Teeth II Jenlisa AU

By Kim-Chichu

88.1K 6.2K 4.9K

Book 2 and sequel to Teeth *WARNING - Violent themes, bad language and sexual scenes* This story won't make... More

The Lonely Ones
The Trees
The Cabin in the Woods
Jihyo's Doritos
Blue Eyes
Nothing Matters
Only Human
The Fog

For Her

5.7K 465 328
By Kim-Chichu

"Do the eye thing!"

Jennie started to grumble as she stirred from her sleep.


The slayer rubbed her eyes; still sore from crying the night before. She began to sniff, she could smell something yummy, someone was cooking breakfast.

"I like the growling noises can you do those again?"


"What kind of foolishness..." the New Zealander uttered to herself as she became aware of the noise in the background. 

Jennie casually threw on some grey sweatpants and a large black t-shirt as she got up out of bed. In the corner on the one side of the warehouse was Wendy and Seulgi, cooking breakfast for everybody. No sign of the three stooges however...

The slayer headed over to where the cage was.

"Can you see you own reflection?"

"Does it hurt when your teeth change?"


Sana, Jihyo and Nayeon spotted Jennie approaching and quickly ran away from the cage, trying their best to act casual and pretend like they were doing something else. 

The black haired girl raised an eyebrow suspiciously before peering into the cage. Sunmi was sat in the corner, to say the vampire was pissed off would be an understatement. 

"Where's Lisa?" Jennie asked. Sunmi shrugged, "don't know. She left last night". The slayer noticed that the cage was locked, "did she do this?" she said as she pointed at the lock. The vampire nodded slowly, "she thinks you won't kill me while I'm trapped in here...is she right?". Jennie folded her arms and stared at Sunmi intensely, "that depends on you, Lisa is the only thing keeping you alive right now", the slayer leaned in towards the bar a little closer, "but I would love for you to give me a reason". 

Miya snarled demonically with anger, but did not say anything further. 

"She did the growl thing" Jihyo giggled happily. 

"Something smells good" Jennie uttered cheerily as she headed over to Seulgi and Wendy, her cheeriness was fake and the two women could see right through it. "It will be ready soon" Seulgi replied with a smile, "I'm guessing Lisa won't be joining us?" she asked, a subtle attempt to find out what was going on. The slayer shook her head, "Sunmi said she left...I don't know if she's coming back or not but I'm figuring she would have taken our toothy guest with her if she was gone permanently".

"Where do you think she is?" Wendy asked casually while cooking. Jennie shrugged, "no idea, I thought I knew her once but the more time I spend with her the less I seem to know". "Full of surprises eh?" the Canadian replied. Jennie smiled, "oh yeah...big time. Though it will be tough to beat the most recent one, so I can't imagine she has any more surprises for me".

"Ouff" Lisa groaned in pain as she was kicked through the air, water splashing loudly as she landed on her back in the underground sewers. 

"Stay away from me!" Chaeyoung yelled as she ran as fast as she could.

Mina began to giggle at the sight of the Thai getting her ass kicked. 

Lisa leaned on her hands as she looked up at the Japanese girl, "you've barely cracked a smile as long as I've known you but this...this you laugh at". "I'm sorry" Mina replied with a grin on her face, "but did you really think you'd be able to grab her that easily? Are you forgetting she was a slayer?". The Thai had a disgusted expression on her face as she shook the sewage water from her sleeve, "you could have helped me you know". Mina giggled again, "I know but that was really funny".

"We should hurry and get after her" the Japanese girl said seriously. Lisa arched her back inwards to try and ease the pain, "there's no rush, she won't get far. All these tunnels lead back to the castle and she certainly won't want to go there".

Mina nodded, "it'll be useful if she attempts to hold up in a building somewhere, it'll make her easier to trap". 

The two vampires walked through the tunnels in hunt for the fleeing Australian.

