A Tear Frozen in Time

By moosesforgooses

79.9K 2.6K 758

Mo Yuan has returned from the chaos and into a world of extremes. Much has happened in his absence and as he... More

Dancing The Tears Away
Ice Queen
A Rush of Memories
What's in a Name?
The Summons
A Dark Horse
Leaders Meeting
The first Crack in the Ice
Private Dealings
His Beautiful Eyes
Crying in the Rain
A Special Meeting
Smug Rage
A Smile To Kill
A Tense Reunion.
Too Heated for Ice
The Talk
Two Meetings
Spells and Silk
A Proposition
The Final Decision
Little Clues
Third Wheel
Trial of Three
A Promise
The Final Decision
A Plan with a Purpose
A Plan
Her Broken Heart
Action - 1
Action - 2
Action -3
The Shattering
Rescue - 1
Rescue - 2
No Voice of Reason
A Peaceful Moment
Just Another War
A Tear Frozen in Time
True Peace
The First Tear
A Warmer Smile
Cutting Ties Cleanly
The End of an Era


917 34 7
By moosesforgooses

Waking to the bed moving beneath him, Guotins head flew off his pillow in a panic while his eyes quickly scanned every square inch of his chamber in under a second.  Untangling himself from his blanket which his conjured sword just as quickly sliced to pieces, the sudden heavy shudder of stone giving way, had him racing from the chamber and straight for Bai Qian with the thought that the den was under attack.

Also waking to the den shaking and the sound of rumbling masonry falling around her, Bai Qian let out a squeal as she too dove out of bed in a panic.  Also with her sword in hand, she immediately flew towards the main den with the same thought as Guotin.  That anyone would dare to attack the Fox Den with four High Gods in attendance along with her little niece who she could hear screaming, instantly had the adrenaline pumping and her anger soaring by the time she reached her mother who was also running for the main den along with Mi Gu who was issuing orders for everyone to evacuate as the thundering sound of the den falling apart grew louder.

"Mother, get out!" she screamed followed by Guotins voice yelling at her to also leave.

"My soldiers are above us, they will lead you to safety!" he roared as one hand took hold of her arm and the other took hold of her mother.

Turning to briefly stare at him, The Empress caught a flare of adrenaline in those dark eyes as they scanned their surroundings for an enemy which he was more than ready to attack should they make one foolish move towards them.  That he was so decisive and ready to battle an enemy he couldn't even see and all for her daughter as well as herself was heartening and for a few seconds, admiration flickered through her soft brown eyes.

Also noticing the way he was more than prepared to fight an unknown enemy in unfamiliar territory and without any real back up, Bai Qians estimation of him rose significantly.  It was one thing to protect a woman against thugs, but to actually be prepared to fight a possible battle against unknown assailants in a place he was unfamiliar and for people who did not trust him was another.  But as much as she admired his determination to get her out of the den and to safety, the stubborness soon kicked in.

Snatching her arm back, she shook her head and all the while the noise escalated to a deafening crescendo.  Yet despite the horrific noise and the way it was shaking the very foundations, they could not see where it was coming from.

"Father!" she yelled as she took off running with her mother in hot pursuit, and because her arm was still in Guotins strong grip, he too was forced to run until eventually the sight of rubble, dust and two sets of eyes brought them all to a crashing halt.

"What the hell are you two doing?" Bai Qian screeched at her father and Mo Yuan who were covered in dust from head to toe and looking very pleased with themselves.

"Darling, look.  I think there might even be room for a second child!" Mo Yuan called out excitedly through the gaping hole in the wall while haphazardly swiping at the dust on his face to reveal two dirty grimy cheeks that were raised high in a big wide smile.

"Xiao Wu, the entensions might take a while, because the double chamber that Mo Yuan wants to add, will need to be added to the den which will mean knocking out the back wall..." her father spluttered through the dust.

Stunned beyond words, Bai Qian could only gape at the two men who were not only going ahead with their crazy scheme to extend the den, but they were actually doing it to disrupt her marriage trial by creating a nursery and marriage chamber for her and Mo Yuan and their children which he was already counting.

"Are you crazy?" she seethed back at them while Guotin stood glaring at the mess and then at Mo Yuan while barely keeping his eyes from her father lest he offend him.

"Bai Qian.  Why don't I prepare breakfast, I'm sure these two have entertained us enough." he seethed between gritted teeth only to be met with a soft chuckle from the other side of the broken wall.

"No need for that Lord Guotin.  I have already prepared breakfast.  Let's eat.... I'm starving!" he replied with smirk that was aimed directly at Bai Qian and not only were Mo Yuans eyes openly raking her body, but the look in his eyes sent an immediate shiver up her spine, one she was positive they all saw.

Blushing heavily and speechless that he would dare to act so shamelessly in front of her parents and Guotin of all people, she spun around in a huff before stomping off to the dining room where she not only planned to dish Guotins breakfast for him herself, she then planned to take him for an excusion about Qing Qiu.  One she planned on lasting the entire day and well away from those eyes that had the ability to weaken her knees and send the blush straight down the bodice of her gown which she knew they could also see.

