How could we say Goodbye?

By GrantFics

47.8K 912 291

You loved him so much, it wasn't possible for you to part. He cupped your face with his hands and pressed his... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Authors Note
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Authors Note
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
A/N Grant!

Chapter 11

1.3K 26 5
By GrantFics

The next morning, you were taking a shower and Grant was downstairs making breakfast in his boxers. Luke had stayed next door over night as he got drunk; so when the door was knocked on, Grant assumed it to be him.

He opened the door with a smile on his face and froze as an older couple stood at the door smiling.

The expressions turned from happy to a look of shock and disgust on the man; however the woman raised her eyebrows and looked away awkwardly grinning to herself, recognising you and suspecting you were hooking up.

“Who are you, and where is my daughter?” The man said, extremely un impressed. Grant blushed realising immediately they must be your parents.

“Don’t be so rude!” The woman said kindly “Hi, I’m Janette, this is Jeff! Our daughter lives… or did live here we believe?” She shook Grants hand and smiled warmly.

“Yes… shes upstairs, I think shes taking a shower. I can go and get her if you would like to come in?” Janette and her husband walked into the living room and stayed there whilst Grant ran upstairs and knocked on the door to the bathroom. “Babe?”

He calls you and you suspect Grant was going to ask to join you at first and giggled answering with

“You can come in?”

“Your parents are here” he said bluntly

“WHAT?” You screamed and wrapped a towel around yourself, jumping out the shower you stopped and the colour drained out of your face… “they saw you in your underwear didn’t they…” Grant blushes and nods throwing on some skinny jeans and a t shirt.

You put on a light flowy floral dress and give him a kiss on his lips. “We should go…” you say to him and stroke his cheekbone, “It’ll be okay babe” you say at his nervous face, he nods and you make your way downstairs. You hear their conversation as you go down; your father angry and sounding really pissed; your mother trying to calm him down.

“Who the fuck is he? Is he fucking my daughter? He can’t just open the door pretty much naked! He must be with her gay friend… what’s his name… Mike? Luke? Whatever. Either way, I'm going to kill him if he’s laid a single finger on her…”

“Oh Darling! You are funny, you’ve always said how it’s about time our daughter gets a boyfriend! Calm down! She’s an adult now! You're not going killing anyone today that’s for sure! Plus I know he’s not gay, thanks to Lilly! I'm not sure how it will go down with her! She adores him!” Your mother laughs but your father seems to ignore the funny side, puffing and shouting.

“No… that is not Grant Gustin… she WILL NOT date HIM! I have always wanted her to get a DECENT boyfriend! NOT an actor! Everyone knows he is probably just having a fling! Actors do that you know, don’t treat people proper… and turn up to their door in their bloody underwear… short term relationships, he’s probably bloody using her as well… she doesn’t even know…”

“Woah, slow down you barely know the guy! That is totally out of order Jeff. Let’s just give them a chance to talk before you go jumping to conclusions…”

You look at Grant and shoot him a ‘oh god… I'm so so sorry’ face, he looks like he might cry, you take his hand and give him another soft kiss on his lips outside the door, before walking in hand in hand, prepared for what was to come.

“Oh here come the happy couple…” Your father comments sarcastically. You were used to his out bursts of over reacting, but he had never been THIS bad…

“Oh shut up Dad” You say bluntly, you had heard enough. He raises his eyebrows at you

“And who are you to tell me to shut up? You haven’t even introduced the boy! Who is this intruder?” He quizzes you, hoping you’ll trip. Tears glaze your eyes as you stand and pull Grant closer to you, speaking through the lump in your throat.

“You have just insulted Grant in every single way possible, so I believe you have nothing more to say on the matter… I can live my own life, with my own boyfriend.” You say sternly, your mum looks at Jeff with a warning glare before turning to you,

“Grant I'm sorry for what you just heard, Jeff is just over protective…”

“OVER-PROTECTIVE?” He raises his voice, tears stream down your face, this is so not how you had planned everything to go… “I am NOT being over-protective dear; I should have met this… this player… before they thought it be a good idea to hook up!”

You turn your back to your parents and look at Grant, staring into his eyes desperately; he cups your face and kisses you tenderly. Your mother gives him a thankful look as Grant nods at her and embraces you, you cry into his shirt.

