A Tear Frozen in Time

By moosesforgooses

79.8K 2.6K 758

Mo Yuan has returned from the chaos and into a world of extremes. Much has happened in his absence and as he... More

Dancing The Tears Away
Ice Queen
A Rush of Memories
What's in a Name?
The Summons
A Dark Horse
Leaders Meeting
The first Crack in the Ice
Private Dealings
His Beautiful Eyes
Crying in the Rain
A Special Meeting
Smug Rage
A Smile To Kill
A Tense Reunion.
Too Heated for Ice
The Talk
Two Meetings
Spells and Silk
A Proposition
Little Clues
Third Wheel
Trial of Three
A Promise
The Final Decision
A Plan with a Purpose
A Plan
Her Broken Heart
Action - 1
Action - 2
Action -3
The Shattering
Rescue - 1
Rescue - 2
No Voice of Reason
A Peaceful Moment
Just Another War
A Tear Frozen in Time
True Peace
The First Tear
A Warmer Smile
Cutting Ties Cleanly
The End of an Era

The Final Decision

1K 41 23
By moosesforgooses

"I will not allow it Xiao Wu.  I absolutely refuse to allow it and that is my final word." Bai Zhis voice thundered through the den only to met with the sound of breaking glass as a pitcher of water was picked up and thrown against the back wall.

"You do not get to choose who I marry and who I don't.  I choose!" Bai Qian screamed over her brother who was also yelling at her while Zhe Yan looked to be just as close to losing what little patience he had left. 

Quietly her mother sat and listened as the screaming intensified.  She had plenty to say, but being the one who had far more control of herself, she didn't bother to add her own voice to volatile mix, not when her word was final anyway rather than her husbands, but wanting them to get it out of their systems before she stood and took over, she merely relaxed back against the back of the couch with a cup of wine and waited.

"There is no way that Demon is setting one toe nail into into this den.  If he dare tries, I will cut his damn feet off!" Bai Zhen yelled over the top of more dishes being thrown against the far wall.

"And I will cut off yours.!" she screamed back.

"Xiao Wu.  That man has only one agenda, and marrying you is only one small part.  If you think you alone are the reason for his desire for this marriage then you do not deserve to be heading Qing Qiu!" her father snapped and forcing her anger to explode.

"Who the hell are you to say I am not suited when I alone gave this Tribe an army, something you sure as hell couldn't manage or do you think your reputation as a fighter is exclusive to just you?" she screamed before throwing a full vase of flowers directly at him and forcing her mother to her feet.

"You dare......" Bai Zhis voice suddenly dropped like a ton of bricks only to hitch when his wife suddenly appeared before him.

She didn't need to look at her husband to know his face would be bright red and his temper at its pinnacle, but no sooner was she on her feet and inbetween the both of them, then instantly, as if a switch had been flicked, the room stilled all movement.  The only sound was the rush of heaviy breathing coming from all four of them.

"Bai Zhi, Zhe Yan, Bai Zhen." she addressed the men directly while keeping her eyes on her daughter who had also taken several steps back the moment her mother entered the middle of the room.

"The three of you are to leave.  Now." she ordered softly but clearly and the look on her face left no room for negotiation.  What she said, they did.

Though Bai Zhi did glare at her a few seconds longer, before angrily flicking out his robes in a spin of rage before leaving the den with the other two and not looking back.  Whatever came of their talk, he knew he would have to accept, he could only hope that she would take his side on the matter.  Though rather than leave for the Peach Tree Woods where Zhe Yan and his son had gone, he instead took himself to Kunlun Mountain.  He might not have a say over his wife, but Mo Yuan would.

"Qian Qian, come and sit down." she ordered which had Bai Qian sulkily moving to the sofa as the rage she had managed to work herself into began to slowly ebb away.

Flopping down beside her, the anger was no longer visible, but the tears were still a moment away from falling.   Her mother understood her aversion to having her marriage arranged after all, she herself had chosen her father, but seeing as it was Mo Yuan who had arrived to claim her, they could hardly turn the man down.   Not when his position allowed him the choice of any woman of his choosing.  But then again, her daughter too held a high enough postiion that could allow her to choose her own husband so it was this that she kept at the back of her head as she quietly observed her daughter for a few seconds.

