Who me?

By NoraBest

3.1K 54 66

Gabby is 12 but she loves one direction.When she gets the chance to meet them,what happens?One hint:it involv... More

authors note
chapter one
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21

chapter 9

134 2 6
By NoraBest

i suck i know.

i'm sorry i take a while to update.

i get distracted by the music.



  I woke up to the smell of home-made pancakes.I peeled my eyes open and saw all the boys sitting at the table and Ethan walking over to wake me up.I didn't move until he was inches away from me."BOO!"I shouted.Louis,Harry,and Zayn nearly fell off their chairs laughing when they saw Ethan fall back scared.Niall was so into his food that he didn't notice.Liam came over to help Ethan up.I could tell he was trying hard to keep a straight face as the responsible one.

  "Not funny,"Ethan muttered.

  "Stop being a hater because I scared you,"I said.Then I reached up and kissed him on the lips."I'm sorry,"I whispered,pulling away.

  "It's okay."

  "Did you make me pancakes?"

  "Like I always promised."

  I ran to the table and took the remaining pile of pancakes.There was about 7 in the pile.I sat down at the counter and began eating.I was done in a few minutes flat.I only looked up because the laughter stopped and I felt 6 pairs of eyes on me."Ethan,you've seen me eat.Niall,I'm your sister.As for You four,"I turned towards the four left,"I'm Niall's sister.What do you expect?"

  "Grace,and posture,"Louis replied.

  "Hey you never ate like before."

  "Yes I have!"


  "Last week,"I retorted."Here,in front of all of you.Remember the cookies?"

  "Oh yeah."

  "Boys,"I mumbled."Did Liam tell any of you of my 3 minutes of fame?"


  "Liam!"I shouted,shocked."I thought you would be responsible enough to remember.I mean you didn't even tell my brother!"

  "So what happened?"Harry asked.

  "Last night Liam did a twit cam.Guest staring me!"I explained,"And they wanted me to sing.So over a million directioners heard and they loved it."

  "Or so they said,"Liam put in.

  "Let me check twitter."I begged.

  Liam grabbed his laptop and I logged in.I had over a million followers!Only four were friends and the rest must have been those who watched the twit cam.None of the boys had followed me so they must have done some research.I started to scroll through some mentions.A few said that they loved the fact that Niall had such a beautiful sister.Some were people asking for me to follow them.Most were said that I was so amazing and that they loved me.There wasn't one piece of hate.

  "You'll get used to it eventually,"Liam said,looking over my shoulder.

  "But how?"I asked,"How is this possible?I mean,they had to track me down and it was all over night!"

  "Baby Direction is famous!"Louis shouted.He ran over to hug me.

  "Oh he doesn't tell you guys about me being famous,but he mentions the nickname!"

  "He didn't have to,"Zayn said.

  "Oh perfect."I sighed.Now I started reading more tweets.I did some following,and I messaged some people.I decided to tweet and congratulate all my fans.

  Oh wow you guys are amazing!I love you all!~Crazy Cookie

  Instantly I had hundreds of re-tweets,favorites,and replies.My jaw dropped.I was really becoming famous.And that was only twitter.I couldn't wait to check tumblr.I glanced up at the boys and saw Ethan talking to Niall.They seemed to be getting along.I turned my focus back to the computer screen.I opened tumblr and immediately I found a ton of pictures of me in the past few weeks.Some were of me with the boys and others were from twitter.I saw a lot of posts saying how amazing I was.The twit cam was even on the site.When I went to search Horan,most of the posts were about me.I decided I wanted to see just how famous I was by searching on google.I was famous.There were tons of links to tons of websites that all had something to do with me.

  "Wow,"Ethan said from behind me."Promise me that you won't let this go to your head.Don't change a thing because of any of this."

  This was one of the rare times Ethan was serious.I turned and looked him straight in the eye."Ethan William Howard I promise that I won't change for any one."