Allowing Guotin to guide her back towards the main den while expertly keeping his temper under control, he ignored the two men who were now joined by Zhe Yan who had just arrived with Bai Zhen for breakfast, something he was realizing was common for the old Phoneix seeing as he did not cook for himself.  

He knew that Zhe Yan was a very close friend of the Fox Clan and was treated as an older brother by the all the Fox children, but he was only realizing just how close the old Phoenix was to them all.  His use of pet names for the Empress alone, gave him a deeper understanding of the mans familiarity with them, and his terms of endearment for Bai Qian and Bai Zhen suggested that this man was very much a loved member of the family and one he would also have to win over if he was to win Bai Qian.

And it was a competition.  He could see that now.  Mo Yuan was in love with her, and whether she admitted it or not, she was in love with him no matter how hard she tried to maintain the Ice face around him.  But it was Mo Yuans open attempt to disrupt their marriage trial that had Guotin changing tactic.  He had merely entered the agreement with the intention of taking as much information on her and Qing Qiu as he could with no real thought to what might happen at the end of it, but after last nights dinner fiasco and now this, Guotin immediately turned on the charm and the heat.

"Sweetheart, I had an idea...." he began as he carefully filled her bowl with the porridge that Mo Yuan had made himself.

Unsure exactly how to react to this sudden change in his demeanor which was bordering on intimate, Bai Qian merely stared at him with a grim look and half expecting him to ladle the food into her mouth while watching Mo Yuan out of the corner of her eye who gave no reaction that he had heard him.

"I heard Qing Qiu has several bird sanctuaries.  Why don't we take a picnic lunch and spend a little time in nature today.  Just the two of us." he suggested while purposely turning to glare at Mo Yuan who was carefully filling his bowl.

Though if any of them noticed the slight tightening of his hand around the ladle, no oe mentioned it, least of all Bai Qian who suddenly felt the urge to tip the entire bowl all over him.

"Dear...." she replied with a little smirk aimed solely for Mo Yuan, even though her eyes were on Guotin....  "That is a good idea.  Though I thought you might like to get a little dirty first..." she added with a suggestive wink followed very quickly with a smug smile as a certain bowl of porridge landed heavily on the table followed by a short sharp intake of breath.  

"Oh?" Guotin asked innocently while stealing a quick peak at the blackening face of thunder that was fully trained on her.

With a wink, she said no more seeing as the affect she had wanted was well and truly in motion.  Mo Yuans temper was soaring and no one was immune to it as the table fell silent.  And no sooner had she finished her bowl of porridge, then they were both in the kitchen quickly packing a picnic basket while wondering what mischief Mo Yuan might get up to seeing as he had yet to learn what she had meant by 'getting dirty'

Watching her very closely, Zhe Yans eyes narrowed in on the hunched shoulders and the way her feet dragged a little as she left to fetch her travelling robe.  She may have been sporting a smile, but he had known the girl since she was born and the way her eyes continuously stole glances at Mo Yuan told him, and her parents that she was not so unaffected by his presence no matter how aloof she tried to appear.  In fact, he had a very strong suspicion that she wanted him to stop her, to drag her kicking and screaming to Kunlun Mountain, for him to tell her that she was being stupid and childish, even threaten her with physical punishment.

Only Mo Yuan remained where he was with his fists clenched tightly in his lap as he watched her walk out the door with her hand on the elbow of another man.  If anything, Zhe Yan thought they were both being exceptionally childish and no sooner had Bai Qian left with her guest, then he was telling him so.

"What the hell are you doing sitting there?  Do you really think demolishing the Fox Den is the way to winning her back?" he asked glaring at him as the Empress rose with a sigh.

"What the hell am I meant to do?" he snapped back furious that Zhe Yan would think he actually had options.  

"Well seeing as you have already started the extension, you are going to need new furniture are you not?" Zhe Yan asked pointedly.

It took Mo Yuan and even Bai Zhi several minutes to get what he meant by that, only, when it hit, then both men were up and moving to prepare themselves quickly.  

"Zhe Yan, you missed your calling.  You're more the strategist than I am." Mo Yuan chuckled as he quickly cleaned himself up before dressing himself in a much lighter robe than he would normally wear, one that would allow him ease of movement, and no sooner was Bai Zhi also dressed, then Mi Gu was back with news on where the two had gone.

"She's taken him to The Pit?" Bai Zhi asked with a roar of laughter seeing as her innuendo that 'getting dirty' could have meant something else entirely.

"The Heavens weep!" Zhe Yan spluttered laughing.  "Mo Yuan are you sure you want that girl?  She has no clue at all when it comes to romance...." he added to a roar of laughter from Bai Zhen.

"The Pit?" Mo Yuan asked as the three stood clutching themselves much to the amusement of Mi Gu who did manage to keep the laughter in even though it was seconds away from exploding.

"It's where her more experienced fighters go for hand to hand combat training.  It's basically a large mud pit in the ground that can reach up to the waist.  Only those who have reached a certain level of experience are allowed to fight, and like she said, it gets dirty." The Empress answered for him.

