the bond in bloody roses

Door ItaChan19

1.2K 13 31

Sakika Matsumoto thought she had her life all figured out. She was going to become a vampire hunter. Make her... Meer

Night One
Night Two
Night Three
Night Four
Night Five
Night Six
Night Seven
Night Eight
Night Nine
Night Ten
Night Eleven
Night 12
Night Thirteen
Night Fourteen
Night Fifteen
Night Sixteen
Night Seventeen
Night Eighteen
Night Nineteen
Night Twenty
Night Twenty-One
Night Twenty-Two
Night Twenty-Three
Night Twenty-Four
Night Twenty-Six

Night Twenty-Six

53 1 0
Door ItaChan19

Night Twenty-Seven:

A/n: Hmmmm... I seem to be having trouble with chappie orders and keeping them in order... *smiles nervously* Anyways~!! Please ignore the errors made! Please enjoy~!

When Mikami offered me cover so that I could see Akatsuki, my mind was in such a muddle. Things were going by so fast. Things were happening. Yes, I was healing, but there was something that had changed in my family dynamic. I couldn't explain it, but it was evident in the air. It was in the way they looked at me. The way they acted around me. It was confusing, but I had to go on acting like everything was still normal, even if it wasn't.

Which is why I couldn't decide what the right thing to do was. Could I really deceive my family in such a way? Could I really do that just to fulfill some selfish desire of mine? What would happen when they went back? I wasn't foolish enough to think that I could be satisfied with the amount of time Akatsuki and I would have because I knew I never would have enough. I would always crave more. I would want more, and in the end, I would only end up hurting us both.

It wasn't only that that was in the back of my mind, but I couldn't help but to think of the retributions to come if we were found out. It would land us both in real trouble. Me, for fraternizing with an enemy. Him, for the same. And my brother for allowing, and covering for us. The punishment could further extend to my family. The innocent ones. They would pay as well, even if they are the ones totally innocent, and I just couldn't do that to them.

However, when I thought back on the short moments Akatsuki and I shared, I couldn't help but to feel a little fluttering in my chest, and my stomach. A small beacon of hope would tell me that it could be possible. Maybe, just maybe, I could give in to my selfish desires, and just do what I please for once in my life. Not worrying about the consequences of my actions, and just being with the one that set my skin on fire whenever, and wherever, he touched me. I could be selfish, and be with the one whose kiss still burns my lips, and electrifies my body whenever I think about. I could be selfish, and be with the one whose fangs I could still feel penetrate my neck.

Whenever I thought about Akatsuki, I could still feel the yearning. The pure joy I feel being around him. The calmness he makes me feel. And for once, I want to be selfish. I want to take the risks, and throw them to the wind. Because, in my mind, I want to be near him, and feel that warmth he seems to emanate from him. Even if I know it's wrong. Even if I know we are supposed to be enemies, I still want to see him. I want to be near him, and feel his warmth. I want to feel his hands touch me, and make me feel alive with his kiss. Even if I know it's wrong, I still can't stop myself from wishing that. Because nobody else makes me feel the way Akatsuki makes me feel, and I don't want to let that go...

"Wait, so you're telling me, you want to see him?" Mikami's emerald eyes looked at me in surprise. I blushed, looking away as I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Y-yeah. I'm still waiting for the Association to either approve or reject me, and everyone else is busy. I've been wanting to see him, and was just waiting for an excuse to see him. An opening, ya know?" I looked back at my brother, who looked at me with a masked expression.

He sighed heavily, setting down his book he was reading with his eyes closed. He kept his eyes closed for a moment longer, and for a moment, I was geniually afraid he had changed his mind, and I would be left to my own devices. However, a moment later, Mikami opened his eyes, and looked at me with a contemplative look.

"I did promise you. Change out of your pajamas, and I'll take you to see him." I felt my heart flutter in my chest, and I couldn't resist the urge to tightly hug my brother. However, the action just seemed to make him flustered."Yeah, yeah. Just hurry up, and get dressed." I nodded, releasing my hold on my brother, and sprinted to my room. I could feel my excitement building, and I didn't want to waste another moment of time.


