Overrun. (A PewDiePie FanFict...

By ObsessedWithY0uTube

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*DISCLAIMER* this is the second story i ever wrote and it is terrible but i have left it up on my page bc for... More

Chapter 1: The Unknown..
Chapter 2: Unexpected Encounter!
Chapter 3: Long Path, No End
Chapter 5: Pain and More....
Chapter 6: We Meet Again..
Chapter 7: Time is Running Out..
Chapter 8: Saved Again!
Chapter 9: No.....
Chapter 10: Sorrow..
Chapter 11: Picking Up The Pieces..
Chapter 12: Getting Out or Not?...
Chapter 13: Goodbye...Old Friend..
Chapter 14: Victim and Survivor..
Chapter 15: Secrets and Mysteries..
Chapter 16: FlashBacks And Nightmares!
Chapter 17: Too Late To Apologise...
Chapter 18: Danger Strikes..
Chapter 19: Stressed Out..
Chapter 20: Lock & Load..
Chapter 21: NO!!
Chapter 22: Recovery?
Chapter 23: Heartbreak...
Chapter 24: Traitors..
Chapter 25: Tears For All....
Chapter 26: One goes Another Follows..
Chapter 27: Saviour..
Chapter 28: Zambies Ruin The Moment..
Chapter 29: Poisonous Thoughts...
Chapter 30: My Own Worst Enemy..
Chapter 31: What You Dont Know...
Chapter 32: Torture Like Hell..
Chapter 33: Deja Vu Times Two..
Chapter 34: I Promise You... Ashley.
Chapter 35: Confessions & Mistakes...
Chapter 36: Problems Reoccuring
Chapter 37: Regret...
Chapter 38: Dead... Plans...
Chapter 39: Shock, Shock & More Shock.
Chapter 40: One Last Wish...
Chapter 41: It's Fatal...
Chapter 42: Practically Invincible...
Chapter 43: Remembered Love...
Chapter 44: A Crazy Night...
Chapter 45: It's Almost Over...
Chapter 46: Advanced Technology
Chapter 47: Reunited...
Chapter 48: Decisions & Secrets..
Chapter 49: Last Wish...
Chapter 50: A Few Months Later...
A/N ~ Challenge!!

Chapter 4: Survivors and Pain

1K 64 79
By ObsessedWithY0uTube

Picture: You know who it is! ;)

Unknown POV

Me and my best mate were walking along the dry path, when we spotted three people in the distance, one was a young girl, the others were a man and a woman, they looked familiar.
The young girl walked forwards, she raised her gun, shakily, we kept ours down, because she was only young, she was just protecting herself.

"W-who are you?" the girl asked.

"I'm Ian and this is Anthony, we don't want no trouble." I reassured her.

"Wait...Smosh right?" the girl asked, lowering her gun, we nodded, she gasped "Holy crap! I nearly shot Smosh!" She turned to the man and woman, it looked as if her jaw was on the floor, she was so shocked.

The man and woman came towards us, they looked completely familiar now.

"Ian?! Anthony?!" The guy questioned.

"Felix?! Marzia?!" Anthony and I were confused, we all were.
Edgar and Maya were sitting in both Felix and the girl's backpack. They yawned at the same time. Adorable!
Felix gave me and Anthony a manly hug and we hugged Marzia.

"This. Is. Amazing!" the girl shrieked quietly, trying to avoiding bringing attention to any of the walkers.
"I'm Ashley!" She grinned.

"Nice to meet you Ashley!" I greeted, shaking her hand. Anthony did too.
She hugged both me and Anthony. As she hugged me, I felt an instant connection.

"What are you guys doing around here?" Marzia asked.

"Just roaming I guess...Nowhere really to go, the bases are more like death traps..!" I replied.

"Can we join your group?" Anthony asked "It's just we're running low on supplies."

"Yeah, sure!" Felix nodded.

Felix's POV

So now we have an addition to our group. It's me, Ashley, Marzia, Ian and Anthony.

"Awesome!" Anthony gazed at our guns "You have gun silencers?!"

"They were just on the floor, lying around!" Ashley laughed.

"And I thought this forest was picked clean!" Ian smiled in awe.

