Unbreakeable Bond #Project Ni...

By RhodaKadri

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Nathaniel and Toun have been in love since the beginning of their first year in tertiary institutions but th... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four

Chapter Forty

373 70 4
By RhodaKadri

Months later....

Japheth hand a glass of milk to Toun. She smile weakly and thank him taking the glass from him.

"Do you need anything else?" Mrs Mopelola asked her daughter.

She shake her head. "No, I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." Toun answered exasperated.

It been months and Toun had done two chemotherapy. The chemotherapy is not really helping. It is painful and yet it only help in slowing the tumor from growing not stoping it. The tumor had grown to her lung but she did surgery to remove it from her lung.

In those few months, things change a lot in her family. After she told her children about the cancer, they show how sad they were. They cried for days looking pathetic and it was like she was already dead.

They became closer to her and become more sympathetic to her. They never want to leave her side. And they never stop asking how she feel.

Her parents also became concern when they were told. Her mother who had only called once after she left Australia with her family to know if she was still angry with her came to visit her for the first time since she returned. She also asked for forgiveness from her.

Toun had been reluctant to forgive her. But she knew she have only few time left, and she finally forgive her. Her father had also came and he was sincerely concern but his pride did not make him admit his wrongdoings and to ask for forgiveness. So she pretend like it was nothing even if she still hate him for what he did to her.

They were all concerned about her. They make her do nothing because after each surgery and chemotherapy, she becomes weak.

Her head is now bald and she was thinner and pale. But she still act strong.

"Stop treating her like a baby grandma." Hope said to his Grandmother after noticing how his mother feels with her questions and over protectiveness.

"I'm not." She said sincerely hurt. "I'm just concern."

"She can walk and do things by herself. She can also talk and ask for help. So Stop treating her like she is helpless or a baby." Hope said angrily and he stood up and walk away.

"Hope." Toun called but he didn't turn back  but walk out of their presence. "He is right mom. I'm grateful that you are concern but stop treating me like i am child. It will only hurt them more."

The old woman nodded sadly.


"I hate seeing her that way. She is suffering within and she won't admit it." Hope said on the phone to Nancy who had become a listener, a best friend and a human diary for him in the past months.

He had found comfort in telling her his mind. He rely on her for comfort, advise and ear whenever he feels heartbroken about his mother condition.

The doctors had given her fifteen months but it doesn't like it going to last long as that. She was getting weaker by the day.

He don't want to lose his mother. He is now having sleepless night thinking about his mother.

Nancy had been a good friend that always been listening to his feelings patiently and helping him get through the day with words of encouragement.

"She don't want you to be worried. You know that right?"

"But i can't help it. Why does this has to happen?" He asked.

"Just stay strong for her and your siblings. It will be fine." Nancy advise.

He nodded. "Okay." He said even if it is an hard task.

"She will be fine." She assured him. "Don't forget I'm always here to help you." He nodded. "Have you eaten?"


"You should. Please for me. You don't want to add to the problem do you?" She asked.

"Of course not."


Nathaniel proposed to Julia and she accept to marry him. They did their wedding in a beach because Julia had always wanted to have her wedding in a beach. They invite family and friends. Nathaniel became her son step father and he was glad the boy accepted him as his father.

They went on a honeymoon to Italy. Adrian, her son move him with Annabella and her grandmother.

"I wish you come here. Julia was right, this place is fantastic. I'm thinking of travelling to Bologna tomorrow. Italians are fashionable and their spaghetti is very very delicious." Nathaniel said to his daughter on the phone.

"That's interesting. Maybe i will visit Italy someday." She said to him. "Dad."

"Yes princess."

"I'm so glad that you are happy. It's wonderful seeing you smile. I owe Julia for this."

He smile. "I think you do. I truly owe her. She gave me another opportunity to love again. I am so happy with Julia and all my fear of never loving again has disappeared. I feel loved again. She is not your mother Toun but i love her."

"I know. So have fun dad. I love you."

"Love you more princess."

After talking to Julia and thanking her for making her father so happy, she gave the phone to Adrian to talk to his mother while she went to the kitchen to make meal for dinner.

"So how you're doing honey?"

"I'm fine. Mrs Allyson buy me a new headset and this cashmere sweater that looks cute on me." Adrian said to his mother.

"Wow! That's great. I need to thank her."

"Yes you do." He said.

"So how's school? Do Anna take you to school or you take the bus?"

"No, she ride me to school every day. She is nice. She is a good sister. Jack doesn't bully me anymore ever since he saw Anna."

"Really? Why?" Julia asked.

"Since he saw me with her at the mall, he had been different. I think he have a crush on Anna and he had been friendly to me since i told him she is my Step sister." He smile remembering his first real conversation with the bully Jack.

"That's a relief but you should be careful around him and tell Anna if you have any problem." She advise.

"I will. Have fun."

"You too." She said. "Love you baby."

"Love you too." He said and he hung up.


Nancy sat looking at pictures of her and Hope. Her mother and elder brother walk in and they took a seat opposite her.

Her brother is eating popcorn noisily.

"I told you to stop making noise with that thing you are eating." The woman said to her son. He nodded.

"What's the problem Nan?" He asked after noticing her expression.

"Is it Hope again?" Her mother asked.

She look up at her and nods sadly. "He's so worried mom. He thinks his mom condition is getting worst. He always feels things so he thinks she is not fine as she said she is. He is no longer the old Hope. I miss his cheerfulness."

"Uhm." Her mother sigh. "This is getting serious. Is that why you are looking like this? Remember Hope is not your boyfriend, he is just a friend."

