The Walking Dead - Clementine...


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You are a boy whose father deserted you and your mother when you were only 5 years old. Your mother had to wo... More

Chapter 1 - New Beginnings
Chapter 2 - Rewind
Chapter 3 - Bonds
Chapter 4 - Life only gets harder
Chapter 5 - New Hope
Chapter 6 - The Cruelty of Humans
Chapter 7 - Silver Lining
Chapter 8 - Ambush
Chapter 9 - Same old story
Chapter 10 - The ever-growing death count
Chapter 11 - Confusion
Chapter 12 - Long Road Ahead
Chapter 13 - Noble deeds and bitter glory
Chapter 14 - Secret Revealed
Chapter 15 - Missing link
Chapter 16 - New found hope
Chapter 17 - All the pieces come together
Chapter 18 - Nearing the boiling point
Chapter 19 - Crawford
Chapter 20 - Destined to fall
Chapter 21 - Life or Death
Chapter 22 - Back Home
Chapter 23 - Speechless
Chapter 24 - No time to lose
Chapter 25 - Lee's Ultimatum
Chapter 26 - Savannah the land of the dead
Chapter 27 - Y/N's on point
Chapter 28 - Calm before the storm
Chapter 29 - "Happy reunion"
Chapter 30 - Heroes come and go, but legends are forever
Chapter 31 - Close Call
Chapter 32 - Torn apart
Chapter 33 - The two of us
Chapter 34 - Feeling Helpless
Chapter 35 - "Warm" welcome
Chapter 36 - Back to the norm
Chapter 37 - Boxed in
Chapter 38 - Alone for the fight
Chapter 39 - Where are you
Chapter 40 - Wounded Saviour
Chapter 41 - Rematch
Chapter 42 - Eye of the storm
Chapter 43 - The end of Y/N?
Chapter 44 - Welcome to the new world
Chapter 45 - Dangerous Confrontation
Chapter 46 - Goodbye my friends
Chapter 47 - A Warrior's Struggle is Rewarded
Chapter 48 - Long time waiting
Chapter 49 - A new member
Chapter 50 - Tension in the group
Chapter 51 - History lesson
Chapter 53 - Rivals or Partners
Chapter 54 - True nature revealed
Chapter 55 - Enter Hunter
Chapter 56 - Unfortunate Teamup
Chapter 57 - Painful experiences
Chapter 58 - No more
Chapter 59 - A Bastards End
Chapter 60 - We made it
Chapter 61 - Preparing for the end
Chapter 62 - Countdown to Armageddon
Chapter 63 - The nightmare ends?
Chapter 64 - Get out
Chapter 65 - Finally arrived
Chapter 66 - Amazing awakening
Chapter 67 - Back to reality
Chapter 68 - Family advice
Chapter 69 - Official
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
New Story

Chapter 52 - Truce

2.1K 67 16

Darkness surrounds you and all you can hear are screams. You open your eyes and see Clem walking off. You try to get up but a bound to a chair with chains.

Clem: You lied to me Y/N.

She turns around and is crying.

You: Clem what are you talking about?

She puts her face in her hands and her crying intensifies. A tall figure walks up behind her, it's a man with white hair, a beard and one eye. He raised his hand to reveal an axe. He swings it down preparing to kill her.

You: Clementi...

You dart up from your bad, breathing heavily and sweating. It was just a nightmare. Looks like the talk about this Hunter guy spooked you a little and how serious Clem and Karen were about him. Hopefully Karen will be able to convince the others to help out.

It was still early and the sun was still rising so you try to go back to bed but are to afraid. You get out of bed and grab your axe. You open the door and head downstairs, you open the door and walk outside, maybe some fresh air will help you calm down. After spending some time outside you hear footsteps approach you and turn to see Derick standing there with his machetes in his hands.

Derick: What're you doing out here so early?

You: Nothing you should worry about.

You stand in silence for a while before speaking.

You: There is something I'll need you to know.

Derick: What exactly?

You: About 2 kids that I want to save, they're being held by a couple of raiders and I'll need all the help i can get.