And suddenly, the urge to see this pit in action along with what she had planned for Guotin had all four men detouring from their original plan to do a little sight seeing.

In fact, Guotin couldn't think of a better way to expend the pent up anger that had been building since Mo Yuans arrival than watching two experienced fighters in action and no sooner was he above the pit and looking down onto the heads of two giants throwing each other about in the mud using a syle of fighting he had never seen before in his life then the excitement at once began to build.

Maybe she was not aware of just how much information he was gaining in such a short time he had been there, but he was positive she would not have brought him there unless she had a damn good reason, and no sooner was a winner announced by their trainer then she immediately set about issuing orders for the rest to split themselves into two groups.

"Guotin, this is your team, the rest are mine.  Care to battle?" she asked grinning at him.

"Alright..." he replied in understanding and excitement.

"There's only two rules for this pit.  No weapons and no magic." she informed him before turning towards her small team of men to select her first fighter.

On a small hill top, Mo Yuan, Bai Zhi, Zhe Yan and Bai Zhen watched as Guotin selected the first man closest to him seeing as he didn't know any of them or their strengths.  But he looked hardy enough, then giving the man a few tips and pointers along with the instruction to win at all cost, then their chosen men were in the pit and the mud flying.

One after the other, their men were thrown into the pit.  Matching his first win with one of her own, they went head to head until eventually only one man each was left to fight.  

"Use whatever skills you have." Guotin said to his man while also covertly teaching him a simple hand lock that would incapacitate his opponent just enough to throw his opponent out of the pit, which was the ultimate aim.

"So what is the point of all this?" Mo Yuan asked fascinated that she would create such a training method which he had never seen the likes of.

"The mud is thick and makes movement difficult so it slows the fighter down, therefore the battle is not won by brute strength, but strategy.  All the fighters are evenly matched in weight and height as you can see, and all are experienced, but the mud impedes the sight and hearing which means the fighter must rely on their reflexes and wit." Bai Zhen explained as the two men struggled to get a good grip on the other.

Mo Yuan could see how this method of training would benefit any fighter on a battlefield which could also get just as messy, and when it rained which it usually did, the ground could literally become a quagmire and making movement very difficult.  In fact, he thought it was a brilliant idea, and going by the wide smile on Guotins face, he did too.

Mud was flying in all directions, so both Bai Qian and Guotin were covered in it by the time the fight was finally won by Guotins man having managed to use the hand lock he had taught him and no sooner was it over, then they were both laughing having thoroughly enjoyed themselves despite the mess they were now both in.

"A little magic will clear this up." he said as she led him to one of the side tents where there was water and fresh towels.

Then before she could answer, his hand lightly flicked over her gown and in a second she was clean and so was he.

"That was a lot of fun, though I wonder if the women also use the pit?" Guotin asked curiously seeing as it was her creation.

"Yes they do.  Though I wont allow them to fight the men, they know their limitations." she answered before reaching down for the picnic basket which he promtly took off her.

"The morning has gone already, do you want to see the bird sanctuary now?" she asked pleased that she had also gained a little information from him, which he may not have realized.

She had purposely led him there to see how well he could lead a group of men he knew nothing about and nor had she given him any time to even learn their names.  But what she saw suggested that this man was perhaps far more superior to her in strategising than she had first thought.  But keeping that to herself, they soon found themselves outside of the training grounds and heading into a small section of surrounding forest where several bird sanctuaries could be found along with stunning waterfalls and natural rockeries covered in all manner of rich blooms in shades and hues that literally set the entire scene in motion.

On a small picnic blanket and with a nice selection of breads, fruits, cakes and nuts, the two shared the lunch while she pointed out several of her rare birds which were ifluttering above their heads.  It was such a pleasant afternoon, the sun was shining and Guotin was finally feeling relaxed and for the first time since his arrival, he actually felt happy.

"Your sanctuary is just as lovely as I imagined it to be." he said softly as the light tinkling of a nearby waterfall could be heard.

"It is one of the few pleasures that I have, so I am more than a little prideful in showing it off." she smiled at him warmly while also finally feeling at peace only to suddenly squeal when the birds above their heads let out a cacophany of screeching followed by a thick rush of air as a tree fell with a heavy thud just meters from their picnic blanket.

Squealing in alarm and flying onto her feet, the sight of Mo Yuan and her father rushing towards her in a panic soon had the anger once again rising.

"MO YUAN!" she screamed to an even louder bellow from Guotin.

"Oh dear.  I am sorry darling.  I didn't realize you were there...." he trailed off as her fists began to clench at her sides.

"What... the .. hell .. are... doing?" she seethed as her body shook in rage that he would dare to interrupt them, once again.

"Don't be mad dearest.  I need wood for the babies cribs and seeing as your father said this part of the forest is rarely visited, it would be alright to.....

Taking the slap that followed before she turned to stalk away in tears seeing as he had all but ruined her entire day, Mo Yuans smile grew at the blackening face of a man he knew would not tolerate much more from him.  Only Mo Yuan was far from finished and Guotin could see that a reckoning was coming and to Bai Zhis mind, it was one that both of them wanted.

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