Physical Graffiti

By Floyd__

34.6K 821 54

This is the third part of the Salvatore Girl series. "In my time of dying, want nobody to mourn." After leav... More

Children of the Grave
Everything Zen
When the Levee Breaks
The Boys are Back in Town
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Man in the Box
Sex Type Thing
The Man who Sold the World
Since I've Been Loving You
The Pretender
Civil War
Trippin' on a Hole in a Paper Heart
No Quarter
February Stars
Elderly Woman Behind a Counter in a Small Town
Come As You Are
Black Hole Sun
My Hero
(Don't fear) The Reaper
Tonight, Tonight
Author's Note
Lucy's Diaries
Nothing Else Matters
Author's Note
Dark Side of the Moon

Welcome Home

2.8K 50 4
By Floyd__

Build my fear of what's out there
And cannot breathe the open air
Lucy POV
I was sitting in Nik's house. Was I dreaming? I had to be because why would I come here. I was looking around the room it was full of baby toys. Yep I was dreaming.

"Hello child." I heard somebody say behind me.

I turned around quick to see Esther. "God dammit! What do you want?"

"I came to congratulate you." She said.

"Congratulate me for what?" I asked.

"For failing miserably." She said.

I was confused. "How did I fail miserably?"

"You didn't save Niklaus." She said.

"Save him? How the hell am I suppose to save someone that doesn't want to be saved?" I asked. "Besides he cheated on me and knocked up some werewolf!"

"I know and because you couldn't stay in Mystic Falls for just a little while longer with Kol he cheated on you, so you failed." She said.

"Ugh Esther you make no sense. It's not what ever year you come from. Woman can do whatever the hell they want now." I said.

"Like failing?" She asked.

I glared at her. "Get to the point."

"Since you failed I have to come back and fix what you couldn't." She said.

"Come back? You're on the other side you are dead." I told her.

"And I know of a way, you have been warned," she said before disappearing.
I woke up in my bed running over the dream. That bitch just couldn't stay out of my head. It has been about a week since New Orleans. After Kol drove me home I insisted him not staying that it wasn't safe for him to be around while my brothers had the white oak stake. The last thing I needed was for him to leave my life.

I sat in the house most days and got drunk. Some days I went to the Grill but stayed away from most people. I did say I had more bonding time with Elena. With her emotions turned off I liked her much better.

I sighed before getting out of bed and going downstairs. I sat at the kitchen table laying my head down. I was playing with a match box making sound a with my mouth as I pushed it across the table. I crashed it into the table making sound effects.

"What the hell are you doing?" Damon asked walking into the room.

I glared at him. "What does it look like?"

"What is wrong with you?" He asked

"Nothing." I snapped.

"Look you've been like this since you came back from New Orleans. What happened between you and Klaus. You came back but not him." Damon said.

I didn't tell my brothers anything. Nothing about the miracle baby or him cheating on me. The only other person who knew was Kol and he's gone too.

I looked back at Damon. "Aw you that stupid?" I asked. "Klaus and I are done."

Damon looked shocked. "Sorry."

"Shut up." I snapped at him.

"If you're going to be a bitch you could at least go somewhere else." Damon said.

I threw the matchbox car making it go in his shoulder. He grunted before pulling it out. "Go to hell." I said standing up.
I went to the grill to see Rebekah stacking up empty shot glasses. I sat at the stool beside her. "I see you compelled the bartenders again." I told her.

"I'm celebrating. My brothers and I have parted company. Elijah and Nik have run off to New Orleans, chasing god knows what, and I am finally free." Rebekah said to me.

I sighed and she looked guilt of what she just said. "Yeah." I mumbled taking a shot.

"Yeah, I heard about that." Rebekah mumbled. "Well I guess we can have more girl time?" She asked.

I didn't say anything. "You could be me." She said. "Did you hear that I lost the cure to Silas? I this close to the life that I always wanted and then, poof-gone in a heartbeat."

"I'm sorry. I know how much you wanted it." I told her.

"Please, I know your brothers were planning on stealing it for Elena. I never had a chance." She said

I shrugged. "I don't know I was in New Orleans while your brother was cheating on me." I said taking another shot.

"Are they still keeping Elena trapped in the Salvatore mansion? I happen to like her just the way she is. It's tragic that they're trying so desperately to fix something that isn't broken." Rebekah said.

"True." I said taking my third shot.