"So do you have a vehicle of some sort?" I asked

"Yeah, actually we do, the tank's only filled half way so.." Ian looked around awkwardly

"Ah, that should get us somewhere right?" I responded

"I guess.." Anthony replied. "So, how did you guys get so many supplies?"

"We found a warehouse, a few miles back!" Ashley explained

"Damn!" Anthony laughed.

"Oh! Anthony!" Ashley remembered something. "I found some shotgun shells on a walker before we found you." she gave Anthony the spare ammo.

"Thanks!" Anthony replied "I've been searching for weeks for some shotguns shells! They're not easy to find, I can tell you now!"

"So Ashley, where are your parents? If you don't.....mind me asking..." Ian questioned.

Ashley went quiet.

"My dad died when I was 11. And my mom is...." Ashley hesitated, she looked away, tears gently dropping down her light beige skin.

We comforted her, Ian went down to her eye level and pulled her in for a hug. "It's okay, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to...I shouldn't have brought it up..." Ian reassured her softly.

"I need to otherwise, I'll keep bottling up my emotions!" Ashley sighed, cautiously. "S-s-she's dead! S-she's dead!! She's a w-walker!" Ashley bawled quietly.

Anthony hugged her too and so did me and Marzia, she dried her eyes and pulled away from Ian's hug, I never realised how much Ian and Ashley looked like...Same skin tone, eye colour, they even had the same smile. Although Ashley's hair colour was one or two shades darker than Anthony's, it was almost black, but you could most certainly tell that it was brown.

"Lets go!" I smiled at Ashley, she smiled back.

Marzia's POV

We walked along the dusty path, the sun peaking through the trees, lighting up the forest almost slightly. The evergreen trees actually complimented the beige, desert-like path; making it seem almost natural. After walking for 15 minutes straight, only a few conversations picking up here and there, we were out of the forest and onto a empty road. Surprisingly, there weren't many walkers around, personally I would have expected more, but no. We continued walking along, until we came across a shabby, 5 seater.

"Is this your car?" Ashley asked.

"No.." Ian replied, "I'll tell you how we got it later."

"Whew! Lucky! Five of us exactly!" Anthony was relieved.

We all got into the car, Anthony decided to drive, I sat in the passenger seat next to him, as I wanted Felix to get closer with Ashley (she was going to be with us for a while), Ian was on the right side of her and Felix was on the left behind me, Ashley was in the middle, it was a little tight, but it worked.

"So, how did you get this car?" Ashley questioned again

"Basically...." Ian started

Ian's POV

Me and Anthony continued walking along the road, we had no vehicle and we were running low on supplies.

"Dude, look!" Anthony ran toward the shabby 5 seater. He opened the door and pulled out the walker, not realising that it wasn't dead, it snapped, it almost bit Anthony, he was pulling away furiously.

"Fuck! Shoot this thing!" Anthony shouted. I grabbed my AK47 and shot it multiple times, it was riddled with bullets, its jaw was wide open and it had bites all over it.

"Ok, now we need to get the fuck outta here!" I shouted "C'mon! Lets go through the forest."

Anthony tried shooting the walkers, but he only had one shotgun shell "Fuck!" he shouted

"NOW ANTHONY! C'MON!" I yelled, we made a run for it, disappearing into the thick forest..

Marzia's POV

"If I'm honest I would have done the same, I probably would have killed the walker first!" Felix chuckled.

"I never saw it!" Anthony snapped, it wasn't in a mean way, more of a jokey way.

We started driving, the road was pretty empty for the first 20 minutes, but walkers starting appearing on the sides a few times afterwards.
As Edgar was playful and he wasn't used to this scenario or his surroundings, he jumped onto my lap quickly, I tried to stop him, but he jumped onto Anthony. Anthony was trying to pay attention to the road but Edgar was being playful as usual. There was a walker in the middle of the road.

"Shit! Look out!" Felix shouted.

"Fuck!" Anthony swerved off the road, and was accidentally driving back into the forest, he had completely no control as the car was swerving in every direction possible, we were going at 80mph too, Anthony tried to hit the brakes, but they were faulty. We could hear the metal scraping along the road, the car began to feel hotter and hotter.

We hit a tree..."BOOM! SMASH!" Fire! A car alarm.... was all that could be heard.....


Hope you enjoyed this! Please follow me and add to your library if you're enjoying this so far! More chapters await! So stay tuned and...


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