Tattoos And Cigarettes [A Des...

By Living_Dead_Lena

117K 5.4K 7.7K

Punk!Castiel and Nerd!Dean AU. Cover made my Lineart on Tumblr Dean has everything. His parents don't mind th... More

Is This The Real Life?
Caught In A Landslide...
No Escape From Reality
Open Your Eyes, Look Up To The Sky And See
I'm Just A Poor Boy
I Need No Sympathy
Easy Come Easy Go
Little High, Little Low
Any Way The Wind Blows
Doesn't Really Matter To Me
Momma Just Killed A Man
Put A Gun Against His Head
Pulled My Trigger Now He's Dead
Momma Life Had Just Begun
But Now I've Gone And Thrown It All Away
If I'm Not Back Again This Time Tomorrow
Carry On Carry On... 'Cause It Doesn't Really Matter
Too Late My Time Has Come
Sent Shivers Down My Spine
Body's Achin' All The Time
Goodbye Everybody, I've Got To Go
Gotta Leave You All Behind And Face The Truth
Momma, Didn't Mean To Make You Cry
Sometimes Wish I'd Never Been Born At All

Is This Just Fantasy?

6.9K 308 200
By Living_Dead_Lena

Dean woke up, confused and disoriented. He sat up and clumsily fell off the bed in a tangled mess of sheets. He hit the back of his head on the floor and cringed. He rubbed his head and glanced at his alarm clock. Dean scrambled to get back up. "Oh, God! I'm late!" He yelled to no one in particular. He ignored the rumbling noises in his stomach and threw on some clothes that probably didn't match, but Dean didn't really care. He brushed his teeth and fixed his hair quickly before running out the door in a panic.

He made it to school with only a minute to spare. He burst into his classroom and everyone turned their heads. Dean suddenly felt awkward and insecure. He coughed and made his way to his seat in the back. He tried to listen, Dean Winchester always pays attention, but today he was very lost. All he could think about were a certain pair of blue eyes.
He barely knew Castiel, he needed to know more. It was driving him crazy to be away from him. Dean wanted to know everything about him. All of his likes, dislikes, weird fetishes.. He didn't care, he just wanted to know more about this beautiful blue eyed boy. He was determined to figure him out. Dean was an open book, but Castiel was so mysterious and obviously didn't want to be figured out. Dean would have to change that.


When Dean got home he had quite a few chores to get done. "We're having Sam's friend over for dinner," Mary, Dean's mum, explained. Dean nodded and tidied up the kitchen and living room as best as could. "Over-achiever.." Sam muttered.
"Bitch." Dean retorted.
"Jerk." Sam snapped, setting the table. They both finished earlier, so Sam helped cook and Dean went to his room to play video games. He turned on some music.

Hey Jude, don't make it bad.
Take a sad song, and make it better.
Remember to let her into your heart.
Then you can start to make it better..

Dean was too into singing along with the music and playing the video game to notice someone stepping into his room. "Dean, they're here." Mary said quietly. He dropped the controller and quickly turned the music off, embarrassed that anyone heard him. Mary just smiled and shook her head. "Come on, we've got pie."
When Dean entered the living room a short kid with blonde hair sat next to Sam. He had a lolly sticking out of his mouth, which was odd seeing as how they were about to eat supper. "This is Gabriel," Sam introduced, "Gabriel, this is Dean."

"Hey, Dean-o." Gabriel grinned.

"His brother is on the porch. Go get him for supper, would you, Dean?" Mary called from the kitchen. Dean nodded and stepped outside. He was hit with a burst of cigarette smoke and started coughing wildly. "Woah, Winchester, easy before you spew your lungs out." A gruff voice behind Dean mumbled. Dean spun around and looked at a hunched over figure sitting in the porch swing. All that was visible was the light coming from the cigarette, but that was quickly discarded. "Cas?" Dean squinted his eyes in the darkness.