"On that note in leaving." Rebekah said grabbing her purse.

"Fine more alcohol for me." I said taking another shot.

My phone began to ring. It was Stefan.

"What?" I asked annoyed.

"We need help with Elena." Stefan said.

"No thanks I'm drinking my sorrows away." I told him.

"Why don't you stop feeling sorry for yourself and help me." Stefan said.

I was shaking with anger. "Shut the fuck up Stefan." I yelled. "When Elena broke up with you at least you found out by her!"

"What are you saying?" Stefan asked.

"That's right you don't know what happened. I'll give you the short version." I snapped. "I was with whore, kidnapped by witches and when Klaus came I thought 'hey look he's gonna save the damn day.' but nope turns out he knocked up Haley while I was in New Orleans." I said.

Stefan sighed. "Sorry."

"I don't want you apology. I'll be there in a few minutes." I said.
I looked at Elena passed out on a chair ties up.

"I like this Elena better." I said.

Damon rolled his eyes. "She need humanity she is a bitch."

"Yeah a bitch, that I like." I said.

Stefan sighed. "Just fix her."

Elena started to stir bridge sitting up looking at the three of us.

"Good, you're awake. Thought you could use a little sunshine." Stefan said pulling back the curtain a little. Elena looked down at her hand for her ring.

"Looking for this?" I asked holding it up. She reached out as far as she could put I pulled away.

"Oh, you know the rules-bad girls don't get nice jewelry." Damon said.

Stefan let go of the curtain making it close.

"You took my ring. I'm devastated. And bored. Can I go back to solitary now?" Elena asked.

"No. I kinda like you in the hot seat. Whenever you're ready, brother." Damon said to Stefan.

"Am I supposed to be scared?" Elena asked.

"You will be. And when you are, focus on that fear. It's the key to getting your humanity back." I told her.

"You're not gonna burn me." She said.

"You don't think so?" Damon asked.

"No. And even if you do manage to get my emotions back, I'll remember all this, and I'll hate all three of you for it." Elena said.

The three of us shared a look. "Worth the risk." I said.

Stefan pulled the curtain making Elena's hand burn. She yelled in pain, struggling in the chair. Her arm ignites in flames before I put it out with the fire extinguisher.

"Bet that feels better, huh? How about a little gratitude, or any human emotion whatsoever, and we can stop this?" Damon asked.

Elena was shocked of what shut happened and she mumbled something.

"I didn't quite catch that." I told her.

"I said, I'm gonna kill you." She stated.

"Bingo. See? There's a little rage. I should've figured that'd be the first emotion that came out of you. I tend to pull that out of people." I told her.

Stefan crouched down beside her. "Elena, look at me. We don't wanna do this, okay? You can stop this right now. It's your choice."

Elena started to laugh. "It's kind of funny, actually-- you being the one to pull back the curtain. I bet part of you enjoys it, since, you know, I dumped." She said.

Damon crouched beside Stefan "Wow. That was downright vindictive. See? I think now we're breaking through that tough candy shell and getting into the ooey-gooey rich center of your humanity." Damon said turning to Stefan. "I think we should shine some light on the subject."

Stefan got up going toward the curtain.

"Let me guess... this is gonna hurt you a lot more than it hurts me?" Elena asked.

"Look, I know what you're going through. After all you've done, you're afraid to face the guilt you'll feel if you turn your emotions back on. Only way we can help you is to make the alternative hurt even worse." Stefan told her.

Elena started to laugh letting her head fall back. Once Stefan opened the curtain she started to scream in agony.
"I'm taking a break" I told Stefan and Damon. Torturing Elena was hard work. She was suborn an it heightened when she was a vampire.

I went outside swinging me keys around my finger. They fell with a thud in the ground. I groaned before bending down to pick them up. I picked them up heating a ruffling bouse behind me. I turned around to see nobody.

"Who's there?" I asked turning back around to see Nik standing in front of me. "Oh my god." I mumbled.

"Hello Lucy." He said. "Come with me." He said motioning to the woods.

"No, I'm going any where with you." I said walking away from him.

He appeared in front of me. "Come on you know I would never hurt you. He whispered.

"Too late for that." I said.

He looked pissed. "Come on." He said grabbing my arm and taking me away.

He lead me into the woods. "I thought you were gone for good." I said.

"I never meant it to end like this." He said.

"You don't owe me an explanation. You're moving on-- by all means, go." I told him.

