Beauty ✧ Ariana Grande

By damnxlester

125K 2.2K 604

Nothing compares to her beauty. All Rights Reserved Copyright © 2016 damnxlester More

Beauty ✧ Ariana Grande
1 - Worth It
2 - One Dance
3 - One Call Away
4 - Make It Shine
5 - Lips Are Movin
6 - In The Night
7 -Let Me Love You
8 - All My Friends
9 - Why'd You Only Call Me When I'm High?
10 - Bad Things
11 - Better Left Unsaid
12 - Dangerous Woman
13 - More Than This
14 - So Sick
15 - Daydreamin'
16 - Sauced Up
17 - One Kiss
18 - New Year's Eve


1.8K 22 0
By damnxlester

Hello. I know, it has been awhile. I'm just going to be straight with y'all. This story is shit. Actually, overall it's not that shit, I've written way worse stuff. But the writing itself is shit. I'm surprised it's still getting reads and votes and I appreciate you all for that. So instead of taking it down I'm keeping it up but discontinuing it. The reason is more than just not having inspiration and motivation. I don't want to continue something that is going nowhere and has shitty writing. I want to make quality stories that will entertain and inspire others. I don't think this story has specifically inspired anyone haha.

Not gonna lie, I don't think I have finished a story on wattpad which is a terrible habit I am trying to break, one of the reasons why I was hesitant on discontinuing this, yes I've been hesitating for months.

I am not going to make this a long one because I said it all anyways. But I am grateful for the reads, votes, and comments. I still get excited reading comments even if they're just reactions. It still makes me happy knowing that people are still discovering this.

I'm still going to write stories I mean it's basically what I study in college lmao. That's why I am realizing how shitty this is haha.

Anyways, thank you for everything and watch out for new stories from me.

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