Her Savior (Book Two Of The B...

By JovinaN

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Aria Nightingale is a girl with a monster in her closet. A monster that threatened the only thing she had lef... More

Trigger Warning
1-A Night's Silence
2-The Meeting
4-Caught in the Act
8-Aria's Tears
9-The Prettiest Blush
10-Violence, Anger, & A Puppy
11-The Storm
12-Seal It with A Kiss
14-Protect Them
15-Flowers and Scalpels
17-The Big Bad Wolf
18-The Plan
19-Thank You
24-Quality Time
28-This is


1K 55 0
By JovinaN


The bell rang and Xepher stood dusting off his pants with his wrapped hands. Aria paused. It felt odd to think this way, but he had a nice bottom. His straight legged black jeans were in just the right place. Se had the urge to poke it, but the thought immediately sent a wave of embarrassment through her and she felt her face heat up.

"You okay?" Xepher asked, his deep voice almost vibrating through her. They'd sat together for more than half the last hour. Aria didn't realize that they'd had two classes together back to back and now that she did, she was hyper-aware of his presence. She nodded her head hurriedly trying to shake the thought out of her mind.

"Your face is red." He said bluntly causing her eyes to widen. She shook her head in denial even as her face burned brighter. Then she felt a sting on her forehead. He'd flicked her. She narrowed her eyes at him grumpily before turning and walking down the stairs.

"Oh, come on, you were so cute I had to tease you a bit." She tucked her head down even harder and kept walking, even as the whisper of students passing by could be heard. She could see Xepher taking long, easy strides to keep up with her as they headed towards the parking lot. She could see from her peripheral that he was looking at her but when she looked up at him, he didn't say anything. He simply stared, his eyes roaming over her face, causing it to heat up again. She turned her face away and mentally scolded herself. That was it, after today she would leave him alone and go back to normal and that was that. A hard wind came down then, blowing the cold air and snow harder into Aria. She felt herself shiver but toughened her body against it. This was normal.

"Aren't you cold?" Aria's head snapped back up towards Xepher who had his hands tucked into his jeans, shoulders braced against the cold. Aria shrugged and as another gust came down, threatening to cause her teeth to chatter, she hung her head and kept walking. That is, until she felt the sudden wave of warmth wrap around her. She found the warmth came from the leather jacket that Xepher had been wearing, but where it ended at the waist for him, it stopped just about her knees, completely encasing her. The cold didn't exist anymore as she looked back at him. He wore a white hoodie now, scrunching his shoulder inwards as he let out a puff of air. Aria shook her head and started to take off the jacket, but he put his hand on hers, stopping her completely. She froze at the contact and looked up at him. Their breaths mingled in the air and Xepher smiled softly.

"Don't worry, I don't need it." She looked at him for a few seconds more before she caved and simply nodded her head. They got to the parking lot and found the whole group standing next to a big yellow truck. Aria was surprised they were all there, as most students still had two more classes for the day. "We all made our schedule work, so we got off at the same time." Xepher said, seeming to read Aria's thought, shocking her. Aria took a step towards them but was stopped by a hand on her shoulder. She turned back to him, confused.

"Aria." he paused and lifted his hand to grab a stray strand of her hair in his fingers gently. "What are those scars from?" her eyes immediately drifted downwards as she stepped away, curling into herself and shaking her head. He sighed then, but leaned in, causing her to shut her eyes tightly. Then he whispered into her ear.

"You may not tell me now, but I hear you. If you think after today, you'll go back to being scared and alone, you're dead wrong. You're one of us now. So, one day, when you trust in me, I will be there for you. I promise." Aria gasped as she pulled away. The tears in her eyes came so fast she couldn't stop all of them. One came crashing down her ice-cold cheek as she looked Xepher in the eyes. He merely smiled a breathtaking, tooth showing smile, and wiped the tear away quickly before grabbing her shoulders, turning her around and steering her towards the group once more. She didn't know how to process what he'd just said fully, but she was touched, nonetheless.

Raven was the first one to notice them as she was scouting the parking lot on the truck bed. She through a hand up and waved with a smile, showing off pearly whites underneath the black lipstick.

"Hey guys! Come on and get your butts over here!" She yelled. They walked in silence to the group and when they reached them one of the doors flew open, and out popped the vibrant pixie from before. Aria jumped and so did Raven.

"Jeez, Kenzy, calm down, you almost gave me a heart attack." Raven said but she ignored her and ran straight into Aria, giving her a tight hug. She was barely taller than Aria and petite, but she squeezed like an anaconda. Aria reached out hitting someone's arm, trying to breathe.

"Okay, easy there. You're going to crush her." Xepher said as he separated the two.

"I'm so sorry, I just get so excited. You know when I first met you I was like, why did that girl just slap Xepher, why she so fast, aww she was so helpful, and then so caring and sweet, but so quiet, but that's okay cause you're with us now, and honestly-"

"Breathe Kenzy." One of the boys, a big, tall buff guy said, coming from around the truck. Kenzy stopped immediately, blushing at the sight of him. Oohh, Aria thought to herself. A crush.

"I'm sorry, I talk a lot I know." She said.

"You're fine Kenzy, Aria's a nice girl, I don't think that bothers her. Right?" Raven asked. Aria shook her head. It was, in a way, refreshing. Kenzy smiled as the big buff guy walked up to Aria and waved.

"Hi, I'm Marco, nice to meet you." Aria waved back. He was a handsome fellow. With flawless cocoa skin, his eyes were the first thing one noticed about him. They were a piercing blue, his hair a neat and tidy brown buzz cut and muscles to rival those of a linebacker. He was slightly taller than Xepher, which made him ginormous to Aria. The other boy came around then. He had ginger hair and was shorter than Xepher was, smiling goofily as he waved.