  He smiled and leaned down to kiss me.I kissed him back,and then looked about the room to see that only Liam remained."So what's the plan?"I asked.

  "Ethan goes home.And we get to know the real you."Liam replied."You might want to get changed,though.We're going out."

  "Aw,can't he come with us?"I whined,clinging to Ethan's arm.

  "No,"Liam stated,"he's not famous.He doesn't need to be connected with you.Let him live as a normal teen for as long as he can."

  "He's right,"Ethan said."Once people find out,there's no telling what's going to happen."

  "Fine,"I sighed,"I'll text you later."

  With that Ethan left.Liam said that Paul(A/N:Paul as in their security guard)was driving him home.I ran off to change into shorts that went to mid thigh,a simple t-shirt,a sweat shirt that read "Where are the cookies?",and sandals.

  "Where are we going?"I asked,re-entered the room to find all the boys back,dressed in their signature styles.

  "The mall."

  "That is a disaster waiting to happen,"I mumbled under my breath.

  Thirty minutes later,we pulled into the parking lot.We had come in a black van so the wouldn't be noticed.I wore huge sun glasses to cover my face,and the wore beanies and their own shades.

  We entered the mall and I headed straight for the f.y.e. store.We all went our separate ways there.After pushing Liam away,I picked up a hat that reminded me of Ethan.


  "Here,"Ethan said."You need it more that I do."He placed his hat on my face.He had seen my cheeks starting to burn and noticed that I kept squinting.

  "Thanks,"I mumbled.We had been dating for exactly a month when our school planned for the outside event.I had been rushing this morning and forgot all about it.Now I was suffering.Why do I have to be so pale?Why do I have to burn so easily?

*End of Flashback*

  A tear fell down my face.I smiled at the memory.It was back a year ago.Times were so much simpler.Zayn appeared next to me.

  "What's wrong?"he asked.

  "Nothing,"I replied,"I just remembered the first time Ethan gave me his hat.He would love this one."The hat I was holding was blue with the words "stop hating" in black lettering.Before I knew what was happening,Zayn picked it out of my hand.When I looked up,he was at the cash register,paying for the hat.He walked back to me and smiled,handing me the bag."Alright,"I said,"if you insist.But you're my shopping buddy from now on."

  He laughed and replied,"Okay,You'd be better than Lou."

  "Where did they go?"I asked.

  "Louis went to the prank store.I have no clue where Harry is and Liam is chaperoning Niall."He replied."Where are we off to?"

  "I don't know.Salon?"I asked jokingly.

  "Sure,"Zayn replied.I must have looked terrified because he added,"Kidding,kidding.Let's just gather the lads.We are supposed to be getting to know you."

  "Good plan."

  Zayn was right.Louis was is the prank store and Liam was watching my brother.He had his work cut out for him.Louis texted Harry and told him to meet us in the food court.Once we arrived,Niall,Liam and I went to get the food while the other three sat down.

  "So what will it be?"Liam questioned.

  "Can I get cookies and a smoothie?"I asked innocently.






  "Please Daddy Direction?"


  "Bro tell him I need cookies and a smoothie?"

  "Don't worry Gabby,I'll get you the cookies."Niall replied.

  "You two,"Liam sighed,"Why can't you eat like normal people for once?"

  "Normal?"I asked."Oh,I'm sorry.That word is not in my vocabulary."

  Niall laughed at my response while Liam just sighed.

  "Get me the cookies or run for your life."I said,looking straight in front of me,with an even voice.

  "What could you possibly do?"Liam questioned.

  "For one thing,"I stated,"I could yell so loud the entire mall would come running.And I know for a fact that there would be directioners in the crowd.For another thing,I have twitter on my phone."I smiled as Liam's face got paler.

  "Alright,alright,"Liam replied,"I give.You get the cookies,just don't do something that you'll regret."

