Teeth II Jenlisa AU

Autorstwa Kim-Chichu

88.2K 6.2K 4.9K

Book 2 and sequel to Teeth *WARNING - Violent themes, bad language and sexual scenes* This story won't make... Więcej

The Lonely Ones
The Trees
The Cabin in the Woods
Jihyo's Doritos
Nothing Matters
For Her
Only Human
The Fog

Blue Eyes

5.2K 500 253
Autorstwa Kim-Chichu

Lisa stood still, eyes not blinking, frozen in time within the snowy forest. 

"H-how.." the Thai stuttered.

Sunmi, in a short black skirt and red buttoned shirt, threw a large thick blanket onto the ground that she had been hiding under so she could move in the sun. It wasn't the safest method for vampire daylight activities but she didn't have a great deal of options. 

"I've been tracking you for months, I couldn't stay with the clan...too many questions".

Lisa swiftly ran over to Sunmi and embraced her tightly, the dark haired girl not hesitating to hug back. 

Sunmi rested her head against her sire's shoulder, looking up with her violet eyes at the group of women all watching on. 

The vampire began to snarl demonically when she laid eyes on Jennie, axe in hand. "The slayer" she growled angrily. "Shh" Lisa whispered gently into her charge's ear, "relax, it's fine". From just a whisper from her sire, Sunmi calmed, and her eyes returned to their usual brown. 

The young vampire didn't like it at all, she didn't trust Jennie, the slayer had brought nothing but bad for Lisa. However she respected her sire and didn't press the issue. 

"Just stay here, I need to talk to the others for a second" the Thai said before heading over to her friends.

"Um guys that is-" she began but was swiftly interrupted. "The girl I saw you flirting with at the club a while ago" Jennie uttered with a look of disgust on her face, "...you turned her into a vampire". The slayer felt sick, once again she had been brutally reminded of what Lisa truly is...or at least what Lisa used to be.

"Yes" the redhead replied with a lump in her throat and guilt in her stomach, "I turned her into a demon, like me". 

"And I'm grateful" Sunmi said from behind as she approached the group, unable to resist the urge to antagonise the slayer. The group of girls were struggling to disguise their fear, being around a vampire like Lisa is one thing, but Sunmi was another.

"The evil energy in this forest is overwhelming, how did you even find me in here?" Lisa asked her charge. Jennie folded her arms, "yes, how did you find her". 

Sunmi wrapped her arms around Lisa's waist from behind, lightly pressing her face against the Thai's neck as she looked the slayer in the eyes, "the bond between vampire and sire is the strongest bond on earth" she replied with a smirk before gently biting on Lisa's shoulder that was slightly exposed.

Since gaining her soul, the only other vampire Lisa had spent time with was Mina. As Mina was ensouled as well, it was different. Sunmi could prove to be a bad influence on the Thai. 

Jennie twirled her axe around in her hand skilfully as she looked at Sunmi, "we're on a mission but if you're going to pose a threat then I can take some time out of my schedule to dust you, oh I don't know...about 30 seconds?".

The dark haired vampire grinned as she transformed into her demonic appearance. 

"Calm down" Lisa sighed with annoyance, "nobody is going to dust anyone" she said at the slayer, "and nobody is going to bite anyone" she added but this time towards her charge, "lets focus on the mission". Sunmi shrugged, "what mission?". "There's an evil presence here" the redhead replied, "it has been killing humans". The dark haired girl laughed lightly, "so what? Let it rip their throats out, it isn't your problem".

The Thai shook her head slowly as she positioned herself to face her charge, "it is my problem, it is the reason I'm here, I didn't know Jennie would be too". "But why are you interested in this?" Sunmi replied with confusion. Lisa looked down at the snow covered forest floor, "I'm...I'm not who I used to be". The younger vampire was no less confused, "I don't understand, lets just go back to Yes-Seong".

"I can't, not ever" Lisa replied sadly before placing a hand on Sunmi's cheek, "I'm one of the Lonely Ones now, it's how it has to be. Return to the clan Miya, tell them I'm dead, it isn't too late for you". 