"Qian Qian, I know things get said in the heat of anger, so I know you didnt mean what you said.  But he is your father, you owe him respect." she berated her calmly yet gently as was her way and leaving her daughter feeling very tired and in no mood for another round.

Dressed casually in a simple silk gown in pastel pink with her hair perfectly coiffered, her mother didn't really look that much older than her, in fact, of the two, her mother maintained her perfect beautiful features by remaining calm through almost every adversity.  It had been a very long time since the den had seen that level anger, yet even after sitting though a mini war that saw her daughter lose her temper to that extent , her mother still kept her regal elegance throughout the entire ordeal.  So to Bai Qians mind, if anyone deserved respect, it was her.  

"Mother, It's just a marriage trial.  I'm not actually going to marry him.  This is strategy.  Why can't father see that?" she asked now letting the tears fall having fully exhausted herself.

"Marriage is not a game Qian Qian.  If you have any amount of feelings for the man, then a marriage trial would be appropriate, but using him to gain an advantage over what is our enemy,  is not the way to go about it.  Surely you can see that?" she asked keeping her voice and tone soft while maintaining an air of superiority that always made her feel inadequate.

 "I know its not a game.  But we are going to war.  I need to know what manner of man I will be going up against, and Im not so naive as to think he won't be doing the same thing.  In fact, I would be very surprised if he wasn't, but I want to do this.  Its my only real chance at getting a closer look at him for myself while also learning as much as I can about him, how he runs things, his army and anything else I can gain knowledge from." she replied because to her mind this war strategy, and an opportunity she couldn't pass up.  

"That is all good and well.  But this is a marriage trial Qian Qian.  Marriage to each other will be what he will be expecting at the end of it.  Can you honestly play him along like that?  Just to gain a few points over him?" she asked because to her mind, her daughter just wasn't seeing the bigger picture.

"I know that." she replied in a small voice before lowering her head to gather her thoughts for what she was to say next.  Like her father and brothers, her mothers opinion meant everything to her, and of the worlds entire population, she was the only person who could stop this arrangement with just one word.  She was the only one she would concede to on the matter so what she had to say next would determine whether she could go ahead with it or not.

"He's not so bad mother." she began quietly with her hands in her lap and her head down.  "I've met with him twice now, and he seems to be genuinely nice.  He was very gracious towards me when I visited his Realm, and being the only World Leader to do so is a real shame, because his people are also genuinely nice.  If we were to find common ground, marriage would not be so bad, because I deem him a friend already.  And being the Overlord of the largest Tribe under us, then a union would safe guard us both for all time." she replied before falling silent and waiting for her mothers pearls of wisdom to either shatter the dream or make it.

"And what of Mo Yuan?  He has already approached your father, and his proposal was accepted.  Are you turly willing to let him go?  To make an enemy of him?" she asked just as quietly and to Bai Qians keen senses, there was a touch of sadness in that question.

"It was a proposal I had no say in.  And besides, I repayed my debt to him, so I owe him nothing.  What happens now nust be my choice...." 

"Can you honestly say that you do not love him?" she asked as her hand came up to gather her chin in the palm of her hand, before forcing her head up to look at her.

For the longest moment, mother and daughter stared helplessly at each other.  What her mother was asking was a question she just couldn't answer.  Not when her head was saying no while her heart was saying yes. And having already made love to him, was weighing heavily on her mind as she tried to find an answer that would satisfy the both of them.   But she would answer her honestly regardless, because at stake was far more than her heart.

"Love is a fickle thing mother.  What is more important to me is my people.  If aligning myself with the Demons means keeping them safe, then that is what I must do.  How I feel for Mo Yuan is irrelevant, not when he cannot guarantee our safety which must take precedence.  And besides, who knows what will come of this arrangement.  If at the end of the month we find we are not compatible, then we will at least be friends and I will gain a much stronger foothold over the Demons than the even the Celestials have achieved." she replied.