"Mom can't you see my baby sister is obviously in love. She looks lije she is mourning for her dead husband." Her brother said laughing.

"Brother." She said glaring at him. "I'm just concerned, he's my friend and he makes me laugh."

"I know baby sis. Don't worry he will be fine." He advised with tone me of seriousness.

"I hope so because i feel for him." She said.

"God will heal her." Her motger pray. "I am happy you've know the value of friendship."Her mother said to her.

Her daughter had been a good and supportive friend to the friend she met months ago. And she talks about him always. Even her father that is always protective of her knew about her friendship with Hope. She knew she likes him more than she said. But the Child is not bad himself. They had meet him twice and they like the talented young man.

She feels for him too. No one want to lose his mother. It a painful experience.

"Why don't we visit his family?" She suggested.

"Visit?" The two siblings chorus.

"Yes. Don't you know where you live?" She asked.

"I do....but...are you sure mom?"

"What? Don't you want us to go?" She asked exasperated at their question.

"No no. That's not what i mean mom." She said and smile. "I'm just surprise."

"Okay. Call him and tell him we will visit his home this weekend."

"Alright mom. Thanks mom." She appreciated.


Japheth help his wife to sit up on the bed. He had returned late from work that day. Toun was sleeping when he walk in. But she wakes up when he sit on the bed.

"You don't have to get up. You should rest." Japheth said concern.

"Don't worry I'm fine." She said with a  smile. "How was your day?"

"It was okay. So how are you feeling?" He asked.

"Better. Have you eaten?"

He nods.

"Japh." He replied yes. "I want to look for Nathaniel and my eldest daughter. I want to see them one more time."

"Okay, if that's what you want, I will see what i can do. I will meet my friends tomorrow to help me look into it."

"Thank you. I also want to tell Hope the truth about his father. It's time he knows the truth. But know that you will always be his father no matter what happen." Toun said.

He nods in understanding. "Go ahead. He will find out sooner or later. If you need help, I'm here to help."

"I know. That's why i am most grateful to you. Words can't express how grateful i am for all you've done for me."

"Please stop talking that way." He said not liking the way she talks. She talks like she is giving up, like it is end. He don't want her to give up. The doctor said she still have eight months to live.

She agrees with a nod and she rest her head on his shoulder. It didn't take long before sleep elude her and Japheth rest her head gently on the pillow and cover her with the blanket.

He sat up for hours thinking about her and what will happen to the children if Toun is gone. He feel like he have just little time left with her. He is afraid of seeing her die.

They had done all they could. Toun had refuse chemotherapy. She said it was too painful and it does little to help her condition. She had accepted her fate. But he had not, so does the children especially Hope.


Hope and Isabella were teasing Dammy about his new haircut. He had change his haircut and his siblings decide to make fun of it.

"He looks so funny." Isabella laughs at her twin brother.

"Yeah. You look incredible." Hope mock his brother.

"You two can laugh all you want, I'm not going to change my hair style."

"Really?" Hope asked. "I think you are lieing."

"You don't like us laughing at you." Isabella said.

"Not this time." He disagree.

Isabella was about to make more comment when the security came walking behind the new house help Sade.

"Some people are here to see you and madam." He said directly to Hope after receiving their greeting.

"Let them in." He order and the man nod and went away.

"Are you expecting visitors?" Dammy asked his brother.

"Yes. Nancy amd her mom."

"Wow. I'll finally get to meet the secret girlfriend of yours." Isabella said smirking. And her twin brother did the same.

"She is not my girlfriend you two." He said firmly.

Nancy walks in with her mom beside her. The three siblings greet the woman.

"How are you doing?" She asked with a warm smile.

"Good." They replied in unison.

"Hi." Nancy said to Dammy and Isabella.

"Hi. Nice meeting you." The two said to her.

"The pleasure is mine." She said politely.

Her mother turn to Hope. "We are here to see your mum. How is she?"

"She is fine."

"I will go call her, she should be awake by now." Isabella said.

"You don't need to disturb her if she is sleeping." The woman said.

"No problem ma. She will be angry if she don't meet you." Hope said and she finally agree. Isabella went away to tell her mother about the visitors.


Toun was coming out of the bathroom when Isabella came in. She smile at her.

"Mom how are you feeling?"

"The same." She answered walking to sit on the bed.

"Mom, you know Nancy, the girl Hope told you about? " Isabella asked after she sit. She shake her head immediately. "She is here with her mother. They want to see you."


"Yes mom."

"That's nice of them." She said. "Let's go, we don't want to keep our visitors waiting."

"Will you use the wheel chair?" Isabella asked.

She shake her head refusing as always. Japheth had bought the wheelchair to make it easier for her to move around the house instead of walking. But she constantly refuse to use.

Isabella help her up and together they walk to the living room to meet their visitors.

When she get to the entrance of the living room, Hope went to assist her because she get weak easily.

"I heard Nancy and her mom are here." She said to Hope.

"Yes." He nods with a small smile and she smile back at him.

"Goodaft..." Toun was about to greet when she saw the woman sitting in front of her.

The two women look at each other with surprise written all over their face.

"Toun." Nancy's mother said.



Wow! Here is  Chapter Forty.

Who could have guess the two friends will meet again. Just like the saying goes "The world is a small world and we are like water not knowing where to meet again.

But thanks to everyone for reading. Please comment, vote and if you enjoy it and think others should read this book share.

I'm always grateful to all of you for reading.

Love you.

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