Maybe It's Been You All Along...

By cresseeta

860K 20.3K 65.5K

"Secrets I have held in my heart are harder to hide than I thought..." AM AU More



9.1K 226 1.3K
By cresseeta

"Just might've tapped into your mind and soul.
You can't be sure..."

Rosanna clapped from outside the studio, sitting in the mixing room as the boys recorded each of their parts for their song, 'Arabella'. One of Rosanna's birthday songs from Alex and now they'd developed it into an actual track and were recording it for their next album. Alex laughed at her through the glass, blushing and running his fingers through his hair.

"How was that?" Alex asked into the mic once they'd taken the recording.

The producer looked up at him with a smile, "it was perfect."

"What do you think lads?" Alex asked the rest of the band who were gathered around the glass.

"Sounds great," Matt said and the other two agreed.

"Wonderful," the producer smiled, "Alright Matt, can we get you in there to record some more of the backing vocals?"

Matt nodded, "Yeah sure, absolutely," and swapped out with Alex into the recording booth. Alex pat Matt on the back with a smile and made his way over to Rosanna who was sitting rugged up in an oversized jumper.

"How you feeling?" He asked gently and sat down beside her.

"Drugs have kicked in but I still feel like shit," Rosanna said, her voice nasally and weak. Her eyes were red and she looked pale. Alex told her not to come to the studio and to rest instead but she insisted on coming.

"You want me to get you some water?" Alex asked, wrapping an arm around her.

"No, no, no, don't hug me. I don't want you to get sick," Rosanna said and looked at him tiredly.

Alex pouted and his brows furrowed, "Rosanna you sure you don't want to go home? You look exhausted."

"I wanna watch you guys," Rosanna said, interrupting herself with a cough.

"Babe, you can watch us every other time but I want you to get better," Alex said and put a hand on her cheek, "it's no good for you to be out and about when you're ill."

Rosanna sighed and pouted, looking at the ground, "Okay," she looked back up at Alex apologetically, "I'm sorry."

Alex smiled gently at her, "Don't be darling. I just want to take care of you." He leant forward to kiss her on the forehead when she quickly recoiled, restating that she didn't want to get him sick with whatever she had.

It was almost like she'd been fighting off a sickness the entire tour and now that she was back home, it finally hit her. She woke up feeling absolutely awful up until Alex told her he had to go out to the studio. Then she forced herself to take some medications and told him she wanted to go and support them.

  Alex drove Rosanna back to her place as requested as Rosanna did not want to spread her sickness in Alex's house. It had been about a week since they got back from touring and the two of them had been spending most of their time at Alex's place.

  He tucked her up warm in her bed and grabbed her a glass of water and a few ibuprofen tablets, sitting at the edge of her bed and placing his hand carefully on her forehead to check if she had a temperature.

  "Yer not burning up which is good," he said and removed his hand from her face. "Do you need anything else, love?"

  Rosanna shook her head and looked up at him lovingly. There were small tears in the corners of her eyes from how irritated they were and her nose was red and lips pale. But still she looked like the most beautiful girl in the world to Alex. "Thank you so much Al," she said, "for taking care of me."

  Alex let out a soft chuckle and and held her hand, "no need to sweetheart." He felt something vibrate in his pocket and pulled out his mobile phone. His eyebrows drew tight in confusion as he read the name and placed his phone to his ear, "Hello?"

  "Alex! How are you?" Miles' voice came in cheery and excited.

  "I'm just fine mate..." Alex said warily and looked at Rosanna as if she'd know any better as to why Miles was calling him now after never replying to his message that he sent all the way back in Europe. "What did you want?"

"I'm in town tonight, I'm a assuming you're still in Sheffield yes?" Miles asked.


"How would you like to join me at one of these parties my friend is hosting?" Miles asked. "You are more than welcome to bring Rosanna along if you'd like."

"She's sick actually," Alex said and gave Rosanna's hand a reassuring squeeze. "It's a nice offer but I'm sorry I've gotta stay home and look after her."

"Oh that's a shame," Miles hummed.

Rosanna craned her head up to look at Alex, "it's okay Al, you don't have to stay here with me. I don't wanna hold you back from whatever it is."

Alex looked over at her and covered the microphone of the phone, "no, love, it's perfectly fine. I wanna stay here with you."

"Who's on the phone?" Rosanna asked.


"But you haven't seen him in ages!" Rosanna said. "Baby, it's okay if you go out. I'm gonna be okay. Go on, have a good time I want you to."

"I can't leave you," Alex said.

Rosanna smiled softly at him, "it's just one night. I'll be alright. I wouldn't tell you that if I wasn't going to be."