I had decided to wait until it was nearing nightfall. I didn't want to disrupt Akatsuki's sleeping schedule just because I was impatient. However, because of that understanding part of me, it hindered things. I wanted to dress my best, so naturally my father questioned why I was dressing so nicely.

"I had no other clothes." I told him simply as I looked down at the short sleeved, blue shirt, and white pants. I had some sandals on, and my hair was pulled back by a headband. I had a black, short, jacket on, and the pearl necklace with a rose pendant was around my neck.

"Honestly, Father, we saw how low the kitchen was getting, and we just wanted to go to town to stock up."

"Well, it's not like I couldn't do it." Ruri offered with a smile. Father glanced at her, and then at us with a hard expression.

"She's right." My father said simply.

I could feel a stone settling in my stomach. Was all this planning just for nothing? Would I never be able to see him?

"We won't be long. I promise. It's nothing suspicious, Father." Once again, I was thankful for Mikami's attitude. I was honestly happy he was willing to stick up for me. I glanced at him with a smile. I could feel Father's eyes on us, but then he just sighed.

"Just don't take long."

"Thank you, Father." We both said at the same time, bowing as Mikami took the car keys, and then we both ran out of the house. I could feel my excitement once again soar. I was going to see Akatsuki. I was going to see Akatsuki. That mantra repeated over and over in my head, and I couldn't stop the smile that refused to die down from my lips.


"I hope you know how uncomfortable this makes me." Mikami said as we stopped in town. He glanced at me, but my eyes were jumping around, trying to spot the familiar figure of Akatsuki. My brother sighed, and I looked back at him.

"I've given this alot of thought, Mikami. I know it's stupid, but...I just can't help myself. I want to be near him." Mikami stared at me. His green eyes searched my blue eyes. What he was trying to find, I wasn't sure. After a moment, he just sighed heavily, and shook his head. A small smile creep onto his face.

"It's real, isn't it?" He said simply, glancing at me. I blushed, and laughed nervously, rubbing the back of my head.

"I don't want to call it that just yet. We've barely spoken to one another." I said simply, looked down at my palms that were nervously kneading into the other's skin.

"I remember back in my third year of high school, I felt it. She was beautiful. She had this long, black hair that always seemed so nice to touch, and she had these big, beautiful chocolate eyes. Her skin was always so pale, and flawless, and wherever she went, she had this...Authoritative air about her. It was like, she knew she could own the world if she could, but she never really acted pompous." I looked at my brother, eyebrows furrowed as I listened to him continuing to speak."Oh, and her voice. It was like the chimes of bells. The sweetest thing I ever heard." At the point, his eyes got a far away look, and he got a wistful smile on his face."She was always surrounded by guys that wanted her, but she never seemed to notice any of them. She was smart, and beautiful, and kind. I remember wanting so much to talk to her, to befriend her, but I didn't. I reserved from doing so."

"Why? That's not very much like you." I joked, laughing. My brother merely sighed as he seemed to come back to the present. He looked at me with a serious expression.

"She was a vampire. She was the daughter of a diplomat, and an actress turned singer. She, herself, was a child actor, and was wanting to go to a regular school to learn so she could become a doctor. Everyone was enthralled with her, myself included, but I distanced myself from her. She tried to talk to me a few times, and I spoke back, but I kept that wall up because I knew the danger. We are their natural enemies, and vice versa. But still, I wonder sometimes where I would be if I had pursued her. But still...I know the danger of this thinking. I know what can happen because it's happened in the past. When hunters crossed the line, and got into a relationship with a vampire, it never turned out well. That's why I'm worried about this...Thing you have with that vampire, but at the same time, if it's something you want to pursue, I want to encourage you because I want to see you happy. Even if this thing ends badly, I just want you to be happy in the meantime. I just want you to be careful. Ok?" I couldn't find my voice. I felt too emotions at once, but after a few minutes, I smiled softly, and hugged him tightly.

"I'll be careful." I whispered, sitting back. Mikami nodded, and then opened the car door.

"We should go roam the streets, and see if we can run into him." I nodded, my heart again hammering in my chest as we both got out of the car.

