The Robinhood | BTS Mafia/Gan...

By soul_1611

207K 8.1K 2K

TW // Since this is a gang/crime au, pls expect mentions and sometimes descriptive writing of a lot of thing... More

Author's Notes
Author's note 2
Author's Notes 3
Little Gift
Another gift
My Promise
whatever tf this is


893 32 2
By soul_1611

I'm sorry that this took a lot of time

Long chapter ahead 

Enjoy <3


                "See," Namjoon said, standing close beside Yoongi who was focusing on the screen of his laptop. "This person," The others peered at the screen which showing the point of view of the cctv in Big Boss's mansion "He's checking if any of the guest brings any weapon."

Jungkook sighed, "Which mean we can't bring our weapon and earpieces."


"Then," Seokjin looked up towards Namjoon, "How do we carry our plan if Taehyung can't bring his stuff?"

Taehyung pulled a shit-eating, boxy smile. "Don't worry about that, hyung!" He puffed up his chest. "Just trust me."

The others chuckled at the boy. His antic - though just brief, had managed to lighten up the atmosphere and loosen the tense layering thick in the air.

Jimin ruffled his Taehyung's fiery red hair, "Everyone always trust you Tae Tae."

"I think," Yoongi began and every eye trained on him, "I can help you guys with that." He leaned back against the leather couch, "I will bring guns to you guys. But first," He looked up to find Hanni, "Hanni need to get rid of all the workers inside the mansion," He stared into space, all of a sudden remembered the main reason they didn't just sneak into the mansion at night and blow it up at once. "The maids, gardeners, butlers..."

"As in kill them or..."

"No," The mint-haired boy shook his head, "Just get rid of them. Bring them away from the mansion."

"That's right," Hoseok nodded, "They're innocent. We shouldn't kill them."

The workers would definitely know that the owner of the mansion was belong to a mafia family, but they were nothing but just people that were paid to take care of the family's well-being, without contributing anything into their dirty works.

They might even do the job because they simply need money, or maybe they were forced, or maybe they owed the mafia leader their life.

Just because they were working for the ugly excuse of a human, it doesn't mean they agreed with the dirty works they were involved in.


This is how the mansion looks like 

"To our Master!"


Wine glasses clinked, the ringing sounds echoed through the hall. A classic jazz song no one knows the title waltzed through the air. Everyone's eyes fixed on the figure at the middle of the massive hall, as though the hall was belonged to that of a castle.

"Thank you for coming, everyone." The light orange-haired man began, eyes fell at his guest.

His eyes seemed to be in its natural color, glistening under the light of the exquisite chandelier hanging on the ceiling, glossy pink lips pulled into a soft smile. His hair was now swiped back, displaying his forehead. Black and red suit hugged his body, highlighting his slender physique. His shoes were a shiny pair brogue.

"The reason I'm holding this party is to celebrate the day my father passed his title as the mafia leader to me," He slowly averted his eyes to scan the guest that were staring back at him. "to celebrate my 7th  year as your leader." He raised the half-full wine glass in his hand a little. "I was supposed to hold this party on the exact date of the day I was crowned which was on June 13th, but – "

Jungkook couldn't hear the man anymore. His mind clouded with thoughts, tangled and untangled again and again. His eyes fell on his timberland.

June 13th...

Could it be...that he was crowned because he killed our parents?

Is that why he killed them?

Unlike the lace of his timberland, he couldn't stop his thoughts from tangling and untangling continuously and he couldn't seem to untangle them in his own will either. So, he focused back on the mafia leader to find him chuckling slowly.

"I even redecorated this hall." He looked around and Jungkook spontaneously followed the action, eyes darting around the grand space. The walls were covered with a paper in rich red that reminded of him to blood or a red rose, repeated golden pattern that shimmer slightly when the light hit. The ceiling was probably the highest he has ever saw. Two huge doors at both end of the hall were carved in a way if Jungkook adores art as much as Taehyung, he will appreciate it to the fullest. His eyes then fell on the person beside him.