"So what do you plan on doing with her when you capture her?" Mina asked, "you're being very secretive". The redhead sighed, "I wasn't going to tell you at first but that's when I thought the Aussie would be easier to catch than she obviously is, I'll need your help". "So...?" the Japanese girl uttered.

 "I want to take her to the witch and get her soul back" Lisa replied honestly, "but there's no way I'll get her up the Himalayas to the witch on my own, and then comes the hardship of trying to convince the witch to perform the spell. She was reluctant to do it for me". Mina shook her head, "she won't do it, I imagine the only reason she helped you was because of the prophesy. You wanted your soul back, Jennie's friend isn't likely to want hers back".

"I have to do something" the Thai sighed, "how did you get yours? You've never told me". The shorter girl smiled and nodded, "I guess that's fair, I do know a lot about you after all. I was turned around 500 years ago,  I was the daughter and eldest child of the Emperor of Japan. One of the soldiers had returned from war a vampire, he sired me when everyone was sleeping. The Shogun found out there was a vampire epidemic in his army and began having them killed. Somehow he found out that I was turned too and told my father, the Emperor, to hand me over so I could be slain. My mother was experienced in witchcraft and the magics, she begged the Shogun to let me live if her coven could return my soul. The Shogun was in love with my mother and so agreed. I was sent to live with monks to learn magic and control my vampiric powers". 

Lisa's eyes widened dramatically, "wow...how long did you stay with the monks?". "I lived in the monastery for nearly 300 years, it sadly doesn't exist anymore though the buildings are still there, people visit them. I've witnessed my country go through a lot over the years" the elder replied. The Thai nodded, "literally your country, you're technically the true Empress of Japan". 

Mina laughed, "I guess I am yeah, I've never really thought about it like that. A vampire should never be the Empress of anything". "Try telling that to Dara" the redhead joked. The Japanese girl chuckled lightly, "my point exactly". 

"Did you kill many people before you got your soul back?" Lisa asked as the girls continued their search for Chaeyoung. Mina shook her head, "no, only 3 people. The monks made me pay penance for their murders, it was a...painful process". 

"Wait" Mina said suddenly, "I can sense her". "She's near by" Lisa added, "get ready".

Tiffany wrapped her dark jacket around her tightly, the sun was bright but it was still very cold, not helped by the fact that she was out in the open on top of a building. She wore a black woollen hat and a surgical mask to hide her identity. 

The disgraced former-captain took a sharp breath when she heard the door of the roof access open and close, high heels clicking against the floor, gradually approaching. 

A blonde haired woman in dark sunglasses leaned against the small wall next to Tiffany, dressed all in black. "I shouldn't be here" the blonde said seriously, "you're a wanted fugitive. I'm a respected captain and running for President...I should kill you on the spot". Tiffany pulled down her surgical mask, exposing her mouth, "yes you should, and the fact that you haven't proves you know I don't deserve it".

CL sighed deeply, "what is going on Hwang, first Jennie Kim and now you". "I have seen files" the dark haired woman replied, "files stolen from HQ in London, they reveal very dark secrets the Order don't want the rest of us to know". "Why are you telling me this?" the Korean replied. Tiffany turned to her side and looked the other woman in the eyes, "because you're the only person I trust that can make a difference. If you become President, there's a chance you can change things". 

Chaelin frowned, "change what? Please tell me what the hell is happening". "Soon" the American said sternly, "I don't know if you're ready yet, and although I think I can trust you I need to be sure. I've been very wrong about the Order before". CL sighed, "so why are we here?".

Tiffany pulled the mask back up over her face, "to keep a channel between us open". The former captain turned and began to walk away, "I'll be in touch".

"Jeeesus Christ!" Lisa smashed against the tunnel wall violently. Chaeyoung's slayer abilities combined with vampire strength was proving difficult to deal with.

"You're too soft Lisa-ah" Mina said sternly, she almost reminded the Thai of Jisoo, "you're still a vampire! Be a vampire!".