"I'm Jaxon, or Jax for short, nice juking skills." Aria smiled.

"Oh, almost forgot, here you go!" Raven sad, pulling up Aria backpack. "Good grief this thing is so heavy, what do you have in it, bricks?" Aria grabbed the bag easily flinging it over her shoulder. Aria then remembered her binder, the one Karen crushed beneath her cute boots and ugly soul. Aria let out a silent sigh.

"Hey, Aria." Raven said catching Aria's attention once more. Her arms were behind her back and when she brought them forward, she revealed a nice three ring binder with an anime character on it. The title even had her name in it. Her confused look must have signaled Raven that she didn't know this anime.

"Wait. You've never seen it before?" Aria shook her head. Her jaw dropped as Kenzy squealed, seeming to know where this was going.

"No, that is so wrong. That's it, you are coming to my house tomorrow night and we are having an anime marathon." Aria smiled and nodded. She'd have to put that down on the calendar, so her mom knew where she was going. She didn't think she'd say no. Raven handed her the binder and said, "Here, it's yours, since that brat decided to destroy the other one." Aria smiled once more, her cheeks nearly hurting as she hadn't smiled this much in so long and put the binder into her back. Before she finished zipping up the bag she was yanked into another hug. Boy, these people loved affection. When Raven finally pulled away she smiled.

"Would you like a ride?" she asked. Aria shook her head and began to remove the jacket Xepher let her wear.

"Don't even think about it Aria, you can bring it back tomorrow." Aria smiled and waved at everyone. They waved back as she turned and began her little trek back home.

Xepher saw Jax, Marco, and Kenzy gawking at Raven and him.

"What?" Raven snapped. Kenzy brought up a finger and pointed it at her.

"Y-you hugged her." Then she pointed at Xepher, "You gave her your jacket." Xepher and Raven looked at each other, then back to the group.

"And?" They responded simultaneously. Marco face-palmed himself as Jax guffawed at them.

"First of all, Raven, you don't let anyone touch you, like, ever. And Xepher, you dated Karen for two years and not once did you ever give her your jacket. I remember you snapped at her for grabbing it when you weren't looking!"

"You're an idiot, Jax." Raven scoffed, crossing her arms. Xepher knew Raven had a thing for Jax, and Jax had a thing for Raven, but there was something keeping them apart. He watched then as Jax got a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Really now?" he asked. Raven raised an eyebrow at him suspiciously.

"Really, really." She sneered. Suddenly he snaked an arm around her waist and pulled her into his chest.

"Uh-oh." Kenzy said. Xepher nodded as Raven yanked away from him and rammed her fist into his stomach. He immediately keeled over.

"Don't touch me." She hissed.

"S-see, told you." He wheezed out. Raven huffed and turned, hopping into the backseat of the truck. Raven paused, tilting her head slightly.

"Oh, you're right." She admitted, shocking the group.

"I am? I mean, yeah, of course I am." Jax smiled. Raven turned then, glaring at Xepher.

"What did I do?" He asked incredulously.

"I'm pretty sure she's thinking the same thing we are." Kenzy butted in.

"And that would be what exactly?" He felt oblivious.

"Keep her." She said simply.

"Keep her? She isn't a dog. And if you mean as a girlfriend, do none of you remember what happened earlier today, with Karen?" Marco shrugged at Xepher's exasperation.

"We all know that you're more relieved than anything. Karen was a weight on your shoulders. You know that. Taking time is fine, but be honest with yourself." It was Xepher and Raven's turn to look at Marco in shock. That was the most he spoke in one breath than in the last year.

'Damn, in one day, a girl can change so much." Raven chuckled. Kenzy bobbed her head in agreement.

"Agreed, now, let's get out of here, my toes are starting too freeze!" Kenzy bounced up into the truck over Raven, much to her dismay. Everyone loaded up into the truck then and commenced their usual chatter as Jax drove everyone home like a personal bus driver.

Xepher was the second to last to get dropped off and as he waved back at Kenzy and Jax, he couldn't help but reflect on the events of the day. As bad as the day had been, it was also great. Marcos was right. He felt loads lighter knowing that Karen wasn't in his life anymore. He went in through the garage and sighed as he looked at his, now covered, bike. It would be a couple of months before he could ride again. Maybe by then he could offer Aria a ride too. Xepher shook his head at the thought.

Xepher turned as the sound of a car pulling into the garage surrounded him. His mom was home. She stepped out of her car and Xepher noticed she was nearly bouncing on her feet, her lips up in a goofy grin.

"Whoa Ma, what's with the creepy smile?" he chuckled as they walked into the house together. She smacked his arm playfully.

"Oh, nothing. Except I just got promoted!" Xepher smiled and high-fived her.

"That's awesome Mom!" She set her bag on the kitchen counter as Xepher grabbed an apple from the kitchen island.

"Yup, meet the new assistant of Cadence Nightingale." Xepher paused, mid-bite.

"Nightingale?" he asked, remembering Ms. Tanya calling Aria by her full name earlier in the day.

"Yeah, Cadence Nightingale. That's not even the best part. Tomorrow she and I are heading out of town for two weeks to assist on a case. Oh, and we're having dinner at her house tonight, so dress nicely. We'll be leaving in a couple hours."

"Um, yeah okay." Xepher said as he turned and headed up the staircase to his room. He was going to Aria's house tonight. They never even knew each other until today. Then they'd just separated less than an hour ago and he was going to see her again. He felt his stomach flip. He was excited.

When he entered his room Xepher's eyes widened at the mess. He really needed to put come work into cleaning it. Then he sighed and said something he never thought he would say.

"What to wear."

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