  "Thank you!"I chorused.It was our turn next in line.Liam placed an order for 35 cookies and 6 medium smoothies.When we got the tray,I snapped a pic of the cookies piled high.I was planning on posting to twitter,when I stopped.It probably wouldn't be the best idea,so I settled for posting it later.I sank into  my seat and began munching on the cookies.I gave Louis.Liam,Harry and Zayn each 3 cookies.I felt Niall frown when he realized that I had skipped over him.I smiled at him as I placed 5 in front of him.His eyes lit up as he smiled."So,"I started,"now you may start with the questions."

  "Favorite color?"

  "Baby blue."

  "Favorite singer or band?"

  "Taylor Swift."

  "I'm shocked!"Louis exclaimed."I thought We would be your favorite."

  "Close fourth."I smiled,"Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood come before you guys."

  "Wow.Favorite song?"

  "Liam knows,"I stated,"it was part of the twit cam.Mine by Taylor Swift."

  "Sing for us?"

  "Only because I want to,"I sighed."Any suggestions?"

  "Skyscraper!"Niall nearly shouted.

  "Of course it's by Demi."Someone mumbled.I watched as Niall blushed beet red.

  "Okay."I said.I pulled out my phone and found the song from my play list.I started singing:

"Skies are crying, I am watching

Catching tear drops in my hands
Only silence as it's ending
Like we never had a chance
Do you have to make me feel like
There's nothing left of me?

You can take everything I have
You can break everything I am
Like I'm made of glass
Like I'm made of paper
Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising from the ground
Like a skyscraper
Like a skyscraper

As the smoke clears, I awaken
And untangle you from me
Would it make you feel better
To watch me while I bleed?
All my windows still are broken
But I'm standing on my feet

You can take everything I have
You can break everything I am
Like I'm made of glass
Like I'm made of paper
Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising from the ground
Like a skyscraper
Like a skyscraper

Go run, run, run
I'm gonna stay right here,
Watch you disappear
Yeah, oh
Go run, run, run
Yeah, it's a long way down
But I am closer to the clouds up here

You can take everything I have
You can break everything I am
Like I'm made of glass
Like I'm made of paper
Oh Oh
Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising from the ground
Like a skyscraper
Like a skyscraper

(Like a skyscraper)

Like a skyscraper
Like a skyscraper"

   I finished and looked up."Wow,"was all Zayn,Louis and Harry could say.

  Liam nodded his head as my brother said,"That was almost as good as Demi.I can tell why all our fans love you."

  "Thanks,Bro,"I said.I looked down and suddenly I wasn't hungry.I pushed the cookies away.I took a sip from my smoothie."Any thing else you guys want to know?"

  "No,"Louis said,"Ethan told us everything."

  The color drained from my face."What do you mean?How much is everything."

  "I never would have guessed that Niall's sister would have stabbed herself with an incredibly dull needle that couldn't dent paper."Zayn said.

  "I never thought she would run into the boys room either."

  "What about the time she had to wear the pink fluffy dress?The one he showed us?"

  "He didn't!"I shouted.

  "Oh but he did,"Harry smirked.

  "He did tell us other things that aren't so embarrassing."Liam reasoned,"Don't kill him."

  "Yeah I actually like him,"Niall said."If I had to,I'd let him marry you.In ten years."

  "Aw thanks,"I said,"I always have to best ability to judge people.So what are we going to do about my singing?Liam had an idea last night."

  "Oh yeah,"Liam said,"about that,"he paused,"you already have a contract."

  "As in a record deal?"


  "How did you forget to tell me this?"

  "I don't know."

  Niall added,"You're coming on tour with us starting in a few months too."

  "What?!"I exclaimed."That reminds me.Cook off.Harry needs to cook and we need to remind Ethan."

  "Ah right.Let's go."


the end is terrible.sorry.bear with me!


Guess the song:

  this one's for you and me

  living out our dreams

  we're all right where we should be

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