Alex looked at her with guilty eyes. "Are you sure?"

"Certain," she said and kissed his knuckles.

  Alex sighed and gave her a grateful, soft smile, taking his hand off the mic, "aight Miles. The missus has convinced me to come."

  "Fantastic!" Miles exclaimed.

  "But I don't wanna be out too late though," Alex outlined.

  "That's perfectly fine mate," Miles said. "Looking forward to seeing you, I'll send you the address in a bit."

  "Aight Miles, see you then."

Alex restyled his hair and changed into something nicer for this mystery event Miles was inviting him to and just prayed to got that is wasn't going to be a strip club. He didn't like the idea of leaving Rosanna home alone whilst she was sick but every time he brought up staying she would refuse and said he would make her feel guilty if he didn't go.

She was wearing one of his sweatshirts as she lay bundled in her bed with the interstellar necklace he gifted her adorning her neck. It made him warm at his core that she refused to take it off unless she was showering. She managed to style it to every outfit she wore.

Just as Alex was leaving, he turned to Rosanna and asked her a silly question, "hey love? If you took me last name would it be 'Rosanna Turner' or 'Rosanna Barnes-Carter-Turner'?" It didn't come from anywhere other than a place of pure curiosity.

"Rosanna Carter-Turner-Barnes," she smiles cheekily.

"Of course," Alex smiled and blew her a kiss.

He felt naked rocking up without his girlfriend by his side. He deliberately drove himself there to force himself not to drink too much so that he could still drive home. He didn't think it would be hard to forget anyway, the only thing his mind was on was Rosanna.

He adjusted the sitting of his jacket on his shoulders and stepped out of his car, dialling Miles' number to diminish the awkward feeling that came along with rocking up to an event on his own.

"Hey I'm here," Alex said once the call went through.

"Turn around," Miles said and Alex did so. Miles was walking toward him with a tall blonde woman by his side. Alex guessed it was Miles' girlfriend. Smiling, Alex greeted Miles with a warm hug, telling him it was good to see him. "It's been too long," Miles said. "Oh, and this is Taylor, Taylor Bentley, she's a model," he introduced the tall blonde who smiled and shook Alex's hand.

Alex found himself sitting on a settee with a thin glass of champagne in his hands. His second of the night. Miles was off talking enthusiastically to a group of people — he was always good in social situations. Alex felt like he stuck out like a sore thumb. He wasn't really a conversationalist and was very quiet with the absence of his friends. He kept taking his phone out — a rarity — and checked to see if anyone had messaged him. Disappointed, he frowned at his blank lock screen.

Alex messaged Rosanna a simple "hi" and hoped she would respond. He was bored out of his mind. Usually he would drink until he'd built himself some confidence but he didn't plan on drinking much tonight.

"Hello" Rosanna replied. The small grey bubble brought a tsunami of happiness to flush through Alex's body. He felt like a schoolboy getting excited when his crush was talking to him.

"How's the event?" Rosanna asked.

Alex put his champagne down on a nearby table so that he could put his full attention into this conversation with his girlfriend.

"Tad wank. Don't really have anyone to talk to. Wish you were here," Alex messaged.

"That's a shame."

"How are you feeling?" Alex asked.

"Just threw up. Feel like that explains itself," Rosanna said.

"Do you want me to come home? I'm more than happy to," Alex asked, feeling a pang of worry at the thought that she was getting more ill.

"I'm just about to head off to bed. Don't worry about me baby, I can take care of myself. Have fun. Get off your arse and have a good time," Rosanna said.

Alex smiled as he typed, "How'd you know I'm sitting?"

"I just do."

"Alex!" A voice spoke up, catching his attention as he put his phone down, smiling at Rosanna's message. He saw Taylor walking toward him with a smile and two drinks in her hands. "You mind if I sit?" She asked.

Alex shook his head and shuffled over, "no. By all means."

"You wanna drink?" She asked and offered him one of her martini's.

Alex smiled politely, "nah, I'm driving home tonight. Had me share of drinks for the night."

Taylor pouted and put the drink on a table, sipping her own and folding her legs. "You look like you're having fun," she smirked sarcastically.

Alex chuckled, "yeah, I guess it's not really me scene."

"I can tell," she smiled and looked him up and down, "You look awfully lonely." She pouted with doey eyes that grazed over Alex's face.

Alex felt something awful in his stomach and his skin crawled uncomfortably. He sat up straight and swallowed the lump in his throat, carefully shifting away from her as she eyed him with a terrifying smirk.