The word burned Jennie, Lisa clearly called the vampire Sunmi earlier so Miya must be a nickname. Perhaps a name the dark haired woman goes by anyway, but the way the Thai said it so tenderly, it bothered the slayer.

The brain of the slayer was sickened by the vampires, the enemies. However the heart of the human was wondering if Lisa cared more for Sunmi than she did for her. Jennie at conflict with herself once again. Not knowing that in reality Lisa loved her more than anyone had ever loved anything. 

Sunmi shook her head, "no, you're my mentor. I'm not leaving you". 

Jennie gritted her teeth.

Lisa lowered her hand from the younger vampire's cheek to her shoulder, "I'm not the person you knew, I can't mentor you anymore, the best thing for you now is to return to the clan. They will guide you where I am no longer able to".

The dark haired demon didn't want to give up that easy, she had hunted for months, across dangerous terrain to find her sire. 

Sunmi stared deeply into Lisa's eyes, "Lis we can fix it, whatever we need to do we can do it together. Return home with me, you'll be welcomed back I prom-...wait" she uttered suddenly before grabbing the Thai's face and looking even deeper into her eyes, "what happened to you...you're different".

The redhead's eyes widened in panic as she attempted to pull herself away from her charge.

"Lisa..." Jennie called out with both suspicion and concern, "Lisa what is she talking about?".

The vampire wouldn't let go of her sire, "what did you do? You're different some how I-".

"BE QUIET!" Lisa growled angrily, the low demonic snarl of the vampire ripping violently through the silence of the forest.

Sunmi backed off. The redhead ushered her charge a little way away so they couldn't be overheard.

"Jen are you ok?" Jihyo asked softly as she saw the worry in the slayer. The New Zealander sighed, "I saw that girl before you know, I saw Lisa flirting with her in a club. I actually witnessed a vampire preying on a victim, like I'm trained to spot, and I was so consumed with jealousy that I didn't see what was happening. I could of saved Sunmi...the real Sunmi. But now a demon is wearing her face because of my stupidity". The Korean put her arm around Jennie to comfort her, "hey, don't think like that. It isn't your fault".

Jennie shrugged her friend's arm off and shook her head, "it is my fault, being a slayer is the only thing I've ever known and I couldn't even do that right" she looked over at the two vampires, "even while hiding in a forest...my mistakes still find me".

"Seulgz?" Wendy said with concern, "baby why are you shaking?". Seulgi was shivering as she stared at Sunmi, "it's the vampire" she replied, "she's setting off my wolf danger instincts". 

"But Lisa doesn't?" Jennie interrupted with a raised brow, "you were scared and ran away when you were in wolf form but you aren't scared of her now...you even helped me protect her". The werewolf shrugged, "I just don't get bad vibes from Lisa, not like I am this other chick".

Wendy rubbed her girlfriend's back, "maybe her wolf instincts aren't always consistent in human form?". Jennie nodded slowly while turning her head towards the Thai in the distance, "perhaps...or maybe it's Lisa that isn't consistent".

"What do you mean?" the Canadian asked. "She's different" the slayer replied. Sana nodded, "Lis used to be really smiley and cheerful, she laughed a lot". Jennie agreed, "mhm and she was cocky and playful like she didn't have a care in the world. But now she's all brooding and reserved, I thought it was because she's not with her clan anymore but it's more than that and Sunmi and Seulgi have just confirmed that idea". 

"What do you think it is?" Nayeon asked as she gripped onto Sana's arm tightly. The slayer shrugged, "I don't know, but seen as she's a vampire. I can't imagine it's anything good".

The vampires returned to the rest of the group after having a private discussion. 

"What were you talking about?" Jennie asked sternly. Lisa looked her in the eyes, "not your concern" she replied equally sternly. 

"Sunmi is going to help me deal with the brats" the Thai continued, much calmer this time, "so you guys should take the opportunity to leave while we're fighting". 

"B-but" the black haired slayer stuttered before interruption. "I have back up now" Lisa added, "I don't need you anymore, leave and get everyone out while you have the chance". 