"Hyung," He whispered, tugging on the hem of Hoseok's sleeve. "Are you okay?" Hoseok whipped his head towards him with raised eyebrows. "You're looking like you just saw a ghost." The younger tried to look over the older's shoulder but Hoseok quickly blocked his view.

He laughed nervously, "No, no." He threw a hand over Jungkook's shoulder. "I was just staring at Yes, food."

Jungkook just gave him a side eye, didn't want to question him anymore. He then nodded hesitantly and Hoseok grinned at him.

When Jungkook turned his attention back to the mafia leader, Hoseok cautiously averted his gaze back towards the direction he has been staring at before the younger interrupted him.

It wasn't like he wanted to lie to Jungkook but he had no choice. The man he saw few meters ahead of them was not just another stranger or a random member from another group.

But the man who they remembered so clearly. The man who also knew and had encountered with him and Jungkook in a bad term.

The man who Hoseok wanted to kill so bad.

The man who putted the bullet through Rose's chest.

His group is under the same company of Big Boss's, of course he would be at the party too. Fortunately, they were standing back-facing him or they would have spotted him.

Hoseok snapped out of his reverie when he saw the blond excusing himself from his group, walking away with another member trailing behind.

Hoseok was fidgeting in his place, switching weight from a leg to another. His mind ran a marathon. Should he follow them and kill them or should he tell the boys about them?

Which one is a better option?

Hoseok decided to go with the former. He tapped Namjoon's shoulder, who was standing just before him and whispered something to his ear, earning a nod from the leader. He scurried away from his group and slipped through the back door.


Hoseok strolled down the hallway in a safe distance between him and the two Winner's members. He would occasionally stop at his track, turning to the nearest furniture or picture to pretend that he was admiring them when the two boys turned around to his direction. But not gonna lie, every inch of the mansion was worth to adore. The floor was a marble, polished constantly to the point he could see his reflection on it. The furniture was high end and bespoke. Every piece was hardwood and harked back to the victorian era, carved into a pretty pattern but not a scrap in the house was more than a year old.

Hoseok stopped again when they turned around a corner. He leaned flat against the wall, chest rising a little bit faster than before, and his hands began to get clammy.

He peeked inside.

Oh it's a bathroom. But, Why are they going in together? Are there more than one cubicle in there? Just like a public bathroom?

He shrugged before tip toeing to the bathroom door. He slowly raised his hand to push it. His plan was to go inside, locked the door and beat them up.

But the plan was thrown to the back of his mind when the door was suddenly slammed open, hitting him square in the face making him stumble backward but still standing on his feet.

"You think you smart, hm?" The blond stepped out of the toilet, pushing the door wider to give space to his friend to come out and Hoseok could see how the bathroom was just like his back at home. Just more beautiful, expensive and bigger.

I'm so stupid.

Hoseok let out a low chortle, his thumb and middle finger pinching at his nose bridge. "It's been a long time."

"Yeah." The other guy with curly hair admitted. "I miss her."

Hoseok's movement was immediately put at a halt at the mention of 'her'.


"You don't need to do that." His hand fell back to his side. "That's my job." And he lunged forward, hugging the curly-haired guy's torso, pushing along the other guy and they stumbled into the bathroom together in a pile. A loud thud echoed when the blond's head collided with the floor.

Hoseok locked the curly-haired guy's head between his leg, raining him with punches to his face. He stopped short when he noticed a sudden movement coming from the blond and immediately looked up. He gasped out loud before throwing himself away, dodging a bullet aimed to his forehead just by a few centimeters.



"When can I start the plan, hyung?" Taehyung said in a low voice to Namjoon, eager to put an end to the game. They were now at the big fancy-decorated mahogany table at the end of the hall to fetch some food.

"We need to wait for all the guest to come." The older threw his gaze to the front door, frowning as he watched people in fancy suit and gown entering the hall.

Where is he?

"What's wrong, Joon?" Seokjin walked to him after filling half of his glass with wine. "You look worried." He looked at the direction Namjoon was looking at. Taehyung too did the same.