Lisa was still supressing her true nature out of fear of becoming dangerous to innocents, but then she remembered the forest, how the spirits only went away once she'd tapped into her power. 

The Thai snarled demonically as her eyes changed blue and her fangs protruded.

The Australian was scared; she still believed Lisa was a member of Dara's clan, which technically she was. Perhaps Jisoo had sent Lisa to kill her because she had failed to locate Jennie. 

"Just leave me alone" she growled fiercely, "I have left town for good".

"Can't" the redhead replied through gritted teeth, "I have to do this for her". 

Lisa of course meant Jennie, but Rosé thought she meant Jisoo.

Chaeyoung was cornered, the nearest exit was a manhole cover that led to the street, however it was still day time and the Aussie couldn't be sure she'd find shade. She was left with no option but to fight her way out of this one.

Chaeyoung brushed her rose tinted blonde hair out of her face and got into a defensive stance. From this close up she could sense that Mina was the more powerful of the two vampire, yet it was Lisa she was more worried about. The Australian felt a bond, a connection with the Thai, probably due to sharing the same sire. 

Through Jisoo's demonic blood, the two young vampires were kin. 

"You're coming with us slayer" Mina said calmly as she prepared herself to fight.


To vampires she was a slayer and to slayers she was a vampire, she didn't belong anywhere. 

"Coming with you?" the Aussie replied, "why not just kill me here and now? Why take me to Sandara?".

Mina raised an eyebrow. Lisa shook her head, "this has nothing to do with Dara. You're not leaving here without us. So we can do this the easy way or-"

Chaeyoung leapt forward and drop kicked Lisa to the face, sending the vampire crashing against a thick meatal pipe.

"Hard way it is!" the Thai said angrily as she bared her teeth.

"Even without my vampire strength you couldn't take me" the Australian replied.

Lisa got up to her feet quickly and readied herself to fight, "oh yeah? Well that's funny because-"

Before the Thai could finish her sentence Mina violently threw Chaeyoung into the wall, knocking her unconscious. 

"I'm sorry" the Japanese girl uttered as she rolled her eyes, "it's just that the trash talk was embarrassing and we don't have the time". 

"B-but" the redhead stuttered with childlike disappointment, "but I like that part". Mina shook her head, "do you realise how much unnecessary time the witty banter exchange adds to fights? Not to mention giving the opponent chance to recuperate...why can't you just get on with it". Lisa laughed as she grabbed the unconscious vampire's upper body, "slayer-vampire relationships are more than just the fighting, you can get into someone's head if you press the right buttons". "I suppose" the Japanese girl replied while grabbing Rosé's legs, "but this girl isn't a slayer anymore". Lisa sighed with guilt, "no...she's not". 

Mina looked up at the sunlight shining through the small cracks in the manhole cover, "we need to get her tied up before the sunsets, it's not going to be fun chasing her through the streets". The Thai nodded, "I used to have pretty strong handcuffs a while ago but I left them uh...somewhere".

Jennie's bedroom. 

Lisa used her chequered shirt to tie Chaeyoung's arms behind her back tightly. Rosé's skin on her wrists were starting to bruise and redden at how tightly they'd been tied together. Mina pulled the Australian out into the wider part of the tunnel by her legs, "so what do we do now? The witch will never agree to this even if we some how miraculously get this girl to her in the first place".

Lisa rubbed the back of her neck as she thought of ways out of this dilemma. This was the Thai's flaw, she acted on emotion and impulse, pre-thought wasn't big on the redhead's agenda. Jisoo had often warned her about her hastily spontaneous character-trait, however Lisa rarely listened. 

"Did your mother ever teach you magic?" the younger of the two asked curiously. Mina nodded, "yes she did, I was supposed to be introduced to her coven when I was ready and had studied magics enough but then I died and she sent me away. I studied with the monks for a while though". Lisa's eyes widened, "so in theory you could conjure Rosé's soul?". 