"Ah, I'm not too bad. I like being on me own," Alex played off, forcing a smile. "Got me phone to keep in contact with me girlfriend anyways," Alex said deliberately, hoping Taylor would back off at the mention that he was in a relationship.

"Aw don't be on your phone silly!" Taylor laughed. "Live in the moment!"

Alex forced laughter and shook his head, "it's hard when she's sick. Can't keep me mind off her. Pretty much harassing her to make sure she's okay," Alex said. He knew Taylor had picked up on what he said and that she was choosing to ignore it. Isn't she with Miles?

"Well aren't you sweet?" Taylor smiled and licked her cherry red bottom lip.

"Taylor, I'm not interested. Shouldn't you be with Miles?" Alex said uncomfortably.

Taylor rolled her eyes, annoyed that her toying wasn't working but kept up her plastic smile. "Miles? Oh god, we're not together! We're just friends!"

Alex laughed forcedly, "my mistake." He looked around as if he was looking for help or a beaming green exit sign to get him out of there. He looked at Miles and saw that he was still talking to that big, intimidating group of people and decided that there was better than where he currently was. "Speaking of, I'm gonna go find him," Alex smiled and stood up, walking off before Taylor could get in another word, squeezing through groups of people.

Miles noticed Alex making his way over and a giant smile made its way to his cheeks, "Alexander! There you are!" He exclaimed and grabbed his arm, pulling him to the group of people. "Everyone this is me friend Alex from the Arctic Monkeys," he introduced. Alex smiled sheepishly at everyone and shook a few outstretched hands.

"You having a good time?" Miles asked Alex and handed him a filled shot glass which Alex turned down by putting a hand up to stop him.

"Yeah, it's alright," Alex shrugged. "I, uh...are you and Taylor dating?" Alex asked, trying to weave her into the conversation so that he could raise his concerns and bring up his discomfort.

Miles chuckled and downed his tequila shot, "no, she's just a friend. She's taken a liking to you."

"Yeah. Not in a good way," Alex said, looking over his shoulder just to make sure she wasn't standing right behind him.

"What? She done summat?" Miles asked, concerned.

"Just a bit didn't tell her to flirt with me did you?" Alex asked unsurely.

Miles shook his head quickly, "oh god no! I wouldn't do that to you nor to Rosanna. I think she just didn't know you were in a relationship. I'm sure she meant no harm."

"She did but," Alex said, "I told her. Repeatedly."

"Maybe you were reading her wrong. She's a nice girl Alex, don't make your mind up too quick," Miles said.

Alex sighed and hung his head, realising that Miles wasn't going to see things from his perspective. "Whatever, never mind. I think I'm gonna head home soon."

"Oh come on Alex!" Miles whined, grabbing another shot, "Come on, have a drink. You can't leave just yet!"

Alex politely declined, "I can't, I'm driving."

"I'll call you a cab," Miles said and pushed the glass into Alex's palm.

"Normally I would, I really would," Alex said honestly, putting the glass down. "But I can't afford to go home pissed when Rosanna's sick."

Miles sighed, giving up on his friend, "Alright. But you owe me. Next time we go out you bring your girl and we all get shitfaced."

Alex smiled gratefully, "it's a deal."

He decided against leaving straight away, choosing to give this night a chance even if he was going to have to endure it painfully sober. It wasn't even ten o'clock, the night was still young and Miles wasn't going to let him leave until at least eleven so he thought he may as well make the most of it.

He looked at his reflection in the bathroom mirror and groaned. His hair didn't look as good as he wanted it to and he blamed it on the fact that he did it himself instead of having Rosanna professionally style it for him in the perfect swirl she always would.

He heard a knock on the door and took that as his cue to leave, adjusting his jacket on his shoulders and running his hand through his hair one last time. He strolled through the venue and bumped shoulders with a few people, apologising as he did and craned his head up to look around for Miles. Instead, something tall in black heels made its way back into his night.

"There you are!" She exclaimed. Alex jumped and looked over his shoulder slowly, groaning internally and smiling externally as he laid eyes on her. "I thought you left!"

Alex managed a smile, "not just yet. Miles would kill me if I did."

Taylor laughed and grabbed his wrist, "Come on, let's go to the bar."

"Oh I'm not drinking anymore tonight," Alex said as he stumbled through the crowd until she reached the bar.

"Boo. Why not?" Taylor asked, pouting at him with a big bottom lip. "A cosmopolitan please," she said to the bartender.

"I'm driving," Alex replied.

"Worst excuse," Taylor said.

Alex laughed sheepishly, "Maybe but it's the truth."

"Where's your girlfriend?" Taylor asked, leaning against the bar. She was much taller than Alex and that made her all the more intimidating. So you do know she exists? Alex said internally.