“Oh look what you’ve done” Janette says and Jeff rolls his eyes

“How long has this mishap been going on for then?” He says expectantly. Grant lets go of you, puts a huge smile on his face and shakes your father’s hand.

“Hi, I'm Grant, Grant Gustin” he says, your father looks surprised and shakes his hand back frowning.

“Now, I've been dating your daughter for around 3 weeks, I know I may not have a very stable job and amazing income, but I know that I love her, we are serious. She… she means the world to me. I would never do anything to put her in danger, we are very serious. We met because I had to come down here for an audition, which is next week. We haven’t spoken about after that, I think because to be honest, we are both scared. I haven’t left her side for 3 weeks… and I've never felt so attached or comfortable with anyone; thinking of spending time without her pains me. Both of us. I hope that you will accept me looking after your daughter.”

By the time he’s finished, your father raises one eyebrow, and you look hopefully at him as your mother hugs you comfortingly.

“…right” Your father says, pleasantly surprised “Well when you put it like that, I suppose you could possibly come over for dinner so that I can actually get to know you…” there was an edge to his voice, but you ran over to him and hug him passionately.

“Oh god thanks Dad; I swear I won’t let you down.” You kiss his cheek before turning back to Grant and smirking, “Little Genius” you say, pecking his lips quickly.

“How about you come over tomorrow for dinner then?” Your Mum asks, and you nod

“It would be our pleasure!” Grant says and widens his eyes at you happy and surprised when your mum goes in for a hug. Your father shakes hands with him, and kisses you on your cheek.

“Well… best be off, Lilly is home alone, oh and Grant, word of warning… Prepare yourself for squealing and gaping when Lilly sees you tomorrow”

Grant giggles and you let your parents out the front door. Your mum turns back around “I'm proud of you darling” she says before giving you a final hug and leaving.

You run back into the living room and jump into Grants arms, wrapping your legs around his waist and kissing him passionately. “God, I love you!” You say, you blush. Realising you haven’t said it properly before now.

“I love you too” Grant whispers before placing you gently down and kissing you again.


You and Grant were sat down on the sofa, your legs crossed, facing each other and holding each other’s hand.

Luke had arrived around an hour after your parents had left and you told him everything that had happened; you were talking about what Grant had said, and trying not to cry at the thought of him having to leave next week.

“One more week…” You said to him shaking your head, How had something so happy turned into something so sad…?

“I swear, I will do anything and everything I can to stay with you babe…” He looks into your eyes and gives you a sad smile.

“I just wish you could stay here…”

“So do I.”

“There must be a way” You say to him, scanning your mind for any possible solutions. You couldn’t move up with him, Sophie and your family would be devastated, and although you would do anything to be with him… Choosing between your love and your friends was too much to even contemplate…

You sat in a sad silence as Luke came in, “Hey… guys? What’s with the sad vibes? I thought what happened with your parents was pretty good in the end!” You look at Luke and shake your head lightly as if to say ‘don’t’ “Seriously guys what’s up?”

He asks looking genuinely concerned he walks to wards you and kneels on the floor placing a hand on your arm.

Grant and Luke look at each other, Grants eyes were red and straining to hold back tears himself, he got up and left the room and you heard him lock himself into the bathroom. Luke sat in front of you and looks you in the eyes, “Babe, tell me what’s happened”

“Life is shit Luke…” you say, tears rolling like jewels down your cheeks. “Grant and I… we, he has to go. I don’t want him to leave me” You say bursting into tears, Luke cradles you softly and lets you cry.

“There will be a way… there has to be away. I'm telling you now; I'm not going to let you see this guy out of your life. You were brought together for a reason, connections like yours don’t happen on an everyday basis. I swear to God babe, this will work.”

You're happy that Luke can talk some sense into you, and leave Luke. You walk upto the bathroom door and knock on it gently, “babe? Let me in?”

The door unbolts slowly and the door opens, Grant is stood in front of you, looking totally drained, his pale face and red eyes facing the floor.

You don’t say anything, because words can’t describe how painful it is to see him this distraught; instead you hug his waist and cry into his t-shirt whilst he places a hand on your head and you both feel every sense, memorising what it feels like in every possible way at that moment as you didn’t know how many times you would get to do that again, but however many, it was a numbered amount…

What do you think will happen??

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