I felt the cool evening air hit my heated skin, and I took a moment to enjoy it. I closed my eyes, and let myself enjoy the coolness, but after a moment, I opened my eyes, and followed my brother as we walked down the paved side walk, trying to act cool despite really looking for a certain orange-haired vampire.


Incidentally, my brother and I actually did a little food shopping just to add proof to our cover. Still, I felt anxious as my eyes kept looking around for any sign of Akatsuki. I was just about to give up hope after an hour, a rock sinking in my chest at the thought of not seeing him after going through all the trouble.

"Hey, there's always tomorrow, right?" Mikami looked at me apologetically. I pursed my lips, and sighed as I looked away. Tomorrow, we would have to find an even better, more convincing lie, and it would just get too hard after that. I was pinning my hopes on tonight, but as usual my plans...

"Oh. There you two are. I thought I smelled something delicious." I felt my heart soar at the pompous tone of Aidou. I snapped my head up, though being sure to keep an annoyed expression. My eyes looked around him for any sign of Akatsuki.

"Where's the one that was with you before." Mikami questioned. Aidou looked at him confused for all of five seconds before sighing, and shrugging.

"He's over in the shop getting some tea leaves since we ran out at the place we're staying at." He sighed dramatically, and then looked at me."I'm surprised you haven't shown up. Are you avoiding up again?" I felt myself get flustered, but I scowled as I looked away.

"Don't be stupid." I muttered. Aidou grinned.

"Aha! I get it now~~! Yes! You came tonight to see him, hmm?" I blushed heavily, and looked back at the blonde idoit. I wanted to snap his skinny, little neck in half."Ah, the fact you're reacting so strongly just proves my point~! Leave it to a genius like me to figure it out so quickly!" I sighed, pinching at the bridge of my nose. Mikami laughed, glancing at me as he laid a hand on my shoulders. I threw him a hard look.

"Hanabusa, they're out of lavender tea. I got the rose like you requested." I felt a small gasp leave my throat as I looked up at Akatsuki.

My throat seemed to dry up, and my pulse quickened in my veins. Aidou just sighed, immediately getting a gloomy expression.

"Oh well. I guess I'll have to deal." I looked at the two, my gaze lingering on Akatsuki for a moment before looking away. I wanted to say something, anything, but my throat suddenly constricted, and I couldn't say anything.

"Sakika, it's been awhile." I looked back at Akatsuki, nodding, moving a piece of hair back from my face.

"Yeah. It has been. Are you...How have you been?" His eyes jumped to Aidou, and then looked back at me with a slight shrug of his shoulders.

"I've been good." I nodded, my heart hammering in my chest.

"Well, that's good to hear." I felt like there was just so much more to say, but I just couldn't find the words.

"Well, if there isn't anything else to say, we really ought to be on our way. We have a busy night ahead of us." Hanabusa spoke after a few moments of awkward silence. I finally, for whatever reason, found my voice. I looked up at the blonde vampire, eyebrow cocked.

"What? Do you have some sort of party planned?" I jokingly said with a small laugh. Aidou looked at me with a contemplative expression, and then nodded.

"Not that it is any of your concern, but yes. We're preparing for a rather large party my family is hosting. It's going to be a big event."

Which means Vampire Hunters will be there as a mediator. I thought to myself, but had enough sense not to say outloud.

"Well, isn't that something." I said simply, glancing at my brother who moved his eyes towards the car. I sighed slightly, and then looked back at them."We have to go. If we're too late my father won't be happy." Aidou nodded, waving us off.

"If you must~ I guess we'll just see you around." Aidou glanced at Akatsuki, who continued to stare at me with an unreadable expression.

"Yeah. I'll see you around." He finally said. I nodded, my heart hammering.

"Yeah." Mikami held a steady gaze on me, and then looked at them.

"We are coming into town around the same time tomorrow evening. Perhaps we'll run into each other again." I glanced at my brother, unable to stop myself from smiling.

"Perhaps." With that, they walked past us. I couldn't stop myself from grinning.

"Mikami, I-"

"Just get in the car so we can go home. I don't want anymore delays." I nodded, still grinning as I hopped into the car. I couldn't wait to see Akatsuki again. I just hoped that I wouldn't choke up again.

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