Mina stepped backwards nervously, "Lisa...no. I mean, in theory sure but I'm not a good enough witch for that". "Just try it!" the Thai responded forcefully. The Japanese girl began to stutter with panic, "w-wait this is an insanely high-powered spell you're talking about it. To conjure anything from the ether is difficult enough, but a soul? I'd need a coven, so I could draw energy from them. I can't do it on my own". Lisa approached the shorter vampire and placed a firm hand on her shoulder, "you're not alone, you have me. You can draw my energy". Mina shook her head furiously, "you haven't studied magics, you can't control your energy the way a trained Wiccan can, it would be incredibly dangerous for you and Rosé".

"Would it work" Lisa replied calmly. "Manoban you're not listening to me" the elder said angrily, "the ether has the most powerful force in the universe, especially to demons. It can rip us apart in seconds, only someone trained in magic could prevent themselves from getting consumed by it. The witch who conjured your soul was powerful enough to protect both herself and you but I'm not even sure I can protect Rosé-". "Would it work" the redhead interrupted. Mina sighed deeply, still panicked, "possibly but, Lisa...you'll die". 

Lisa nodded slowly and let her hand fall from Mina's shoulder back down towards her side, "if this works, Rosé gets her soul back, Jennie gets her best friend back. It doesn't matter what happens to me". The Japanese girl folder her arms and frowned, "you have a destiny to fulfil" she said sternly, "you'd risk throwing that away for a girl that doesn't want you?". The redhead shrugged, "maybe this is part of my destiny. You suspect it could be too or else you wouldn't be here". Mina sighed and lowered her head, defeated, "we'll wait till sunset. We'll all be more powerful then". 

"Can I sit here?" Seulgi asked as she stepped outside the warehouse and noticed Jennie sat alone in front of a small fire. "Of course" the slayer replied with a half smile, "the girls getting too much for you in there?". Seulgi smiled and shook her head, "no thankfully they're occupied asking Sunmi lots of questions. I just like to sit outside at look at the stars at night. I have this sort of affinity with the moon and stars ever since I became a wolf". 

"Do you ever wish you weren't?" the New Zealander asked inquisitively. The dark haired Korean stretched her arms out to warm her hands by the fire, "I used to, I hate being a danger to people and the experience is...intense to say the least. But it's who I am now, I can't change it. I am a werewolf all the time, even in human form. Wendy has helped me understand it, and even accept it. I'd be lost without her".

The smile dropped from Jennie's face as she hung her head sadly. "Oh...I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" Seulgi felt guilty, "I shouldn't go on about my relationship when...I'm really sorry". Jennie shook her head, "no, no it's fine. You guys are happy, I wouldn't want you to pretend not to be just because of me. I'll be fine, it's just sometimes it feels like fate sent you and Wendy to me just to be cruel".

"How so?" the werewolf replied as she edged a little closer to the slayer. Jennie sighed, "I have a duty. The Order teaches us that we don't have a life, not really, we exist to slay demons. Very few slayers fall in love, even less get a family. My mom chose her duty as a slayer over me and my dad and now she's dead which means she was a good slayer. Betraying our duty for love is unthinkable. Even without the Order I am a slayer, my only purpose is to defend the innocent and destroy evil, I've been trying so hard to get back to that, back to who I am" she added another stick to the fire, "but then Wendy turns up, a human in love with a werewolf and it plays on my weakness". 

"What is your weakness?" the Korean asked. 


Just saying the name out loud made Jennie's wounded heart shatter into a million pieces, "I found her when I was falling apart and getting further and further away from my duty. Part of me didn't even care, when I was with her she was all I could see, all I wanted. I managed to find myself again after I found out she was vampire. But now she has a soul and I'm not even in the Order anymore. It would be so easy for me to just say fuck everything, run away with Lisa and hide where our problems can't find us. What you and Wendy have is very seductive".

