Old Wounds: Fem Percy x Night...

By WitchingHour89

256K 3.9K 542

Percy Jackson, whose fatal flaw is personal loyalty, is crushed when those closest to her betray her. Seeing... More

Percy Jackson POV.
Dick Grayson's POV
Percy's POV 2
Thank You Thank You Thank You!
Percy's 2 POV continued
Damian's POV
Dick's 2 POV
Dick's 2 POV continued
Percy's 3 POV
Hey guys
Blue Beetle's POV
Bruce's POV
Dick's 3 POV
Percy's 4 POV
Anthony's POV
Damian's 2 POV
Dick's 4 POV
Reyna's POV
Leo's POV
Bruce's 2 POV
Percy's 6 POV
Anthony's 2 POV
Thaila's POV
Dick's 5 POV
Percy's 7 POV
Dick's 6 POV
Percy's 8 POV
Anthony's 4 POV
Okay, I did the sequel, but we have a problem

Percy's 5 POV

6.7K 111 7
By WitchingHour89

Blackness.  Peace.  That was all I could feel.  My body floating in an endless void.  But then there was pain.  Excruciating pain.  I rocked and thrashed.  I just wanted it gone.  I just wanted it to end.  But then I saw another.  It was a green man.  He was in pain too.  I went to him.  And through my own pain, I tried to take his pain away.  And it worked, somewhat.  I doubled.  It was too much.  Then something snapped.  All my memories whirled behind my eyes.  Everything came back to me.  My life.  My loyalty.  Myself.  Bruce, what the Hades did you do to me????!!!!!!  I looked around desperately.  It looked as though they was no sign of escape.  I shook my head.  In suddenly remembered the green guy.  He was suffering too.  I didn't know where we were, but I can't let him see my memories.  So I tried to push him out of this place - mentally and physically.  And to my surprise, it worked.  Then came the onslaught.  I got him out.  But what about me.
While Percy was stuck in her mindscape, Dick had reached his apartment.  After laying Percy down on the bed.  He sat down right next to her.  Small tears left her eyes.
" I'm so sorry Percy.  I shouldn't have let Bruce do that.  I know you'll probably be fine, but this isn't the first time something like this has happened.   This all just reminds me of the simulation, and my parents when they lay dead on the circus floor.  Percy.  You've been through so much.  I'm being so selfish keeping you here, involving you in this world.   I would let you go.  I would try and save you from this date of all heroes.  But I'm afraid.  I'm afraid that I wouldn't be able to make it if you leave.  I'm afraid that everything going to be crumbling down.  And it's all my fault.  I couldn't stand it when you left Percy.  I missed you always.  You were my first love.  I tried to get over you.  I really tried.  But I couldn't.  You've stolen my heart." Dick said, his voice breaking.
But his touching speech had fallen upon deaf ears.  He held one of her hands, and held unconscious from in his arms.  He toned out the world.  And the sounds of a very obnoxious eagle.  Then suddenly, an explosion erupted.  The building shook.  Dick wanted to stay with Percy.  But he had to save the people.  However, he couldn't just leave Percy here.  Then an idea came to him.  It was risky.  But right now, it was his only option.  He ran towards his Nightwing costume.  He quickly changed and swung Percy's limp body on his solider.  With no other choice, he kicked down his door.  He starting running and directing panicking citizens.  He handed Percy to a elvish looking Latino boy and a pretty Greek girl.  They had offered to get her to safety.  It was a risk, but they looked like good kids.  And then he also wouldn't have to worry about Percy too much. 
"HELP!!!" A small voice screamed.  He ran toward to voice, leaving the girl and boy with Percy.
Everyone was out of the building.  The flames inside were now being extinguished.  Dick looked at the survivors.  His heart dropped when he didn't see Percy.  Or the boy or girl.  "I'm such and idiot!" Dick muttered to himself.  He swung away?  I don't know how to word it.  But he swung away on one of those line things.  He started to look for Percy.  He couldn't find her anyway.  He checked the security cameras, but she was nowhere in sight.  He sighed.  Dick needed help.  Oh Bruce was going to kill whoever took her.  With no other choice, Dick made a phone call.
Hey guys! Another chapter.  And I might just write another one later too.  Oh we are finally getting a real good somewhere in the story.  So bookmark this story or follow my account.  Cuz you do not want to miss what's next.  Oh and thank you everyone for voting for my account, adding my story to your reading list(s), And for following my account.  It really means a lot.  You know who you are.  Till next time!

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