Lisa doesn't need Jennie anymore because she has Sunmi. The Thai was of course referring to fighting the children but it was cutting Jennie up inside anyway. 

The slayer didn't want to leave, she was desperate to know what was going on with the redhead but her duty to protect the girls was her main priority, so she begrudgingly agreed. 

"Weapon up everyone" Jennie said emotionlessly, "we're leaving". 

Lisa leaned up against a tree, smoking a cigarette as she watched the group of humans walk away into the forest. 

"Ok" she said as she flicked the stub onto the floor, crushing it into the snow with her heel, "we've got children to scare". Sunmi couldn't help but laugh, "you've gone from helping a powerful Queen reclaim her town to frightening two kids in the woods...how the mighty have fallen". Lisa smirked, "I can still beat you into the ground you know". Miya wrapped her arms around the Thai's waist and looked into her eyes seductively, "that's more like it". 

"Sunmi..." the redhead sighed, trying to discourage her charge. Sunmi ignored her sire's efforts and leaned in close to her face, "I missed you". Before Lisa could respond, Sunmi began to kiss her tenderly yet firmly.

"I can't" the Thai said defiantly as she pulled away from the younger vampire, "I can't be what you want". "Because of your soul?" Sunmi replied dismissively, "souls mean nothing, they certainly don't stop humans from corruption and murder. You don't just stop being a demon Lisa, that's what you are, all the time". The dark haired vampire used her long sharp nails to dig cuts into the side of her own neck, deep enough to make the wounds drip with blood. 

Miya placed her hand behind Lisa's head, gripping it firmly as she pulled her sire's face down against her neck, "you know what you are" she whispered. Lisa felt Sunmi's cold blood against her lips, feeding from vampire's didn't do much good to another vampire but their blood smelled and tasted the same as human blood, and brought out the hunter instincts in them anyway. 

Lisa's eyes changed, ocean blue, a low growl emanating from her throat as her fangs grazed against Sunmi's blood soaked skin. 

Sunmi again pulled Lisa's head against her sharply, moaning with both pain and pleasure as the Thai's fangs pierced her skin and imbedded themselves within her flesh. 

Lisa instinctively gripped Sunmi's waist, holding onto her tightly as she fed hungrily from her charge.

Tiger like snarls disturbed the otherwise quiet forest as the redhead gave into her demonic nature.

Miya gripped Lisa's head and pulled her head back before her sire could drain too much blood, "the humans" she said with a smile, "lets feed from them, we'll find them before they can get out of here". 

As Jennie led the group of women through the forest, a sudden pain hit her chest like a hammer. She looked back in the direction towards the cabin, not that she could see it anymore from here, but something didn't feel right. Something hurt and it had something to do with Lisa. She wanted to go back but she couldn't leave the girls on their own, right now she missed Chaeyoung as a fellow slayer as well as a best friend.

"We're near the campsite!" Nayeon yelled excitedly as she ran towards where they sad set up camp, as the one to suffer the most so far, she couldn't wait to get out of the forest. 

"We should rest for a while and then get moving" Jennie commanded, "we don't want to give the spirits chance to figure out the vampires are a distraction". 

"Perhaps you shouldn't say it out loud then" Wendy replied sarcastically. Jennie scowled at the Canadian before turning away to keep a lookout while other girls ate and took a short rest.

Seungwan approached Jennie and stood beside her, "I was only joking you know, I was just trying to lighten the mood I didn't mean to upset you". The black haired girl sighed, "I know, I'm sorry. I'm just really on edge right now". "You love her don't you?" Wendy asked. Jennie hung her head sadly, "I know I shouldn't and believe me I've tried not to but I can't stop, even though she's a vampire...I can't stop". The Canadian patted the slayer's back, "maybe you can change her, maybe you can do what me and Seulgi do during her wolfy time, take her away from everyone". 

