By absolutelYin-Sane

76.7K 2.5K 4.9K


part one???
~part two~
PART 3 @₩@
| part 4 |
{ ParT FivE }
part 6 owo
part 7 (:V)
part 8 ~^¤^~
/part nine\ =:O
part 10 (actual errormare)
not a chapter. but OMG
part 11 (chapter)
😀guess what?😄
short chapter. A/N
part 12 =°θ°=
part 13 *dab*
The Finale. 2/2
I have a question
ok, read this
Rewrite? 👀👀

part 14, the finale. 1/2

2.4K 82 221
By absolutelYin-Sane

                  ~Nightmares pov~

Scary thing? There's nothing here.... Gradient continues to cry as he covers his eyes and talk about a "Scary" thing. The only scary thing here is me.
After a few minutes, Gradient stops crying, and looks around, clearly nervous. Then, Radier starts to scream. Me and Error run to where Radier was as Gradient starts to wail again.

Yet, nothing's there... But Gradient starts to scream and point to a dark corner. "SCARY! DONT HURT! MAKE HIM LEAVE! DONT HURT MAMA!"

im starting to get nervous myself.... What could be so.........scary........
I feel anger boil up within me.
"Error, calm your child." I hand Gradient to Error, I can see he has tears in his eyes.

"It's alright...." I say as I pat his back.

I sharpen my tendrils and fire them at the corner. Just as I suspected, HATE jumps out of the way with a sadistic smile.

"Well done, octopus. You found my hiding spot!" He says while eying our children.

"Get the hell away from us!" I tell as I step infront of  my family.

He chuckles darkly. "No can do, octopus. Judging by how much you care for your family, I'm going to enjoy RIPPING THEIR SOULS OUT RIGHT INFRONT OF YOUR EYES!"

I get in a fighting stance. "If you want to get them, you'll have to go through me."

HATE smiles. "So be it." I feel extreme Deja Vu by his words. I open a portal and push Error and Gradient through, I grab Radier and hand him to Error. "Run." I say as I close the portal. Now the real battle finally begins.


                    ~Errors pov~

I want to help fight, but I need to keep my children safe. What do I do? Last time Nightmare and HATE fought, he had me and the rest of the gang with him. And even then, we just barely won that. What will happen to Nightmare? I feel tears stream down my face. I don't want to loose Nightmare! But..... Radier and Gradient.....

If I can't help him, I will get help! I need someone as strong as me, I was the one who finished the last battle, so I need someone who can do the same! That someone is Ink....   He could help....and he is much nicer.... Maybe there is a chance?

Radier is a bit calmer now, but Gradient is clinging to me and sobbing into my jacket. Where are we? I check the codes, I'm in..... The doodle sphere? I thought Nightmare couldn't reach this place. I haven't been here since........

My thoughts were interupted by a young toddler pulling at my shorts. I look down to see a familiar child, it was Pallete! "Dig you come ta my birthday party?" Aw, that's cute but.... That was today? But if he's there, then so is Ink!

"Error, you came!" Ink says with a smile. But when he sees my destresed  face, his smile falls.

"Error, what's wrong? Where's Nightmare"

I try not to cry, but horribly fail. Tears start to run down my cheeks.
"H-h-he and HATE are....... He n-needs help! *Hic*"

Inks eyes widen. "Hate?!'

I nod my head. Ink grabs his paintbrush and opens a portal with it. "You can't help fight, but I can! And so will many others!"

I nod my head and try to smile. "T-thank you..."

"Stay here, I will be back, then you will take me to Nightmare!"

And with that, he hops through the portal.


I've been on the ground crying for a while now, Radier fell asleep. But Gradient and Pallete are playing. And Dream is sitting next to me, trying to calm me down.

A portal opens, and out comes,
Ink, Fell, Blue, Stretch, Cross, Killer, Horror, Dust, Classic, Reaper, StoryShift Chara, StoryShiftFell Chara, Fresh and classic Frisk.

"We're all here! And we're gonna help you out!" Ink says with determination.

Stretch nervously chuckles. "Heh, no hard feelings, right?"

I shake my head.
"P-please, we need to hurry!"
I say, while wiping my tears.

Everyone nods their heads.

Frisk runs up to me. "I can watch your kids!"

I nod and hand them Radier, Gradient seems completely oblivious to what's happening, so he should be fine.

Classic clears his throat(?)
"Let's hurry up and get to your place!"

Cross runs up and dramatically opens a portal with his knife. "Let's go!"

Everyone runs through. As soon as we enter, the sounds of fighting and objects breaking can be heard down the hall. We all look to each other and nod, then we start running, the further down the hall we get, the more trashed it looks.