"She's sick," Alex said, "she forced me to come tonight so she didn't feel guilty for being the reason I didn't go out."

"What's her name?" Taylor asked.

Alex smiled, remembering her face, "Rosanna."

"Nice name," Taylor remarked and thanked the bartender for her drink, sipping it slowly as she watched Alex speak.

"She hates it. Thinks it makes her sound old," Alex smiled.

"I'm guessing she likes pet names then?" Taylor said.

"I mean I hope so, I've been calling her 'love' since the day we bloody met," Alex chuckled. Just thinking about her lightened his mood like the dimmer switch on a light.

"Well isn't that sweet," Taylor smiled and sipped her drink again. "You known her long?"

"We've been best friends for about five years," Alex said.

"Impressive," Taylor said uninterestedly.

"How'd you meet Miles?" Alex asked curiously.

"Something like this," Taylor said and looked around the venue. "He was the only decent guy there."

"He's a good talk isn't he?" Alex said.

"Oh definitely," Taylor nodded. "Party animal as well. Speaking of the devil..."

Miles approached the two with a big smile, "how are my favourite people? Getting along well?"

"Wonderfully," Taylor replied. Alex just smiled.

"How's Rosanna, Al?" Miles asked, turning his attention to Alex and giving away that he was fairly tipsy by now.

"Still ill," Alex said.

"I meant your relationship," Miles corrected.

"Best I've ever been in," Alex said honestly. "I've never been happier."

"Well isn't that nice?" Miles smiled and asked Taylor who just smiled and nodded. "You ever gonna let me meet her again?"

Alex smiled, "of course mate. Whenever you want. She's always defending you when you piss me off, I think you owe her a hello anyways."

"She sounds much better than you," Miles teased and took a sip of his champagne that had now accompanied him in his grasp.

"She most definitely is," Alex nodded. "Tell me when you're next in town and I'll reintroduce you two. She'd love to see you again."

"I'm back in about a month," Miles said. "Hopefully she's not still sick then."

"Hopefully," Alex agreed, "otherwise I'll be very concerned."

"You speak so highly of her," Taylor interrupted, catching both men's attention.

Alex chuckled awkwardly, "Well I mean, she is me girlfriend."

"You love her?" Taylor asked.

Alex looked at her quizzically, "more than I have anyone before."

"She's a lucky girl," Taylor nodded. "Any girl would kill for a man like you."

Alex laughed to hide the fact that he didn't know how else to respond to such a statement and then cleared his throat. "Well, I best be off. I don't wanna be home too late," Alex said.

"Right, can't keep the lady waiting," Miles nodded and raised his glass up in toast, "it was good seeing you Al."

"You too Miles," Alex smiled and looked at Taylor, "pleasure meeting you," he said.

"Pleasure was all mine," she said and brought him into a hug that he returned awkwardly.

"I'll see you in a month then?" Alex said to Miles.

"If I stay on schedule," Miles smiled.

  Alex walked to his car with a strangely excited feeling in his stomach. It confused him until he realised it was because he was now on his way back home to Rosanna. He missed her so much already. Just the thought of seeing her face again made him ecstatic.

  "Alex!" He heard a voice call out that made him stop straight in his tracks, skin crawling. He turned around and saw none other than Taylor walking like she was on a catwalk straight up to him. Her silhouette defined by the bright lights shining behind her.

  "Did I leave summat behind?" Alex asked, praying to god she wouldn't try anything. The idea of her flirting with him alone made him feel nauseated.

  "You could call it that," she smirked and walked right up to him, looking down at him and held up her right pointer finger and middle finger. In between was a small wedge of paper. "This is for you," she smiled and tucked it into his jacket pocket. "For if you're ever feeling lonely again," she winked and walked off before he could respond.

  Alex looked at her with furrowed brows, confused as to what the hell she was. He shook his head and climbed into his car, starting up his engine and starting back toward Rosanna's apartment. Curiosity got the better of him as he drove under the clementine yellow streetlights. As the shadows cast patterns over his face, he dug his hand into his pocket and pulled out the piece of paper that Taylor had put in there.

  He folded it open and held it up into the warm light, squinting in the dark to see what it was. A set of numbers ending with a heart. Alex rolled his eyes and accordingly, rolled down his window, scrunching up the paper into a ball and tossing it out onto the road — leaving it to eat up the dust his car left behind.

  He didn't want that kind of poison, he was sickened by the fact that that woman thought for even a second that he'd call her when he had everything he wanted back at home. He didn't care about girls since Rosanna. She was the one thing he wanted and nothing could sway him from his love for her. No matter how hard they tried.

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