Closer: Tyler, The Creator

By RadicalMisfits

175K 4.7K 8.1K

[COMPLETED] On her way to her new job, Nadine encounters someone mysterious. He's involved with everything sh... More

1. Day In, Day Out
3. Ghostride
4. Anonymous
5. Windows
6. Rush
7. Supply and Demand
8. Cash
9. Dark
10. Payback
11. Sprung
12. Golf
13. Hollow
14. Dead To Me
15. Stockroom
16. Fantasies
17. Bloody
18. Gentle
19. Debt
20. Dancer
21. Erotic
22. Sore
23. Secrets
24. Quickie
25. Premiere
26. Cracking
27. Jaws
28. Favors
29. Murder
30. Old Habits
31. Threesome
32. Obsession
33. Birthday Surprise
34. Tape You
35. Unexpected
36. Vixen
37. Roam
38. End.

2. Parfum

5.6K 151 271
By RadicalMisfits

"You sure you got it? I can take you home?" Frank laughed.

Just as I was about to take him up on his offer, my car started. We'd been trying to get it to start up for the past ten minutes.

"It's my lucky day," I rolled my eyes, putting on my seat belt.

"You got work later still?" He asked, leaning into the window.

"Mhmm. In a bit. It goes by quick though."

"Bet. Text me later asshole. And actually reply." He smiled.

I met Frank Ocean my first semester in our english class, before I dropped it last year. He was the only one I clicked with, and the only one that really got me. Things started looking up, and I might've developed a crush on him along the way. Safe to say I was annoyed at him for not telling me he was gay sooner. Anyway, things worked out and we've been friends ever since.

I grabbed a small snack at home before putting on my work shirt and heading out once again. Mom wasn't home still, so I figured she was taking an extra shift.

I made my way to work, the car actually started this time.

Once I got there, I had a few minutes to spare. I waited in the car, texting Mia back.
As I hit send, I looked up. The same boy I had encountered yesterday talking with some people about who knows what. I was intrigued.
I could hear their conversation just a little.

"You better have my shit by tomorrow nigga. I'm not playing no games. You got that?" His tone was deep and unsettling.

The guy he was with shook his head, turning the other way.

I got out of my car, shutting the door behind me as I kept my head low, walking through them.

"Excuse me," I said lowly as I moved past.

I could feel their stares; especially the one who gave orders. They didn't move. Instead they stayed where they were.

I got into work, my manager greeting me.

"God, those troublemakers. They're always standing outside the store," Betty scoffed.

"They're not doing anything wrong...I don't think," I entered my employee pin into the cash register.

I eyed them a little. I made eye contact with the tall one, his eyes dark as he watched me fluster with the register.

When I looked again, they were gone.


My shift was over.

I had to lock everything up, and not to mention clean up after every fucking customer's mess.

I turned off the light, locking the door behind me. I made my way to the car as I started it.

Just my luck. It wouldn't start.


I tried again, again, and again, but to no avail. My phone had died and it was late. Shit. I looked around, but everything seemed to be closed. It was after 10pm after all.

I noticed the barbershop next to the record store still open. I mean, a light was on so I figured I could borrow a phone to call someone.

I bit my lip as I walked over, peeking through the glass.

There wasn't anyone visible, but I could hear music coming from the back. I opened the door and it rung as I walked in cautiously.

"Hello?" I called, but no one answered. I heard laughter and talking.

I walked closer to the back, and peeked through the side.


"Put the shit away!" One of them said, pushing money under the table.

One of them pulled out a gun; I raised my hands in front of me.

"I-I just need a phone. My car broke down and my phone's dead-I didn't mean to—,"

Everyone stared me down.

It was a group of five people. I noticed the tall one I had seen before get up, moving the girl that sat on his lap to the side. He kept his gaze on me.

"Put the gun down." He ordered.

They did as they were told.

"You need to get home?" He asked, cornering me to the wall. His voice was raspy, but deep. He smelled expensive too.

I nodded.

"I'll take you."

My lips parted as I was about to decline his offer. Instead, he picked up the keys next to him, eyeing me.

"This way."

He waited for me to walk in front of him, I felt like I couldn't say no. I wasn't going to risk anything.

We made it to the back end of the store, I watched him get into the gorgeous white Mclaren. He opened the passenger seat from inside, and I made my way in slowly.

It was silent as I closed the door.

I could only imagine how much the car might've cost. I didn't touch anything.

"Tell me where to turn."

I nodded, following his instructions. I could hear myself breathe.

"Um, a left here."

He followed.

I told him where to go before we arrived. He parked in front of my house; my mom's car in the driveway.

Just as I was going to open the car door, the clicking of the doors locked.

"Your name."

His tone was harsh yet soft. It was eerie. I didn't know what to expect.


I didn't look at him, but I could feel his stare.

"Whatever you saw at the shop, you didn't see."

I nodded.

The car door unlocked, and I got out, grabbing my bag as I shut the door.

I made my way inside quickly, locking the front door. I ran upstairs, looking down through my bedroom window to see if he was still there. I couldn't see through his tinted windows though.

He pulled away, driving off into the dark.

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