Jennie exhaled deeply, "a vampire's need to kill is insatiable, they don't just do it out of necessity, they hurt people because they find it fun. You can't change evil". "But you said she was different to before right? And Seulgi doesn't get bad feelings from her, maybe she's not a lost cause after all". Jennie shook her head, "slayers don't spend time with vampires typically, we find them and kill them, we don't truly know how they behave outside of hunting for victims. But after what they did to my mother it's hard to imagine there could ever be any good in them. They killed her so brutally that the members of the Order who found her refused to even fully detail how bad it was in their report". 

The slayer dug the tip of her boot into the snow, "vampires are cruel and evil, I don't see a reason Lisa would be any different to any other vampire". "Perhaps you are the reason" Wendy replied, "I don't think love is something you should give up on Jennie". 

"Question" Sana said as she ate a handful of potato chips, "when you're in werewolf form, do you hump stuffed animals like dogs do?". Seulgi's eyes practically bulged out of her head, "I...". "Can't deny I was wondering the same" Jihyo added before taking a sip from her drink. 

"You guys are so inappropriate" Nayeon said while shaking her head disapprovingly, "...OH MY GOD DO YOU PLAY FETCH WITH STICKS AND TENNIS BALLS?". Sana grinned brightly, "I think I have a ball in my backpack!". 

Jennie chuckled lightly as she turned to Wendy, "I think we should get moving before they try and teach Seulgi how to roll over".

The women continued to walk through the forest with Jennie leading them the way she thinks they came in, however this was understandably difficult in the dark. 

"Uh Jennie?!" Sana called as she ran to the front of the group and in front of their leader. "What's wrong?" the slayer asked with concern. Sana pointed behind them, "it's Nayeon, she just sat down on the floor and is refusing to move".

Jennie made her way back to where the Korean was, "Nayeon? Are you ok?". 

"I'm not leaving" Nayeon said quietly, looking out into the distance. The black haired slayer kneeled down in front of her, "what's wrong? Talk to me". Nayeon continued staring at nothing in particular, "I want to stay here forever". 

"Is she possessed again?" Jihyo asked both sadly and with fear. Jennie shook her head slowly, concern evident on her face, "I...I don't know", she placed her hand on the Korean's shoulder, "Nayeonie, can you hear me?". 

Nayeon slumped to her side, laying down in the snow, "I'm staying here, leave me alone" she replied in barely a whisper. 

Jennie put both her hands behind her own head as she rose to her feet, "I don't even know if it's safe to move her". Jihyo began to cry, "they said they would keep her forever if we didn't kill Lisa". The slayer hugged the distressed girl, "it's ok, Nayeon will be ok I promise, we just need to get out of here before those kids find us". 

Wendy sighed, "what if they ignored the vampires and came straight for us anyway?".

Children's giggling  emanated from behind the trees.

"Oh fuck" Sana gasped. 

Seulgi suddenly fell to the ground hyperventilating. "Baby what's wrong?!" Wendy asked in panic as she ran to her girlfriend's aid. "I'm changing" Seulgi said as she gasped for air with tears in her eyes, "I'm changing". The Canadian held the panicking werewolf tightly in her arms, "shh baby" she whispered softly, "everything's ok, you're not changing I promise, there's no full moon, the children are just messing with you". 

"I don't want to hurt anyone" Seulgi whimpered as she looked up at Wendy with her dark soulful eyes. Seungwan kissed the dark haired Korean softly on the lips, resting her forehead against her girlfriend's as she spoke gently to calm her, "you're not going to hurt anybody, trust me, everything is ok". 

Wendy attempted to stifle her gasp as she noticed the claws forming on Seulgi's hands. The girl was changing into a werewolf. 

"Jennie!" the Canadian called out, gesturing towards the Korean's hands with her eyes. The slayer's eyes widened dramatically, "how?!". 

"I don't know" Wendy mouthed silently, not wanting to alert her girlfriend any further. 

Jennie's attention was once again grabbed by Nayeon, who was currently humming a creepy tune; a child's nursery rhyme, as she continued to lay on the floor staring out at nothing. 

Sana started to scream violently as blood suddenly began pouring from her mouth, creating pools inside her hand as she held it up under her lips. 

"I can't see" Jihyo yelled in terror, "oh my god I'm blind I can't see". 

