Code Black (on hiatus)

Av Xin-Yang

2.3K 129 82

More than half of my life had been dedicated on tracking extraordinary activities and making sense of eccentr... Mer

Eleven (S.C.)
Seventeen (S.C.)
Twenty One
Twenty two
Twenty Three
Twenty four
Twenty five


48 4 2
Av Xin-Yang

Chapter 20: Capture


I was ten years old when an ability wielder appeared before me. He can manipulate any liquid matter and can produce water out of thin air-or rather manipulating the vapor around. Shortly after his entrance in my life, another one arrived. A foreigner who defies gravity in all state and surpasses a bullet's speed when released into the air.

Amidst our young age, we were the forerunners of the special sub-unit and the two of them were the pioneers of Exo. We sought for one extra ordinary person after another, and I thought that the quest was over after successfully recruiting a boy who emits radioactive lights.

I honestly thought that Baekhyun was the last after detecting "peace and silence" all those years. I also am intimidated by the power that these boys radiate, as I perfectly knew that all of them combined can cast an unquestionable obliteration upon (as exaggerated as it may seem) the world.

And one can now imagine how great is the quivering of my knees right now. Literally and figuratively. The earthquake was strong under our feet, and there's a pretty high chance that this tremble can throw me off this building. I cannot ignore the growing pit in my gut, acknowledging my defeat because of how frightened I am right at this very moment.

My neurons are firing faster than how my brain can handle all the information. I never really am present with Exo in their recent fights as I am required to stay in my post within the safe corners of the headquarters, and seeing my dear comrades fight to death now added that spice in my career. -- Just a bit pointless, undesirable and deadly spice. It cannot be denied that this, so far, was the most nerve wrecking match they've ever gotten themselves into.

I wanted all the terror in my organs to subside knowing that I should have anticipated for this. For Pete's sake, It's Code Black! I should not be expecting rainbows and cupcakes and a glorious chronicle of victory to be added on their endless lists of accomplishments. I should be expecting blood, and fight, and doom and destruction....

But I am nowhere near prepared for all this sht!

I bet someone out there can relate to the anxiety that is strangling me today. I am, truly terrified. Just a half minute ago, Exo is winning, and now, because of the unexpected reinforcement, the wolves are back on their track.

The seemingly endless moving of the ground was put into halt. I gradually pulled myself back up, as I untied Jaehee from the railings.

"Captain, I am ready."

Chen was now on the edge of the rooftop, arms on the side and palms facing upwards. I can sense him summoning his power with all those sparks of electricity running along the sleeves of his hoodie and cackling around his body.

I run into the edge to watch, but I tried my best to still stay unseen. I saw Xiumin now making his move. Ice are appearing on the side of the building as he steps to climb and swiftly gain elevation. He's not so far from us here at the top now. As he gained his desired altitude in the building, his fingers blasted frosts in front of him for him to slide unto.

I felt a gush of momentarily relief washing over me as I see how the wolves barely notice Xiumin sliding pass through them-given that they are so occupied with deflecting Chanyeol's fireballs and Suho's water blasts with levitating rocks and gushes of wind.

Xiumin was now in the end of the pavements, securing the exit in between the huge stone buildings.

"Please, work. Please, work. Please, work." I mumbled whilst crossing my fingers in strong desire to let all these commotion end. I'm begging all the existent gods and forces and invisible energies in the universe to grant my humble wish. Just let Exo defeat them. Please.

One of Suho's water blasts flew pass the wolves and made its way to Xiumin. Suho was quick enough to bend the liquid, making a wall of water on the end of the pavement. Xiumin swiftly froze it, firmly attaching the wall in between the corner of the buildings.

"Yes!" Jaehee and I cheered as I threw a fist pump on the air. We're approaching the end of the plan. Xiumin was now able to seal the exits. It indeed took them time to fight those wolves and at best gain confidence in battling new ability wielders, but at least they were now able to gather them all in one place and conscientiously trap them within the street.

I held my breath, with finger crossed that our final attack would work. I stared hopefully, watching the captain. With eyes brightly lit, he summons every liquid available in the area, as the two tanks above the buildings fall and the water spill down the alley.

I felt like watching a tsunami unfold before me. The wolves were also too struck with the tall wave before them that they won't move.

This is one of the rarest moments that I saw Suho unleashing his full potential, and even I, who's well known to the fact that he is powerful, still watch in awe and bewilderment.

The captain finally released his hold of the wave. The water flowed around him and Chanyeol while Xiumin was continuously building the wall up to cater to the water level. He also seals all the holes and windows on the buildings to prevent the water from flowing outwards.

The water drenched the wolves from chest down. The glow on Suho's eyes now faded, and he looked over at our direction. He gave Chen an ordering nod.

Chen, with the power he's obviously holding for long now, was finally able to release it. He struck the water with electricity, and its hum vibrated loudly across the area.


Our opponents are bellowing in agony, and from here I can see the purplish sparks dancing violently around their bodies. I'm not used to seeing such painful way of capture, because this is the heavenly equal of taser. Worry lingers in me, but I kept on reminding myself that they are our adversaries, so I tried to distract myself from hearing their cry.

