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[R16] Kim Dabin, and Han Eunbi are two identical twin sisters, who were seperated at the moment they we're bo... More

Lia's Welcome Note
Chapter 1: First Day
Chapter 2: Welcome To Seoul
Chapter 3: Doppleganger?
Chapter 4: Almost Hit
Chapter 5: Twin Sister?
Chapter 7: Who's Who?
Chapter 8: The Revelation
Chapter 9: Cold as Ice
Chapter 10: The Differences
Chapter 11: The DNA Testing
Chapter 12: Seoul High University
Chapter 13: The FootBall Kingka
Chapter 14: The DNA Results
Chapter 15: The Hidden Pain
Chapter 16: The Attack
Chapter 17: Tears
Chapter 18: The Hate and Tears
Chapter 19: The Mysterious Man
Chapter 20: The Truth
Chapter 21: A Blood For Dabin
Chapter 22: The Donor
Chapter 23: Forgiveness
Chapter 24: The Confession
Chapter 25: New Start
Author's Note

Chapter 6: Mistaken Identity

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Chapter 6: Mistaken Identity




"Okay! The first twin, is out!"



"Okay. Two healthy baby girls. Congratulations, Mrs. Lee!"

Dabin's Pov

"Okay, Class! Please be seated!"Says  our homeroom teach, Mr.Kim as he saunter his way inside the room, standing by the demo table.

"Today, i will be announcing who got the perfect score in the exam. I'm proud that no one in this class failed, and i'm also disappointed, that some just don't take this subject seriously."Says Mr.Kim. I roll my eyes, getting annoyed on the nonsense talks.

"Can you just announce the scores?"I said, irritated. Mr.Kim lets out a deep sigh, as he looks at the paper and said, "Congratulations!"

"Ms. Hyun Haelin!"Everyone clapped up upon announcing the person, i looked at Minjin and Seyoung with a suprised facial expression.

"Girl, i thought it was gonna be you."Says Seyoung.

"Yeah, me too. Did she just beat you?"Minjin added. I let out a deep sigh, as anger boils up inside of me.

"Next, with the high score."Mr.Kim continued. "Ms.Kim Dabin!"I stood up from my seat, and went to get my pair.

"Good job,Ms.Kim! I didn't expect that you will be moved to top 2. I guess, you should do better more."Says Mr.Kim. I rolled my eyes, as i went back to my seat and crampled the paper.

Class we're finally over and everyone started running to the cafeteria. "I can't believe it. Did Haelin just beat you? Wow!"Says Seyoung, as she brushes her hair.

"Yeah! She was always top 2. But now, she got you're place."Minjin added. I grip into my fist tightly, "Will the both of you, shut up?!"I exclaimed, as i went out to the cafeteria.

"Dabin, what are you gonna do?"Minjin asked, as the both of them catch up. As i spot Haelin, by the corner of the cafeteria, i grab a carton of milk, and approached her.

I slowly pour the milk on top of her head, causing the students attention. "That's for stealing my place, loser."I said , with a wink.I walked out of the cafeteria, with a wide and satisfied smile.


Class we're finally over, and i was about to leave the classoom, when suddenly Ian showed up infront of me, making me jump out in surprised.

"Omo! You scared me."

"We need to talk."He said, seriously. "O-okay."

We walk to a private place and waited who to speak up. Ian lets out a deep breathe, and said. "What did you do to Haelin?"He asked.

I smirked, "What about her?"I asked. "You poured milk on her head, and now she's having hard time cleaning her hair."He exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes, as i cross my arms over my chest."Why do you care about that loser, anyways? Stop pretending to be a hero, Ian."I exclaimed.

"Because, basically what you did was wrong! Just because you're Dad is the School's president, you already have the guts to bully anyone you don't like."I chuckled.

"So you think, i'm the bad person now?"

"Well, yeah! So, stop before i forget about what we had, and what we have today."Upon hearing that, my heart shattered into pieces, tears slowly dripped down to my face, as Ian slowly walks away.


Eunbi's Pov

"Have you asked your Auntie about you're real parents?"Minhyuk asked. I let out a deep sigh, as i shook my heads.

"Ani. I feel like, i need to know it by myself."I answered. "Whoever my parents are, where they are, if they're still alive and if this Dabin is really my twin sister, i think i should know the truth."I continued, with a sigh.

"So, what's you're plan?"He asked. "I really don't know."I answered.

Suddenly, my phone vibrates an unexpected caller. I look at Minhyuk, before answering the call.


"Yah! Kim Dabin?! Eodiya? I have been looking for you."





I immediately hunged up, and look at Minhyuk with wide open eyes. "Who was it?"He asked. "Someone's looking for Dabin. This person probably mistaken me as Dabin, again."I said, as i let out a deep sigh.

"We should really look for this Dabin, and we should also look into more of her information."I nod, as i took a sip of my coffee.

Minhyuk and I spent our time, talking and  watching Netflix as our hobby. While waiting for someone to email me about my scholarship, or whatever. I sighed, as i stare at the clock, ticking and moving.

"Anticipating?"Minhyuk asked.

"Yeah. It has been almost a month, since we got here, there's still no email." I sad, with a down-cast expression.

"I'm sure it will email you. Just don't lose hope, okay?"I let out a smile, as i nod at Minhyuk.

"Thanks, Minhyuk."

It was already night, Minhyuk and I decided to eat outside. "Are you ready?"I asked, Minhyuk as he puts on his coat, since it's cold outside.

"Yeah! Kaja!"


As we got to the restaurant, we started ordering food we would love to try, when suddenly a group of students pass by the restaurant, and one caught my most dearest attention. It's Dabin

I immediately stood up, and ran outside, hoping to catch Dabin, but before i could catch up to her, she went inside a car, and slowly drove away.

Minhyuk followed outside, worried. "What's wrong?"He asked. "I just saw Dabin."I said. He looked at me surprised, "Jinjja? Where did she go?"He asked.

"She just left."I answered. "Ow. What a waste. It was already the chance, you two can finally meet each other."He said.

"But what if,she won't like me. What if she doesn't accept me?"I asked, worriedly. Minhyuk sighs, "I'm sure she will learn to accept you. She has no clue who you are and i'm pretty sure, she'll be confused and surprised. So, don't lose hope, okay?"I sighed, as i nod.


Author's Note
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