Dream responds, lifting something up from the ground

It was Ink's original outfit. The one he's recognized for wearing. Folded into a nice little pile with a note on top. I take the note and read it. It said quote, "PHASE THREE: Step one-Switch Ink with robot copy. Step two-destroy some worlds. 3-Lead Ink's weakness to waterfall. 4-Kill Dream or corrupt others. 5-Vandalize clothes in this pile to fake Ink's death. 6-Leave weakness with Ink's clothes, then manipulate him to destroy with us. 7-Find Ink and Error's friends or family and destroy them. 8-Kill traitor that is sister Change. 9-Renew the multiverse!(Pun not intended) 10-cookie break :3"

We each look at each other. Cross hugs Dream close. Ink takes his phone out and dials a number. He said that he had to warn Error. I smile. Ink was doing the right thing. Surely Error will recognize the real from the fake. Surely he will believe Ink and listen to the warning. Surely Error would! I stand beside Ink, Palette gathering the cards and trying to contact Sprinkle. I hear someone answer Ink's call.

"HeLlo?"Error says

"Hey Glitchy!~"Ink greets with a loving tone, a smile coming to his face.

The biggest one I've seen from him this whole time.

"Oh iT's GliTcHY nOw hUh? WhAt EvEr hApPeNeD tO gLiTcH oR iDiOt or piEcE oF mUlTiVeRsE gaRbaGe, huh? YoU rEalLy hAve iSsUeS laTelY, InK."Error snaps

I was shocked. This bonehead actually thinks it's Ink? And that he did all that?

"Glitchy, I-"Ink begins

"HoW aRe yOu eVeN cAlLiNg? YoU sAiD yA lOsT yOuR pHonE! I bEt tHaT wAs a LiE! Or, yOu'Re jUst sOmE sTuPiD bOnEhEad! A bOnEheAd tHaT shOuLd nEvEr eXisT! BecAusE iF I'M gArBaGe, yOu aRe toO!"Error growls

"B-But, Glitchy-"Ink objects, confusion and taken offense shown on his face

I won't stand by and let this unfold. I tap Ink on the shoulder. He looks at me.

"Ink, let me speak to him. I'll explain it to him. You just get your clothes back and figure out what happened to Dream."I tell him

Ink nods and hands me the phone. I hold it as he takes his clothes and takes a few steps away, sitting down. He stares at the ground, lost in tought I bet. I left the phone to my face.

"Hello?"I call

"WhO iS tHiS?"Error asks

"This is Goth speaking. Is this the boneheaded idiot Error or Ink's Glitchy speaking?"I reply

"Oh sO nOw I'm aN idIoT aNd a bOnEheAd tO yOu tOo hUh? WhaT eVeN haPpEnEd tO yOu, GoTh? We wErE sO wO-"Error begins

"Don't you dare go on a rant and change the subject. From what I heard just now and see, you make it hard not to call you an idiot. The explanation of me is for another time. Now, let's focus on how you treated Ink!"I snap

"....HoW tHe hElL iS hE wiTh yOu?"Error asks

"Oh! Like you'd like to know! You just insulted him for things he did not do and now you want to know where he is? I'm sorry but do you even know what you've done?"I snarl

"YeS. I dO. I fOolEd a fAkE InK aNd sCaReD tHeM oFF oVeR tHe pHonE."Error says

"Oh, funny you should say that, Error! Because little do you know that while I was being taken away, so was Ink. Except he was replaced with a fake."I state

"He wAs?"Error asks

"Oh my stars...E!Pap was telling the can be so clueless sometimes."I sigh in annoyance

"WhAt dO yOu mEaN?"Error inquiries

"Remember the time you first encountered E!Gaster. Moments before, E!Pap saved you from a fake Ink. A copy of him. You had no clue it was a fake and you still don't this time it seems. Error, the copy is with you. The copy said those things. Not Ink. Has he ever done it before? No! Because he loved you! I thought after the copy called you those things that you would realize it was a fake! But clearly you didn't!"I explain

"....I sImPlY dId CodE 55C. I kNeW tHe wHoLe tImE."Error lies

"Well, in case you haven't noticed, none of us can read minds you idiot! And you gave no clue of knowing! Plus, your lie would've been more believeable if not for the pause. Plus, Dream showed me the handbook. Code 55C doesn't exist. Would you like to try again? With the truth, maybe? Mr Glitchfaced idiot?"I state

"...H-HoW's InKy dOiNg?"Error asks

"Oh so now you believe us! Now he's Inky! And to answer your question..."I bark

I look over at Ink. His expression only angered me even more. He looked heartbroken, saddened, put down, however you want to put it. He looked ready to cry.

"Happy as can be, best day of his life. Not! He's emotionally broken! He is hurt and upset! Like anyone would be when the person they love tells them that they shouldn't exist! Especially when that someone had called the person to warn them and keep them from falling for a trap! What do you expect me to answer with?!"I say sarcastically

"WaiT, hE wAs wArNiNg mE?"Error asks

"You would've known that if you let him speak! But no! You had to yell at him for no good reason instead of calmly examining the situation and talking to him like a good friend does. You got some issues to fix, Error. Big time. And if I learn that you do anything else that could break Ink, I will personally put you on my father's list and do the job. Y-"I snap

"Hey, Goth! I got a message from Sprinkle! Look!"Palette says, showing his phone to me

I frown. Oh, Error is in a deep hole now! That idiot!

I lower the phone.

"Delete that from your phone before he sees."I tell him

Palette nods and begins to work at his phone. I lift Ink's back up.

"So let me get this straight. While I was gone, you didn't notice Ink get replaced by a fake, kissed the fake, argued with them, insulted the real Ink over the phone all before talking to me now? Error, you better get yourself together and fix the problem you've made for yourself. Call you back when I hear you are doing it."I growl

"Goth, wa-"Error begins


I hang up. I tuck the phone away. Ink doesn't need to hear from him right now. Dream and Cross are talking of what to do. Palette is comforting Ink, who is on the edge between crying or not. We have to keep moving though. Surely Renew or E!Gaster will attack here again, so if we leave here we'll be safe. Cross at least seems to know this. He holds Dream close and calls us over. We come as told.

"Ok, let's get a move on. We don't know what we're up against and need to regroup. Let's get outta here and spend our time finding the others, shall we?"Cross says

I nod. Dream nods. Ink nods. Palette nods. We all begin to leave Waterfall. As we walk, Dream stopped in his tracks. Tears dripped or form beneath the flowers, which apparently were caused by a FlowerFell chemical. We all stop and look at him.

"This can't be possible..."Dream mutters

"What can't?"Ink asks

"Blue, as well as his brother, are alive. I can sense their psoitive vibes. Let's go to them!"Dream cheers

Ink looks shocked, but a smile comes to his face. That's just what he needed. A friend to be found. I smile, as does Cross and Palette. We nod. Dream grabs each of us and we teleport.

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