Derick: You're asking me for help, don't waste your breath.

You: I think you'll want to go.

Derick: Why?

You: The leader of the raiders, according to my mom has some history with you guys, a guy who's called Hunter.

Derick's expression change from blank to anger at the mention of that name.

Derick: What the hell did you say!

You: Quiet down. As I was saying Hunter's men are the one's who attacked Clementine and took the kids. I want to get them back and I'll need everyone's help.

He paces around before finally talking.

Derick: That motherfucker ruined this area, if you want to save someone who's in his hands it ain't gonna be that easy.

You: Yeah, I know.

Derick: The way I figure, we have some time before the others wake up, we could have a quick moment alone to settle things.

You: What?

Derick: Every single time we've fought there has always been someone there to interrupt and right now there's no one to interfere.

You: Don't ou realize there's something more important than whatever problem we have?

Derick: This fight is more important than you can imagine and think of it this way. With this fight out of the way our full attention will be directed towards that bastard Hunter, I won't cause any problems.

Derick not causing problems for me is too good to be true and even thought this isn't the time, I want to settle this as quick as possible before it goes too far.

You: Fine, let's go.

You lead him through the forest and arrive where you had your fight yesterday. There are no walkers in sight and no one to get in the way. You are standing a few metres away from each other.

Derick: From now on there will be no complaints.

You: None.

Derick: Good, I've waited so long, now the moment has arrived!

You: We don't have all day so I'm ending this fight right from the start, got it!

Derick: It goes without saying, I won't need any weapons.

You: Neither will I.

Derick: Now let's see what you've got Y/N.

Derick runs towards you and throws multiple punches which you are barley able to avoid. He knees you in the gut and elbows you in the face dropping you to the ground.

You(thoughts): Damn.

You look up and see him jump at you and you roll out of the way in time. He stands on his feet and goes to throw a punch but you grab it in time. You throw your own punch and he grabs it with his other hand.

Derick: I thought you said you were going to end this quickly.

He says with a cocky smirk on his face.

You: That's the plan but I guess I was wrong.

You respond with a smirk on your face.

The two of you let go of each other and you go for a roundhouse kick which he blocks. He tries to punch you but you dodge and knee him in the gut. He stumbles but doesn't fall to the ground. He tries to punch you but you dodge and punch him in the gut repeatedly.

He grabs your fists and gives you a headbutt, stopping your assault. The two of you grab on to each other and begin to headbutt each other over and over again, blood dripping from your heads.

Derick: Give up!

You headbutt each other.

You: No!

You headbutt each other again.

He tries to speak but you knee him in the jaw and punch him in the face. He falls to the ground but pops back up.

Derick: Looks like the time you've spent with us has made you decent at fighting but don't think you're going to win.

You slowly walk towards each other and stand eye to eye with each other.

Derick: Go ahead.

You: No need to ask.

You punch him in the gut and as he falls over elbow him in the back of the head before trying to kick him in the face however he dodges the kick and sweeps your legs. He gets on top of you and begins punching you in the face, over and over again.

Derick: all you've got.

He goes for a right hand but you block it and punch him in the face as hard as you can, finally freeing yourself from him. He struggles to his feet and you punch him in the face, then kick him in the calf and go for a kick to the face but he blocks it and pick you up and throws you to the ground. You land on your back and caugh up some blood.

Derick: Give up!

You: Wanna play rock paper scissors?

Derick: What?

You: Scissors!

You poke him in the eyes and get up as he tries to regain his bearings. He turns back to you and receives a punch to the face.

You: That's rock!

He stands up and the two of you stare at each other once more, trying to catch your breath. You hear groans grow closer to your position. He runs at but you stop him.

You: Derick wait!

He stops dead in his tracks.

You: Walkers, we gotta go.

Derick: You're just trying to make excuses cause you know I'm going to beat you!

You: Hey dumbass look over there!

You point to a group of walkers approaching.

You: Besides, the others should be up by now so grab your shit and let's go.

Derick: Damn it.

You put your axe on your back and he does the same with his machetes and the two of you head back to the Cabin.

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