"That's my name, don't wear it out." Castiel took Dean's hand and dragged him into the house. As soon as Mary laid eyes on Castiel she gasped, almost dropping the stack of plates she held. Castiel smirked. "Pleasure to meet you too, Mrs. Winchester." He let go of Dean and went to sit at the table. Gabriel covered his face, embarrassed of his brothers behaviour. Even if Gabriel dressed like Castiel, he still had way more manners. Dean sat beside Sam, across from Cas. Castiel sat beside Gabriel. Mary and John sat at opposite sides.

John said a quick grace and dove in, eating quickly. Sam did the same. Mary and Dean took their time, eating slow, small bites. Castiel picked at his food, Gabriel practically inhaled the mashed potatoes. "This steak is really awesome Mrs. Winchester!" Gabriel said, mouth full of food. Mary smiled and then turned to Castiel. "How do you like it?"

"It's rad dude." Castiel smiled slightly and picked at it some more. Dean furrowed brows and kicked him under the table. "Ow! God, I mean it's really nice, thank you Mrs. Winchester." Castiel muttered something, rubbing his shin and shooting Dean a nasty glare.

Once dinner was over, Mary and John took all the dishes up, while Sam brought out some more plates and forks, along with pie. Dean smiled anxiously and cut everyone a slice of pie, leaving himself the biggest piece. Castiel picked at the pie too.

Once everyone finished, Mary suggested they go to their rooms and watch a movie or play a video game. Gabriel and Sam scrambled out of the room in a hurry. "Bet I can beat you there!" Gabriel shouted.

"You don't even know where my room is!" Sam shouted back, running ahead of Gabriel. Gabriel slowed to a stop and muttered an 'oh yeah'. Dean led Castiel up to his room, he felt really insecure about it. His room was decked out in nerdy posters and an abundance of books and movies from an overflowing book shelf. Castiel nodded, showing his approval."Sorry, it's a mess." Dean sighed.

"Really? You have like two pairs of pants on the floor, shut the fuck up." Castiel snapped and Dean jumped.
"Woah, easy there tiger. Mustn't startle you now." Castiel scoffed and started prowling through Dean's room. Dean fidgeted with the sleeves of his sweater nervously.

Castiel looked under Dean's bed and found a small blue journal. Castiel glanced behind him at Dean, but he was too busy picking something out of his fingernails, so Castiel pocketed the journal. He grinned and continued his search. When he was done he stood up and brushed his pants off. "I can deduce..." he made a drum roll noise on Dean's dresser, "your room is boring as fuck. And I will take my leave now." Castiel left quickly, which Dean found odd. Prick, didn't even say goodbye.. he thought.


When Castiel came home and snuggled up in his bed, Gabriel burst in the room and hopped in the bed next to him. "Okay, so, like, get this. That Sam guy? He's totally fucking hot. And I know you have the hots for Dean, why don't we all go on a date together?" Gabriel spoke at 90 miles per hour and smiled when he was finished.

Castiel cocked and eyebrow, "could you try dumbing it down a bit?"

Gabriel sighed, "you. Me. Dean. Sam. Double date. Friday. Please?" Castiel shrugged and nodded. "Guess that'll be fine, I'll ask Dean.. NOW LEAVE!" He tossed a pillow at Gabriel's face, sending Gabriel tumbling off the bed. "You'll pay for this!" Gabriel punched the air with a fist of righteousness and left Castiel's room. Castiel rolled his eyes, and pulled out the notebook.

He stroked the front cover and debated on whether he should open it or not. Normally, he wouldn't respect anyone's privacy. But this seemed like crossing the line to him. He opened it to a random page, glanced at the page, then shut the book quickly. He groaned, and repeated the process once more before shoving the book in his nightstand drawer. He couldn't bring himself to do it, and he didn't know why it was so hard. Castiel rubbed his chin and sighed. This was going to be an odd relationship.

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