"Maybe you're right" Seulgi replied, "maybe fate did bring us all together for a reason". Jennie raised an eyebrow, "for what reason?". The young werewolf smiled, "won't know until we're supposed to". 

"LET ME GO!" Chaeyoung yelled angrily as she desperately tried to free herself from her restraints. Lisa slapped the Australian round the back of the head, "shut up, you're going to draw attention to us". "If this spell doesn't attract attention then I don't think her whining will" Mina interrupted as she set up a spot in a dark parking lot to perform the magic. 

"Spell?!" Rosé said with panic, "what the fuck are you guys going to do!". 

"Are you ready?" Mina said as she looked at Lisa. The Thai nodded, in truth she was terrified but this was for Jennie. This was for her

The Japanese vampire grabbed Chaeyoung's hair and pulled her onto the ground roughly, slicing a deep cut into the Aussie's tied up hand. She collected as much of the blood as she could into a small vial, then poured the blood onto the floor to spell out symbols. A very similar process to what Lisa experienced with the old witch. In fact, Mina's chants in a strange language gave the redhead flashbacks. 

Rosé's eyes widened in sheer terror as a bright light illuminated the air around them, scrambling up onto her knees and she again attempted in vain to escape.

Mina placed a hand on Rosé's head, and grabbed Lisa's arm with the other. 

The chanting continued and Lisa suddenly felt a heavy pressure all through her body, her energy being drained from her in large quantities, channelling through Mina to perform the spell. 

Chaeyoung began to scream in agony, the pain of the ether being poured into her very being was unbearable. 

Lisa tried her hardest to stay on her feet but soon dropped onto her hands and knees. Mina no longer needed a physical connection with the Thai, she already had full access to her energy and was draining more and more with every passing second.

Blood started to pour from Mina's nose, she was trying to protect both Rosé and Lisa but was struggling. 

The redhead managed to straighten herself up on one knee but lacked the strength to stand up, her entire body felt like it was being shredded to pieces. Chaeyoung was no longer the only girl screaming in pain.

Lisa fell onto her back, tears starting to form in her eyes as she desperately tried to use her remaining energy to keep the raw power of the ether from killing her.

Jennie sat up in bed suddenly, shivering all over in a cold sweat, "Lisa..." she whimpered. The slayer had woken up crying but she didn't know why. Lisa was in pain and Jennie could feel it, "baby" she cried softly. 

"I HAVE TO STOP!" Mina yelled as blindingly bright light swirled through the air. "Y-you can't" the Thai just about choked through the pain. "LISA THIS IS KILLING YOU" the Japanese girl replied defiantly.

The restraints around the Australian's wrist burst open and ripped away from how violently the vampire's body was struggling, the demon fighting for its life against the good energy channelling through it.

Mina took another look at Lisa and released all the energy, ending the spell. The Thai had a destiny that the Japanese girl had pledged herself to help fulfil, she couldn't allow her to die here.

Lisa was shaking and trembling on the floor, the pain had ended instantly as soon as Mina let her go, but the mental trauma from the experience was not so easily forgotten. 

"D-did it work?" Lisa said as she crawled up onto her hands and knees, looking over at the Australian with one eye, unable to open the other. Mina sighed sadly, "I don't know...I had to stop I don't know if I did enough". 

Rosé lifted her head up, disorientated and confused. Tears rolled from her eyes as she looked over at the two women who were nearby. 

"They're blue" Lisa grumbled through exhaustion, "her eyes are blue". 

"It worked" Mina gasped with genuine surprise. 

Lisa smiled brightly before passing out on the floor. 

Chaeyoung began to sob as she realised her situation, the soul of the slayer encased within a vampire's body. An insult to everything she stood for. 

As Lisa's pain eased so did Jennie's. The slayer lay back down in her bed on the floor of the warehouse and fell back to sleep, with no idea of the events that had taken place tonight, even though it was all about her. 

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