The children's laughter got louder yet more distorted. 

Jennie looked around at her friends, all suffering and there was nothing she could do to help. 

The animal-skin masked children emerged from behind the trees, giggling with creepy voices as they slowly began to walk towards the group of women.

"There is something you can do to help" the little boy said in an eerie tone as if he could read Jennie's mind, "put them out of their misery". 

"Kill them" two deep voices said as they appeared to come from the direction of the little girl, the voices were angry despite clear attempt to sound childlike and effeminate.

Jennie's eyes clouded white as she gripped the axe firmly in her hands, looking down at it and then back up at her scared and suffering friends.

This is what the children had done to Amber, possessed her and played on her desire to end Krystal's pain by murdering her. Many other innocents to venture into this forest met the same fate.

With Jennie's slayer abilities and training, these girls didn't stand a chance

"Jen? Jennie? Are you alright?" Wendy said worriedly as she looked over at the slayer, still cradling Seulgi. 

The axe wielding New Zealander appeared to slowly raise her weapon, as though she was preparing to use it.

The Canadian gulped, perhaps allowing Seulgi to change wouldn't be such a bad idea right now. 

Wendy didn't have much time to ponder that thought any longer. Slow and creepy whistles echoed around the forest. One whistle from the right, another from the left.

The sounds were not coming from the children.

Both the little boy and girl turned around, attempting to track the sounds.

Low growls followed the whistles as rustling of leaves could be heard close by. 

"Tigers?" Seulgi whimpered? Wendy shook her head and smiled, "vampires". 

The little girl grabbed her brother's hand as Sunmi appeared, violet eyes glowing in the dark, her fangs pronounced as she grinned sinisterly at the children. 

The siblings started to back off, inching away from the dark haired woman slowly.

Sunmi laughed, "I'm not the one you need to be worried about, time for you to see what a real monster looks like".

A loud demonic roar came from behind the masked spirits, causing them to scream fearfully as Lisa appeared behind them. 

The Thai grabbed both children by their clothing, pulling them both up in the air so she could channel their energy. 

The children continued to scream, the screeching of the spirits caused the entire forest to shake and rumble.

The children struggled but could not escape the grasp of the redheaded demon, her ability to harness energy was much stronger than theirs. 

Lisa growled and roared as she poured her energy into theirs, overpowering and consuming them. The children screeched so loudly it hurt everyone's ears, before disappearing, returning to the spirit realm to escape from their fanged tormentor. 

Lisa had tapped into her demonic nature way deeper than she had wanted to, but this was the only way to defeat the spirits; to unleash the vampire.

"Nicely done" Sunmi said with a smirk. 

"They aren't gone, not really. They will stay away for a while but one day they'll return. They can't be stopped unless Dara loses her grip on the town" the Thai replied. 

Nayeon sat up dramatically, panting heavily as she regained control of her mind and body. 

Sana stopped screaming when she realised the blood was no longer pouring from her mouth.

Jihyo immediately grabbed Nayeon and Sana, hugging them both tightly after regaining her sight.

Seulgi looked at her hands and smiled, they were regular human hands again. She was about to kiss Wendy until she saw the look of concern on her girlfriend's face.

"Seulgz was right..." the Canadian uttered lightly as she looked at the redhead in awe, "your eyes...they're blue".

The Thai cursed inside her head once she realised she was still in vampire form.

"Lisa?" Jennie whimpered as the axe dropped from her hands and onto the snowy ground, "Lisa what have you done to yourself...your eyes". 

The slayer was scared, she knew normal vampires had purple eyes, really powerful vampires had red eyes though it was rare...so what did blue eyes mean. What kind of unknown levels of power did blue eyes signify. Was Lisa now even more dangerous than Sandara?

Lisa gulped. 

The vampire and the slayer stared at each other intensely, the rest of the world disappearing around them. In that moment, they were only aware of each other.

"What does it mean, what are you?" Jennie asked, fear growing more and more in her voice.

The Thai's nails dug into her palms as she clenched her fists anxiously. 

"My soul" she said softly.

"I got my soul back".  

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