"Hoseok." He didn't cast his gaze to Seokjin but instead to the other door, who knows maybe he want to come in through the back door. "He told me he's going to the bathroom but it's been 15 minutes and he isn't back yet." Worry clearly layered in his deep voice.

Seokjin shoved his glass into Namjoon's hand. "Hold this. I will go check."

"Be careful, hyung."


Yoongi stared at the blurry footage of the cctv, eyes burning from the light coming from the screen, his skin bathed in a bright hue. The hacker's eyes combed the monitor in search of anything that could put their plan on hold, moving from side to side rapidly like the eyes of a dreaming person but wide open.

It was quite hard for him to get a hold of the situation in the mansion as the amount of cctvs was surprisingly small. There was it at the front door and the main hallway, at the door of the master bedroom, the balcony, the back door and outside of the mansion. Not even in the hall where the party took place.

Too many blind spots.

His eyes caught the butler who was checking the guest attendance walking away from the front door.

"Hanni-ah," He called out but his eyes stayed on the blinding screen.

The girl hummed in response as she shoved a small stun gun into the holster wrapped around her tiny waist. Then a pocket knife and some bows for the wrist-crossbow Taehyung had helped made for her. She wanted to use gun but she wanted to spare it for the boys as the weapon was small in numbers.

"I think all the guests are here." Yoongi looked up to her before he noticed the girl's leather gloves nearby. He reached for it and tossed it to her.

She caught it and immediately slipped her small hand in them. "Nice." She looked into a mirror and began to tie her now almost waist-long hair into a bun to keep it out of her way. She was wearing a black turtle-neck top, tightly hugging her small figure, a black combat boots and black heavy trousers.

Yoongi walked over to her and passed her a pack of extra bows. The girl raised her eyebrows.

"Just in case."


He tapped her shoulder before giving her a reassuring squeeze. "Be careful. Call me when you're done."

She nodded with a small smile and they fist-bumped.

She shoved an earpiece and an earplug into her ear. "See ya later." She playfully threw a salute at Yoongi before stepping out of the mini travel van.

Yoongi just smiled and watched her disappeared into the thick darkness of the night.


With her body ducked low, she scurried from the outside of the 2-meters-high wall enclosing the mansion to the front gate with nothing but whispers of the fabric of her clothes, the scuff of her sole against the grass and her rapid breathing.

"Stop." Yoongi's voice vibrating through her earpiece, startled her, almost making her jump and bump her head against the wall.

"What is it?" She whispered; voice as small as possible.

"There's a security camera on top of the gate," Yoongi informed. "It's panning from side to side, be careful."

"But what for?" She asked, seeming to find no reason to smash the camera when it's Yoongi who was controlling the said camera.

"If this plan fail, they might want to see the footage."

"Aight, thanks!"

As she arrived near the big ass gate, she pressed her back against the wall, catching her breath before fishing out a bow from its case and put it into the barrel groove. She slid it back into the barrel until it firmly sat against the bowstring.

She looked up to the upper side of the gate and immediately saw the camera, panning slowly from side to side. She stretched out her hand, aiming for it.

She took a shaky breath and shot.

The head of the bow dug through the camera like it was made of a soft material.

"Good job." Yoongi said and Hanni smiled proudly to herself before peeking through the small hole of the pattern carved on the gate. Unlike what she was expected, there were no bodyguards roaming around the driveway of the mansion but rather were just standing at both side of the front door of the mansion, guarding the entry.

"Plan?" Hanni muttered to her earpiece.

"What plan?"

"Oh my god, I'm gonna die." She exclaimed in a hush voice.

"No, I mean you can just run in." Yoongi explained, his voice hiccuped with chuckle. "Beside coming into the sight of the two bodyguards, there's nothing that could blow your cover or stop you."

"For real?"

"Well, except for the wall that are maybe too high for you to climb."

"Fuck you." She cursed but laughed nonetheless. She also could hear Yoongi's laughter bursting through the earpiece.