"I sw3ar it$ n0t normally l!k3 this."
Ink chuckles.

Pretty soon, we reach where Nightmare and HATE are fighting. I would run through the door, but there is no door. Or wall. We all jump into action, Nightmare is badly hurt and limping, HATE is hurt, but not by much.

Ink runs up to HATE with his brush raised over his head and swings it at him at full force, causing HATE to fly across the room. But he quickly gets up.

"Hehehe. How cute~ looks like the little glitch brought some friends, how delightful! But not the smartest choice! I WILL LOVE RIPPING YOU ALL TO SHREDS."

Now the REALLY real battle finally begins.

Dream runs to heal Nightmare. I summon my strings and get in a fighting stance before charging at Hate, but he swiftly dodges me. Then, Fresh jumps behind him and tackles him to the ground, Fresh only Had HATE down for a few seconds before he was thrown of and into a wall.

StoryShift and StoryShiftFell both ran together to attack him from two angles, StoryShiftFell landed a hit, but StoryShift did not as she was thrown to the floor, the same happened to ShiftFell.

Blue summoned his Hammer, and swings it at Hate several times, and landing a hit twice, but hate hit the hammer out of his hands and grabs Blue by the neck and lifts him off his feet. Stretch runs in and attacks Hate, causing him to drop Blue, but HATE hit Stretch into Fell, then he ran up to me, anger able to see in his eyes. I summon my Gaster Blasters and start running.

I fire them at him, only for dust to cloud my vision. I squint my eyes and look around. I find nothing, but then, Hate impales my in my side causing me to scream. Nightmare runs up and throws him into one of the still standing walls, then Horror swings his axe at HATE, only for him to dodge and break his axe in half.

Reaper appears behind HATE and swings his sythe at him multiple times, hitting him only once.

This, is going to be difficult.

Many hours later...

*Huff* *Huff*
Hate is injured, but not enough. We're losing. It sucks. ShiftFell is on the floor with StoryShift by her side. Dream, Nightmare, and Ink are next to me, Fresh is on his knees, his shattered YO-LO shades across the room. Classic is helping Fell off the ground, and Blue and Stretch are together trying to catch their breath. Reaper is also on his knees looking absolutely pissed, he holds a piece of his sythe in his hands, the other half is next to HATE.Cross is with Killer, Dust and Horror, and their all using each other for support.

HATE turns to me. "Hehe, looks like I have won. As for my prize..... How about your SOUL? I promise I will take good care of it~"

I feel more tears fall down my face. Is it too late..?


                  ~Lucks pov~

It's breaktime! Me and Chance are playing cards as we share a bag of chocolate doughnuts. Fate and Destiny are drinking coffee and finding a way to prank Karma, because he pranked Fate earlyer today by placing a fake scorpion in a pizza box, and giving it to fate. Fun fact, Fate is terrified of Scorpions. The more you know!

Pretty soon, Chaos and Karma run in.

Fate squints at Karma. "Excuse me? I have no idea what you have just said."

Chaos speaks much calmer. "Your multiverse is going bat-s***-crazy and Errors gonna die."

Fate and me choke on air. "What?!"

"Did I f****** stutter? You heard me! And I had to leave just when it was getting interesting!"

We all start panicking, so we all run to Fate and Karma's universe, and Karma is still panicking.


Chance looks into the multiverse. "Holy sweet mother of Jesus Christ on bike! That's crazier than when my multiverse went haywire!"

Karma nods. "Yes, but I have an idea! And it will work as long as THEY help!"



"OH, they!

Karma nods. "Yup! Chaos, will you do the honers?"

Chaos cracks their knuckles. "With pleasure~"

Chaos starts running and drop-kicks the fourth wall, Causing it to shatter.

You question the book.... Wait.... God damnit, we need a new Fourth wall. But, maybe later. After all, maybe they need YOUR help?

SO.... I have an idea, Chaos broke the fourth wall so YOUR OCs can aid in battle. If your interested, you will be added onto the last chapter, So, here's what you need to do, I need you to comment your info about the OC you will use. You may use multiple, but no more than three. Comment their looks, name, age, gender, attacks and info. Then, I will tag you in the last chapter, and use your OC to help battle. But, I would like it if you could tell me what you want them to to, like, heal others or trap Hate or, well, Anything. If you want to, then expect yourself in the last chapter, because they need outside help, and the fourth wall is broken, so why not? I'm not forcing you to, but I would like it if you could! I hope you have enjoyed this book!== XOXO Tami~

(New update! I nolonger need OCs! Thank you to everyone who contributed, and I now have enough to help the next chapter! Have a nice day!)

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