"Well, that's just it, isn't it? I never had any intention of moving on. The truth is, I've tried to stop thinking about you, and I can't." He told me.

""Well you had me but blew it. I said pushing past him.

"Come to New Orleans. What are you afraid of?" He asked.

I raised my eye brows. "Afraid? I'm not at afraid of anything I have to much self respect to be around you and your baby mama!" I yelled.

Nik pinned me against a tree. "Then again, there's so much to be mad at, isn't there? Like what I'll do to you if your friend Bonnie doesn't come out of hiding. Where is she?" Nik yelled.

"Bonnie's not my friend and you know that!" I spat at him.

Klaus looked shocked. "Where is she?! She's not at home, she's not anywhere. Bonnie is playing games with me, and I don't like it." he yelled.

I looked at Nik realizing it wasn't him. "Silas."

"So you know me?" He asked.

I smirked. "Heard stories."

He leaned in close to speak into my ear. "Tell Bonnie I'm looking for her. Tell her to come out of the shadows. Tell her that this-"he said stabbing me in the chest with a stake. "-is only the beginning."

I winced looking at the stake. "I told you I don't talk to her!" I yelled.

He got close to my face. "If you don't find her then maybe I'll move the stake closer to the left" He said pushing the stake in my chest more before leaving.
I grunted in pain pulling the stake out if my chest. "Bastard." I mumble. Why do I always get stuck between Elena's friends problems?
My phone started to buzz but I ignored it. I fell to the ground after pulling the stake out. I looked up to see Matt.

"Matt thank god! We have to get out of here." I said to him.

"No, Lucy, wait. It's okay." Matt said b

"No, it's not okay. Silas is out there and he made me think that it was Nik--" I started to say.

"What are you talking about? What's Silas want with you?" He asked.

He's trying to get to Bonnie. I'm not even friends with Bonnie! Do you know where Bonnie is?" I said.

"If I knew where she was, I wouldn't bother with you." Matt said picking me up by my throat.

I sighed. "Really Silas? Two time in one day? Most be a new

"Now get me Bonnie or I'm going to kill someone. Maybe I'll start with your brother, Stefan." He said.

"I told you I'm not friends with Bonnie." I said to him. "Try the Barbie vampire." I said turning away.
I sat at the Mystic Grill Taking shots when my phone rang.

"What?" I asked Stefan.

"Elena is missing you have to help us find her." She said.

"Nah I'm good."

"Please?" Stefan asked again.

"Fine. If I see her I'll call you." I said hanging up.

I was walking down a road when I saw Elena feeding off of Matt. I ran over her and pulled her off of him. "Hey, hey, you're cut out off."

"Let go of me!" She yelled

"Stop it." I warned her. I looked up and I see Damon and Stefan run toward us.

"Enough! You are acting like a little spoiled brat, you know that? You think that we can't punish you. Maybe not. But I can sure punish him." I told her.

"Seriously? You think this-" Elena started.

"Shut up! I'm done playing nice. Turn your emotions back on right now, Elena, or so help me god, I will give you something to be sad about. I will kill him right here in front of you." I warned her.

"Lucy." Stefan said.

"Don't "Lucy" me. I'm getting annoyed with her. She doesn't love anyone? Fine.
Prove it. And if I'm wrong, what difference does it make? One less busboy." I said.

"You're bluffing." Elena said.

I looked at her and snapped Matt's neck. She stood there, not sure what to do. Her mouth opened a little and her eyes shined with tears.

"How about now? You feel anything now? You angry I just turned your buddy into roadkill? Or are you sad that the guy that everybody loves is just a bag of bones? Remember when he was a little kid, huh? Warm heart, big goofy smile, his whole life ahead of him. I guess it was a good idea that he was wearing this." I said holding his hand up to reveal the Gilbert ring.

Elena fell to the ground crying. "Oh, my god, Matt."

"You feel that weight lifting off your chest? That's joy, because your friend isn't dead. That's emotion, Elena. That's humanity." I told her.

She cry harder and harder. "I'm leaving." I told Stefan as I pushed my way through both of them.

When I got home I went straight to the bar to pour myself a drink. I sat my phone on the table and took a sip f my drink. "God I love vodka." I mumbled. My phone began to vibrate. I looked at the screen and saw a text from Nik. My stomach went in my throat as I held the phone. I sighed before throwing it down on the couch.

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