"Hoseok?" Seokjin called when he turned around the corner to the bathroom, finding a spot on the mat to stand right outside the toilet. "Hoseok, are you in there?" he brought his hand up to knock his knuckle against the door wooden surface.

One knock, two knocks, three knocks.

No answer.

"Ho-" The air in his lungs was forced to leave him when something heavy was pushed towards him. He lost his balance and fell on his butt.

Seokjin groaned as pain shot through his whole body. He could still feel a weight pressing against his body, and his ears could make out sounds of someone panting and groaning.

He fluttered his eyes opened. "Hoseok?!" He tried to set up but Hoseok's body was weighing him down.

A dark chuckle stole his attention and he shot his eyes at the figure standing, barely alive at the bathroom door while another guy was sprawled all over the floor, unmoving.

"You.." The blond's voice layered in rage and pain. "What a bad timing you got there." With his shaky bloody hand, he held up a gun and shot, sounds somewhat weak, suppressed by the silencer.

"Shit!" Seokjin gathered all his energy and rolled to his side, instantly shielding Hoseok's body with his. The bullet missed his chest but went through the back of his shoulder instead. He whimpered, finally knew the feelings of being shot.

Seokjin took no time to marched towards the half-alive blond, reaching for his gun. The blond stumbled backwards, groaning in frustration before sending another bullet through Seokjin's thigh.

Another one through his other thigh.

Seokjin moaned in pain but didn't stop his movement. He launched himself towards the blond and they crashed to the ground.

"Fuck you!" The blond whacked Seokjin's jaw with his gun, accidentaly knocked off the weapon from his hand.

Seokjin, already slumped against the blood-painted floor, crawled to where the gun had flew.

He grabbed the weapon, "No, fuck you!" and pulled the trigger.

BANG! Through his chest.

BANG! In between his eyes.

And the blond's lifeless body collapsed to the ground with a loud thud.

Nothing could be heard but his own pant and-


Seokjin's head immediately whipped towards the younger, still lying weakly at the door. He instantly shot up from his seat and pain traveled through his legs and he was sent back to the ground.

He whimpered and clutched at his wounded legs. The pain was too much. It traveled through his body and pierced through every inch of him like thousands of needles. His sweat was dripping down his forehead and into his eyes, blurring his vision but he couldn't care less.

He dragged his body across the floor to get to the younger's body, lying cold on the ground.

"Hoseok!" Seokjin shook Hoseok's body but Hoseok didn't move a single muscle. "Don't scare me you fucker!" He shook harder, eyes starting to burn. A sob ripped out of his throat. "W-Wake u-up, H-Hoseok...p-please..." Tears finally spilled out of his tired eyes, streamed down his cheek and falling on top of the younger's eyelid.

With that, Hoseok's eyes wildly moved behind his close eyelids.

A relief smile spread across Seokjin's face when Hoseok began to flutter his eyes open.

"Oh my god!" Seokjin exclaimed, taking Hoseok's head to cradle in his arm. "Fucking Hoseok, you scared me!" Seokjin snuggled against the younger's shoulder. Though he smelled like blood and sweat, that was out of Seokjin's concern for now.

"Hyung..." Hoseok choked out the word. "Y-You're hurting me."

"Oh, I'm sorry!" The older released him a little bit, enough for him to feel comfortable.

"Go tell the others." Hoseok looked up to him through his wet lashes.

"I'm not leaving you here." Seokjin grimaced at him, clearly angry at the younger's stupid command.

"You need to."

"But – "

"No but's. You need to, hyung."

"I will carry you!"

"No, it will be harder to reach them." And Seokjin couldn't argue anymore. Looking at Hoseok desperate, pleading eyes, he couldn't help but to follow what he said.

"Please hyung." Hoseok begged, his shaky hand made its way to Seokjin's cheek. "Do it for me."

And that's how Seokjin found himself dragging his injured legs, pressing against the wound and whimpering throughout his way back to the hall before he bumped into someone.


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