Releasing her chin, her mother then sat back to look at her a little more closely.  It was all too obvious that she was in love with Mo Yuan, because that moment before she replied, saw a flicker of sadness pass through her eyes, one that only love could have produced.  And she really didn't believe for a second that her feelings for him were irrelevant.  But what had her thinking a little more deeply on this arrangement, was her daughters insistence that this was merely war strategy.  If anything, what she saw was spite, spite against Mo Yuan and her father, because if there was one thing her daughter had never allowed, and that was decisions made on her behalf without her imput.  Which is what she believed this marriage trial came down to in the end.

Then again, it might be a good thing.  If her daughter was not aware of her true feelings, then perhaps this arrangement might just force the matter.  Though it was a two edged sword.  If she went ahead with it, then Mo Yuan would absolutely fight against it and perhaps force this war closer thus turning a Disciple against her own master.  

But if she forbade it, then her daughter would not only outright refuse Mo Yuan out of spite but they could well see themselves at odds with the Demons which she did not want to see.  Because her daughter was right.  This was war, and being powerful, beautiful and exceptionally gifted in raising an army that could rival them all, made her the number one marriage alliance.  Men of exceptionally high standing would be going after her now that she was out in the open.  In fact several more offers had arrived which her father instantly declined.

And that brought her back to Guotin and Mo Yuan.  To decline both men, could possibly put an end to all proposals.  No one in their right mind would refuse either men, to do so would literally ostracise her daughter from the rest, she would be automatically avoided at all cost, because no one would dare to offend Mo Yuan or Guotin by going over them.

Watching her mothers face closely, Bai Qian saw absolutely nothing that would give her an indication of what she was thinking.  Her mother had fully mastered the art of keeping her thoughts to herself, in fact, not even Mo Yuan or Ye Hua were on the same level as she was when it came to keeping their faces expressionless, so the anticipation was high.  And though she remained respectfully quiet while her mother deliberated on her decision, she could not maintain the Ice face she would have worn for anyone else.  She imagined she looked like a child at tht moment as she fidgeted impatiently in her seat.

"Alright.  I have come to a decision.  I will allow it on one condition." her mother finally replied while keeping the same calm disposition even though her daughter exploded a loud sigh of relief regardless of the condition.

"He will remain here for two weeks as organized, however, before I allow you to leave for the Demon Lands for the second half of the arrangement, he must also meet my expectations.  If doesn't, then it will end." she said firmly and to Bai Qians mind, this was all she wanted to hear. 

That she was even allowing it, was huge gain in her favour, so it took a few seconds for it to finally sink in that she would be going ahead with it afterall.

"Thank you mother." she replied before lowering her head respectfully and not knowing what else to say to her, because she knew that anything else that came out of her mouth would be meaningless anyway.

"When is he expected to arrive?" her mother asked finally settling back to relax.

"Tomorrow morning." 

"Then I suggest you clean up that mess.  Otherwise the arrangement will be over before it begins." she smiled sweetly at the dour face she was now giving her.  


Listening quietly until Bai Zhi had fully expended the last of his anger, Mo Yuans hand slowly lifted the tea pot to pour the man a drink.  Externally, he was a vision of calm.  Nothing in his face gave away his thoughts even though internally his heart was clenching tightly and his emotions raging below the surface. 

"Well aren't you going to say something?" Bai Zhi demanded while taking the proffered cup gratefully.

For a moment longer, Mo Yuan merely sat back to watch as his old friends anger finally died away.  She was very much like her father.  Neither of them could contain their emotions for long no matter how long the ice had been allowed to build, so he could well imagine the state of her anger to put her father in that foul mood.

But it came nowhere near to the level of anger that Mo Yuan was feeling only he had far better control of it.  In fact, his eyes were clear and his emotions hidden from sight, so it was little wonder that Bai Zhi thought he was unaffected by this sudden change in circumstances.

"You said he is arriving tommorow morning?" he asked quietly.


And suddenly, and without any warning at all, that dark swirl of energy that flared out across his pupils gave Bai Zhi all the answers he wanted.  There was no need for words, because that look said Mo Yuan would not be taking this lying down.

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