My breath hitched upon noticing one of them making a move. Despite the undeniable strong voltage running along their bodies, one of them dived into the water. That newly arrived wolf.

In a split second, the ground was elevated, and rock spikes rose suddenly to crush Xiumin's ice wall on the middle. The water splashed outside the pavement. My guts are tangling back with anxiety and discernment of what is happening.

And when I finally processed everything, I recalled that the buildings were made of rocks. One of the wolves have earth as his element.

My insides went nuts as the situation finally dawned upon me. The inner panic began to resurface once more.

The plan is failing.

The ground shook again, and this time, stronger. I instantly fell on my knees, fighting hard to keep my balance. I was in the edge of the building; one wrong move and I will drop unto my demise.

Suho's hold of the water now breaks. He and Chanyeol were consumed by the waves, and it all happened so fast that Chen was not able to pull his voltage back in time.

"No!" I roared, seeing Chanyeol, Suho and Xiumin wounded with Chen's electricity in the water. My eyes begin to warm up, as I try my best to keep fear from consuming me. I gave a fast gaze to Chen, and the horror in his eyes were not to be denied-it left him dumbstruck and motionless.

The water in the pavement drifted off, and the ground does not look like it will be steady soon. I crawled to Chen and Jaehee, who's now holding each other to prevent one of them from falling. We couldn't afford to let Chen be thrown off this building. He was the wolves' target and the very reason this ensnarement is prearranged.

"Oh no..."

Shivers shot up along my spine as I again processed the situation. The wind is getting stronger and stronger. The wolves were maximizing their abilities to throw us off here.

I know it might be a dumb thing to be concern with other matters more than our safety right now-- but nothing will be prevailing than my worries for Suho, Chanyeol and Xiumin down there. Despite the wind growing stronger, I mustered the courage to crawl and at least peek at the now drenched pavement below.

My heart fell into my stomach, and pain crawled up my throat as I saw them lying half unconscious on the ground. Their bodies are covered with rocks, bent and refined to trap them in place. I don't know what's gotten into me, but despite the whistle of the strong wind and the loud grumble of the earthquake, I bellowed, recklessly making a scene.

"Captain! Wake up! Please... Come on guys! Wake up!" I thoughtlessly shoved my existence to the dangerous strangers below, but I was this disoriented upon seeing my friends' state. I barely noticed my voice cracking, and they do not seem to hear me. My call is in vain. I started to cry, leaving my goggles really blurred and soaked.


I went silent in bewilderment when the building started to shake in an odd direction. Moments ago, it was merely moving back and forth. Just now, I swear, it moved up. I swear the building jumped!

It was not the last movement. The building is now shaking steeply, which was the deadliest earthquake that can happen. The wind went crazier, and I began feeling the despair crawl unto my limbs. I cannot do anything but cry even louder and stupidly get my goggles blurred.

"Amber! Watch out!"

A huge flying debris hit me

Yep, it got me bad. It hit that spot in the head. I started to get dizzy, loosening my grip to whosever hand I was holding. The vertigo from the jumping building was not less of any help. I got knocked out of sense and found myself sliding through a cold surface from a very high place.

At least I did not fall with an impact enough to break my bones.

When the wind from the tornado calmed down and when the earthquake ceased, I'm beginning to regain my senses once more. I found myself on the pavement below, exposed, weak and vulnerable.

But I saw them running out the alley-- meaning, there's a less chance I'll get attacked. I think the perimeter's safe now, so I struggled to get up and run to my injured friends.

And maybe I spoke to soon when I thought that the area's safe

I jumped in shock when a figure appeared and reappeared before me, leaving traces of black mists. The terror grows in my gut again, crippling my insides in petrifying anticipation of what would happen next to me.

An arm was hooked around my neck from my behind, and gladly, my fighting reflexes worked as I twist the arm around, placing my feet on the wolf's shoulder.

But he disappeared again, reappearing in front of me. I earned a strong punch on the face.

"Oh, shit this is bad. This is very very bad..."

My goggles are broken! It began flashing red exclamation points before my sight. I shut my eyes real tight, because I am facing my friend's direction. Any destruction upon this place would mean harm to them, and I don't want to accidentally kill my comrades.

Now I'm forced to face a fight blindly.

Another punch landed on me, hitting me on the right lip. Despite a black mask covering the half of my face, he got me good there. I tasted the familiar tang of iron in my mouth. I kept hearing the swishes and wooshes of the teleporter around, but I failed to detect where he is.

Something was place over my head. I struggled, but I felt two pairs of strong arms now holding me in place. Despite the mask over my face, I got the strong scent inside the sack that got me unsteady and wobbly.

I caught few yells and cries, but soon enough they remained distant and gargled. My eyelids felt heavier, and even with the strong attempts to fight the drowsiness, I remained lightheaded and weak.

I drifted deep into a risky slumber, within the hands of ability wielding and dangerous strangers.

Internet has been very difficult to access these past few weeks, and I'm again apologizing for the late update. Thank you for whoever is reading this and is patiently waiting for updates. These all mean a lot to me

Anyway, I'm celebrating the 700 reads! Progress is still progress however small it is, right? hahaha

Stay tuned for the unfolding of the next chapters. Have a happy weekend ahead! <3

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